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Noble House Request (Kalzasi)

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2024 9:16 am
by Bazyl
House Aerendyl


Name: House Aerendyl

Title: Lesser Noble House - Koiteki

The symbol of House Aerendyl is that of a Zephyr, while the house colors are a mixture of black and dark royal blue. Their house motto: “Boundless Skies”

Affiliation: House: Briathos

Notoriety: Low

House Aerendyl have an active presence in the Astralar Mountain region. Aside from being known to their liege lords, they are also known by some mages from the Circle of Spells as well as a few mining guilds that usually ventured higher into the mountain range in search for ingredients, conduct surveys for new mines or to conduct experiments.

House Aerendyl’s history could be traced back to the son of Aerendyl of Kaladon from during the age of Sundering. Bazyl d’Aerendyl and his siblings who survived the Graveplague, escaped to the capital city of Auris. The Aerendyls then travelled in search for the Order of the Dawnmartyr. Their numbers fluctuating throughout the year due to the campaigns they partook in.

After escaping Ailos, the Aerendyls made their way back to the continent of Ailianze and embarked on a campaign to amass power and resources. They acquired significant wealth and laid the groundwork for what would become House Aerendyl.

House Aerendyl entered into a patronage agreement with the Great House Briathos, who took interest in their innovative use of magic as well as their experience in fighting against the Cult of Mending. Aside from that, House Aerendyl were left to operate independently.

While on an expedition into the Astralar Mountain range, they discovered some unique properties of the Astralar Mountains, one of those unique properties being the Terra Nimbus. Further expedition unearthed valuable mineral and dragonshard mines. They surveyed the mountain ranges’ peak nearby one of the floating isles and built an outpost that served both as a mining outpost for an Aerolyth dragonshard mine and their basecamp. The majority of their accumulated wealth was invested into developing the outpost, as well as the construction of the Aetheria airship.


The Aerendyls used their airship the Aetheria as their estate. The Aetheria is a blend of engineering and magical craftsmanship, embodied in an airship that serves as both a residence and a formidable mode of transport. The airship's sturdy framework is meticulously designed to withstand turbulent weather, and repel attacks from flying attackers.

Its sleek design is both aerodynamic and fortified, combining reinforced materials with enchanting runes to enhance its durability and speed. The exterior is adorned with intricate carvings and emblems. Inside, the airship is a blend of opulence and functionality. The residential quarters are lavishly furnished. When not used to survey the surrounding area, long-distance traveling or delivering batches of minerals from mining, the Aetheria could be found docked in their outpost or in the Skyharbour.

Household: Player-Characters and NPC’s that are affiliated with the House.


Race: Siltori

Birth date: Glade 57, Year 368 Age of Sundering

Skill: Summoning (Expert), Negation (Expert), Tactics (Expert), Scrivening (Journeyman), Politics (Journeyman), Deception (Journeyman), Research (Apprentice)

Backstory: Kenia d’Aerendyl, the youngest of Bazyl's siblings, grew up in the same harsh environment as her brothers. Unlike Bazyl, who faced the battles head-on, Kenia preferred to let her summoned creatures and tactical mind do the fighting for her. She followed Bazyl to Ecith in search of the Order of the Dawnmartyr. She believed in Bazyl's vision and was determined to aid him in their shared mission against the Cult of Mending.

Kenia is not one for words, often communicating through her actions and strategic planning. Her mastery of summoning, negation, and scrivening magic makes her a formidable tactician. She prefers to operate from behind the scenes, using her summoned creatures to handle direct confrontations. Kenia's quiet demeanor hides a sharp intellect and an unwavering loyalty to her family, especially her brother Bazyl. Her reserved nature often leads others to underestimate her, a mistake that usually proves costly.


Race: Siltori

Birth date: Frost 43, Year 364 Age of Sundering

Skills: Artificing (Expert), Engineering (Expert), Gadgeteering (Journeyman), Runeforging (Journeyman), Mathematics (Journeyman), Research (Journeyman), Ranged: Gunslinging (Journeyman)

Backstory: The second eldest of the d’Aerendyl siblings, Rhys stayed behind in the Gelerian Imperium when his siblings journeyed to Ecith. Fascinated by the Imperium's blending of engineering and magic, he dedicated himself to learning everything he could about artificing, engineering, and science. During his work on a project with his mentors, an accident resulted in the loss of his left arm, which was replaced by a mechanical one, a testament to his skills in artificing and engineering. Rhys was the chief architect of the Aetheria.

Rhys is a brilliant mind with an insatiable curiosity for combining arcane and scientific knowledge. He is pragmatic and often clashes with Alicia over their differing views on the purity of arcane knowledge versus technological enhancements. In combat, Rhys relies on an array of gadgets and golems, preferring to keep his distance and let his creations do the heavy lifting.


Race: Mixed (Siltori/Human)

Birth date: Ash 78, Year 87 Age of Steel

Skills: Unarmed (Expert), One-handed: Axes (Journeyman), Stealth (Journeyman), Reaving (Journeyman), Traversion (Journeyman), Tactics (Journeyman), Ranged: Gunslinging (Apprentice)

Backstory: Viktor d'Rhys is the son of Rhys d’Aerendyl, and unlike his father, he spent much of his youth in the rough streets of Trashtown rather than the workshop. His time running with and against the various gangs of Trashtown honed his skills in combat and survival. When his uncle Bazyl regrouped with his father, Viktor found a new purpose. He trained rigorously in combat magic, focusing on Reaving and Traversion, preparing himself for the battles that lay ahead.

Viktor is a natural fighter who thrives in close combat. His brash and fearless nature contrasts with his father's more reserved and intellectual demeanor. Viktor's rough upbringing has made him tough and street-smart, with a deep sense of loyalty to his family. He is always ready to jump into the fray. Despite his often reckless behavior, Viktor is deeply committed to his family's mission and will do whatever it takes to protect and support them.

Re: Noble House Request (Kalzasi)

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2024 12:52 pm
by Mirage
Good afternoon!

Your request has not been forgotten. I am reviewing it this weekend and will either have it approved or notes for it soon.


Re: Noble House Request (Kalzasi)

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2024 6:01 pm
by Mirage
Good afternoon,

I personally like the write up as a whole. It is an interesting house, however, the background crosses a lot of boarders and this makes it a bit difficult to approve. The main point of concern is the noble houses affiliation with so many different regions (which I think we can leave mostly unchanged just keep things vague so it can be built on later) and the estate itself.

The way this reads is that the Aetheria is their primary residence, and it remains airborne. If I am reading this wrong please correct me. The point that I want to make here is that it isn't practical to have an airship also act as an estate, especially if it is meant to be of significant size. The cost of upkeeping such an airship would bankrupt most lesser houses, even with Greater House backing. My suggestion would be to put their estate at their outpost, and let them have a primary luxury airship that is used for special purposes.

I also think the house itself acting as an airship transport service is perfectly fine. It might be work talking with Chronicle and Rune to see if they could be involved with any trade deals between cities. I am also open to discussion of trade with the Imperium as well. There is a lot of story potential there.

Let me know your thoughts on these notes, and we will move forward from here.


Re: Noble House Request (Kalzasi)

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2024 7:45 am
by Bazyl
Good morning,

Regarding the concerns, I have edited their past involvements to make it a bit more vague. Focusing on their home region, the Commonwealth and then back to the Ailianze continent. While regarding the estate, I have edited the writeup as well to show the day-to-day state of their primary residence which would be docked in the outpost or in the Skyharbour and only airborne when doing surveys or long-distance travelling. So the daily upkeep would be quite similar with an estate building in their outpost because it would somehow be like a "building that could occasionally fly" when the need arise. I also edited out them giving transportation services, as because of the potential upkeep if they would be using their airship/residence as their daily mode of commute back and forth the city.

For the transportation services, I'd probably explore that later on when they are more established (IC progression and financially). I greatly appreciate the offer for the discussion of trade.

Thank you

Re: Noble House Request (Kalzasi)

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2024 12:08 pm
by Mirage
I apologize for the wait on this. You are approved!