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I've Been Seeing Things ③

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2024 3:50 am
by Dreyfus
⚜ I've Been Seeing Things ③
⚜14th of Glade, Year 124, A.o.S

Warming winds caressed his face as he stood on a ridge, overlooking his estate. He held the Sanguinyte gifted to him by Venetia in his hand, looking into the orb with a burning conviction. "Was it a mistake coming back here, to this place, to Zaichaer?" He mused, rubbing his chin. What was his reason? Ahh, that's right, he wanted to destroy everything wrong with the state, make the place that stole his youth away from him, dismantle the archaic way of thinking, and liberate the mages from servitude and free them.

Looking at cottages that outlined the family home he weighed his options, as he wondered what good he had done since coming back. The only thing he has achieved is ensuring that these people had a fighting chance, even if he didn't want to do this initially. Sitting on the ledge of the ridge he sat the crimson dragonshard next to him, laying back into the grass as the wind danced by again, calming his nerves. He began to reflect on the most recent events, their excursion into the Warrens, the revelation something was wrong with him, and his feeding habits. More importantly, the visions that have been plaguing him the last few days.

It was becoming clear to him that something.....someone was calling him to the Warrens. The image of that stone the woman was holding was burned deep into his consciousness, as he could see it even when he closed his eyes as if it was looking back into him. "What could this mean? Why me of all beings?" He thought to himself, taking a breath before sitting up and looking back down at his growing village. He didnt see the figure at first, or anyone one of them for that matter, but felt them in the flux as they moved, lurking closer. Dreyfus couldnt wrap his head around why they were surrounding him, but it didn't matter as his thirst far outweighed wanting to know.

The group obviously believed he was some helpless traveler they could rob, rape, or ransom. As they ventured closer Dreyfus finally stood to his feet, setting the dragonshard aside. Turning around he faced them all. The leader of the group went to speak but the vampyre wasn't in the mood for words. In an instant he had the mortal in his grasp, kinetically pulling him. "I'm going to kill all of you, but I'm rather famished." he said as he sunk his teeth into the leader of the group. He made a quick meal of the man, as the other attacked out of fear.

It didn't take long for him to slaughter them, it was easy, so easy he couldn't help but laugh at how fragile these fools were. It was a reminder of how fragile mortal men were. Walking over to their leader, he plunged his hand into the man's chest and ripped his heart from it. In the aftermath of it all, he found the sweet smell of freshly spilled blood intoxicating but turned to regard his home, but it wasn't his home that was before him.

He found he was looking out into a grand audience chamber of ornate reds and golds, with black accenting the walls. Rows of soldiers and dignitaries alike kneeling before him. He sat upon a grandiose throne, one that towered and loomed over all before it. He would look out to his left and see the same city he was in the first vision. Before him stood the same soldiers clad in the armor he had seen from the second vision. He could smell the blood in the air, and feel the fervent zeal of those before him. Blinking he found himself at the center of a procession, a celebration of some sort of victory.

By his side were three figures, their faces obscured, but their figures not so much. Woman, three women of different hair colors. He looked at the faces of the people who lined the streets, all cheering and chanting a name, a name he had not known, but recognized the phonetic spelling. "DREYLARYON! DREYLARYON! DREYLARYON!". Was this an ancestor perhaps? He wasn't sure even though the naming was similar but in all of his searches through his family tree, he had never heard or seen of such a name. He would find that this processional celebration would lead to a grand and ornate cathedral. Gothic in architecture and grand in stature with red lights that glowed in a hungering warmth as they would get closer.

Upon entering the grand venue he was greeted with a feast, a grand banquet in his honor. All of those in attendance were of the many elven races, from Hytori to Rathari and all in between. A grand table with a throne at the center of it awaited him. When he sat upon it a toast was made to him and his conquest and as the glasses were raised high above he felt a hand slide across his shoulder. The same pain that wracked his mind caressed his skull again, and when his eyes opened, he was standing face to face with the massive obelisk from the last vision. It was humming with life as Dreyfus could feel the compulsion to reach out and touch it.

The lake that surrounded him was now red, the consistency of fresh blood spilled. He could feel the presence of the woman in red this time and when he turned he could see her, standing several feet away from him. "What is all this?! Why are you plaguing me with these visions?! Why do you torment me?!" he yelled, the bloody lake splashing about as he spoke. She simply smiled as she closed what little there was between them. In her hands was something swaddled in a red silken cloth. She unraveled it to reveal the stone that he saw in the last vision.

She placed the stone in his hands and spoke to him. This time, her words were heavy, tremendous in their weight, and accompanied by a chorus of voices echoing her own.


Then nothing but darkness.

When he came to he still had the man's heart in his hands. This was it, the final straw. Setting the heart down he picked up the Sanguinyte holding it firmly in his hands. "I stand here now and hold the gift you gave so many seasons ago. You said that if I were in true need of you that if I called you would hear me. I need you Venetia" he spoke and gripped the orb tightly. "I require some answers. I have been plagued with........visions lately." he let out a deep breath before standing on the ridge's edge.

"I don't know what any of it means and I need your help to figure it all out. I saw things that were either the past or the future, but it is unclear as to which one it could be. I heard the name Dreylaryon and have seen a woman who has been calling out to me, calling me an inheritor of the will of blood dragons. I require your council, your guidance if you'll give it." he spoke into the wind hoping that her words would hold true in that she would indeed reach out to him.

Turning he went to pick up the heart and made his way back to the manor. Victor was there waiting for him at the gates of the growing village. A look of concern washed over his face. "I do hope that is not your blood." he questioned, though Dreyfus could only chuckle as he was amused by the thought of his blood being spilled. "I simply went for a walk into the woods, seemed that there are predators out there that would think me weak and easy prey." he noted, as he was handed a wet cloth as to wipe the dry blood from him.

"Well that must have been one enthusiastic walk indeed." the warrior chimed as the vampyre chuckled. Dreyfus was tired, mostly of his lack of sleep out of fear of gorging on one of his villagers, as well as these surreal visions. All he wanted to do now was take a hot bath and relax. He had been going through a lot and he couldn't help but feel the burden that still weighed on him. But he knew he was the only one suited for the task. They all looked to him, so he had no choice but to take the reigns of things as it were.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"