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Warm Blooded {Bazyl}

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2024 3:51 am
by Dreyfus
38th of Glade, Year124, A.o.S


The smell of blood was saturating the air of the forested that connected the wildking's Forge to Zaichaeri territory. It was within these woods that the sounds of a conflict permeated within the safe harbor of the trees. A group of highwaymen had been terrorizing the routes from the forests into the territory belonging to Zaichaer, and unfortunately for them, a merchant looking to try and establish trade routes within the area had hired a monster to clear them out. The vampyre had come alone, and had stalked them since the sun rose from beneath its hidden horizon.

He had been watching them and waiting, patiently biding his time till it was appropriate to strike, and when he did, nothing could have prepared those poor souls for the carnage that ensued. With a blade in his hand he went to work, reveling in the slaughter of fools who prayed on the innocent. Going into a sprint, he lept over the ones writhing on the ground from the initial attack and shot straight for the second wave.

As if sensing his intention, the horde of highwaymen charged at him, and he responded accordingly. Parrying each slash sent to him he made his way through the horde, turning to face them. Without hesitation, he pivoted to his right and drove his blade through the first body that was in range. Again and again, the blade tore its way through the horde, screams and wails filling the forest as Dreyfus danced around the battlefield.

For each one that fell, it seemed that three more took its place, though their numbers were dwindling. Annoyed, he opted to take the fight to a more suitable battleground and ran into the dense lush forest, the desperate warriors giving chase. The further he went into the forest the louder their warcries roared in the air, which made him smile. When he was far enough ahead of them he ascended one of the trees and waited.

Once the group got in range of him he could see they were in a defensive formation. They weren't making it easy, but he was fine with that, made this all more fun. He lept from tree to tree with the aid of kinetics, making his steps light, the tree rustling from him, though it could have just been the wind blowing as there was a breeze going. Moving to the rear of the group he pulled at the flux to snatch one of the bandits up, his kinetic force squeezing the life from the man, and the vampyre driving his blade through its skull for extra measure.

By the time the body hit the floor, Dreyfus was gone, back into the shadows of the forest as he went to pick off another. The confusion from the body being found was perfect, a nice predatory tactic, as even the most battle-trained warriors would lose their shit in a situation like this. A dense forest with low visibility and an enemy that could not be seen was always unnerving.

Channeling the hemovision, Dreyfus could see them perfectly, and slipping up to a tree was had his back to, the vampyre commenced in nourishing the forest floor with their blood. Using the lush of the foliage to his advantage he stalked them, and when one got close his blade would force its way through the chest of the unfortunate one.

One by one they fell till only a human female remained. She cursed and called him a coward for hiding in the shadows. Amused he stepped from where he was hiding, and she came charging at him, full of rage. It was easy to sidestep her, only to snatch her up by her throat with his with his magic. The vampyre proceeded to make his way back out of the forest and into the open, and when he had he looked to the prey held within his grasp. The woman was still struggling against his vice like grip. "I have worked up quite an appetite." he mused, sinking his teeth into the woman, drinking her dry before tossing the lifeless corpse aside.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

Re: Warm Blooded {Bazyl}

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2024 11:12 am
by Bazyl
The caravan jolted to a stop, pulling Bazyl out of his reverie. He remained still, his breathing steady, but his senses sharpened. He listened intently to the hushed voices that floated through the air. There was no sign of an imminent attack, just the uneasy murmurs of men on edge. He projected his consciousness through the void, drifting like a phantom from shadow to shadow, eavesdropping on the guards.

Their fear was palpable, almost infectious. The tales of ambushes along the route had grown in the retelling, turning men into shadows of their former selves, hesitant and jumpy. The forest up ahead was a notorious spot where caravans vanished without a trace, swallowed by the darkness and the bandits that thrived in it. The mercenary they had hired was supposed to be their safeguard, but there was no sign of him or the danger he was meant to fend off.

Bazyl let the guards’ conversation drift away, his consciousness snapping back into his body with a suddenness that left him breathless for a moment. He hopped off the wagon, landing softly on the dirt road. The scent of damp earth and pine filled his lungs as he stood, scanning the horizon. The forest loomed ahead, a dark mass with the spire of the Old Church just visible above the treetops, silhouetted against the light.

Bazyl adjusted his knapsack, the weight of it reassuring on his back, and checked the axes holstered at his side. He wasn’t one to shy away from confrontation, but he had learned long ago that it was often better to deter trouble before it began. As he entered the forest, he allowed his aura to unfurl, a warning to anything or anyone that might be lurking in the underbrush.

The path through the forest was narrow, almost overgrown in places, with the trees crowding in on either side as if trying to keep intruders out. The air was cooler here. Bazyl’s footsteps were light, barely disturbing the fallen leaves beneath him. He moved with purpose, his eyes scanning the surroundings, every sense alert to the possibility of danger.

He paused at the edge of the clearing. The silence was almost deafening, broken by the sound of something being tossed in the distance. Bazyl observed the figure in the distance, a familiar tingling on his spine. He placed the knapsack on the ground and gripped the axe handle, still holstered on his side.

Clearing his throat to announce his presence to the figure he deducted would be the mercenary. Bazyl opted to stay near the tree line as the forest provided a lot of strategic positions for him to navigate using the shadows.

Re: Warm Blooded {Bazyl}

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 10:45 pm
by Dreyfus


The initial danger of the bandits was gone for the moment, the blood of his victims still lingering under his nose as he wiped his mouth, last thing he needed was his employer being too frightening to give him his much needed coin. As the lull of bloody consumption and revelry died he felt movement within the flux of aether in the forest. It didn't have the same feeling as the bandits did, no this one was different. He could feel it had stopped just short of the forest's edge and was waiting. He smiled as he filled the flux around him as he accelerated to move from sight.

It would have been fast of enough to have him there one moment and gone the next. The rush of such speed was jarring, but nothing the vampyre couldn't endure, and he could handle a lot before being overwhelmed. His thermal vision could see the man as he stood there, now probably shocked as Dreyfus was no longer in the spot he was in a moment ago. Enchancing his vision with Androsis he could see the male was elven, siltori given the tapestry of markings that covered his body.

"Well met good sir, I take it you hail from the caravan?" he inquired in silandris if his deduction was correct, coming from out of the shadow of the looming trees, though the crimson suns within his head would have been the first thing the stranger would see before the long golden tresses and fair-skinned male. "How is everyone? All accounted for I hope?" he added, giving a quaint bow and trying to soften his otherwise unsettling demeanor.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

Re: Warm Blooded {Bazyl}

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2024 1:48 am
by Bazyl
The forest around them was eerily quiet, the only sound being the faint rustle of leaves swayed by a gentle breeze. Bazyl Wegner stood still, his eyes narrowing as he scrutinized the man before him. It was only moments ago that this figure had been almost a mile away, just a silhouette on the horizon. Yet now, without a sound, without the telltale shimmer of a portal opening, he was standing almost too close for comfort. The suddenness of the man's arrival had set Bazyl on edge, but it also piqued his curiosity.

Bazyl was no stranger to traversion magic. His nephew, a mage who practiced the art, had sparred with him often, and Bazyl had become familiar with the subtle signs. The slight distortion in the air, the brief flicker of energy when a portal was opened. But there had been none of that here. No, this was different. The man's arrival had been seamless, almost too perfect. It suggested either a level of proficiency in traversion magic far beyond his nephew's, or perhaps, more unsettling, it was an entirely different kind of magic.

Bazyl’s mind raced through the list of mages he had encountered over the years, trying to place this unfamiliar technique. Nothing came to mind. Could this man be a fellow warlock? There was a possibility. His left hand instinctively tightened around the handle of his axe, a weapon he had wielded countless times in battle. The reassuring weight of it grounded him as he consciously allowed his aura to expand, a silent warning to the stranger.

He waited until the man was fully visible, stepping out from the shadows into the pale light filtering through the trees. The man’s features became clearer, and Bazyl studied him with a practiced eye. There was something about his appearance. He had the slight angularity of the Siltori, with their characteristic sharpness of features, but it was too refined, too flawless. There was an elegance to him that was unsettling, a sense of something not quite human. It was a familiar feeling, one that Bazyl had not experienced in many years, but he couldn’t quite place it.

“And you must be the mercenary?” Bazyl spoke, his voice steady, but with an underlying edge. He replied in his native tongue. As he spoke, his gaze flicked over the man’s attire. This was no common mercenary, that much was clear. The air of elegance extended even to his clothing, which was far too fine for someone hired to deal with bandits. “It’s a long way from home, isn’t it?” Bazyl continued, his tone almost conversational. He was referring to Auris, the distant city from which the Siltori often hailed, though he suspected this man had not seen its walls in a long time or isn’t a siltori. “They’re waiting in the clearing back there. I think they need some kind of reassurance that the bandits were taken care of.” He pointed to the direction he had come from. “And all the bandits were accounted for?” he asked, this time switching to the common tongue.

Bazyl’s mind worked quickly. The man’s calm demeanor, his flawless appearance, the way he moved, everything about him was too perfect, too controlled. A memory stirred in the back of his mind. Menders. If the man before him was indeed a Mender, then Bazyl knew he was in for a difficult fight, one that he might not survive. He had to be sure, had to confirm his suspicion before delivering the killing blow, less he repeated the mistake he did.


Re: Warm Blooded {Bazyl}

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2024 12:27 am
by Dreyfus


A look of confusion washed over him as the siltori mentioned being far from his home. He wasnt sure what the man meant by that but he pointed in the direction of where the Monteliyet estate would be. "I live on the northern border of Zaichaer. Dreyfus, Dreyfus Monteliyet at your service." he introduced, looking at the Siltori man now that they were in closer proximity to one another. He noticed the man still held a hand on the hilt of his axe, which was a bit perplexing, but with his nature as a former reconciliator, he knew the only reason anyone would do that was cause they were cautious. He also got the feeling as to steer clear of the man, his aura giving off the intention that one should be wary.

"Yes.....for now at least." he began, as the siltori asked if all the bandits were dealt with. "The group I slaughtered were an advance guard, which means there will be more waiting for us as we go. However, that's nothing I can't handle on my own. We should get moving though, they will surely realize their advance ambush has been dealt with and will come in full force." he noted as he moved passed the man. He wondered what he would do, if the man attacked him he would have no choice but to act, though he hoped he wouldn't have to do that.

He could see the blood signatures of the caravan in the distance, his crimson eyes piercing through the dense forest as they would venture forth. His awareness was open to the flux around them and stretched quite far in order for him to be alert to anything moving toward them. So far he could only feel the animals that were giving them a wide birth.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"

Re: Warm Blooded {Bazyl}

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2024 1:02 pm
by Bazyl
Bazyl let out a silent "oh" of recognition. It wasn't unheard of for a half-Siltori to be fluent in the tongue, but for someone without any Siltori heritage? That was less common, almost suspicious. Perhaps it was his own age showing, after surviving two different epochs, he often forgot how things had changed. Back then, Menders would try their best to integrate themselves, learning the culture, language, and history of the civilizations they sought to infiltrate or understand.

"Forget that I even asked," Bazyl said, a wry smile crossing his lips. “Well met, Dreyfus. I’m Baz, a Kalzaseran.” He offered a slight nod of acknowledgment. “Funny, isn’t it? Just a while back, our nations were at each other’s throats. Now look at us, a Zaicharean and a Kalzaseran working together.” He chuckled lightly, the irony not lost on him. In another life, they might have been enemies.

Dreyfus' remark drew Bazyl's gaze back to the tree line from where the stranger had first appeared. He watched for movement, his eyes narrowing in anticipation. “You mean there’s more where they came from?” he groaned, feeling a wave of frustration wash over him. “That’s not how I envisioned this trip going.” He sighed, a hint of exasperation in his voice.

He had intended for this journey to be a simple pilgrimage to the Old Church. A quick in-and-out, no hassle, no confrontations. But fate seemed to have other plans. His hand tightened around the axe at his side, as if gripping the handle would somehow anchor him to his original purpose.

Dreyfus began to move past him, and on instinct, Bazyl reached out and grabbed his arm. “Wait,” he said, his voice low but urgent. “You’re not thinking of bringing the fight to those poor sods back there, right?” His head tilted toward the direction of the caravan, a hint of concern threading through his words. The people back there were likely merchants, travelers, and simple folk, no match for a bandit’s blade, much less whatever else might be lurking out there.

“Why don’t we just wait for them to come to us?” he suggested, his mind racing through possible strategies. He paused, considering their options. “Or do you plan to pick them off one by one before they realize their advance ambush team was slaughtered?” His tone was more curious than accusatory. He wasn’t opposed to the idea. In fact, it might be the smarter play.

“I’m fine either way,” Bazyl continued with a shrug. “Fair warning, though, I’m not that good in close combat.” He gestured to his holstered throwing axes, a slight grin playing on his lips. “I prefer to keep a bit of distance when I can.”


Re: Warm Blooded {Bazyl}

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2024 3:23 am
by Dreyfus


His crimson orbs glared into the man when he grabbed him, almost causing an audible hiss to escape his lips but he suppressed it. He let it slide as the siltori pleaded his case and caused the vampyre to chuckle. "Regardless of whether or not we wait for them, or deal with them as we go, they will all die before the day is done." he assured. He looked over the horizon as he contemplated the best course of action. He did not want to have to twiddle his thumbs waiting for his prey to come find him, so he felt the other option was better.

"We will deal with them on the way, as I'd rather not waste the day waiting, and I'm sure the caravan doesn't want to wait either." he chuckled as he went forward. When the elf mentioned that he wasn't that much of a close quarters fighter the vampyre laughed. "I can assure you, there will be no need for your assistance. As long as you stay out of my way, all will be well and the bandits will be slaughtered." he noted as he continued on. Once through the clearing, he came in view of the caravan, to which the one who employed him came to greet him, if not chastise him for making them wait.

"You'll have to forgive me for that good sir, as I was dealing with a nasty ambush that awaited you just up ahead. But now it is safe to continue onward. I can assure you that we will make good time if we leave now." he encouraged as he bowed and ventured forward. He knew that among all those capable of fighting he was the strongest so he allowed himself to be the lead of this caravan Taking a seat on the lead wagon, he motioned for the Siltori to join him.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"