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A Wish, and a Promise (Kala)

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2024 6:32 pm
by Freya
A wish, and a promise
14th of Ash, 124rd Year, A.o.S.

The journey to the next village turned out to be a longer trip than any had suspected. Despite the work of Indric's spirit the carriage could only hobble along like some injured mare, with each bump in the path making it groan in protest. They had been forced to take a slower route, one with fewer bumps, but with windier pathways through the woods leading deeper into the heart of Gelerand. During their travels Freya and her temporary companion had spoken little. The Kathar seemed content to walk beside the horses, sparing few words for the dragonborn, but was pleasant enough to travel with. He certainly had shown himself capable on the first day of their trip. Once they had stopped for the evening he made quick work the camp. The tent was raised, wood gathered, and a fire lit all before Freya could even step foot from the driver's seat. He was also remarkably familiar with the land itself, spotting small streams of fresh water and capturing a few hare's for the evening's dinner. Not once did he ask after Freya's past, and nor did she press him for his. In that they both were in unspoken agreement.

Just at the edge of dusk they rounded a bend in the road and spotted the village less than half a day's journey away. It brought with it a sense of relief, and also a slight pang of disappointment as their short time together was seemingly coming to an end.

"We can rest here." Lucius said as the carriage drew near, "There is no sense in traveling in the dark."

"And I feared you had grown tired of my company." Freya said with a smile.

He did not return the smile, though he did offer her a hand down from the carriage.

"What is one more night?" Lucius said with a shrug, "We will get there soon enough, and I am in no great hurry."

"Is that so?" Freya began to untie her horse from its harness, being sure to pet it fondly before she lead it off to the small stream to drink. She had noticed that Lucius had an unhurried air about him, or that was what it seemed at first glance. When he did not think she was looking she caught him staring off into the distance, a despondent look about him that he quickly shook off when she approached.

Their camp was made quickly, and soon they sat around a fire with a pot hanging over it, contents bubbling and giving off a pleasant aroma. At first he had resisted eating food she had prepared, but with just a little urging she managed to get the stubborn Kathar to submit to her wishes. Of course he only relented after she had implied he thought her cooking seemed unpalatable. He was rather easily manipulated by a few specific words, and grew uncomfortable if he thought she might shed a tear. It was amusing in a sweet sort of way, and was in contrast to his normally stoic personality.

Asteri suddenly appeared from one of Freya's pockets, his little frog head poking out and blinking large eyes at the pot of food. Lucius stared at the spirit, as he often did whenever Asteri was present.

"He doesn't bite." Freya chuckled as she lifted the spirit from her pocket and set him on a stone next to her, "Though his words are often sharper than a dagger, so I suggest you be polite when speaking with him."

The Kathar blinked and looked at Freya, "Are all spirits able to change shape like he does?"

Curiously Lucius seemed interested in spirits, or maybe the thought of them. When they did talk he would often ask her about her interactions with the spirits in the lands she traveled. He was equally interested to learn that the closer to Imperial cities the wild spirits grew sparser.

"Some can, others cannot. It often depends on the spirits nature, and their connection with their physical form." She pet Asteri's head affectionately, "When we first met Asteri did not really have a physical body. It was not until after we created our bond that he began taking on these different shapes."

Lucius nodded slowly and fell silent once more. They finished their dinner and Freya took their bowls to clean them. Then Lucius settled himself in the tent, sitting cross legged in the center and closing his eyes, while Freya went into the carriage itself.

She sighed and sat in one of the chairs, resting her cheek on one hand as she looked out at the stars. Her eyes were drawn to the star shard that rested on a shelf below the window seal. Somehow she felt... discontent.

"We will arrive at the village tomorrow..." Freya closed her eyes, "I pray for guidance, star mother. Something troubles him, but he does not wish to speak on it."

Lucius was uncertain about something, this Freya knew. He wavered on a precipice, one that Freya could nearly see. If she focused she could feel it in her blood. There was a turning point coming, something which would affect the history of the land. She just wished she knew what it was.

"Once upon a dream"

Re: A Wish, and a Promise (Kala)

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2024 1:51 pm
by Kala Leukos

When Kala felt the tug, she let it pull her out of her home and into—when she looked around—the interior of Freya's wagon. It all seemed less corporeal to her, and she to Freya, than last time. Perhaps the request for guidance didn't require a full manifestation. There was just so much she didn't know about what she was becoming still.

"Good night to you," she said to Freya and to Asteri by way of greeting, though the words usually presaged a farewell in Common. She had heard the prayer even as she was pulled through space and she could only respond with what she knew of her own people. "Likely being unable to feel his bond has been difficult. I don't imagine he can't feel it at all. The Obelisk is... quite powerful. But no handlers, no other Kathar. Even in Imperial territory, his travel companions are far from what he is used to."

She smiled, soft, wry, amused. "Even goddesses, and I would guess, dragonborn and star spirits, can grow accustomed to things and feel their lack."

Kala paused. It almost felt as though she had no body, but was just a shape made up of energy. This wasn't how it felt to be drunk on ghostwine, nor other, similar situations she had encountered. No, this was new.

"Are you worried? I would not push him for answers he doesn't want to share, but..." She smiled. "A dragon might be more determined to know than I am."

Re: A Wish, and a Promise (Kala)

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2024 7:48 pm
by Freya

It seemed like every time she called on her the goddess took a different form. This one was more translucent than any previous, like pale moonlight on water that rippled with the wind. She could still make out Kala's features and her expression, but the sense of distance between them was greater than previous interactions.

Freya smiled her own greeting at Kala when she appeared. She was growing more and more comfortable with the goddess, and found her presence enjoyable. It made her wish they could simply sit and talk with one another, without the pretense of a prayer. The dragonborn considered Kala's words for a moment, looking back out the windowsill as she did.

Was she worried? The thought made Freya's brows furrow. What she felt was something similar to worry, or maybe concern was a better descriptor. It was like there was something constantly itching at the back of her neck, persistent but unobtrusive, a sense that something was happening but not what it could be.

"What would I know of a dragon's curiosity?" Freya said with an amused chuckle, but her expression sobered quickly afterward. She looked at Kala, "I admit I do not understand the bond, or how the Kathar Legion are with one another, but..."

She hesitated, "I do not get the sense he is melancholic." She waved a hand in the air as if trying to grasp an errant thought, "He is not one that is easily read, and he certainly has no interest in bearing his soul to a stranger. Yet I feel as though he is looking for something, or questioning something profound to him."

Her words sounded meaningless even as Freya spoke them, and she looked helplessly at Kala. Was she just curious? Or nosey perhaps? Asteri had not seemed overly concerned with the Kathar, but then he was not interested in most sentient races. Maybe her pride as a fortuneteller was guiding her, as if to prove her hunch was correct and validate the notion that she could see things that other's couldn't. Was she that egotistical? Perhaps.

Several emotions flashed across her face before settling on annoyance, the feeling directed at herself.

"Is it arrogant to want to know what he is reluctant to talk about?" Freya wanted to state firmly that this was a tipping point of some kind, that she must know. She wanted to say that they could not let him simply wander out of their lives tomorrow. It felt wrong to her somehow, but not in a logical way.

"When the Stars Align"

Re: A Wish, and a Promise (Kala)

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2024 7:47 pm
by Kala Leukos

"Perhaps our aid has given him pause," she said, "or his treatment before you found him. A sea change in one's perspective is often unsettling in ways one can only articulate after some time. I would offer him my ear or my counsel, but I think you would be more likely to gain his trust. You are an oddity; I am The Enemy."

Kala smiled.

"I don't think it arrogance on your part. To think you were entitled to the secrets of his heart would be a sort of arrogance, I think, but I don't think that is what you mean. A part of me hopes he will change his mind ere the morrow. I have risked some knowledge of myself that he could take to his superiors. Eventually, I will not be able to act always from the shadows, but... I cannot force the Kathar out of bondage, only offer them an alternative and a means to take it. I think I was given functional immortality because the work will be longer than any one life."

The faint, ghostly form seemed to steel itself regardless. She sighed, clearly frustrated; it wasn't the first time, but perhaps the first time Freya had seen it.

"I want to sever his bond to the Obelisk so my hand will be the only thing that will keep him from drowning, but that is not kind. That is not just. The ends do not justify the means, not for me." Not yet, perhaps, because even as she was growing into a goddess, she didn't know the minds of the Gods.

"If you can dissuade him from returning, I would be obliged. Perhaps ask him to travel farther with you, give him more time to try to frame his new experiences with what he has always known until he realizes the truth."

Re: A Wish, and a Promise (Kala)

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2024 7:12 pm
by Freya

Freya watched Kala as she spoke, nodding slowly along with her words, but when the Obelisk was mentioned she turned her eyes away. Then she closed her eyes to consider the words of the goddess. Her thoughts turned over what she was told, and the experience over the last few days. She thought of Lucius as they traveled. His words, his expressions. She thought of how she had met him and the condition he was in. Then she signed and looked at her hands which cradled Asteri. Freya hadn't noticed when he had crawled into her lap, but she was appreciative of his presence. The spirit sensed her spiraling thoughts, and looked up at her with understanding.

The sensation of momentum building was strong, and grew stronger still with every passing second. It was overwhelming, like being caught up in a strong tide that was steadily pulling her out to sea. A part of her knew she should not interfere. That draconic part of her knew it was not her place to meddle in the events of the timeline, especially not those that had yet to come. Yet the dratori part of her heritage thrummed with nervous energy, and almost seemed to call for action. It was a war inside her that she had never experienced before with logic struggling against emotion. She couldn't even say what those emotions were that were driving her.

"Should I look..." Freya wondered allowed, still stroking Asteri's scales, "I could learn all there is to know about him. Where he has come from, what he has experienced. Maybe if I knew more I could convince him."

It felt like a weak excuse to sate her own curiosity, and she smiled wryly at her own musings, "Tomorrow I will ask him to travel with me. Perhaps he will be willing."

"When the Stars Align"

Re: A Wish, and a Promise (Kala)

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2024 11:52 am
by Kala Leukos

The more-faint-than-usual echo of Kala watched her think. Perhaps she looked omniscient, but she certainly wasn't, nor was she employing her runic senses in order to know what Freya was thinking. Perhaps when she more fully ascended, she would bear less respect for the sanctity of another's mind, but she rather hoped not. If the demigods were bridges between mortals and the more unknowable Greater Gods, then it would behoove her to keep one foot in her mortality, at least until and unless she grew to such power that she became a Greater God herself.

"If you choose to look," she said quietly, "may the stars align to give you auspicious wisdom. And I hope he does follow you. I would feel better knowing you had an Avialae companion—not that you can't look after yourself, but well, I was Unity before I took on the starry mantle."

Kala smiled quietly too. Her eyes dropped to Asteri's.

"And then you can keep both of them out of trouble, eh?" she asked the stellar spirit.

After a pause, she regarded Freya once more.

"Do not punish yourself if the outcome is not as we might wish. Lucius has free will; we can only support his choices or attempt to steal that from him as the Imperium has done. Believe me: I understand how easy it is to take this personally, as a personal crusade even. But the geas was laid upon me; let me bear that burden and express my gratitude that you would seek to help me in this."