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Saej Plotnotes

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:53 pm
by Saej Mirilla

The place where I will be holding my thoughts and documenting things as I go with Saej's story. A smorgasbord.
Skill progressions
Rambling thoughts
Other ideas that may or may not come to fruition

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Re: Saej Plotnotes

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 4:24 pm
by Saej Mirilla

Saej is going to be a fighter with aspects of acrobatics and strength, very little magic to do with her other than her portal magic.
Her dog is always at her side watchful and silent.
Day to day life is taking packages, eating well, and an unhealthy amount of sleep.
Because of her raising she is less likely to make friends and trust people, she prefers to go her own way. Stoic, mysterious, she finds her own company and that of her dog, which thankfully can’t talk, to be her saving grace. Still, she is young and can’t always be trusted to make the best decisions. For example bad with money. She is street wise from being a courier but lacks a lot of social poise, often saying things with a gruff demeanor.
Mirrors her dog. She isn’t unfriendly but doesn’t have much to say about things, simple in her thoughts. When the going gets tough the tough get going, she would rather say nothing and leave than meet confrontation with words. Or would rather meet a confrontation with her chakrams.

Her defining moment is the strange church she found, this is going to get her into the merchant guild Kalzasi Trading Co as she will find in there a stolen shipment of goods bearing their seal. This will also make her a target against some kind of cult as this has compromised their hideout. This cult has a lot of thought left to go into it and I won't be writing about it until she's competent in survival and fighting. I am thinking religious, mage or both but will have to really delve into more of the lore to get this at a good point. Will write more here as the thoughts come.

Why isn't she already part of the guild? I am thinking she has been trying to make a name for herself, she thinks with the guilds being almost like a branch of government they meddle too much in their guild members affairs. While she doesn't think she'll find legal trouble soon it seems to her that by joining would almost by proxy make her go through some legal battle. As well, she isn't sure after all this time how she will feel about being in the guild her parents used to run under. Preferring to keep a low profile she thinks it will just attract too much unwanted attention to her. These of course aren't worries she's super outspoken about but she does think this privately.

Saej's Initation:
"You know, it's funny but for the first few days I could barely remember it. I barely remembered who or where I was. As the days rolled on things became clearer... but it's not something I would ever put someone through or want to do again. Absolutely terrifying."

She was initiated by Shasco's mom, a woman with considerable powers in the way of Transposition. She explained it's important to keep this magic secret as it's highly coveted and she intentionally hides her abilities because it could be easily exploited. The woman told her that because of the power one could wield it's important to always use it with a good heart and most importantly clear mind. She also said that she intended on passing it down to her daughter but only was able to have Shasco due to birthing issues, which is why she is passing it on to Saej. The rune was transcribed on her upper right thigh to keep it hidden.

Possible Quirks:
Mental, ~feeling transported back to Kalzasi where she can see the Plaza in real time-- she describes these comings and goings out loud
~Not realizing the time of day, a general state of confusion, where she can physically SEE the light outside but is convinced it's night time
~Using transposition more than X amount of times a day causes a distracting melody to be played in her head for the remainder of the day, as if an RL radio is playing the background at all times, very disturbing and distracting to her. It sounds like a harp.
Physical, ~portals opening at random, small ones, where birds, bubbles, leaves, or other things can sometimes come through (high level quirk)
~When she casts a portal her eyes and palms glow, this is a very obvious thing that can make for stealth being hard to do
~When casting a portal it makes a loud, noticeable "gong" type noise when finally the connection is made
~When she laughs there is a small explosion nearby, such as papers flying or a clay pot breaking

Aether Flux, everything has aether and "soul"
Portals are connected by A) A node B)a connection and C) another node at a different point, as if being connected by a string, and D)the anchor who/what holds it in place for the duration of time needed

Re: Saej Plotnotes

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 9:28 am
by Saej Mirilla

Skills for the Future, what hopefully her final, end game skill set will look like!
Blades (chakram as melee weapon) /Expert
Running /Journeyman
Swimming /Apprentice

Acrobatics /Master
Stealth /Expert
Thrown Weapons /Expert
Mount /Master
Climbing /Apprentice

Teaching /Apprentice

Navigation /Expert
Survival /Master

Transposition /Expert



Intimidation /Expert

Business /Master
Finance /Expert
Fishing /Master
Animal Handling(Husbandry I assume) /Master
Cooking /Journeyman

Panflute /Journeyman

Skill List Found here

Re: Saej Plotnotes

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 11:11 am
by Saej Mirilla
S E E K I N G ¤ S A T O R

Title of Shop/Business - Seeking Sator

Business Type - Street Merchant
Items Sold -
Dried goods, unusual quality
Fabric, unusual quality
Paints and dyes, unusual quality
Rugs and tapestries, common quality
Tea leaves

Base Income - General Merchant 400-1200 a day

Total Income -

Assets -
Tent, pavilion
Wagon & accessories
Horse and mule
6 pinewood crates 3 cubic ft
4 pinewood crates 5 cubic ft
Small chest with lock and key (for money)
3 tables, average

Debts - 41,760 df owed to The Central Bank of Kalzasi. 10% SIR (4,746)


Player Name: Saej
Season: Searing 120 AoS

Loan Amount: 41,760
SIR Percentage: 10%
Reason For Taking Loan: Business Startup, goods and equipment
Name: Shasco Devule
Race: 1/4 Hytori, 3/4 Human
DoB: 27 of Ash 96 Year of the Age of Steel (24)
Relation: Friend, Travel companion, Muscle
NPC Type: Companion

Biography: Shasco's mother was half Hytori, his father was full human. Taking on the physical aspects only of his Hytori heritage, this man has amber-brown eyes that glint gold in the light and slightly tipped ears. His black-brown hair is curly but soft, he keeps it cut into a small afro which he braids into different elven style braids at times. His skin is melanin-rich. Shasco stands at a height of 5'11" and has a slender but muscled build. It could be said he is tall and wiry. Wearing mostly human fashion he isn't shy about his elven heritage but doesn't play much to their styling. He also has two rings in his left ear at the lobe.
Being quite the prankster and jokester the quiet Saej and he met as teens during a caravan trip. His parents were merchants of precious stones. There were many times after their initial meeting that Saej and Shasco spent time together in caravans and over the course of the years grew to be good friends. After two years of not seeing each other they have reconnected recently.
Growing up Shasco dreamed of being a performer. He found his calling first in the streets as a busker and later in a circus as a crier, using his power of Mesmer to draw people in, and also traipse musician. Meaning, he would play his lute on the high wire for a crowd. Being a slightly greedy person he left the circus after a payment dispute.
Altogether Shasco is a loyal but boisterous man. He is prone to flirting with any gender and loves to compliment people, though part of this is his act. At face value he's a loud, talkative, and brash individual but once you get to know him he quiets down and actually has some insightful things to say. Bright eyed and bushy tailed, quick witted, and smart are all great words to describe him.

Ranged Weapon (sling shot) 50
Acrobatics 50
Persuasion 50
Instrument, lute 40
Mesmer 40
Acting 10
Rhetoric 10

1 Set of Clothing (Cloak and leather, winterized moccasins)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries
10 days of rations
1 Set of Eating Utensils (i.e. tin plate, cup, fork, spoon, knife)
Flint & Steel

Personal Ledger:
+45,000 df ~ Total 45,000 df
Balls, Juggling (set of 5) -800 df ~ Total 44,200 df
Horn, Speaking -400 df ~ Total 43,800 df
Mandolin/Lute -1700 df ~ Total 42,100 df
Bedroll -10 df ~ Total 42,090 df
Slingshot -50 df ~ Total 42,040 df
Slingshot bullets (140) -140 df ~ Total 41,900 df