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Graceful Golems [Sivan]

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2024 10:19 am
by Hilana Chenzira
15 Ash, Year 124

[Closed - Sivan]

HIlana and Lia had visited Sunrunner Alchemy a few times during Glade, and while they had been back and forth during Searing, they knew Sivan and Torin had gone abroad for the season. But Ash was here, and the sisters, while having a fairly busy season so far, were back to visit once again. Lia was looking forward to finding out about her new companion; Hilana wanted to talk about their shared interests, and maybe, just maybe, ask if he might be comfortable initiating her in Summoning some time in the future. She knew she could acquire the rune at home fairly easily with some coin… but she liked Sivan’s way of looking at it and the way he interacted with the natural world. The two of them had much in common that way, and despite his being Hytori and not Sunborn, they got along well.

He wasn’t an Orkhan, after all.

With the crispness of the season, both of the Vastiana sisters had their warded cloaks covering their outfits, though the hems of Hilana’s skirts were visible - a deep raspberry hue. She was carrying a basket of treats on her arm, meads, cakes, plants, soil samples… his bottle of mead from his bees had been enjoyed and savoured at home in Solunarium, and true to her word, she’d brought some when they’d come back originally. And unfortunately for Sivan… she kept on bringing things with her. And fortunately for Sivan… they did tend towards the natural world, at least, and he was getting a steady stream of succulents from the Vastiana’s massive collection.

Hilana pushed the door open, knowing the bell would chime, and held the door for Athalia who came in after her. “Salve, good morning!” She was cheerful, but that enthusiasm tended towards being one of her hallmarks, as he’d come to find from his repeated interactions with them. Lia was calm, pleasant, and unfailingly polite, but her energy was much easier than her sister’s…. Even if she was Fire-touched.

Re: Graceful Golems [Sivan]

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2024 1:17 pm
by Sivan

Over the summer, things had gotten complicated. Nevertheless, Sivan persisted. Given the amount of money Kilvin's Forge made—and he still thought of it thus though his name had been added to the sign—they were able to keep in steady communication with Timon, who, while technically an apprentice, basically managed the financial side of things, as well as Kala, as factor to Lady Akshara, and Aurin, as the man who owned Torin despite slavery being illegal.

For the autumnal season, at least, Sivan could travel back and forth between their shop in Kalzasi and his master's workshop in Silfanore. More money was spent paying for portal travel to the border and, once across, extra to go directly to Kalzasi. Indric had offered to send him back to the border; he had traveled with Kala to Silfanore, and while he hadn't a permanent key to open directly to Silfanore, he could speed Sivan along and would not hear of charging him.

Of course, Sivan was just going to eat the extra cost, not pass it along to his clients. Timon could yell at him all he wanted, but Sivan could be stubborn when he wanted to be, even in the face of teenaged withering glares.

And so he was present when the Vastian ladies arrived; meeting with him was generally based on appointments or Timon's lunch breaks, anyway.

When they were shown into a small, private showroom, Sivan was completely oblivious to their presence. A small golem lay upon the table, surrounded by a complex summoning circle. Next to it was a collection of bottles of personally hand blown glass. Next to those, a blue ceramic pot too large for the deep burgundy flower with rich golden stamens that grew from it.

Timon cleared his throat. Still nothing. The lad cast the ladies a long-suffering, apologetic glance, then hurried over to grab Sivan by the arm.

"Your appointment is here."

Blue eyes looked curiously at Timon for a moment, then lit up and he turned to smile bashfully at the ladies.

"S-salve, good morning to you as well." He offered a foreign bow; he had been in Sol'Valen long enough for old habits to reassert themselves. "Thank you, Timon."

The lad seemed disinclined to leave, wondering if Sivan would somehow manage to give them everything for free and the deed to the forge as well, but he bowed to them and quit the private room.

"It is a pleasure to see you again."

Re: Graceful Golems [Sivan]

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2024 10:32 pm
by Hilana Chenzira

Whether it was Timon or Sivan, neither Athalia or Hilana had any intentions of taking advantage of him from a business perspective. They could have, certainly; but neither sister was of a mind to do it. Hilana had spent enough time working with the caravans and traders, and knowing how prone people were to negotiating and bartering at home, well... When they had picked up their purchases in Frost, Hilana had simply paid double what he asked for and wouldn't take back the coins. She had learned a lot from the solution, studying it and watching it work and investigating it under Semblance. The ink had performed with Scrivening quite well, too.

At Timon's look, Hilana just offered a shrug and a smile, preparing to open her mouth again and greet Sivan properly now that they were in the private room. Lia put on her aura glasses, looking around for Khalcifer, and observing the body on the table by the summoning circle. She was genuinely curious to see how this process went, and she was certainly excited in her own way to have a little friend that could sit with her and would not shed. Hilana's cats were lovely, but the hair... well, it was a good thing that her sister was good at cleaning up after them. Of course, the fur of the green ones was proving decidedly useful in Alchemy, and Hilana had a little papyrus bag of it for the Hytori to experiment with.

"The pleasure is ours," Hilana offered a little bow of her own, as did Lia, and now that he was seeing them, they could approach without startling him and interrupting something important. "How have you been? We have some things for you." She could see the plant on the table, and she was quite curious about it. That was beautiful. She shifted her rucksack carefully from her back after setting her satchel down, and retrieved the echeveria in its pot. It was primarily white, though the tips were frosted with pink and plenty of red. "To add to your other ones." It was in a clay pot that had been painted to resemble a sunrise in the desert. There were tiny little quartz crystals embedded in the clay to give it a little extra sparkle as well. There was another bottle of mead - prickly pear this time, it seemed - and a bottle of Umbrian red wine. And oddly, a packet of silky green hair.

Hopefully he wasn't allergic...