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Searing Solstice

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 5:44 pm
by Patrick
Searing Solstice
Searing Solstice

Business at the Inn had picked up significantly since yesterday, what with it being the Precession and today being Solstice for everyone. The clan had received twice the usual amount of activity they'd normally receive, with the entire lobby packed with patrons as they gathered around tables. Even the bar was getting a good amount of business in, and amidst all this chaos was the family itself working together.

For a while Albert and Nora had been handing out samples, offering them to customers when they entered and settled in a place. With the new season starting today, their mother had determined it a solid opportunity to showcase the next seasonal special. Portobellos mushroom caps stuffed with diced tomatoes, cheese, and tidbits of chicken were placed on platters. Both Connor and Vincent had been hard at work in the kitchen, while Patrick and Dominik worked up front serving the drinks to everyone. While Rose, the poor girl, rushed diligently between the kitchen and lobby, delivering new orders for the boys in back as she brought out finished ones to the tables.

However when Elinora noticed the barmaid and how overwhelm she became, she urged Albert to help her on that front while she handled the samples herself. By now the mother was more than capable of getting a handle on things, even in a hectic rush such as the one they were dealt with. So while she continued to offer a samples of the new special, the father of the clan moved as fast as his legs could carry him; quick to help Rose with delivering platters of food towards the tables. Overall it was an organized chaotic mess, especially where the bar was concerned because of all the drinks.

"Shit," Dominik muttered as Patrick finished pouring two shots of whiskey, "need to swap caskets. Ale's been bled dry from this one."

"Damn." Patrick remarked as he turned around with the shots in hand, both of them placed in front of the men that ordered them. When Patrick took the moment to peer over, sure enough he could see Dominik's point, with the tap of the casket barely even dripping no less. "Alright, I'll go get another."

"Take this on the way down." Dominik prompted as he lifted the empty casket, holding it out for Patrick to take as he walked towards the end of the bar. As Patrick passed he collected it in both hands, a fairly quick stroll made down into the cellar so that he could switch the emptied ale for a full one. Of course when he placed the casket on the shelf, the next supply of ale was rather heavy to lift right away. So Patrick took a moment to scoop it into his arms, grunting a little as he almost walked with a slight waddle.

It took him a minute to climb the stairwell back to the lobby area, but Patrick returned to replace the spent ale with the fresher container. When he finished setting it up for serving drinks, the middle son was well back into the pouring game moments later. Together he and Dominik continued to serve up more drinks, the orders noticeably beginning to spread out now that the initial rush was over. Yet there was still quite a lot of people here, with the room smelling heavily of food and booze as everybody relaxed. With so much bustle and laughter in the lobby, Patrick could've very well confirmed that today was by far the busiest they had been all year.

"It's Searing time! Feeling hot yet?"

Re: Searing Solstice

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 8:04 pm
by Leliana
Leliana had arrived with the trade caravan late last night, but even then the festivities were ongoing and raucous. They'd let her join them for one more evening before finally parting ways this morning after nearly a month together. She'd had the time on the road to think about her next move yet was still coming up short. She knew they would have to part ways eventually and had no idea what to do when the time came. There was still no sign of her father and she couldn't dwell on it too long lest the thoughts completely consume her. She had to keep moving. That much was obvious.

So she spent the first part of the morning looking for a place to stay. Álfsós had been the intended destination after escaping Daravin. That much was successful--one of the few successes lately. Where to go from here though was a mystery. Her father had had business in the city, but he never specified and she was so preoccupied with her new circumstances that it never came up in any great detail. Lily would kick herself later for that. First on the list was a real meal--something cooked and fresh--and if the Gods were inclined to be merciful, a bed.

The freed woman had only been into a few settlements on rare occasion. Never a city of this size, and especially not during such a large celebration. The streets were packed, making the early Searing heat all the more stuffy. People were celebrating left and right. There were so many sights, sounds, and smells that she was easily becoming overwhelmed. It felt like she was walking in circles through a maze, but finally she stumbled onto a large inn of some sort--at least that's what the sign said.

"Thank the Gods," she whispered, ready to jump out of her own skin if one more rowdy reveler bumped into her.

It was sensory overload, but as she walked through the doors of the Silver Lion and into the crowded tavern, quickly realized it wasn't going to be over anytime soon. The smell was the first thing that hit her. Sizzling food, the heavy undertones of ale, and sweat. A lot of sweat. She could do without the latter, but the former made her stomach snarl and mouth water. As if on cue, a hurried voice chimed next to her ear making her jump.

"Have you been waited on, miss?"

Leliana turned to see a frazzled and exhausted looking young woman holding a platter of some sort of mushroom--at least she thought that's what they were. A sheen of sweat glistened on her brow, her cheeks were flushed, and a couple hairs were stuck to her face, but she was smiling.


"Try a sample of our new special! Stuffed mushrooms! Please let me know if there's anything else we can get you!"

As quick as she'd come the young woman disappeared into the crowd, but not before handing Lily a plate. She watched the girl go, words stuck in her throat, mouth slightly ajar. After a moment her stomach grumbled again, as if to tell her to say "Free food! Focus, woman!" Instinctively she lifted one to mouth and took a bite, looking around the room, taking it all in. Her shoulders immediately slumped and her body quivered with appreciation. It was delicious. She took a few more bites, stuffing her mouth to capacity while taking in the new surroundings.

It was a test of skill and mettle to make it over to the large bar across the room. Two gentlemen were working diligently. One of them had just set down a new cask of some sort of alcohol as a few of the patrons began to disperse from the counter. Leliana sat her plate down, discreetly licking her greasy fingers whilst trying to garner the attention of one of them. They both looked a little older than herself--by how much she wasn't sure. They seemed to share some similar features, possibly relation.

"Excuse me," she began, but her voice cracked as the nerves set in. She cleared her throat, steeling herself. There was no time to be cowardly. "Excuse me," she tried again, voice carrying finally above the others. "Do you have a room available?"

Re: Searing Solstice

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 12:31 am
by Patrick
Searing Solstice
Searing Solstice

Activity remained persistent however the increase in demand stagnated finally, the entire lobby now gradually grazing their way through the home cooked meals. Connor always favored the pork chops above all else, making it one of his favorite recipes to make throughout the week. Yet that didn't mean the Inn wouldn't be kept busy, on the contrary both Patrick and Dominik were the busiest two by far. For drinks typically went faster than food did, therefore they were usually in higher demand as well. So when the flow of food lessened to a minimal amount, Nora focused on helping Rose once more with the samples; while Albert went towards the bar to help with the drinks.

While Patrick and Dominik were busy however, a new customer entered the midst of their bar. A modestly young woman of porcelain complexion, with hair practically as bright as Frost's frigid kiss and rich verdant eyes on them. She addressed them but it had been too low, or perhaps it was due to a momentary lapse of hesitation in her voice. "What can I get you m'lady?" The middle son inquired as he finished filling another mug, his attention now spent on her after placing it in front of the man next to her. Now that he had gotten a more direct and personal look at her, admittedly he noticed how radiant she collectively was; possibly due to the light sheen of sweat on her forehead.

Although there was also noticeably the scar across her cheekbone, situated right under the left eye as it spanned across for a small length. Initially his mind leapt to wondering who or what could've done this to her, but then seeing that this woman came in with her gear on; he began to think that maybe she was just another outlander. An adventurer maybe? The thought wasn't that unlikely, and even more appetizing to his ever growing curiosity. Reluctantly she came out with what she wanted to request, her first order of business being the need for a room rather than a drink or meal. For a moment Patrick's eyebrow rose but he quickly covered it with a smile, a friendly demeanor presented to the lady as he answered her in turn.

"Sure thing, let's see what we have here." He remarked as he bent down just a little, just so he could pull out a big book with "120th Age of Steel" printed across it's spine. The bartender wasted no time opening it when he placed the book down, with the pages flipped open towards the latest entries that they had available. Due to the amount of people they've had over the past couple of days, their rooms were in rather short supply until earlier today. Looking at the logs now he quickly noted which rooms were available, and while it was brief he couldn't help but glance to the gal before him.

"Looks like..." He trailed off to double check the rooms once more, his index finger hovering over the alleged rooms that weren't already rented. "We've got two rooms available, one is a little more expensive than the other though. If you're wanting a single bed for the night we've one room available, otherwise our king's suite is open as well." Patrick then looked from the book towards the woman, his expression still polite yet his eyes somehow indirect; as though he avoided looking into her eyes for a reason. "The first one only costs ten Dranari Farthing a night, the other will be eighteen I'm afraid. Did you want to look at them firsthand before deciding?"

Like always he was ready to grab the keys to the rooms upstairs, but before he pulled them down from the post they hung on; he waited to see what the lady had decided beforehand.

"It's Searing time! Feeling hot yet?"

Re: Searing Solstice

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 10:44 am
by Leliana
Lelian felt a smile threatening to tug the corners of her mouth. Her? A lady? Maybe as pretend, once upon a time. She'd been dressed up like a fancy doll, her hair and makeup done, and twirled around the dance floor, but she hardly ever felt like the real thing. Especially not now, with mud caked on her boots, shirt clinging to her breasts from sweat, and the freshly healed scar on her face. She saw him scrutinize her briefly, taking her in, but the way he hardly looked her in the eyes said enough. He was simply being polite. Lily wasn't sure why, but it made her chest hurt.

She watched him produce a log book of sorts and flip through the pages, finger tracing some lines that she couldn't make up upside down. If she was of a mindset to have such thoughts she might consider him handsome. He was tall, broad shouldered with a narrow waist, and had a friendly face. His voice rolled with a nice timber, but when he spoke again it snapped her from the distracting thoughts. Lily kicked herself mentally, and the walls immediately slammed back down. Her face was smooth and passive, her voice neutral but not impolite.

"I may need the room indefinitely. I'm not sure how long I will be staying." Don't give too much away, she reminded herself silently. "You can show me the rooms if you have the time." Leliana looked around quickly, noting that things had quieted down just a bit. She assumed upstairs would be a lot less crowded, and right now that would be a welcome change. She didn't exactly care what room it was as long as it had a bed and a good lock on the door.

She adjusted her backpack absently, switching it from one shoulder to the other to give some relief to her joints. Her sword was strapped down to her back, though not necessary. Although she could summon and banish it at will, she was more comfortable in this unfamiliar place having it physically on her person. More so as a way to possibly discourage anyone from becoming overly friendly. It looked and felt just as real as any other.

Leliana moved away from the bar and toward the stairs, lingering long enough to wait on her companion. All the while her eyes roamed the large room, up to the beams in the ceiling around and down, taking it all in.

Re: Searing Solstice

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 3:18 pm
by Patrick
Searing Solstice
Searing Solstice

As the woman spoke to him further on the matter of a room, Patrick's initial response being one of intrigue when he heard the word 'indefinitely'. That was a long time to rent a room honestly, and it wasn't like the inn wasn't a rental property; typically travellers only stayed for a select number of nights anyways. The implication he had certainly left him curious, but he didn't say anything outright as the woman was still before him.

Besides it wasn't like he wouldn't be able to discuss the matter with her in private. Patrick figured that if anything, he could bring it up with her alone; while he was showing her the two rooms available. Thus when she seemed more inclined to look at the rooms first, Patrick wasted no time in grabbing the two keys and slowly migrate towards the stairwell. He had to weave past a few people to get there beforehand, but when he finally arrived he did so with a plain smile to the lady. "Right this way." He said as he gestured up the stairwell, leading her towards the second floor of the Inn.

Sure enough it was as she hoped, for the lounge area upstairs was empty and room doors were all shut. There were seven doors altogether upstairs, however the obvious rental rooms were noticeably numbered one through five. When they stopped at the first one Patrick inserted the key into the lock, giving it a twist before opening the door to reveal the room inside. "This is room one," he said to her as he stepped aside for her to look, "it's small but cozy." Within were two single beds with a chest at the foot of each one, a vanity, and a dresser tucked in the corner of the room. After the silver haired woman seemed finished with inspecting it, Patrick then took the key out but left the door unlocked; before leading down towards the door with the number five written in chalk on it.

"This is our most expensive room, bit larger and cozier to sleep in." He explained to the woman as he repeated the same stroke of the wrist, opening the door right after he unlocked it with the key. Inside his new tenant would one king sized bed, with a dresser and vanity area, a chest for storage if she needed it, and even a lounge area near the paned windows. "Now you can probably see why it's worth more." The bartender remarked as he leaned against the doorframe, a contemplative look shot to the floor before he looked to the woman once more. "So about what you said..."

It was odd to him how someone wanted a room indefinitely, particularly because they were an inn for travelers mostly. What this woman had asked for was something permanent, and while Patrick wasn't inclined to tell her no by any means; he didn't want to mislead her into thinking the rooms were permanent arrangements. But then... well what did Patrick know, if this woman was a traveller after all; then maybe she just needed the room to sleep in most nights. Maybe she was somebody who was rolling in the farthings, since she wasn't the first outlander to rent the room from them. Still it never hurt to be sure... "We haven't ever had someone normally rent a room indefinitely here, so you kinda put me on the spot back at the bar. If you're needing help finding a place to settle down here in Alfsos, I can probably help you look sometime if it helps..."

It was a little weird for him to throw it out there, but after yesterday's 'family meeting' Patrick felt it was time to get out. Not necessarily leave as Alfsos, and the inn alone, had been his home for many years. But he was definitely ready to get out on his own, and live individually from his parents and their rules. "Otherwise if you're set on renting a room for a while, we can probably work somethin out for you. My mother's the best one to talk to about that stuff though." Patrick then realized that he hadn't been straightforward with her about something, mostly because the talk of business had came first instead. Now that they were somewhat alone and socialble, Patrick's eyes softly narrowed as he focused on the snow-haired outlander.

"By the way, my name's Patrick; I'll be your host when you decide on which room you want to stay in." He finished with a friendly and polite tone.

"It's Searing time! Feeling hot yet?"

Re: Searing Solstice

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 2:35 pm
by Leliana
She glanced behind them as they ascended the stairs. It was an uncontrollable habit. No one seemed to take much notice to their departure though, and soon they were out of sight. She was thankful to be out of the crowd for now, but also wasn't sure how to react to being alone with this stranger. He seemed nice enough, but Leliana had been fooled before. Still, she followed him to the first room and stepped inside once he unlocked the door.

It was rather small, but who was she to complain? She'd alternated sleeping in the dirt and in a tent for the last several months, and several of those nights had been spent nursing open wounds, cold and hungry and not sure if she would survive the night. Any sort of room with four solid walls and a roof was an enormous upgrade. Lily slowly moved across the space, reaching out to touch a down-stuffed pillow. It would be nice to rest her head on one of these later.

But she was still curious of the other room, so with just a little reluctance she nodded to indicate she was finished and followed him back into the hall. It definitely didn't disappoint. The suite was no palace, not that she even knew what a palace would look like, but damned if it wasn't nice. Nothing extravagant, but plenty of space to move around--and the bed. It was one of the biggest beds she'd ever seen. The only other one she'd seen that was back at the Big House and--

Leliana balked at the thoughts, stopping herself short. There was no time for such thoughts. Shaking herself mentally, Lily moved across the room to the wide windows overlooking the street.

"It's a nice view," she offered, thinking it best to say something finally as she laid her backpack on the floor by the wall.

She realized she had been far too quiet until now. There was a brief silence on his end before the inevitable probing started. The woman had tried to prepare herself mentally for questions, but there was still a visible grimace on her face when she turned to meet his gaze, framed by the bright sunlight spilling through the windows. It brought out the undertones of silver in her hair.

His expression was puzzled and curious. Leliana could only meet his eyes for a few moments before looking somewhere else. She decided on the dresser in the corner and loosely crossed her arms, smiling awkwardly--more so in shock at his bold offer.

"I guess I can stay for a few days or so and reevaluate. But why help me? You don't even know me. Don't get me wrong--it's a nice gesture--but--I don't--I don't know anything about you." She pursed her lips and looked at him again. Really looked at him. Her brows furrowed with scrutiny, and she took a few long strides closer to him but stopped at the foot of the bed. He leaned casually in the doorway, still polite and curious. Leliana absently rubbed one of the bedposts, mulling over it all.

"I guess names are a good way to start," she conceded. "I'm Leliana..." There was another brief pause. "I'll take this room for now. And if you really want to be helpful, maybe you could tell me who is hiring in the city?" The money her father had given her would only go so far, but treating herself a little to a better room wouldn't be the end of the world. She doubted her father would disapprove, wherever he was.

Re: Searing Solstice

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 4:28 pm
by Patrick
Searing Solstice
Searing Solstice

Patrick's showcasing of the rooms was something that began to feel a bit odd, mostly because of how quiet and introverted the stranger appeared to be. It wasn't that he considered her rude or withdrawn for that matter, but he couldn't help but notice how guarded she looked; during the tour of the first room she was shown earlier. Part of the bartender wondered about her, and if she was always so quiet or if it was just the journey's ire. He could easily understand if she had felt exhausted, since most travellers that stopped in typically did once they checked into a room.

Yet it wasn't until the silver haired woman saw the second room, before Patrick saw how impressed she looked in her examination. "The lighting works great too," He added in when she remarked about the view, "during the morning you can relax and enjoy a good book." Not that he figured the woman to be much of a reader, she looked too dressed up as an adventurer for it. There were those who never thought to pick up a book in their life, but of course also some who actually did find comfort in the pages of a book. Patrick was obviously one of the latter, but that was because of the upbringing his mother provided him.

When he came to offer her the chance for some help, she seemed surprised that he even thought to offer. Really it threw him in for a loop for a moment, because most people were either quick to accept or appreciatively declining such a courtesy. Well... at least whenever there was something substantial Patrick wanted to help out with. It's one thing to do something because it's all part of your job, but believe it or not there were often times he helped out of habit. Likely due to being raised as a kind and generous sort, also a big part in how Elinora raised her boys.

Yet to help break the ice between them Patrick introduced himself first, noticing the subtle movement the woman made with her hand. She'd taken it and, rather absent-mindedly, rubbed the surface of one the bed posts. Normally Patrick would've thought nothing of it, or at least quietly chuckle over it to himself otherwise. Yet seeing Leliana, as she introduced herself, do it caused his mind to wonder another route now. She was a woman after all and, admittedly, seeing her hand graze over the surface of the post implanted the thought in his mind.

Not only was Leliana looking to rent the room for a little while, but she also apparently needed a place to work at also. Of course being distracted by her now, Patrick's train of thought failed to derail as he looked to her. Leliana. A pretty name for a pretty lady, even if she might've felt otherwise. He certainly couldn't help admiring her figure for a second, before realizing that he had almost become lost in the moment alone. "Uh- um, sorry? You're lookin' for work?!" He reiterated as he tried to look away casually, cursing himself for letting her nuances distract him. "I mean... There's other bars in Alfsos, unless you wanna do mercenary work? We could probably use an extra hand around here ourselves, but it'd have to be somethin' discussed between my parents I think."

He never really handled the hiring of new help, as that generally fell on both Albert's and Elinora's shoulders. While his mother was the one who was more personable; Albert was the man behind the business and, therefore, left it up to his wife to interact with any potential new hires. "I can actually ask if that's what you'd like?" He offered with a curious look shot to her once more, his eyes still avoiding direct contact with hers however.
"It's Searing time! Feeling hot yet?"

Re: Searing Solstice

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 1:20 pm
by Leliana
If she'd been of a right mindset she might have noticed his staring, but Leliana was far too distracted and tired to be as observant and she normally tried to be, at least until his occupation comment. The half-breed couldn't help her reaction. She threw her head back and laughed--a real, genuine laugh. Something she hadn't done in a while. Her eyes crinkled at the corners and she shook her head, lips trembling while trying to compose herself after the outburst.

"I'm sorry--I just never thought I'd ever hear someone suggest mercenary work in my life." Lily looked down at herself, somewhat dirty from the road, sword leaning against the bed next to her. She guessed it wasn't much of a stretch if she really thought about it. To a stranger her appearance might suggest a rough and tumble sort of lifestyle. If only they knew she'd only acquired her meager skill set within the past six months. It painted a far less intimidating picture.

"Am I even presentable? Are you sure--?" Her face had gone from simply amused to almost hopeful. Could she really be lucky enough to find a place to stay and some work all within the same establishment? It almost seemed too good to be true. Fortuitous, really, which largely wasn't a word that seemed to apply to her circumstances often. Yet her more silent and ambiguous demeanor from earlier had been replaced a rarer but more optimistic attitude.

"If you think they'll have me, I'll meet with them. I don't have any experience working at a bar or inn, but I'm a quick learner. I've cooked and cleaned, as well as a few other things here and there," she admitted reluctantly. It was impossible to spend over 24 years in slavery and not get used to some sort of menial labor, no matter the fragile status of the slave. "I've never--well, I've never had a paying job before. But I'll work hard." Was that admitting too much?

He didn't seem turned off the idea because he had her follow him back downstairs. He shut the door to the suite behind them and there was only a small nagging of anxiety at the back of their mind when they returned to the main floor. The crowd was significantly less and most of the patrons were sitting around tables at the bar relaxing, enjoying their drinks and meals. It was quieter but still a low din of voices sharing and laughing.

Two men were behind the bar working, one of them the same as earlier. Patrick and them had a similar look, as if they might all be related. He led her over the counter, walked around to the other side and mentioned something quietly to what seemed to be the eldest of the group. He nodded and went to the far side of the bar to knock on a door before disappearing inside. Leliana turned to Patrick, mouth dry, fingers spread on the bar, obviously nervous.

"Is this the best time? Should I maybe talk to them later?" Her big green eyes were even bigger than usual, round and full of uncertainty. She pursed and nibbled her lips, then removed her long gloves and started chewing on a fingernail, glancing at the doorway the other man had disappeared into a few moments ago.

Re: Searing Solstice

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 2:10 pm
by Patrick
Searing Solstice
Searing Solstice

It had honestly surprised him when Patrick heard the woman laugh, Leliana had seemed to find his suggestion funny in some apparent way. While he wasn't sure why at first, what she then said gave him an incline. Had she never done mercenary work before? Was that not part of her trade? She looked to be an adventurer to him, so it wasn't so far out of the way to think such a thing. If she had never worked in that profession before, then how could she explain the scar upon her face; or the sword that was on her back earlier when she arrived?

Initially he felt a little confused about it but disregarded the matter, thinking that she may have specialized in other types of work. Clearly he had been wrong to assume her a mercenary, or a freelance traveller looking to make some decent pay. "You look presentable to me at least" He assured her with a soft grin, barring the fact he'd been caught up in admiring her before. "We have a washroom downstairs on the other side of the office. More of a closet with a privy and washbasin, but what can you do right?" Since that was the general public's way of catching a bathroom break.

Hearing that Leliana would meet with them though, Patrick's smile broadened a little more at her. Not a whole lot of people could say they did have experience with tavern work, nevertheless if she presented that enthusiasm to his parents; then Patrick knew they'd both love to have her already. But hold on... She said something else that threw him in for a loop. She... never had a paying job before? He almost felt inclined to ask now, because if she had never been paid before... Something wasn't adding up, something that Patrick felt a little too suspicious of now.

"They'll definitely appreciate that." He quickly remarked as he covered the hint of concern, smiling to her once more before he started to lead the way. By the time they returned downstairs to the main lobby, much of the excessive amount of customers had started to clear out now. People were on the verge of finishing their lunch meals, and the much quieter part of the day had started to finally pass. Patrick guided her back towards the bar in general, where he moved towards Vincent and Dominik as they wrapped up another round of beverages. The middle brother wasted no time in walking around to stand closer to the eldest, with a hand brought up to cover the whisper he shared with Dom.

"We need to talk with Ma and Pa." Dominik pulled away with an intrigued, if not concerned, look spared at Patrick. And while the second son didn't hint to her directly, the look in his eyes said enough to the first born. Thus Dominik nodded and moved to check in on the two of them, their voices briefly heard when he went into the office to join them for a moment. It was then Patrick looked back to Leliana, noticing how quickly she became a bundle of nerves on her stool. "Yeah, don't worry they're probably just doin' bookwork." He remarked casually with a soft grin, curious as to how he could keep Leliana from worrying too much. That's when it finally dawned on him.

Almost as fast as the idea came to him, Patrick turned to pull out a clean mug from the shelf; and brought it over to the tap where the ale was. He filled it about over halfway full, since he wasn't sure if the woman drank or not. There was a lot about her he didn't know evidently, which was why he felt the need to bring it up with his parents beforehand. Something... just wasn't adding up with her. While everyone who worked at their inn was entitled to their own secrets, Patrick still viewed her to be an outlander and therefore a potential risk; though hopefully not the kind of risk that brought trouble to their doorstep.

"Here we go," Patrick thought aloud as he placed the container in front of Leliana, "should help take that edge off a little." In essence what he said was true, alcohol always helped settle the nerves for some people. While he wasn't sure if Leliana felt inclined to drink, he had hoped that the gesture at best felt genuine in nature. That was when he heard the office door open once more, with Dominik poking out to wave for Patrick to join them now. "I gotta talk with them real quick," Patrick told Leliana calmly as he looked back to her, "when we come out you'll get to meet the parents. Excitin' huh?" He threw a hint of sarcasm at the end there, a soft chuckle made as he moved toward the office.

He had hoped Leliana knew, expected even, for him to come out with that job opportunity. Because while he wasn't sure where she came from, the fact she'd never earned a farthing in her life before now? That gave him suspicion to be sure, yet Patrick knew his alone wouldn't be enough. Which is why the moment that office door was shut behind him, Patrick began to explain the situation to both Albert and Elinora; with Dominik still there in the office with them. Meanwhile with Vincent still at the bar, he would sometimes glance at Leliana; then to her mug if she had decided to take it or not. "Lemme know if you need a refill on that." The quiet man finally told her before focusing on other customers.
"It's Searing time! Feeling hot yet?"

Re: Searing Solstice

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 2:56 pm
by Leliana
There was a slow dread building in the pit of her stomach. Were things moving too quickly? Was she trying to do too much at once? It was all new to her. The region, the city, the people, the room, the possible job. She'd been uprooted from a poor life, but still a familiar one, and thrown headfirst into the unknown. There was no one she knew to help her now--at least not until she found her father. She hoped and prayed that he was alright, but why they hadn't found each other yet had been making her incredibly nervous. Speculations ran wild her mind.

Overall Leliana was thankful for the drink that Patrick poured her. It showed on her face when the worried lines of her brows and forehead smoothed into a grateful smile. She took a sip to test the taste and decided she liked it well enough. Alcohol wasn't something she had a lot of experience with either. Wine had been given to her at parties, but overall the stuff was apparently too expensive to waste on slaves. The traders she had traveled with until yesterday let her try their homemade brews a few times, but those were so strong it burned her throat and left her heaving in the bushes after a glass.

"Thank you Patrick," she said with sincerity. "I'll wait here."

And she did, even though she was about ready to jump out of her own skin. Lily crossed and uncrossed her legs multiple times, took a drink, shifted and squirmed in her seat, then took another drink. The last of the three men left offered a refill but she shook her head, murmuring more thanks but refusing. She wasn't sure it was a good idea to drink any more before her first ever job interview. The ale was helping but the pit had slowly returned. Despite taking another long swig, her mouth felt dry. Five minutes was feeling like five hours.