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Here's To Us

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2024 12:53 am
by Rickter
"With everything that was happening, everything that went on, I suddenly realized that no matter what may come our way... no matter what might keep us apart, the connections we make with one another, the bonds that we create in the moments... So long as we keep that alive, then not even time itself can change what we have. No matter how much I may miss you, no matter how heavy I may feel these regrets.

They're nothing compared to the bonds that last between us all."

Here's To Us
(Summer Precession) Glade 92nd, 124th Year, A.o.S.

Searing had approached far too quickly for the Lupine Draegir's liking, if only because he'd noticed a subtle decline in his own energy over the past few weeks. He had initially thought it the result of perhaps overworking himself from focusing on too many things at once, like the fact his familial business needed a second wind after the past couple of years. Or due to how involved he'd remained with not just his northern packmates and their lives, but with the previous life that had been built for himself down in the sands of Atraxia in turn.

Though it had been a silly inclination he debated himself possibly getting ill somehow, though, Lykos knew better than to consider that option since Draegir weren't prone to common illnesses either. No matter what he deemed the possible cause, it did little to assuage the fact he seemed more tired recently. Things remained rather hectic at first once his own memories returned, and since then, the wolf still struggled to ascertain the faucets that made him who he was. Rather, the distinction between that and who he should be, given the fact one part of his previous life remained missing even to this day.

That remained at the back corner of his mind, however, as recent endeavors had seen his familial home settle down somewhat, and of course, his attention on the Barnells as of late led him to realize just how better off they were faring. Since they came up north and Patrick had accompanied Rickter, there had been mishap after mishap on their behalf, and after everything they struggled through to see their family back together; more obstacles occupied their time as both the mother and father seemed busier than usual.

That left Patrick and the boys with more free time to dilly-dally in Kalzasi than anything, and they'd earned themselves a reputation as drinkers from beyond the southern border. While they often spent time at the inns or some of the other enterprises found within the city, they frequented the High Hopes tavern regularly enough for Lykos to know exactly when to find them. So naturally, as the final day of Glade drew near it's end and marked the arrival of another season, the Lupine Draegir set it to plan for an evening spent celebrating the time spent together with them.

Given the dedication Patrick himself had in looking after not just Telion and Hannah, but helping out where he felt best capable of doing so for the family, Lykos wanted to honor that before the changing times would warrant the inevitable to come. Thus, gathered at one of the rounded tables within the lobby of the inn, everyone who could assemble had arranged to sit and partake in a round of beverages covered by the King of Frost himself. He'd arranged for the servants to watch the twins tonight, so that Telion could accompany him and remain seated at his side during the small festivities. She was the more responsible one of the bunch anyway, liable to hardly drink like the rest of the company that remained present.

Not that Lykos intended to imbibe heavily either, but given the history of the others that remained to be seen. Hannah was present in her roguish gear of leathery pants and jacket, which rested on the backside of her chair so that her woven blouse remained visible. Telion had opted for something mildly warm and chosen a pair of soft cotton leggings beneath the layered skirt of her dress, since there had been a surprisingly stark warmth felt coming to the North over the past few days. Burton Barnell had worn his green tunic but with the sleeves rolled past his elbows, with a few spots of beer already staining the neck and shoulder of the fabric.

The other Barnells present had worn pretty much similar outfits, tunics embroidered with the artistic tailoring of Atinoran craftsmanship. Dominik's tunic was blue, however, with Patrick wearing red as per his usual color, and the youngest Connor donning yellow in turn. "Alright, first round comin' up!" The youngest sible cheered as he drum rolled his fingers on the table's edge, the whole lot watching as Margo brought the requested mugs on a pewter platter.

"Here you go gents," she started as Lykos briefly smiled before gazing outward into the lobby, "and ladies of course!" The clank of mugs as they rested on the table marked the arrival of their booze, and while the ambient buzz of laughter and chatter filled the room, Lykos couldn't help shake the overwhelming feeling of sentimentality rising deep within him.

You feel it too, don't you?... There remained little to the question when Lykos posited the source of where it came from. He knew his other half was soundly coming through, and that part of him resting within resonated with the same feelings he did now.

"Here's to us!" Burton chimed hoarsely as he raised his mug, the rest of the group slowly joining in unison as Lykos gazed back to present company.

"To a lifetime's worth of laughs and tears!" Patrick added in as chuckles were heard from Hannah, Dominik, and Connor. Even his beloved had taken her flask, and with a modestly cheery gaze, she silently encouraged Lykos to enjoy the moment.

"To us." He came to agree with the raise of his mug, the satisfying clash of containers rattling as a bit of booze spilled from some of them. Thus began the first to their last night that would be spent amongst each other's company.