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"Tides of Fire"

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 10:32 pm
by Arvælyn

"Tides of Fire"
5 Searing 124
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Arvælyn had certainly been busy since coming to Solunarium. First it was the training and the learning. Then, when he took on the mantle of his birthright, he found himself ruling a realm as regent. Still learning the ways of both the culture and the basics of governance, he'd relied heavily upon his advisors. He was more likely to advise and consent to their proposals, rather than put forth any of his own. His regency was multiple choice, not open ended. He was given options and context and chose what seemed like the best option. But by Searing of 124 Steel he had long since learned the basics, and now he was learning more not just about governance, but about who and what he really was. He'd been tolerant, if not content, to wait for his cryptic paternal family to bring him more into their ancient and estimable fold and, slowly but surely, it had begun to happen. He was spending more and more of his time in the Thalamum Draconum when he wasn't about his work in the Palatium Umbrarum.

He was seeing less of Finn since their marriage, but Finn was busy, too. His consort wasn't constantly luxuriating in the thermæ, nor exploiting the royal exchequer on shopping sprees as others in his position might have done. He worked long, strange hours for Phocion, he had his family in the Luxium, he had a demanding deity who expected ambitions to be pursued, and Finn was pursuing them. Their lives were increasingly independent, albeit bound by history, oaths, magic and affection.

On the 5th of Searing of the 124th Year of the Age of Steel, Arvælyn quit his father's palace to realise that morning had already broken over the Luxium. It was hard enough to tell night from day in the Umbrium, but at least efforts were made there to shift the level of light emitting from the glowing globes and strips that lined the streets. The Thalamum Draconum accorded no such amenities, for its inhabitants were less concerned with rising and falling of sun and moon. What was a day in the life of a Greatwyrm?

He hadn't slept, but he wasn't tired. It was earlier than he typically began his day of toil and there were no calamities being broadcast into his mind by his mother, so he supposed he wasn't needed. Perhaps all he needed to do to find free time again was never to sleep.

Arvælyn took to wing over the core of Mount Sorokyn, where the buoyancy of its heat urged him upwards. Up he flew out of the mouth of the volcano to regard the upper city bathed in shades of red as the sun rose toward the cloudless sky. He was so unaccustomed to unscheduled time... to unanticipated moments to himself that, for a trice, he didn't know what to do with himself. Then he realised he should check on Finn. He knew his husband occasioned to sleep at the Luxian villa in which he'd housed his family when they didn't share a bed, which increasingly meant one of them collapsing into a cuddle with their already sleeping counterpart. In any case, he darted down toward the Aurecine District, sensing the attention of the diligent Luxian authorities, but he soothed their concerns with familiarity and alighted on the steps leading up to the door to the Sorokys villa. He started to reach for the handle, then grimaced at the realisation that he was a guest here. He'd never visited this place since he called it home and himself Kyrin's bastard. He raised his hand a bit higher to employ the doorknocker, then crossed his arms to await admittance.

Re: "Tides of Fire"

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2024 11:28 am
by Finn

Finn had slept alone in their bed at the palace. They had an understanding that one wouldn't wait up for the other unless a request had been made; there was just no telling when Solunarium would be done with them for the day and neither wanted the other to be unrested. If he woke to find himself still alone and sighed, well, it was as much for Arvælyn's sake as his own. He no longer kept a minstrel's schedule, at least not with any regularity, political parties and the occasional performance notwithstanding.

He was up with the dawn, dressed and refreshed, and then vaulted upward to share coffee with his parents, who remained early risers as a matter of habit. He held his squirming niece, but passed her off to his father when the servi announced the presence of his prince.

"Probably just looking for me," he assured them with a wave of his hand as they moved to rise. Trotting toward the foyer, he found the servi fawning appropriately over the Umbrian regent.

Finn bowed low.

"You yet knock, Your Exalted Highness?" he teased gently. "Welcome to the Prædium Sorokys. We are at your disposal."

In fact, the villa belonged to His Exalted Majesty, but was given to Finn for his use. At first, it had merely been a base of operations for parties and the like aimed at pulling Luxian luminaries into his sphere, the better to build bridges for his Umbrian prince. Now, it housed the Viatores (many called them this though the establishment of a gens remained a work in progress), as well.

A paternal part of him wanted to put Arvælyn to bed. He needed his rest. Another part wanted to steal him away for a week or forever, but they were both of them bound to service here now.

Finn didn't rise from his bow, offering an opportunity for hands on his cheeks, raising him up to be well and properly kissed.

Re: "Tides of Fire"

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2024 1:20 pm
by Arvælyn

Arvælyn shrugged, almost bashfully at being called out for his cautious formality.

"I do not wish to barge into the Viator household unannounced." He demurred, with a nod to Finn's parents. "I bid good morning to you both." His eyes darted about in search of siblings-in-law, but Ciarán was like to have been still abed, the prince presumed.

"It's been some time since I've visited this place and I should like to see how the gardens are faring under new stewardship." It seemed the more time Arvælyn spent with his paternal relations, the more decorous his dialogue trended. He used to doff his mask of formality behind closed doors, but more and more his face was forming to fit the mask... unmoving and aloof like the others in his family. It hadn't been a quick transition, but over the months of governing with little time to bask in marital bliss, it was so. Finn would know, by now, that the Platinum Dragonflight tended to influence its surroundings. Perhaps Arvælyn's frequent close proximity to the royal five was altering him through more than just whatever he was being taught in the forge that was the Thalamum Draconum.

"Might I borrow your son to show me around?" He offered the faintest of smiles to Mabon and Fionna, before taking Finn by the arm and allowing him to lead the way. He was genuinely interested to see the gardens in the courtyard. Hilana had taken such an interest when she first visited and he had little doubt her influence would be present. Perhaps there would even be marshmallow plants represented, not that Arry would recognise them if they were. He still had no idea what they looked like, nor how they related to the eponymous confection.

"Did you sleep here or at the palace? I... lost track of time in the Dragon Chamber, again."

Re: "Tides of Fire"

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2024 5:28 pm
by Finn

Mabon and Fionna rose and bowed, each with a kindly smile for their son-in-law. They had noticed the change in him, no less than the burning eyes and the draconic wings. That seemed natural in its way, though they remained somewhat concerned at how Finn was changing. They couldn't decide whether it was natural due to growing up finally, and growing into these new roles, or if there was something magical afoot.

"Of course," Fionna said, reaching to her husband for the infant.

"There is breakfast and coffee if you wish," Mabon offered, but it was more of a standing offer than an immediate invitation.

"Stay out of trouble," Finn said to them with a smile, and then did lead his husband toward the gardens, which were cool and quite lovely in the early morning air. There were a couple of gifts from Hilana here and there, potted and placed according to an aesthete's eye—not his—and it did seem a cheerier place than when first they lived there. Finn could play formal, but he and his family rarely saw the need in private. He wondered idly how Zalkyriax might react to the little infant's feet splashing in the fountain water to cool her on a hot day. But he had urged them to make themselves at home...

"At the palace. I sleep here if I know you won't be back before I wake. Otherwise, well... hope springs eternal." He smiled and kissed Arvælyn's brow. "Oughtn't you to be seeking some rest? Don't you have a meeting with your cousin Vrædyn this afternoon?" He had as of the day previous, anyway. Finn did memorize his man's schedule, the better to find even passing moments to share.

Re: "Tides of Fire"

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2024 6:12 pm
by Arvælyn

Arvælyn nodded at the offered refreshment. He probably should have been hungry as he probably should have been tired but, for whatever reason, he was neither. Perhaps in due course he would take up the offer, but in the meanwhile he was content to stroll at Finn's side.

"There will be time enough for rest when I need it... I do not tire as quickly as I once did, unless I am truly expending energy upon magic or the like." Another change, though one Finn had little enough chance to mark in him. After a long moment of contemplative silence, Arvælyn addressed the matter that haunted his mind of late.

"You must think me cruel to abandon you as I have. I feel as though I have erected a gilded cage and incarcerated you therein." If he was fortunate, Finn would name it 'Sacrifice' and mark it on the list of boons for Midnight's Mother, if he was less fortunate, Finn was finding satisfaction in the other member of the deific dyad at a level Arvælyn himself could not hope to confer himself and certainly hadn't been providing of late. He let out a quiet sigh through his nostrils.

"Are you yet happy, Finn? Or, at least, content?" As Solunarian propaganda posited, they didn't have the happiest people in the world, but they had the highest percentage of people who were content. Rather a dispassionate way to look at thing, and Arry the actor would have balked at such unambitious pursuits, but Arvælyn the Princeps Draconum was increasingly favouring pragmatism over passion. Perhaps he was spending too much time around people for whom the passing of time meant so much less. He was beginning to forget how long a day truly was in the life of an elf... or even more so in the life of his all-too-mortal husband.

Re: "Tides of Fire"

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2024 9:15 pm
by Finn

"Please yourself, then," he said lightly. If Arvælyn did choose to sleep, Finn would be hard-pressed not to slack off on his responsibilities just so he could hum lullabies and caress him, watching him sleep. If he could admit that thought to himself, he would laugh, but it was kept conveniently out of sight and out of mind.

The bard could sense the sonorous shift of the music underscoring his husband's soul.

"Cruel? No." He paused. "I knew the first time we kissed that you were going to change my life, take whatever hare-brained half-baked plans I had and throw them out the window." His smile was fond rather than upset. "I knew something was changing when I climbed aboard that first airship out of Karnor, and when your father flew out to greet us ere we set foot on Tertian quays. We auditioned for our roles, rehearsed, and now we play them, though I still have my recurring role with the Vigilia.

"I still have my music—on any scale and any stage I could desire—and I have my family here. I have purpose. And I have the husband I want." He paused, hip nudging hip for attention as he sought out those volcanic eyes that had once been gold. "You changed the course of history for me, Arry. Remember? I get more of you than I have any right to expect. I don't truly know what happiness or contentment look like... There's always been that dissatisfaction that drove me. From village to city, from venue to venue. You give me joy. You give me longing."

He paused.

"Are you? Happy? Or content?"

Re: "Tides of Fire"

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2024 9:34 pm
by Arvælyn

Arvælyn's eyes scanned the garden, even as Finn spoke his heart. Only when he actively sought Arry's eyes did they find him. It was easy to forget how they met and under what circumstances. It was a lifetime ago and, for Arry at least, that was more literally the case. He was literally a different person. A different sort of creature than he'd since become. Perhaps metamorphosis had been a kind of death for that person... the actor, the courtesan. There were certainly parts of that life he'd happily entomb and, after a fashion, he did. But there was also something lost that he couldn't quite put words to. It was only when Finn posed his final queries that Arry even realised that, perhaps, it was he who was feeling hampered... caged. Perhaps he'd only been projecting assumptions onto Finn, because it was his own life that felt lacking and he was loath to think he might be imposing that on someone for whom he cared so much.

"I'm not terribly happy at the moment, no... I'm content enough to do what I must, but this life..." He trailed off, shaking his head.

"I remember when I dreamt of greatness and portrayed it on stage. I thought I was capturing the character authentically, but I wasn't... It doesn't feel as grand and glorious in the day-to-day as it does in the pared down composite version. It feels..." He trailed off, breaking eye-contact to look down.

"In the early days when I was being acknowledged as a royal, my mother told me something that I don't think I took to heart... I don't think I could have during that fever dream. She told me that the higher one stands on the pyramid, the less happy they tend to be. It's sort of the Solunarian version of noblesse oblige, I think. Our Sacrifice for the good of our subjects. The lowliest servant is blissfully ignorant of the wherefore of their simple, satisfaction in life. I know the strings that are pulled, but I cannot let go and let them pull me, or the whole thing falls apart." He paused, pursing his lips.

"Sorry to orate in profusion, I... didn't know all that was rattling around inside of me."

Re: "Tides of Fire"

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2024 10:15 pm
by Finn

Finn nodded. For whatever reason, he didn't take that unhappiness personally.

Ars longa, vita brevis, he thought to himself, though he didn't speak it aloud. It was clear Arvælyn needed to unload things, thoughts he possibly hadn't been able to cogitate within his skull, thoughts that needed to be aired for an audience to be fully realized.

He shook his head at the apology. If Arvælyn didn't know how precious his thoughts were to Finn by now, well, then there was a deeper problem. A hand tightened on the prince's bicep, silent support more than to stop him. After a moment of thought, he started on a seeming tangent.

"Normally, when someone comes to me with a problem, I try to decide whether they want me to help them solve it or just to commiserate. I think... for you, my husband... there is a third option. Many of your problems will be things I couldn't hope to solve for you, or I won't have the context or skills or knowledge to solve or even help you solve. And while my shoulder will always be there for you to cry upon... I will always pluck your words out of the air and hold them like precious things. But the third option... as your husband, I think it is my duty to be your witness. To witness you and your life. I have climbed the Pyramid high enough not to lose sight of you in the clouds, I think. I see you, my love. Your struggles and your sacrifices.

"Orate until your words run out and I will still listen. Dance upon the needle-sharp tip of the Pyramid. If you fall, I will do everything in my power to keep you from hitting the ground."

Re: "Tides of Fire"

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2024 10:33 pm
by Arvælyn

Arvælyn stopped his gait easily when Finn urged him to. He didn't really have an aim anyway, in the physical sense and he didn't know what his aim was in the figurative. Hearing Finn's words and the clarifying sentiments of his Symphony, Arry nodded, comprehending.

"It isn't that I'm keeping secret Sacrifices close to my heart or dealing with some earth-shattering problem that has become my burden. That happens from time to time, but it isn't what I feel I've lost. I just feel like I'm... treading water. Life used to be an upstream swim with very clear banks I sought to reach, but now I stand atop a promontory and I can see for so far, but none of the vistas before me are places I aspire to go. If I were reared to this life, perhaps I would have a clearer sense of purpose beyond sustaining the pyramid... or perhaps sustaining the pyramid would feel more satisfying. Or maybe it's just as my mother said, and this is the burden of my rank. I feel... Restless. It was an adventure to get here, but adventure has given way to bureaucracy and politicking." He paused, considering.

"His Divine Radiance seems to dance contentedly upon the true needle-sharp tip of the pyramid, where I stumble on my lower tier. You know Him in ways that I do not, though I am conversant in His Word. You have borne witness to Him in ways I..." He took a breath, "Have not. Perhaps you have some insight into this?" It might have all been for show, he supposed, but there was an ease about Aværys and how He interacted with His lot in eternal life. But Arvælyn couldn't entirely grasp it. It fell through his fingers like so much sand.

Re: "Tides of Fire"

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2024 1:57 pm
by Finn

Finn nodded again, and once again, he was quiet for some time, thinking. He had to fight the desire to share his feelings, unlocked by the admission of Arvælyn's. Focus. Finn was good sometimes at solving small problems, and he was an excellent listener, with broad shoulders for crying upon. Wisdom was something he felt he lacked, and he rather thought Vrædyn knew the God's mind better than he did. The Pontifex was born to the Solunarian religion, to the symbology, and to the mysteries. Often Finn wondered if he was an afterthought, an ornament for Arvælyn considered pretty and useful enough to keep around, to empower, and such.

Certainly, Aværys did sometimes seem a great cat playing with mice.

"I share your restlessness," he admitted. "I have accepted the sacrifices necessary to remain at your side, but the Hunger drives me higher and farther and I do not yet know what to do with that. I can only imagine it is worse for you. Prince-Regent for an undying King. Ambition driving you, Chains holding you back. What outlets are available for that Ambition? Take the Luxian throne? Conquer a neighbor?"

Aværys bade him respect the Pyramid, but Finn didn't even know his place upon it. Arvælyn was kept at an apex, but not the apex. Finn didn't know whether he ought to vie with Vrædyn for pride of place in the eyes of their God or... what? In his heart, he was a collaborator, and didn't believe in zero-sum games. Solunarian philosophy seemed simple on the surface, and yet was anything but.

"I think, perhaps, one of the reasons the dragons keep you to them is to make you more like them, more content with the status quo than restlessness. You aren't Arry Venasyr anymore, but you aren't not him. It took time, I think, before you stopped eating every meal as if it were your last, as if you feared it might be taken away from you. I do wonder, though... as you wax draconic... will you always be trapped between states. Elf and dragon, mortal and immortal, prince and king. Will that ever be comfortable? I cannot say.

"I will call upon Aværys if you wish. Perhaps he might lend us... insight."