Mirage's Test Thread
Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2024 10:11 pm
Ignore me
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[transition color=blue border=2px solid]Later that day...[/transition]
[transition color=#4CAF50 border=3px dashed]A strange feeling washed over them...[/transition]
[transition color=darkred border=4px double]Suddenly, a shadow appeared...[/transition]
[transition color=purple border=4px groove]Something strange happens...[/transition]
[transition color=darkslategray border=4px ridge]An unexpected surprise awaited them...[/transition]
[transition color=black border=3px inset]The silence was deafening...[/transition]
[transition color=goldenrod border=3px outset]The dawn brought new hope...[/transition]
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[dialogue font=Roboto color=darkblue fontweight=bold fontstyle=italic]“We need to find the amulet before nightfall.”[/dialogue]
[dialogue font=Lora color=#556b2f fontweight=bold]“The forest is far more dangerous than we expected.”[/dialogue]
[dialogue font=Open Sans color=#8b0000 fontstyle=underline]“The enemy won’t stand a chance.”[/dialogue]
[dialogue font=Playfair Display fontweight=700 fontstyle=italic]“We can’t afford any mistakes this time.”[/dialogue]
[dialogue font=Noto Serif color=darkviolet fontweight=bold fontstyle=italic]“I believe you’ll find the answer you seek.”[/dialogue]
[dialogue font=Crimson Text color=crimson fontweight=900 fontstyle=italic]“Blood shall stain the night, for vengeance knows no mercy.”[/dialogue]
[dialogue font=Courier New color=darkred fontweight=bold fontstyle=italic]“The numbers don’t lie… but people do.”[/dialogue]
[dialogue font=Garamond color=purple fontweight=300 fontstyle=italic]“In the shadows, even the silence has secrets.”[/dialogue]
[dialogue font=Old Standard TT color=darkgoldenrod fontweight=700 fontstyle=italic]“I have walked through fire and come out forged anew.”[/dialogue]
[dialogue font=Times New Roman color=midnightblue fontweight=bold fontstyle=italic]“The truth, much like the stars, is always out of reach.”[/dialogue]
[dialogue font=Verdana color=darkgreen fontweight=bold fontstyle=italic]“In the depths of the forest, one finds both beauty and danger.”[/dialogue]
[dialogue font=Arial color=gold fontweight=800 fontstyle=italic]“Glory awaits those who dare to claim it.”[/dialogue]
[dialogue font=Roboto color=dimgray fontweight=bold fontstyle=italic]“The city never sleeps, and neither do its secrets.”[/dialogue]
[dialogue font=Impact color=darkviolet fontweight=900 fontstyle=italic]“Destiny is a force no one can escape.”[/dialogue]
[dialogue font=Georgia color=darkslategray fontweight=600 fontstyle=italic]“The ancient ones have stories older than time itself.”[/dialogue]
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[status type=Health color=red level=75]
[status type=Aether color=blue level=50]
[status type=Stamina color=green level=95]
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[spoiler="Secret Message goes here"]Text goes here[/spoiler]
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[pulse color=silver]Pulsing text[/pulse]
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[rainbow]COLORFUL TEXT[/rainbow]
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[condition name=Hurt duration=5]The character suffers 5 damage per round and has disadvantage on attacks.[/condition]
[condition name=Poisoned color=darkgreen duration=5]The character suffers 5 damage per round and has disadvantage on attacks.[/condition]
[condition name=Burning color=red duration=3]The character is engulfed in flames, taking 10 damage per round.[/condition]
[condition name=Frozen color=skyblue duration=2]The character is immobilized and cannot take any actions until thawed.[/condition]
[condition name=Stunned color=purple duration=1]The character is dazed and cannot move or react this round.[/condition]
[condition name=Bleeding color=darkred duration=4]The character loses 5 HP each round until the bleeding is stopped.[/condition]
[condition name=Blinded color=black duration=3]The character cannot see and has disadvantage on attack rolls and perception checks.[/condition]
[condition name=Enraged color=orange duration=6]The character gains +2 to attack but loses 1 HP each round due to reckless actions.[/condition]
[condition name=Confused color=indigo duration=2]The character is unsure of their actions and must roll to determine their next move.[/condition]
[condition name=Petrified color=gray duration=10]The character is turned to stone and cannot act or be harmed until the effect ends.[/condition]
[condition name=Weakened color=lightcoral duration=5]The character has a -2 penalty to attack and damage rolls due to fatigue.[/condition]
[condition name=Weakened color=lightcoral duration=5]The character has a -2 penalty to attack and damage rolls due to fatigue.[/condition]
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