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Brothers in Cups.

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 11:39 pm
by Eitan Angevin

White Knight Hall, Zaichaer
45th of Searing, Year 124 of Steel

Lucrece insisted upon the odd family dinner and Eitan was only too happy to indulge her as he indulged her in everything. Sometimes, though, the best laid plans of mice and men and beautiful wives went awry. Stefan had sent word that he couldn't make it, and Eitan assured him all was well. The man couldn't relax sometimes and he didn't want to rile him up with the sort of joke that Brenner would have taken in stride. They were brothers, yes, but not the same man by any stretch of the imagination. He wondered whether his firstborn son, another Brenner, would grow up to be anything like his namesake. In many ways, Eitan hoped so. In secret ways, he hoped not. He tried not to feel guilty for those ways in which he hoped not. They had Brenner's metallic skeleton in the Windworks, and he imagined someday Stefan would figure out how to bring him back. Indeed, Eitan had Stechpalme, Storlock, and other doctors and Grymalka and necromantic geniuses working on the problem of layering flesh upon those bones and recalling a soul from fell Wraedan's grasp, but...

He took a sip of his drink.

Eitan sat upon the balcony with a view to the entrance to the property. They were on the ground now—no reason to expend energy to be aloft—and he, at least, had made it home early. He had changed out of his uniform and into something civilian, albeit no less sharp for that.

He had his drink. He had everything. He just didn't have a Dornkirk to make him feel as though the world made sense. It was on a small scale, of course. At some point, Stefan would return, and Eitan could rest, knowing the Dornkirks were safe in his home. He was glad Reiner was coming. While he was a newcomer to the Dornkirk-Angevin axis of power, Eitan felt they had some things that weren't necessarily in common but lent themselves to a simpatico.

Reiner hadn't been raised in the class to which his children would be raised. Eitan had been his father's non-human peccadillo, proof that he didn't leave others to deal with his messes, but not his heir, at least until the will had come to light. He was glad the younger Dornkirk had Kämpfer to keep an eye out for him, though he got the vague sense that Kämpfer might be taking a bit of advantage of him, whether for his name or his biddable nature—or both.

Well, Eitan wasn't going to stop trying to befriend him. For Brenner, for Stefan, for his own young son with a Dornkirk name and the Angevin surname. And for himself, too. There were few people he trusted without question, and two of them were Dornkirks—Stefan and Delia. He wanted Reiner to be among them.

When a figure passed the gate and its attendants, Eitan stood and squinted. Indeed, it was Reiner.

"Psst," he stage whispered when Reiner was near enough to hear. He showed him his drink. "Get inside and get up here. There's time for a drink or three before dinner!"

Re: Brothers in Cups.

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2024 12:09 pm
by Reiner Dornkirk

► Show Spoiler
Despite the majority of his wardrobe no longer being salvaged from the deceased populace of their erstwhile holocaust, Reiner maintained the trend of wearing a dress uniform to formal dinner. He had his own burgeoning sense of fashion, but he didn't trust that it aligned with the expectations of high society, and so it seemed simpler to remove the guesswork and wear what he knew would be acceptable.

The fall of his boots upon the stone in the empty foreground echoed as he approached and its resonant rhythm was only interrupted when an unexpected voice from above startled his steps out of pace. He paused to peer up, finding Eitan absent his cousin. That was rare for these social functions in which the pair seemed inseparable. He supposed he and Kuno were much the same, but that wasn't a notion upon which he spent much time ruminating, as the offer of drinks became his immediate priority.

"Be right up!" He called, jogging up the steps to be greeted by staff and led to the balcony, which he easily could have done on his own having been here more than enough times. Another peculiarity of the rich that he didn't comprehend, but he supposed they needed to make themselves seem useful by carrying out simple tasks that most folk did for themselves in accordance with tradition.

Stepping out onto the balcony, he offered a friendly smile and his hand to Eitan.

"Evening, Eitan!" He glanced about the immediate surroundings, brow knitted. "Stefan working late tonight?" After months and months, he'd finally been broken of the habit of using formal titles in lieu of first names when alone with his actual family.

Re: Brothers in Cups.

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2024 3:16 pm
by Eitan Angevin

Eitan had a drink ready and waiting for Reiner, handing it over immediately upon his arrival; by now, he knew the lad's tastes somewhat and was not trying to mold them into Brenner's. He thanked the Lysanrin butler; he had inherited quite a few grateful servants from the illegal slaves of the house's previous owner. All that seemed like another age, another lifetime. Some of them were involved in a Lysanrin-integration project. Their aether eating abilities, honed and weaponized by the State, could be quite an edge. They were all, thankfully, less trouble than Florian had been on his best day.

He raised his glass.

"To not drinking alone," he said, and sipped.

"Stef sent his regrets, but I am hoping that was just to ensure we didn't wait up. That he will perhaps be a bit late, but still make a showing. The wives will want you to assure them that their infants are the most adorable in the land, but if you need to cut and run early, I will understand." He chuckled. The domestic bliss was nice, but he did often miss the heady revels from bar to bar with Brenner.

Now he had to set an example. Now he had state secrets in his head. Had there even been an orgiastic party at White Knight Hall since his wedding reception's after party? Alas, how things had changed. On the odd occasion where Reiner shared a story with any sort of youthful vim to it, Eitan found himself hanging on his every word. Then, later, he would laugh at himself for being ridiculous.

"But, as ever, the bar and humidor will be open to you for as late as you require, and there are spare bedrooms should a nocturnal return to the barracks prove untenable." He chuckled again.

"Good day?" he hazarded.

Re: Brothers in Cups.

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2024 4:45 pm
by Reiner Dornkirk

Reiner was so accustomed to the Lysanrin staff at this point that he didn't even cringe away from them anymore. It wasn't that he thought of them as equals. It was more that he thought of them as being appropriately positioned in servile capacities. Part of him had once resented that their jobs were a bit cushy, safe and simple, but now they were tantamount to moving furniture or appliances in his eyes.

"Not that there's anything wrong with that!" Reiner appended as he raised the offered stein of lager, sipping as well. He'd also grown comfortable enough to drink what he genuinely enjoyed and was used to, rather than trying to emulate his betters whose palates had been refined over their entire lifetimes. He drank better beer here than what he grew up with, but it didn't feel like as much of an aberration to his norm as fancy Imperial schnapps or sparkly wine in crystal flutes.

"Nah, I cleared my night. I'm in it for the long haul or until you kick me out." He took another, heftier swig. It would help him ease into the company. Honestly, Eitan had always been friendlier than Stefan. It was just his nature, but Stefan's presence was steadying after its own fashion. He was, weirdly, a constant in Reiner's life, even if he'd been admired from afar and placed high on a pedestal for the bulk of that time.

"Duly noted." He remarked on the offers of extended hospitality. He had no intention of indulging in an overnight stay, and he assumed it was a formality to offer it, but it was always on the table.

"Every day is good now that the Breach is closed." Reiner replied, prone to put things in perspective even when his days were difficult or his work challenging. He was alive and the harrowing assaults were more intrusive memories than legitimate threats, these days. He certainly wasn't happy every day, but that felt downright ungrateful given what their State had been through.

"And yours?"

Re: Brothers in Cups.

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2024 11:24 pm
by Eitan Angevin

In fact, in an attempt to bridge the gap between them, Eitan had taken to drinking more beer and such when Reiner was about and discovered he had a taste for it. While Zaichaeri citizens were more equal now than they had been before, he had still come into a fortune when he and his sister had gone to Gel'Grandel to settle their father's will. If socialism was the name of the game, he still had the assets to procure things from abroad. In any case, he just knew several microbreweries in town and his name impressed. So, indeed, he and Reiner drank well.

One of these nights, he was going to drink Reiner fully under the table and then put him to bed in a spare room so he knew it was more than just a reflexive offer. To Eitan's mind, any Dornkirk was family, and not just because his sister had married one.

"You are correct," he said, raising his glass "To the closing of the breach. My day went well enough. I used to dream of being an admiral. Never imagined it would come so soon, and never realized how much of it was mind-numbing paperwork and meetings. I seize every possible and vaguely relevant excuse to take Searing Victory out into the open skies. But more paperwork than bleeding for my homeland means that we are doing something right, I suppose, so there is that. Oh—

"I have something personal to ask you. A favor of sorts, but more a request for you permission and blessing." He paused for a moment, uncomfortable, but soldiering through it. "I think my son... young Brenner... will eventually grow into his august name. My new son... well, the time is past due to name him. I was hoping... we were hoping... Luca and I, that we might have your permission and blessing, to give him Reiner as a middle name." After a quick pause, he barreled ahead. "I don't mean to make it weird, and if you say no, there will be no questions asked, no umbrage taken, but... we have all lost family. And we survivors... and our progeny... well, it's important, we think, to commemorate our brave and commend those that follow us to their memories. Dornkirk and Angevin are often said in the same breath these days so... think about, would you?"

Re: Brothers in Cups.

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2024 2:40 pm
by Reiner Dornkirk

"To Breach death." Reiner responded affirmingly, and took a sizeable swig of lager. "Well, that's a nice perk. I've still never been on the flagship, sad to say, but I remember cheering her on whenever she flew overhead back in the old days. I knew it was Brenner's ship, so it made me feel... I don't know." He looked down, bashfully and buried his awkward expression in another gulp of beer.

"A favor?" He lifted his head, and indeed sat upright rather stiffly to attention, as if dismissing his role as extended in-law and friendly-drinking companion into the more formal position as underling to an admiral, and a high one at that.

When the favor, such as it was, was explained to him he didn't lose that stiff posture, but his expression certainly shifted. Where at first it was wide-eyed and receptive, it was now twisted in abject confusion.

"Reiner? Really?" He wrinkled his nose, "I've always hated my name. When I was a kid I always wished I was a Dietrich or a... Mists willing Brenner is a badass name, but that one was already taken for me, too." He pursed his lips and considered.

"It's really nice and thoughtful of you, I'm just taken aback and..." Finally, he shrugged and smile, "You know what? If you like it, sure. I don't own the name, I just wear it. But don't feel bad if you change your mind, because it's really not the greatest name out there. I won't be offended and your baby may thank you. Have you decided on a first name, or...? I mean, you don't have to tell me. It's fine." And beer was swigged.

Re: Brothers in Cups.

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2024 9:42 pm
by Eitan Angevin

"Well, we have a Brenner already," he said, chuckling. There was a surprising bit of release, though, even with Reiner's mixed reaction. He hadn't realized he was nervous to ask, nervous to be denied, or, worse, nervous that Reiner would find it strange. They got on well enough, but he was hardly so intimate with the younger man as he had been with Brenner and was with Stefan. He was finding it more difficult to form those deep friendships. The other Dornkirks he had known his whole life. People like Benedikt Reichart were from his early days in the military. Now he outranked just about everyone in the High City, which had always been an ambition, but was still strange. Pedestals were not comfortable places.

"We don't have to call him Reiner. We just... really want you to feel like a part of the family." He laughed. "Family can be complicated and vexing, but still... it was important through the trials and tribulations and it will be important as we continue to build back stronger.

"Brenner was an easy, obvious choice. Now... well, you are still alive and will hopefully remain that way for decades yet." He laughed again. "We cycle through several: Konrad, Hänsel, Rykard... We come up with new ones, as well, almost every other day. This is really why we haven't named him yet." Sometimes he wanted to reclaim Florian, but people would get the wrong idea. "Oh, Konrad was one of Luca's brothers. Not after your friend, Lieutenant Kämpfer, although he is an excellent soldier."

He made a dismissive gesture of the uncomfortable, family feeling talk.

"Next time I'm taking Searing Victory out, I'll request your presence. You fought and bled for the High City. You should see it from on high, feel the rarefied air in your hair. Hopefully, you won't get airsick. If not, there's nothing quite like flying. While we're speaking of elevation... Have you given much thought to your future career?"

Re: Brothers in Cups.

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 4:21 pm
by Reiner Dornkirk

"No, yeah, I know..." Reiner chuckled, "That's why I said the name was taken for me too. It's just an objectively better name, so someone every generation nabs it first, it seems. Lucky bastards..." Realizing what he'd just said and about whom, he blinked.

"Not... that your son is a bastard, I just mean..." He just shook his head, "Nevermind." He softened and smiled at the sentiment.

"You don't need to go that far, I feel like family now. It was a tough adjustment at first, because I had such hero worship for my cousins that it was hard to see them as people. So it was difficult to be myself around them and, well... Most of the times I saw you, Stefan was also there, so you kind of got caught in that as well." Reiner hadn't regarded Eitan in the same way. If anything, he seemed more like a hurdle in Reiner's path to closeness with his blood relatives, at first, but he'd long since gotten over that. He even came around to the notion that Eitan was one of the good mages, insofar as such things existed. Though, if pressed, he still subscribed to the AMAB philosophy.

"Heh, well if you end up using Konrad I'll let Kuno think he's being honored." He winked, "Oh, I don't get airsick anymore. Not since living on the islands. Even when I did at first it tended to be in the smaller ships, not the big floating cities like Searing Victory." He blinked as the question was posed about his future.

"I guess I'd like to be in more of a leadership role at some point or maybe... I don't know, espionage? Diplomacy? I'm still feeling it all out now that I'm not the lowest level grunt possible."

Re: Brothers in Cups.

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2024 8:52 pm
by Eitan Angevin

"No, I'm the bastard," he said with a laugh. "Well, until Dad officially recognized me. Now I'm just a figurative bastard most of the time." As for the rest, "I can see that. Honestly, even growing up with them, I had a bit of the hero-worship. I was younger, back when a year was an eternity of difference. And Stefan and Brenner were the sons my father wanted, while I was the son he had. Silver lining is, those of us who remain get to decide what our families look like going forward."

Eitan didn't dwell on all that. It was difficult enough to speak openly of his feelings with Delia, Lucrece, and Stefan. He still felt like he wanted so strongly to be closer to Reiner that it put a crimp in that.

"Excellent. I'll be sure to have you attend me on Searing Victory soon. I'm due to tour the riverland forts this season. You could be my representative from the ZDC. That might round out your resume a bit and make certain options clearer. You're a lieutenant now, so we should assign several different tasks for you to get a feel for them and then find a good position that fits what you're looking for." Eitan considered; it would have been nice to take him east last season. He could have introduced Reiner to Reichart, who was a sort of unofficial internal affairs agent for him. But if he kept his ear to the ground when they went fort-hopping, that could be the beginning of something similar. Internal affairs could be parlayed into a career in espionage. It was the bailiwick of the Order, but the military did have some intelligence officers.

But he smiled and drank off some of his beer.

"Do you know if that is what Kämpfer wants? Are you two wanting to work in the same division? I can say from experience that working with your best friends makes the work load... hmm, not exactly a lighter burden, but somewhat easier to bear."

Re: Brothers in Cups.

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2024 12:11 pm
by Reiner Dornkirk

Reiner cringed has his faux-pas passed from son to father, and he was faced with the reminder that Eitan himself was a literal bastard.

"Hey, I grew up with a lot of bastards! I'm from the slums, I mean... I never saw my parents' marriage certificate, and I wouldn't be surprised if..." Reiner was very thankful when Eitan just moved on from that, seemingly unperturbed. Moreover, irrespective of legal relationships, he was focusing, again, upon the personal connections they shared. Talking about the future of his family... their family.

Reiner's eyes lit up at the prospect of a ride on the Searing Victory. It seemed the way to his heart was through exposing him firsthand to the glory of human ingenuity and the Zaichaeri spirit. A true patriot, he.

"That would be amazing! Thank you so much!" He hoped with all his heart Eitan wouldn't forget to follow through. He tried not to get too excited about prospects like these, because the offers were often born of moments that faded like the mists... and not the dread kind. That sort had staying power...

He almost spat out his doppelbock.

"What he wants? Uh... He definitely likes being in charge. I don't think he could ever deal with being under me, but he's got rank and years so he'll never have to worry about that, I guess. And, well... We work together sometimes, but he's an airman like you and I'm still infantry. Now that we have ground to pound again, I go where I'm needed... er, where I'm ordered, and all that." He often forgot, in these social scenarios, that Eitan was at the top of the military pecking order and there were tons of lower ranking soldiers who would have killed to be where he was right now. Huh. He sipped his beer.