Atinaw Seasonal Calendar

A kingdom of equal chance and ferocity, a land full of strong-willed warriors.

Moderators: Principal Author, Regional Author


120th Year, Age Of Steel


With the events that took place during Frost, the Glade season passed with an uneasy quiet. Hopsfel kept it's gates closed to the public after the explosion, and the other clans focused their attention on recuperating from a difficult Frost.

No Calendar Events.


With the Searing season comes incredibly warm heat temperatures, and frequent storm cells that litter the landscape. Early into the season the sun creates exceedingly warm and humid fronts, which will lead into occasional drizzles towards the middle of the season. As Searing draws to a close however, the temperatures still linger relatively in the highs with only a few light showers soak the region.

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To Be Announced.


To Be Announced.

Prior Years

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word count: 2165

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