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Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 5:58 pm
by Pharaoh

Glade 55, 124 Annus Ferro
Fort Sentrium
The Borderlands of Western Atraxia

Another window, another vista. Phocion gazed out toward the Orkish Commonwealth to the West, where once lush, fertile lands had been grievously impacted by the fell Eclipse that haunted the world until recently. The biome had shifted and the once stark borders between their realms had become more nebulous, as flora and fauna fled toward the arcane sun that had been mounted in the Atraxian skies to offset the worst of the Eclipse for Solunarian citizens.

Members of the Green Dragonflight, nature’s wardens, had been observed on the Ecithian side of the border in increasing numbers even after the conclusion of the Eclipse. The Platinum Flight to whom Phocion owed fealty demanded the situation be monitored during the worldwide blight, but now that the effects were on the wane and the preponderance of Green Dragons remained, his branch of the Sentinels had been called in to escalate the issue.

It would be a delicate operation, given the long history between the two realms and the recent plights that had been afflicting Ecith, the most concerning of which to his Liege Lords being a Draconic plague. The already heavily-monitored borders had been locked down under even greater scrutiny as the Custodes Deorum surveilled and monitored the matter as a high priority concern.

“Fæx” Phocion muttered as an unwelcome sight invaded the idyllic landscape before him: A contingent of Golden Guard Præventores on wyvern-back was alighting outside of the village of Sentrium which lay in the shadow of the eponymous Sentinel fortress. Rumours had reached his pointed ears that the Luxium was also planning to investigate this matter, and it seemed their operation was coinciding with the Umbrium’s corresponding effort. That would muddy the waters, but perhaps it was for the best that his Sentinels could keep an eye on them. Phocion’s keen eyes recognised the apparent leader of the Luxian party as he doffed his helm.

“It seems His Serene Highness Prince Seværys is out of the Platinum Prince’s dog house. He will doubtless make for the fortress ere long. We will receive him in the Western Spire. Have the others in our contingent join us there when they arrive.”

 ! Message from: Pharaoh
Note: Those wishing to participate in this quest may join as independent agents or, if applicable, members of the military. Those with fealty to the Luxian Crown will arrive by wyvern in the company of Prince Seværys of Astræon-Sol’Aværys. Those serving the Umbrium will arrive by portal from the Sentinel Prætorium in the Umbrium. If you are not sure how your character would fit into the mix, don’t hesitate to contact me via Discord or Direct Message. Participants will arrive in the setting outlined below.


Prince Seværys was a Sunborn scion of the Unbroken Line with golden hair, amber eyes and soft, boyish features that belied his martial prowess. Those tuned into the politics of the Luxian Court would know that he was, under Arkænyn the Platinum, demoted from his status as Tribunus of the Golden Guard to the position of lowly food taster to Arkænyn’s royal person. The accessories adorning the gleaming armour he currently donned suggested that he’d been reinstated to his prior post, as did the fact of his leading this important mission on behalf of the Crown. Perhaps his valour at the embattled Mascarta had ingratiated him to the capricious Prince Arkænyn. Whatever the case, he confidently strode into the chamber as led by the veiled Sentinel who’d greeted him and his party. At the sight of Phocion he started to bow, before halting himself as he noted that his Phædryn cousin was in the trapping of his sentinel persona, rather than his royal.

“Sentinel Phocion.”

“Your Serene Highness.” Phocion bent in half with a flourishing bow, then rose to scan the faces of those who’d traveled with the blonde prince, taking note of anyone he recognised.

“Please make yourselves comfortable.” Phocion gestured and Seværys led his party to the table, claiming a seat. Servants hopped to attention, stepping up to the guests to offer refreshments as Phocion’s gaze darted to the door, where those he’d been waiting on from the Umbrium were entering.

“Ah, you’re just in time. Take a seat and order whatever you’d like from the staff.” He pivoted and stalked to the far side of the table, taking a seat that framed him in the tall windows overlooking the Western wilds beyond their borders.

“We have much to discuss. I infer that we are all here for the same reason, so perhaps it is meet that we coordinate our efforts in the service of our Dual Crown.”


Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 10:26 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

Hilana, Athalia, and their northern friend had left the apartment that the girls shared in the Luxium to head into the Umbrium. It had been a relatively easy trip, considering the younger woman's Ring of Traversion, and the portal had taken them outside the Praetorium and they had been seen through to the portal that would take them to Fort Sentrium. She left her youngest python at home, but Tiaz was used to coming along on more adventures than this, and of the two of them, he was far more calm and reliable. And if there was a chance they were going to meet green dragons, stewards of nature, then it likely wouldn't hurt for her to have on hand an assistant like Tiaz on hand. The grey, black, and white python was settled on her shoulders, as calm as anything, and she tickled his jaw gently with one finger. His forked tongue flickered out, and she smiled at him.

She had waterskins and restoratives, plenty of snacks, and some rope in her backpack. The Vastiana had loaded up on all kinds of things in her Featherlight satchel - from little jars of honey, baked goods of all kinds in beeswax-wrapped cloth in woven boxes, seedlings of some apples that she and Vasilei had cultured to thrive in the desert, and multiple succulent props. Berries had been wrapped up and tucked in jars. Baskets of figs and cactus pears. Little saplings of bushes and plants had also been fit into the Satchel. She'd even included some from Kalzasi, having dragged Rickter around the market and out into the woods where she could find and collect more. Pouches and bags of polished agates and other gemstones were also crammed into her bag. When in doubt, have tribute. Hilana and Athalia were Solunarians, and having grown up on the legends of dragons, it wasn't necessarily a bad idea to come prepared with tributes and offerings, and if you could guess what they might like...

When they came through the portal, the sisters bowed to Sentinel Phocion, Athalia the more demure of the two, and Hilana beaming at the Moonborn Sentinel who, thus far, had primarily been the one who had to deal with her and her shenanigans. "Salve, Sentinel Phocion," the young woman with the snake greeted him, and Athalia murmured a greeting as well. Hilana's long hair had been woven into multiple braids that Athalia had combined into two that hung down over her shoulders, and many of her beads were tucked in against the ebon locks. Both sisters wore darker colours, to represent the Umbrium, though their styles were quite different. Where the younger sister had long skirts of tiers of black and silver that swept to the ground, Athalia wore a more robe-like dress of black with silver designs stitched into it, and her hair woven into a bun at the nape of her neck. When they were directed to the table, the sisters would plant their northern friend between them as was their habit, and their attention turned to the Sentinel.

If that was what he wanted to do - to combine the two efforts - than so be it. It was likely smarter that they presented a united front, though Hilana didn't know just how united it was going to be. She was just thrilled to see dragons - even if they represented Raxen's hordes.


Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 9:21 am
by Astraea
Astræa had been nervous since the day Mother Egeria informed her that she would be joining Prince Seværys’s excursion to the West. She didn't know how or why, but it was not her place to question. The deiori had never stepped foot out of Solunarium, not even to the Atraxian Expanse. There had never been a reason for her to. Now, she was suddenly about to travel through the desert, heading toward the land of the brutish orkhans.

To add to her anxiety, it had been a while since she had been in such close proximity to an issue of the Unbroken Line. It was something that was bound to happen sooner or later, but she still couldn’t stop her heart from flipping as she prepared to leave her home.

Considering they would be traveling through the desert, the starborn opted for attire that was more suitable for travel compared to a priestess’s habit. She wore a pale tunic and loose trousers to keep her cool under the heat. Her cloak was a deep black to signify her alignment with the Temple, her hood drawn up to shield her braided pale hair. A thin black veil covered the lower half of her face, protecting her from both the sun and sand.

As for supplies, Astræa was no experienced traveler, so she packed the basics: clothes, rations, a waterskin, and toiletries. She didn’t want to bring anything too burdensome that might weigh her down. At the last moment, she also added a knife—a ceremonial dagger more than anything, but sharp enough to be a proper weapon.

The trip to the fortress was... tolerable. She was assigned to a wyvern rider who tried his best to make her comfortable, but Astræa was naturally terrible at riding, so it hadn’t been pleasant. The priestess was thrilled when they finally stopped outside the fortress and she could walk on solid ground again.

With Prince Seværys at the head, they were led to a room with a large round table in the center. The large windows behind it gave a glimpse of where they might be heading today. Slowly, the priestess turned her attention to the people in the room. Her eyes first landed on one of the Phædryn princes—Prince Phocion. She confirmed it when she heard him being addressed. The Sentinels were always part of that particular family.

Astræa blinked in surprise when she spotted two familiar figures: Hilana and her sister, Athalia. And she couldn’t help smiling a little. If their eyes met, the priestess would offer a nod. It seemed like wherever she went, the Vastiana were always around. Considering how easily and eagerly Hilana made friends, Astræa supposed it made sense that Hilana knew all sorts of people. Still, it was quite unexpected that she seemed to know Prince Phocion directly.

Unable to help herself, the young woman continued scanning the room, taking in everything as she lowered her hood. This was a rare chance to be inside Fort Sentrium, and its architecture was quite impressive. She felt out of place, not quite sure what she was doing in a place like this. So, the starborn stood at the back of the group, content to simply be a silent witness as she waited to follow the prince’s lead.


Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 2:14 pm
by Finn
His veil up, he was nobody in particular; merely a Sentinel. After escorting Prince Seværys to Phocion, he bowed to his brother-in-law, and then he faded to the background, back to the wall, observing. The accoutrements that might have identified him—soul cairn or instrument—were safe in a little pocket of the slipspace where he kept things he might need at a moment's notice. Finn was optimized to his work now, traveling with minimal retinue and support, a one-man army when necessary. His self of five years previous would not have recognized himself, veil or no.

Even Aværys' grace was quenched for the nonce. His abject lesson in Ambition in Chains had been learned, or was being learned every day.

Hilana was here, of course. His friend's ambitions were often obscured by her ebullient nature and varied interests; at other times, they were clear as his God's Majesty. Well, she had acquired a great deal of Power since he had met her. She could certainly be useful so long as the restraint she had learned in Kalzasi kept her from murdering any Orkhan they might encounter.

When he reported back to Arvælyn, he just wouldn't mention she was present. It wasn't dishonesty; it was keeping the peace.

As for Seværys Princeps, he liked the elf. He recognized some of his people from Luxian parties, but he was silent. Now was not the time for idle chatter.


Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 9:35 pm
by Rickter
I had no idea the things I would accomplish in the time I spent gone... Nor the extent of my will either. At the time, I feared what it might entail but as things progressed, I realized that it was only logical then. And nothing was going to stop me from carrying out such promise. Nothing...

It had been a mixed ordeal of excitement and anxiety for Lykos when he'd received word from his southern companions. An opportunity came knocking and truthfully, it correlated with the fact He had made a promise oh so long ago. Now it seemed that His time had finally came, and the Lupine Draegir felt all the more determined to see His oath upheld. Not just on his behalf but for those that would also partake, given that He remembered the lot of them rather fondly from his time spent down here.

While His other half beheld reservations on the matter, Lykos did his best to still and coax the uncertainty rooted deep within Himself. Rickter hadn't been the one to make this promise at the time, all the same, that did not sway him from carrying out the duty that remained before Him even now. The wolf had to commend the honor of his former spirit, even if Lykos could still sense every bit of reservation Rickter had in coming down here. It was chalked up to bitter resentments born from what happened last time, when the wolf had wandered off to investigate that damnable tree without a proper return.

Steady on, Lykos. The Draegir reminded himself as he waited for Lana and Lia to finish their share of preparations, as he'd been transported from the North the night prior to accompany them for this journey. Putting the innermost conflicts He felt aside, Lykos knew himself to be happy to be back down in Atraxia, even if that spelled possible trouble were he or his companions not cautious. I- We only need to focus on the task at hand. And while Lykos wasn't fully briefed on what that task was, yet, Hilana and Athalia were both resourceful enough to fill him in with the important bits.

Dealing with dragons had never been something he ever considered preparing for, and while he hadn't necessarily brought anything to show for it, Hilana had most certainly packed plenty on their behalf to prove otherwise. Now that he was back down south where the heat and sands were all around, the Lupine Draegir had only donned the silken blue vest and trousers he'd worn prior to an event. The material was much more preferable for his skin to breathe while he remained down here for the time being, and, he still came prepared with his own mental fortitude in check so that was another bonus to the campaign.

Shortly after they voyaged through the portal to meet with the others, it did not take long at all for the wolf's features to soften, as he immediately recognized both the visage and smells of those within the room. Well, those he could anyway. "Salve, Sentinel Phocion." Though excitement brewed in his eyes when he graciously bowed forward as per the Kalzasi custom, Lykos felt a weightiness in his heart that led him to pause before raising his head to a complete stand again. More reservations. Whatever Rickter was trying to tell Him, the Lupine Draegir could not pinpoint the source of this dismay.

So rather than fuss over it, he simply concealed the hint of concern with the same grin from before. Those reservations would reveal themselves in due time, for now though, Lykos sought to grasp more about the mission at hand and those who he would be accompanying with. The Vastiana sisters he knew, Phocion he also knew, but there was another that he had yet to be introduced to. All in good time. He reminded himself that patience was a virtue well practiced.


Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2024 7:08 pm
by Pharaoh

Phocion would nod in turn to each of those who acknowledged him and, to Astræa, would offer a slight bow before seating himself and looking across the table to his Sanguinist cousin.

The sun seemed to find Seværys, even as far from the tall windows as he sat. Or perhaps it was that he so beseemed its lustre that one felt as if he was drenched in its radiance, even as he was cast in shadow. Then there was always the chance that a prince of Seværys' particular pedigree had enchantments augmenting his appearance, but even the savviest of Semblers present would come up empty, whether due to his warded armour or the simple absence of any such enhancements.

"The Luxian Regium Consilium has tasked me with leading a complement of Præventores and skilled conscripts..." He said, with an acknowledging glance and slight, warm smile from Astræon to Astræa.

" search of answers pertaining to the strange congregation of Green Dragons that remains along our border."

"Searching for answers, coz, or allies?" Phocion inquired with his signature smirk.

"Perish the thought, Sentinel. You know very well that, if such nefarious motives were ulterior to the mission, I would not have been the one sent to lead."

"And to that end I must congratulate you on your return to favour. Should I take that to infer that you have grown in His Starlit Highness' estimation, or that he has fallen in the Consilium's?"

Seværys' warm smile did not falter.

"Ought my estimation of the Silver Sentinels fall that you need to ask?"

"Well struck." Phocion actually chuckled, "Well, let us set that aside and focus on the matter at hand. I am of the belief that we should stand as a united Solunarium in this endeavour. We must protect our realm from the blights afflicting the Flights of the Commonwealth and, to that end, must limit our contact with the dragons and take all due precaution whatever form this conference takes. To put it plainly, I would not bring home a pox that might assail my Dread Draconic Lords, nor would I have your Highness' retinue do the same."

"Whatever our family quarrels may be, Sentinel, we... Those of us who are well and truly Solunarian at our core, would not dream of causing harm to our betters. The Pyramid is Paramount."

"So it is. Ergo, we should consider a plan of action to parley safely with the greens. Without knowing the nature or origins of their ailment, we are at a disadvantage. The most ideal means of contact would be at a significant distance, but I am not certain that will be possible. My initial thought was to form a Kinetic barrier around our party to keep out every mote and atomy that might carry sickness with it. We will naturally exploit our Semblers in the task of gleaning more about the nature of the illness if any of the neighbouring Greens are blighted." Phocion's eyes drew away from Seværys' to scan the faces around the table.

"I open the floor to any other ideas for how we might offset transmission and learn more about this ailment." Phocion offered,

"And, with all respect to our Umbrian Crown, we should also be discussing what else we might glean from the Greens outside of the matter of the Ecithian plague. Their presence represents a matter of Imperial Security and we should be addressing that as well. This is an opportunity for us to learn more about the state of the Commonwealth post-Eclipse. I would welcome the thoughts of our companions on these matters, as well."
Castor Astræon-Sol'Aværys Seværys Princeps

Sentinel Phocion


Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2024 1:46 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

Hilana was happy to take a seat when directed, and when she spotted Astraea amongst the representatives of the Luxium, she smiled broadly at her and nodded, making a small wave to the Starborn. Athalia also nodded to her with a smile. That was surprising, perhaps, that a young Priestess would be involved, but it was also less surprising than herself and her sister. Deiori and a priestess of Varvara to boot, what better image would they want to present?

With Lykos ensconced between the two of them, and water brought and servants thanked, the Vastii were quiet as they followed the conversation between Princes, their hands in their laps for the moment. Neither sister was about to mention the obscene amount of Things that Hilana had packed, and Sentinel Phocion likely already expected the packrat Vastiana to have loaded up on such things - she had wanted to get a water bison and haul it into the Thalamum Draconum as tribute to the Crownwyrm on her birthday a year ago, when she had first met the Paterfamilias of House Sol'Zalkyrian. She obviously hadn't managed to wrangle one here now, but the sentiment was there.

These may have been dragons associated with Raxen's hordes, Hilana had met a few bringing back loose creatures that really shouldn't have been in Atraxia, and they had been happy enough to get their creatures back to get them relocated. Of course, that was before the border had been sealed to the Commonwealth. It didn't hurt to bring gifts to break the ice. Maybe it would be beneficial, maybe it would fall flat and Hilana would just have a lot of stuff to haul home. She had no way of knowing.

But she was ruminating on what their main concerns were. The plagues and sicknesses, and the motives of the dragons that had camped out here. When the floor was opened to discussion, Hilana glanced to Athalia, who nodded to her. They'd discussed this a fair few times before they'd asked Lykos if he would come, though they'd known he may well not have wanted to take the risk. Dragons were always challenging, needed to be considered dangerous, and treated with the proper caution and respect. "As you mentioned a kinetic barrier, Sentinel, I would think that Lykos would be able to append it with his skills of Negation. If need be, the bacteria can be scrutinized, isolated, and finally removed if it comes to that. I've brought a number of my restoratives too, if need arises for them. I don't know that they would be fully effective against the blight, but they could shore up one's constitution."

She figured that the Prince of Astraeon likely already knew, and Sentinel Phocion certainly did, but it didn't hurt to bring up the information if it might help them understand the issue that Sevaerys brought up. "There has been far less dragons along the border over the last few seasons, since they have been accepting their creatures that have wound up here for relocation back in the Republic. So something has changed there."


Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 8:33 pm
by Astraea
Once everyone had taken their seats, Astræa hesitated for a moment before deciding to sit beside the Astræon prince. She removed her veil, returning Seværys’s smile and lowering her head in acknowledgment. Without formal introductions, she was still unsure who the other attendees were.

Astræa couldn’t help but eavesdrop on the conversation between the two princes, noticing their dynamic exchange. She had heard passing rumors about Prince Arkænyn, sparking her curiosity. He was a likely heir to the throne and one of the few royals she had never seen in person. It seemed Seværys had once fallen out of Arkænyn’s favor but had somehow redeemed himself. While there wasn't much to glean, it was certainly intriguing.

Soon, the discussion turned to the matter at hand: green dragons occupying the borders of Ecith and Solunarium. Additionally, a sickness had been affecting the dragons in the Commonwealth. It was unthinkable if this disease spread to their lands. This was the first she had heard of it, and she doubted most citizens were aware. Astræa made a mental note to find a moment to pray to the Midnight Mother to protect their lands.

The least they could do was cover up their bodies, including their nose and mouth if they had no choice but to approach. Astræa had heard about plagues spreading through the air itself and in addition to the barriers, perchance she could make sure the winds didn’t flow in their direction once they were getting closer. Hilana was an elementalist too, so it shouldn’t be too hard. Finding out the state of the Commonwealth would be trickier. Unless they wanted to enter the orkhan lands themselves, they would need to interact with the dragons directly.

You’re just a priestess and a dancer. What would you know about diseases and security?

Despite the open invitation for suggestions from both Phocion and Seværys, Astræa couldn’t bring herself to voice her thoughts. Her fingers traced mindless patterns on her thigh under the table. What if they thought she didn’t know what she was talking about?

Something about this place reminded her of the tense dinners her mother insisted they have with her father. Even amidst the lively discussion, Astræa found herself shrinking back, her words swallowed by memories that surged unbidden to the forefront of her mind. She knew all too well the price of speaking out of turn in this world. As much as she despised it, the voice in her head was right. Astræa felt truly out of her depth.


Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 6:06 pm
by Finn
The human Sentinel remained quiet and impassive behind his veil, back to the wall, observing. It was possible he could be useful in the execution of whatever plan was concocted, but the planning itself was well outside his bailiwick. He knew that he worked well with Phocion in part because their emblems complemented each other on a spiritual level, but the Pyramid was Paramount. In this, he would follow, lending his Majesty and any other tool in his arsenal to Phocion's will.

With Lykos, however, they were armed to the teeth. It was strange; he remembered the man as Rickter now, the surly gentleman at Prince Rien's tavern. Finn hadn't quite wrapped his mind around the targeted amnesia nor its end, though he had shared what he knew with Phocion, of course. Kalzasi was suffering from a bit of a brain drain now that Solunarium had snapped up a dragon prince and a winter god. Even Talon Novalys seemed to enjoy being Dæmon more than he had being Shinsei.

At least Lykos would keep an eye out for Hilana, so Finn could spread his attention to the group at large. At the very least, he assumed that he would be with the party that treated with the Ecithians.


Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 1:14 pm
by Rickter
Lykos wasn't entirely unfamiliar with the political figures at play, Sentinel Phocion was always one he would remember favorably of course. But Seværys wasn't one he'd formally introduced himself to, then again, there was probably credible reason for this given the nature of Lykos' venture. But none of that mattered when it came to the crux of their visit today, and what it was they were going to discuss at this little gathering.

Green dragons were they? Not that he was intimately familiar with them but they were nature kin, guardians of the wildlife and all that dwelled within it. There's still quite a bit I feel a foreigner to... He then acknowledged in witnessing the discussion between Seværys and Phocion, hardly phased by the minor details that had already gone over his head. While the motives of these men remained unknown to him, the point of the discussion remained clear in regards to the dragons themselves.

Learning of this disease just now led him to straighten up a bit, the mid of his back pressed into his chair as he avoided fidgeting his fingers. The inclination to ruminate on his own personal magic came to mind, but, he suppressed that to allow everyone else the chance to impart their ideas with the matter. Naturally, Hilana was apt to bring up the skills Lykos possessed as a Negation mage, and almost coincidentally, the Rune embodying that power shimmered across the skin of his left bicep rather softly.

The others did not seem to have really anything else to add, however, which sparked a bit of intrigue in Lykos. Enough for him to briefly raise an eyebrow, before he gave the Vastiana sisters a brief glance in turn. "What Hilana has suggested is actually sound." He commended favorably given that she knew the workings of his magic inside out by now, having spent long enough to see him demonstrate time and time again what his powers with Negation could literally do.

"Negation would certainly supplement the protection you seek with Kinetics. I'm quite familiar with integrating wards to achieve such tasks, typically, the only requirement is the capacity to identify the subjects required for warding." The heavy northern accent came right out of him. Of course, Lykos knew better than anything that Sentinel Phocion knew just as much of his talents as Hilana and even Finn. They all had masters to report to, after all, and while the wolf pitched his address to both Sentinel and Princeps, he was mostly catering to assuage any concerns Phocion himself might've had.

"On dragons I am afraid I've very little insight to offer," he then added with a hint of perplexity in his gaze, "but in regards to this plague they may bear... We can do more than just protect against it." While the memories of Rickter surfaced in his mind of a particular dragon he did know, Lykos kept that to himself since it served no purpose to mention him or the Draegir he fiercely protected.

"Like Hilana mentioned, salves and tinctures can be used to bolster our constitution in the process. During that time, I can do more than just identify and project wards to ensure the sanctity of our health. Through a bit of observation and study, I can render the disease to be benign itself, and if it's arcane in nature maybe even eradicate it entirely."

Of course, there was no guarantee that he could actually achieve the latter, not without further trial and research to assuage the uncertainty.