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Flex Your Skills

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2024 9:59 pm
by Thimryl

9th of Searing, Year 124, A.o.S

Sunlight morning greeted young soldiers, new and fresh to the life of a warrior, as it peeked from beneath the horizon. Yawns and the wiping of eyes were given in return as the young recruits were marched to the Barrack's training hall as the group was going to be participating in sparing practice. The senior soldiers needed to see what they would have to work with in terms of natural talent and to weed out the weak from the strong. Thimryl was attentive as always, watching every minute movement and mannerism of his comrades.

For him, it was a way to learn the strengths of those he would have to trust his life with, and in turn, have them trust him with theirs. When everyone was assembled the two senior warriors stood in the middle of the group. "We are going to be seeing what each one of you is capable of. It's best that you give it your all and put all the effort you can muster into this exercise, understood? One of them began, a female with long golden hair that was tied into a ponytail. Her male counterpart cleared his throat before speaking. It was obvious to Thimryl, if not to the others present, that neither wanted to be the ones to do this, but they understood that orders were orders.

"To keep things simple you all will be picked in pairs, and the first of the two to land three strikes on their adversary wins the match." he noted as he began to pick pairs out of the company and give them the space they needed to conduct the practice. When both were ready they would begin. Thimryl was glad he wasn't chosen among those in the beginning and wanted to take in all that he could about everyone he would be fighting alongside. The thwacking sound of wooden swords battering against each other echoed in the training hall as the recruits did their best to outperform the other.

Thimryl watched with fervent scrutiny of his fellow warriors, noting their movements and making mental notes for each one, filling them away if the situation ever called for him to go up against them. He had been so focused that he hadn't noticed that the pairings were starting to dwindle down to him and just a few more of the Harbinger Company. He took the remaining time he had before his inevitable turn to look at who was left. It was between him, a female with short black hair and sand colored eyes, a robust male with strawberry blonde hair and light green eyes, and a more slender male with platinum blonde hair and piercing silver eyes.

Part of him was hopeful he would be faced with the girl, at least from the optics of things, putting the two smaller ones against each other to see who came out on top. He would rather not face the redhead, but even if that was the case he would do his best against the bulk of a man. The platinum blonde was more his build so that would also be a more viable option. When it came down to it, Thimryl prayed that fate wouldn't be so cruel as to put them up against each other. When the next pair had been chosen to much of his dismay he would be facing the redhead, as the other two were put against each other.

Mentally he started preparing himself for the challenge that would be ahead as the redhead was imposing in build, and he knew he would have to play it carefully in order to come out the winner. He figured if he could evade his strikes and be quick on his feet he would find his moments for an opening in order to land his needed strikes to win. The match before his was concluded as the platinum blonde had quickly assured his win, helping the young woman up onto her feet. It was now Thimryl and the large redhead, Ghilamyr. Entering the makeshift arena Thimryl was handed a practice sword made of sturdy wood and was getting a feel for it, before turning his gaze onto Ghilamyr.

"Good luck to you Ghilamyr." he encouraged with a nod as he got into a sword fighting stance. Given Ghilamyr's height and length of his legs, Thimryl knew the first move would be his as he had the reach, as the redhead surely came in hot, wielding his wooden blade with one hand as he gave swift swings with it. Thimryl knew he would be on the defensive and managed to block each strike or at least step out of its way. He was glad he already had some form of sword training under his belt from his mother and was simply hearing her voice in his head as he moved.

he was so focused on watching the man's sword arm he never saw the foot coming, a strong kick came to Thimryl's gut, the force sending him to the ground as Ghilamyr closed the distance within a few steps. Thack! The pain of such a heavy handed hit echoed across his back as he Ghil had landed his first strike. Once on his feet, he got back into a fighting stance, but at least not he knew a little more than he did before about how Ghilamyr fought. He was brash and quick to overpower his opponent with brute force. There was something else that Thimryl seemed to gleam from that first exchange. It was the simple fact that Ghilamyr had never held a sword before. One could surmize it wasn't his weapon of choice and he was out of his depth with using it.

Thimryl could use that to his advantage, he just had to find the right moment to do so. This time Thimryl pressed his attack, swift and precise strikes to gauge the other's level of defense before finding an opening to exploit. It wasn't long till Ghil had come to bring the wooden blade down as if to split Thimryl right down the middle, and using that the smaller elf parried the strike, sidestepping and giving a whack to Ghil's back. The redhead didn't seem to like that and came at Thimryl with all of his strength and now that he was back on the defensive he was clashing with the man's wooden sword with each strike.

He figured if he couldn't get an initial hit off the best course of action would be to copy Ghilamyr's moves as best he could, to ensure he could get a hit either. However, even that would be 100% foolproof as the large male still held the advantage and caught Thimryl in the gut, knocking the air from his lungs. Clutching his stomach one of the senior officers where going to step in, but Thimryl stopped them. "N...No need. I'll be fine." he reassured, taking a deep breath, looking between his weapon and Ghilamyr. If he got one more hit on him, Ghil would win, and Thimryl had a lot to prove, both to himself and to the senior warriors. He knew now that there was only one course of action after all he had seen in this exchange with Ghilamyr.

This time Thimryl was on the offensive, wasting no time to close in and press the large male into a defense. Thimryl had speed and some form of training on his side and he used that to force Ghilamyr to panic, a flurry of strikes to defend against, that was until Ghil tried to attack, extending his sword arm a bit too much and allowing Thimryl to see the opening and taking it. With a parry of the wooden sword, Thimryl landed a good hit on Ghilamyr's sword hand on the right causing the redhead to drop it and pivot around to to land another hit on the left side of Ghil's neck. A gasp for air left the redhead's lips as he coughed a bit before getting back to his feet.

"We have a winner, Thimryl was it?" the senior male called, as the elf let out a sigh of relief. He was just as much surprised as the rest of those watching, even Ghilamyr commended him on snatching victory at the last moment. back within the fold of the group he was congratulated on a well fought win, being too high on adrenaline to notice his body was reeling from the physical exertion of the exercise. If nothing else happened for the rest of the day he was glad to have at least made an impression on his fellow company, hopefully even some of the senior staff too. But it was far too early to tell anything right now. "Fucking hell!" he exclaimed, the pain now singing across him.

"Common Speech"
"Mythrasi Speech"