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Closing Time

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:45 pm
by Sivan

3rd of Searing, Year 124 of Steel
Gloaming Hapertas, Silfanore

put on his coat to go, but then the clock cried, "wait! not yet!
even though you're not wise or rich, you're the finest man in Silfanore.
listen up, Filaurel, make one stitch, and you'll see what you get."

Not two days back in the city of his birth, and Sivan felt like an outsider. To be sure, he was an outsider. He had never fit in here in his fatherland, nor in Dalquia, his motherland. It had taken riding the coattails of an eccentric old artisan, wandering the continent and ending up, against all odds, in the free city of Kalzasi before he felt as though he might have found a place to call home. And yet, here he was, back again.

Despite his mother's blood, he looked as Hytori as anyone else. He spoke Mythrasi like an educated elf. His clothes were certainly fine enough for a prosperous Len'Hytori alchemist and artificer, but they were of decidedly Kalzasern cut. He decided that was the problem. All he had to do was camouflage himself in the styles of his father's people. When he decided this, he was nowhere near the place Torin had rented in the Enclave, nor the artificery where they were studying under a master together. He had been walking, trying to walk out the kinks that had knitted themself up his spine in those two brief days. His work was mentally taxing, but not physically so long as he stretched from time to time. He had stretched, but his unhappiness wouldn't be so easily wrung out.

He paused upon a street corner to take stock, stepping immediately so his back was to a fancifully wrought iron lamppost that had yet to light up, politely out of the way of the rest of the foot traffic.

No, no, no, yes!

"Gloaming Hapertas," he said to himself. It seemed a respectable enough establishment as he crossed the street and approached. The clothes displayed in the window seemed finely made, and he sensed, through his Rune, that whoever had made them had done so with care and diligence. It set him at his ease. Sivan was quite exacting with himself when it came to creating things, things that would have his name attached to them in any way. It was important to him to purchase from similar artisans, though, of course, he could be persuaded to buy from the desperate, as well, in order to help them out.

Sivan stepped up to the door, his hand falling upon the knob, just in time to feel the lock click through the metal in his hand. He blinked and saw another elf through the fine glass of the door, looking surprised. Sivan blinked, looked down at the chronometer upon his wrist, then over his shoulder in time to see his old perch lighting up in to keep the streets passable through the dark half of the time. He blinked again, turning back to the face in the glass, mouthing his apologies and stepping back, disappointed.

Well, he could figure something out on the morrow...

Re: Closing Time

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2024 12:36 am
by Filaurel

•───────── Gloaming Hapertas ────────•
3rd of Searing, 124th Year of the Age of Steel

It had been the better part of a season now since his chance encounters had set Filaurel upon his experimentation with setting devices upon his work, and the change had brought minor success. The three-moon sigil was practically an unofficial maker's mark now, for many of his regular customers had been as enamored with the design as he. Unfortunately, that meant one thing- a lot of extra embroidery, careful stitching which was both time-consuming and a bit hard on the eyes.

To that end, he'd taken to closing up promptly in the evenings to ensure he had the time to get a some of the detail work done each evening. As soon as the little timepiece on Filaurel's sales counter clicked over, he rose, manipulating the flux to hoist himself bodily out of the chair. A sense of relief flooded through his core and posterior as hours of pressure were relieved; the physician his family had hired for him often admonished him to ensure he moved around enough to keep his veins clear.

He brought himself to the door and absentmindedly flicked the lock closed, only to feel a sudden ripple in the flux. Filaurel turned, his face a mask of surprise, to see the embarrassed elf stepping away at the other side of the door.

"Late-come." Filaurel muttered to himself, disapprovingly. The man was already beginning to back off; he needn't take any more action to see him off at all. And the man could come again on the morrow, no doubt. He was sorely tempted to simply pretend he hadn't noticed and return to his loft to work on embroidering for the night.

But... well, it wasn't as though business was booming. If he ever wanted to make enough money to fund a serious foray into curse-breaking, as he'd dreamed of doing, he couldn't be turning away potential customers at the door. With this in mind, he turned the lock back open and nudged the door inward.

"I beg your pardon, sir!" the tailor called into the waning light, though his voice was not really apologetic, "Have you some business? There's time enough yet to get home before you lose the light- do come in!"

Re: Closing Time

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2024 2:01 am
by Sivan

"I beg your pardon, sir," he replied, caught out on the sidewalk. Sivan dropped a respectful, apologetic bow. "I had lost track of the hour. I can return on the morrow. It is only that I have spent too long abroad and now all my clothes are of a foreign cut, and I grow weary of judgmental eyes upon me." He laughed lightly at his own complaint; he sounded like a petulant child. "Aye, let me return on the morrow. When do you take your luncheon? I shall ensure that mine does not overlap."

Sivan was going to have to stop acting like a foreigner; he knew that. He already knew what it felt like to live here with diluted blood. Perhaps, he thought, then nodded to himself. He could take Torin's measurements as well and purchase a few sets of clothes for him. His hair was long enough that he could cover his ears and perhaps pass if people didn't look too closely. It would just make things easier; Sivan didn't want to change his friend and make him Hytori, of course.

It would be a bit of a walk to get home, but Silfanore was hardly dark at night. Surfaces glimmered as if spun of starlight. Sol'Valen was unrepentantly magical in almost every way one could think of.

He had thought that perhaps he had grown abroad, and that he would feel more confident in his fatherland. Alas, he felt as though he had regressed and was as anxious and unsuited for the place as ever. But perhaps he could fool people into not seeing it, and he could fake it until he felt it. That would be the only way to fool Torin, whose Semblance surpassed even his, marvelous as that seemed to him even now.

Re: Closing Time

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2024 7:56 pm
by Filaurel

•───────── Gloaming Hapertas ────────•
3rd of Searing, 124th Year of the Age of Steel

Filaurel looked the other elf up and down. There was no judgment in his eyes, but his brow wrinkled as he took in every detail of Sivan's attire, pursing his lips.

"Kalzasaern, of course." his voice was quiet, deep and cool like an underground cistern, "The Synnekar style, though you lack wings. Naturally the cut would spread- you have spent some years there, I take it? I have long wished safflower on hemp were more fashionable here..."

The tailor shook his head.

"Well, it is your decision, of course, but be warned- the sooner I have your measure, the sooner you may have your clothes. And I do not lunch, by habit."

That was mostly because of his sedentary work. If he ate like he had as a soldier, he would quickly grow fat- he'd had long discussions with the physicians about proper regimen, back when the curse had first taken him, and he followed their rotes religiously. The Rune of Kinetics might give him some measure of mobility, but it did very little for the figure.

Len'Alen pulled his thoughts away from that well-worn rut, for he knew well how useless it was to wallow in his own troubles. He turned his attention instead to his visitor in full. The man was fair of face, of course (it was rare for it to be otherwise, with Hytori), but not gorgeous after the fashion of his last surprise visitor, Princess Akantha. Although... there was something to the cast of the man's face he couldn't quite place, something not entirely...

Filaurel's musings on the shorter elf's nature was cut short again when he noticed something else- there was a strangeness in the flux about the door, the like of which he'd never seen outside of a mage's sanctum. He was no seer himself, of course, but he got the barest impression of some sort of spiritual weight to the visitor which he did not quite understand. The tailor blinked in evident surprise, though he was disciplined enough to show nothing else on his face. Instead, he merely cleared his throat after a moment.

"As- as I said, it is your decision."

Re: Closing Time

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2024 4:57 pm
by Sivan

"Aye, Kalzasern," he agreed. Sivan wasn't much of a fashionista, but he was comfortable in the clothes—physically, anyway—and it didn't hamper his work. In Kalzasi, he was neither too flashy nor likely to cause someone to cross the street to avoid him. Here, though, things were different.

Well, if the tailor could tell that much, then he had a good eye, at least.

"Ah, well, all right." Filaurel hadn't insisted, but he seemed keen to get things over and done, so Sivan obliged and followed him into the shop. He wasn't certain and it was entirely possible he was merely oversensitive, but it seemed as though the man had given him a look. Oh well, as long as he came out of this at least looking like he fit in, he could stand a little staring.

"I am working as an artificer and alchemist in the inner Amforéon, and I don't really have an eye for style and fashion." He started to remove his outer robe; Kalzasern fashion often included several layers because even their summer was mild by most standards. Down a few layers, it would be easier to take his measurements. "But if you have a few ready-made suits that could be tailored to me, that would give me a place to start, and then if I start to..." he laughed softly at his own ignorance, "...develop opinions I might ask you to make some things specifically for me.

"I appreciate you taking the time this late, sir."

Stripped down a bit, but still fully clothed, he waited awkwardly for instructions on how best to hold himself so the tailor could do his work more efficiently. Efficiency was something that pleased him; new discoveries were often crude but brilliant, and refining them into a more elegant practice was another thing entirely. If he knew little about Len'Alen's craft, but a craftsman recognized a craftsman.

Re: Closing Time

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2024 12:35 am
by Filaurel

•───────── Gloaming Hapertas ────────•
3rd of Searing, 124th Year of the Age of Steel

"Try to remain as still as you can." the tailor cautioned Sivan. Filaurel moved to his chair and settled into it, shifting around for a moment until he felt in a comfortable enough position to focus his full attention on the other elf.

The atmosphere within the atelier changed, the aether flux quickening under the force of the rune of Kinetics. A knotted red cord unfolded itself slowly from a hook in one corner- a meter-stick leaning against the wall rose to join it, and the instruments made their way over to Sivan, nuzzling up against him as Filaurel murmured the numbers to himself. Sivan felt the string lightly wrap and unwrap itself about his waist, his chest, his biceps, each time unfolding to present its length next to the measure for its master's benefit.

"Your build is not unusual, by which I mean only that the alterations should not be difficult." The tailor's eyes narrowed as he made himself recall the stock he kept, picturing what his client might look like wearing each.

"An alchemist and artificer, are you? I have met a few of your peers in each capacity, though for differing reasons. Two decades past, much and more was being made of the devices of the far West, and the doings of those nations were the talk of Aerion." Filaurel smiled, a rare crease on the tailor's face which transfigured his whole demeanor from stern to something altogether more optimistic. One might have thought he would look back on his soldiering days with regret, but he treasured the time he'd spent in Val'Kor's service.

"And I consulted many alchemists some years ago in furtherance of a particular familial matter." It hadn't helped, really. They'd been able to provide certain drugs which helped him sleep, or dealt with a few of the unglamorous side-effects of long-term paralysis, but none had been able to make inroads with Len'Alen's curse itself. Not that he or his family could command the attention of the truly great makers of the realm, but the family lore was very clear that it wouldn't matter.

"Let me get a few suits which might suit. What took you to the Kingdom of the Avaliae, if you would forgive my asking? A journeyman's quest, perhaps?"

Re: Closing Time

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2024 11:20 pm
by Sivan

Remaining still was a talent of his; it dovetailed nicely with fading into the background. His time abroad and making new, true friends had helped somewhat, but he was still quite introverted and rarely felt at ease among other people. Perhaps that was why he had become such a skilled summoner, why he created limited creatures rather than communing constantly with his equals.

He nodded and made noises of agreement where appropriate. His blade training with Laurevere and his constant work in the garden and the work that might surprise the layman with its physical requirements had kept him more than fit, though he remained lean after the fashion of most of his people. Sivan did listen for and retain details; it was a learned skill to help him make conversation, but he didn't make conversation until direct questions were asked and Filaurel returned with some of his stock.

"I was honored to depart the Kingdom of the Eternal Sun as my master's ultimate apprentice," he said, the words and cadences he chose indicating that he was, in fact, quite honored. Sivan didn't like to drop his old master's name; it invariable excited too much interest and it wasn't that he didn't think his master deserved it, but rather, he was uncomfortable with the attention.

"He taught me artificing as we moved from Silfanore to Inakova and from the Amber City through other lands, and eventually to Karnor. Sadly, we did not finish my training before he passed beyond the veil. His last bequest took me to an alchemist in Kalzasi, who took me on as an apprentice. That training was finished, and now I have returned to complete my training with my master's old apprentices."

And so, he had finally returned his master's ashes to the homeland. Torin would get to learn from fabulously talented runeforgers. Destyn would follow them as the Fae seemed inclined to do, which was touching as they were all he had to replace the clan that Zaichaer had exterminated. And Sivan got to sit with the strange ambivalence of feeling as though he belonged here and equally that he ought to get gone.

"Do you hail originally from Aerion, Master Filaurel?"

Re: Closing Time

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2024 6:45 pm
by Filaurel

•───────── Gloaming Hapertas ────────•
3rd of Searing, 124th Year of the Age of Steel

"I do," the tailor responded, absently, "My grandfather and his before him were soldiers of Val'Kor, and it was my fondest dream to follow in their footsteps. Alas, I soldiered myself for scarcely the span of a decade. Thankfully, I was granted leave for early discharge without any stain upon my house's name."

Not that Len'Alen had much of a name, in Aerion or otherwise. Curious that the moniker had survived so many generations intact enough to bear an ancestral curse, yet none of its members had ever managed any sort of lasting fame. Still, it had been a great relief when his petition had been granted- his grandfather was a proud man, and the shame of dishonorable discharge would surely have lowered his eyes forevermore.

(Not that Filaurel had been able to react much, then- he'd not even reclaimed use of his jaw at that point)

"Perhaps for the best. I was a passable soldier, but no more than that. You should see the officers spar, sometime- nothing quiets the soul of a brash young man like seeing a master at work. Now, where- ah, yes..."

Several sets of garments produced themselves from a back room, sailing quietly through the air to hang momentarily before Sivan before folding themselves neatly on a table to his side. Each was an ensemble in a fair approximation of the young elf's size, with common cloth but fashionable cut, ranging from muted colors of dark green and grey to more flamboyant turquoise and silver. Filaurel had evidentially sized up his visitor in more ways than one, assuming both that Sivan would prefer more workmanlike garb and finding outfits which--though humble--would not be embarrassing to wear in polite society.

"You have a sunny disposition, sir," the tailor noted, "Though it is harder to notice when you affect nervousness. Hair like straw, pale as death- Ysadrin's look, the old master used to say. The manuals all recommend darker fits, to accentuate and highlight, and avoid warring with your natural color. I would tend to agree- perhaps a myrtle for work and travel. If you have need of a more formal shirt, I think a dark naval velvet would suit, assuming you can accentuate it with some brighter accessory. What of your preference?"

Re: Closing Time

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2024 12:53 pm
by Sivan

"The strangest thing happened in Kalzasi last season," he said. When there was an honest desire to communicate something, he felt less out of his element, it seemed. He didn't comment upon the garments as they flew, merely moving as directed. Filaurel would tell him which worked best, no doubt.

"My neighbor is a noble Val'Istra there, overseeing his family's business there. A Val'Kor prince called upon him and he insisted we meet... I do have a rather magical garden that would set an expatriate Hytori at ease, I think. Anyway, I sparred with him when he wanted to see whether my neighbor excelled as an instructor or not. It was... humbling to say the least."

Suffice it to say, he could empathize with Filaurel's memories of watching a master at work.

Of course, he was then abashed by the tailor's assessment. Sivan knew how to dress appropriate to the task or event. He knew if something fit or didn't, felt nice or wrong, but it was less artistic decoration for him than utilitarian purpose.

"Well, ah... clearly you have a better eye for such things. I suppose I prefer soberer clothes. I mean, I like blue? But at the workshop, I just want to fit in with the other apprentices. Elsewhere, I suppose, I want to blend in more than I want to stand out. I mean, I don't want to look bad... And I don't mean that your clothes aren't nice, but... I suppose, whatever you think will make me look nice, respectable, but I'm not trying to catch eyes."