First Haven

The lands of Atinaw surrounding the capital city.

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59th of Glade, Year 120

He hummed, his lips pressed together as he slowly breathed in and out through his nostrils. There was a man beside him -- blond of hair, tall, with azure blue eyes. Winged. The man who'd made him go this far in the first place, diverting his focus out into the wilds, investing much of the money he had into some obscure rube-fitting home. The wind gently flowed through the forests, humming with him, as the leaves strummed their tune. The ambience was relaxing; like the wind chimes, but somehow better. Something about... everything just felt right, but not in the sort of way that had him jumping with elation or excitement; instead, the kind that made him want to sleep. Being around Riven also tended to have that effect, so -- Taelian was somehow tired, but not in that his body felt weak. He just... wanted to collapse into the other man, lay his head to rest.

Throughout their journey through the forest, he hadn't said much. Taelian was unusually quiet -- he was already often a soft-spoken person, at least in theory, but their journey today had brought him to a different level of almost solitary behavior. Much of what Riven raised had been replied to with a quiet 'yeah' or 'I see', with Taelian raising few thoughts of his own. A lot of it was because... well -- he was lost in his thoughts. His mind absently wandered towards a plethora of things; the Covenant, the Dranoch, his role between them. His future with Riven. And even smaller things. He remembered the Barnell brothers, who camped in forests like these. Not even too far away. He remembered the fearful stories Miranda shared with him, of the monsters that dwelt in Atinaw's wilds.

His mind started to just . . . get stuck in banality. All of these trivial things compiling, but he didn't feel overwhelmed. He felt... calm.

The trees were beautiful. They obviously always were, but there was something about the wind and the dull sunlight that made them almost enchanting. They were surrounded by pines, though with some oaks and other traditional trees dotting the area of the large forest. Keeping acutely aware of everything surrounding him, he saw the creek as it ran -- he saw little animals drinking from the water, like rabbits. They had passed by a few deer, too, and at one point they had gotten fairly close to them.

If the intent of Skyhaven was to bring them into an environment of peace, it had succeeded in doing so. And they weren't even there yet. But . . . almost.

"Oh, look," he called out. A few minutes more had passed, and they came to the edge of the treeline. The small valley, with their new cabin sitting near the center of it, was an enchanting view. Surrounded by water on one side and the forest on the other, backed by cliffs, raised by a small island-like nub of earth. He supposed it was built there to protect it from wandering animals, or even people. Of course its placement also added a fantastical charm, one that wouldn't normally be ascribed to a cabin in the middle of nothing and nowhere.

He noticed that the cabin had its own small forest as a back yard -- which was unexpected but incredibly pleasant. He loved it; Taelian imagined he would often spend nights there, perhaps picnicking with Riven, camping... doing anything there. They could feel safe while still being surrounded by the foliage of trees, and the comfort of family and home.

Everything about it was immaculate and wonderful. It was... lovely. The wind continued to flow through; the Siltori glanced once at his Arlaed and smiled, then looked onward to view someone who appeared to be an agent of the Imperial Bank. He was waiting at the small dock that allowed ferry to the home, by means of a wooden boat. It was... interesting, though he enjoyed that it had a sort of moat.

"I -- I think he's here to give us a tour of the house, maybe?" Taelian surmised. But... "I think I'm decided already. One look at it and I just know: it's perfect."
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The golden beams filtered dimly through the few little spaces oak leaves and pine needles left in the lush forest canopy. The sun was rising, and the world was waking around them: Riven's trained eye caught a few squirrels running and jumping from branch to branch, trying to fetch the first Glade fruits, as ripe as they were. Deer with fuzzy growing antlers jumped around far into the woods, as they heard the two men approaching their territories. A running stream quenched the thirst of rabbits and bobcats, staring warily at each other from afar, in some sort of tense truce. Riven felt oddly at home, surrounded by so much nature and wild life. It was not exactly like the lush tangle of the Forge, the dark forest being overgrown and dark compared to this one. He could learn to love this one too, he knew that. He would miss the bats though, but he could bet Atinaw offered its own ecological marvels, free from the taint that covered part of the world, or the permafrost. Riven focused, and he heard another kind of sound; a different tune that only his dimly glowing rune allowed him to hear. The fast murmur of water and the whisper of the winds, and the low trembling of the earth that he could barely understand. Almost reflexively, he traced a short circular movement with one of his hands, letting the wind follow it; branches and leaves crackled as the stream passed through them, birds flying from one to another. For people like Riven, all of the forest was alive and worth listening to.

Maybe the one not so alive at the time was his own beloved. They were there on a scheduled meeting, to get a tour of the house and the prized keys they had purchased. Apparently, a bank worker would be there first thing in the morning, so they had grabbed their belongings (Riven's bag did pack even heavier after the last visit in Loregard) and flown there in no more than 3 hours. At first he had attributed it to Taelian still being a tad drowzy, but the flight had made clear that it wasn't the case; he was wide awake, he was just not... well, not too keen to communicate, it seemed. Riven had made a couple witty remarks, tried to initiate conversation a couple times, but there were other things in Taelian's head, and he met some dry, barren answers. He decided to give him the space to sort those thoughts out though; there'd be plenty of time to talk. After those initial minutes, they walked in silence through the woods, the only sound they made being the rustling of the grass and ferns they stepped on. Taelian's mind was somewhere else, he could tell; sometimes he looked at the forest and saw it, and his expression changed a bit; other times he saw, but he wasn't looking, and so he showed no particular reaction. Riven would have to deal with it; he didn't want to be alone with his thoughts though. He focused on his surroundings as they advanced, trying to learn about the surroundings of what soon would be their home.

Just like that, they were in the limit of the forest, and before them appeared the small lake and the valley that formed their new home; after the waters stood the hill, almost looking like a small islands, with a wooden staircase leading up to a cabin; not too large, but not small either. It was the perfect size; the man it had belonged to was quite large (probably Rathari or Jastai, Riven guessed) and thus the ceilings and doorframes were decent enough for him not to worry too much. There was a man waiting for them on the dock, next to a small wooden rowboat, probably to cross to the other shore with them. Riven had wings, but he could get the courtesy of waiting for Taelian, he guessed.

"I guess he is, love. But I agree; I can tell just looking at it that we'll be very happy here. I'm glad we brought our stuff, I'm not going anywhere after this." he said, walking with Taelian up to the docks, managing to slip in a kiss in his forehead and a quick hug. The agent greeted them from the distance, waiting until they were just next to the boat.

"Well, I guess you guys are ready for a quick tour? I got your keys here; all your documents seem to be in order, so I just have to show you men what you've bought. Shall we?" He said, pointing at the small boat; the three of them would be a tight fit. Riven and his wings ended up sitting in the back while the agent and taelian took the front bench; the man was about to grab the rows when Riven stopped him.

"Well, allow me to." A quick focus and a small rising of the waters, and a small wave pushed them all the way to the other shore, Riven calmly maneuvering the boat to lock them to the side of the wooden dock that rose over the water, the staircase all the way up to the cabin. He smiled at Taelian and winked; the Imperial Bank man was pretty impressed, but he played it cool and just thanked Riven for the quick trip. Professionalism, he guessed. The planks creaked and bended a bit under their weight, but they seemed very solid still; they started climbing the long staircase that lead to the front door. As he watched the pillars that supported the small wooden patio and the house on it, Riven's grin widened. It was perfect; nothing luxurious, just a solid set of wooden beams, a rooftop and the best views in Atinaw. He hugged Taelian as they got to the top.

"I'm glad you're the person I get to do this with, Tae. I really am." He said, his hands slowly running down his back as he leaned in for a quick kiss. The faster they managed to scare of the bank guy, the better. He was nice though, Riven could give him that.

word count: 1056
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Riven responded to him with his own resonance; they were in accord, the two of them mutually enjoying the sight of their new home. Skyhaven, as the Kathar had called it before. The man then sneaked in a kiss and a quick embrace before the two moved forward to meet with the Imperial Bank representative, who appeared unmoved by their display of affection. He then greeted the two, and as they approached him he offered them brief information; he held the keys in his possession, their documents were sufficiently 'in order' as he said, and he intended to tour the home with them.

"That won't--" Taelian began. That won't be necessary, he almost said, but . . . he held some reservations. There was of course the possibility that parts of the house could have been structurally damaged, or covered in mold, or infested with vermin. There could've been bandits or squatters living there -- he didn't know how long it had gone unoccupied for. No matter what he was certain there would be an issue with accumulating dust or grime, and based on any issues he was certain they could enter renegotiation.

He decided he would give it the opportunity of one look. If he peeked into the cabin and didn't notice any stench or structural issues, then they could dismiss the man. Taelian wanted to share the moment of exploration with Riven, and Riven alone, after all. The man appeared to be eager; he offered to steer them across, using Elementalism to accelerate the process. Taelian faintly smiled at him as he did so, the taller man offering his Arlaed a charming wink. He'd been trying for some time to knock Taelian out of his silence, and his charm was certainly the factor most likely to get the young man to open up.

The two made it across to the long series of steps, and they ascended the stairs. He was glad that Riven's weight didn't force the simple wooden planks to collapse. The two of them finally met the summit of the wooden staircase, arriving shortly thereafter at the entrance. Taelian pressed his palm firmly against the smooth wooden exterior, inhaling the scent of trees, complimented by the surroundings of fresh lake water. No mold, nothing suspicious -- at least not yet.

Riven quickly hugged him, causing the Siltori to faintly blush. He blinked once or twice, facing the larger man, the Knight's expression displaying a level of embarrassment. Because the other man was still there, and Taelian was still somewhat shy about public affection, even though Riven foisted it upon him all the time. He didn't really mind, though . . . it was just that the other man made him feel small and delicate, as Riven well knew, and having others see him like that was . . .

Riven's hands ran down his back, and the two kissed. The words the man said only just really resounded in his head. Taelian's blush grew immensely more opaque, and he felt almost out of breath. His chest felt light.

"I... you can go now, mister Voldner," Taelian told him. He'd been informed earlier of his name, and he'd remembered it only so that he could dismiss him with it. The banker nodded his head and began to step away, his feet thudding lightly with the wooden steps as he descended. Taelian supposed that meant the boat would be moved to the other side, making it difficult for him to cross on foot -- but that didn't matter. He could teleport.

"Riven..." he began to call, softly. "I'm glad too," he replied. A warmer smile grew upon his lips, and he eagerly wrapped his arms around the other man, squeezing him as tightly as he could. Which would've easily been crushing for another man, but not for Riven.

"Arlaed... I'm sorry that I've been off in my own head, somewhere. I didn't mean to be that way -- I just..."

He frowned. Taelian began to avert his eyes, looking towards the hillside that flanked their cabin's left. He huffed, exhaling. "I think of all of this -- everything we have together, every moment we've shared, everything I feel for you. How we're buying a home together -- how we've made it pretty clear that we want to spend our lives together. And... it's scary." He paused, but only briefly.

"...but not that scary. That's not why I've been thinking. In fact, I guess it's not scary enough. I feel so eager to commit to all of this; it's absurd to me, the things I think of us doing. All of these ideas for the future -- everything I want for us. We only met last season, but I can't imagine being happier with anyone else. No one's even brought me a fraction of the joy that you do. And I've never felt so much sorrow as when we were apart. When I was an orphan, alone in Sil-Elaine, I remember feeling sad. I remember my tears. But not the longing hollow that came to me when I first arrived in Atinaw, knowing that I was so far away from seeing you again. I..."

He looked down. "I don't know; I don't know what I'm saying. I just think I'm ready for a future with you. I want you to consider... consider..." Nerves. Taelian nearly began to stutter. "I -- thought perhaps you and I could be... true Arlaed. It's a word in Silvain, but it's also a part of my people's lineage and history. We have the ability to bind our blood and being to another person. It extends that person's lifespan, it connects us to them permanently. It's known to reduce the damaging effects of corruption in Siltori, and to draw people closer. My mother and father were Arlaed. It was only after they became Arlaed that they were able to carry offspring; before then, all of their attempts failed. It's... a very powerful bond, seemingly driven by the soul itself. But it's permanent; one can only choose their Arlaed once. And I want it to be you."

He looked terrified by his own words, but Taelian felt certain, as much as he felt himself shaking. His head felt light. "I know... I know it must sound crazy. B-but it's not a rational thing. It's not built on practical determinations. It's not decided by time or careful vetting. It's just -- something that we share with the person we love more than anything in the world. And for me, that is--that will always be--you."

He breathed again. The man was so nervous, he couldn't describe it. He feared the worst, and even feared the best. Maybe it was wrong to ask. He wasn't even seeking an immediate answer, but -- he wouldn't have minded one. He didn't know.
word count: 1186
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Riven couldn't supress a short smirk as Taelian dismissed the bank agent so fast, not daring to face him for the few seconds he had to keep a snicker at bay. He breathed out as he pretended to watch the front door's carvings with interest, then turned back to... Voldner, was he? He extended a hand with a smile and caught the key set from his hands and then waved him goodbye. Eh, the fact he was leaving probably meant he was taking the boat to the other side, but he'd just fly anyway. And he could also pull the small rowboat back with elementalism; the calm waters of the lake were perfect to push and pull easily. He laughed after the man was far enough, and turned to Taelian, keys in the pocket of his cotton pants, a quirked eyebrow and a smile that clearly said That fast, really?. He wasn't one to complain, especially after Taelian put his arms around his torso and squeezed him tight, his head resting on Riven's chest for a second. The Avialae embraced him back, pulling him close. The warmth of their inner fires was there; it felt good, it felt like it was meant to be.

But Taelian wasn't even started. Riven was about to respond to his initial remark, that it was fine and that he could afford having Taelian lost in thought from time to time if he needed to... but things didn't end there, and he decided it'd be better if he made an effort to stay silent and listen. He looked down at him with a nervous smile; his tone was... something was off. It was full of love, but there was this underlying solemnity to it, and under that... Taelian was shaking. Riven wouldn't have noticed anything if it wasn't because of the bond they shared and how close they were, but the Siltori's heart was definitely beating faster.

But Taelian was right too; things weren't as scary as they could have been. As they should have been, maybe. The moment Taelian suggested a new home, the very wooden platform they were standing in, it should have been crazy; Riven had been in Atinaw for just a few days, and they had spent months apart. And yet there they were, and it had been their decision. Even if he run his mind over the situation, and how absurd it could seem from the outside, Riven could not find any fault in it: it was what he genuinely wanted, and no reason, no matter how good, was enough to make him change his mind. They were building their own fates together, oddly calm about that fact. But he couldn't imagine anyone else to take that step with, and he didn't want to do anything any different. He smiled softly at Taelian and he pulled him closer, kissing his forehead. The lowkey agitation was still there though... and it worried Riven.

And for good reason. The moment Taelian said Arlaed, the agitation went off. He slowly let go of the Siltori as he listened; he had heard of the ritual before, in Kalzasi. Talon's mother, Sahfri, had mentioned it, but she never mentioned the specific word for it and thus Riven had never connected the dots until that moment. That was what Arlaed meant; a sacred bond to the Siltori, a purity ritual equal or even superior to marriage. Sahfri had told him about it once, when she caught Talon explaining Bonding to a very young Riven, as an example of other love connections in other races and cultures. It was serious, it was binding, it was irreversible and it was a once in a lifetime bond. And Taelian was proposing that to him. And suddenly, all the chain of unlikely bout sought after decisions that had lead both there was blurrier; compared to that request, a house was ridiculous, almost like a date on a bar or buying groceries together. Riven's head started to run extremely fast; his heart was pumping hard and fast and he stepped back, trying to catch his breath. Taelian had mentioned his childhood; and in that moment, something in the back of his head starting gaining power, some repressed aspect that had been fighting for freedom for many years. A voice in his head saying that there was nothing good he could bring to the world; that his fate was sealed from the moment he was born, to serve a horrible purpose; that any other goal was fake and would crumble at some point. He just couldn't be the man he wanted to be: every time he saw a mirror he would remember. He gripped his chest, trying to catch his breath; Taelian had stopped talking after his proposal, and now he stared at him... visibly worried.

Riven's eyes were starting to water. He wanted to say something, at least say something, but his head was a storm and his throat was blocked and no words would come out of it. He was blissful; there was nothing that could make him happier than that, and the most part of his mind remembered that. He loved Taelian immensely; he would always be by his side. There was nothing he wanted more at that moment, and yet poisoned thoughts tainted his emotions and clouded his vision, and he was paralyzed. Wind whirled around him fast, his eyes wide open and his irises quickly changing their shape, the fire within flowing in chaotic patterns; arcs of lightning started to crackle in the air around him. It had been years since his last panic attack and that couldn't be a reaction now, it just couldn't. He fought to stay in reality, to anchor himself to his love for Taelian, and to calm down until the knot in his vocal chords unfolded and he could say it. His breathing rate started to go down; the wind started to slow down... and an electric arc hit the wooden deck and started a small fire.

Shit, not the house. Not the house Taelian had gotten for them, the very foundation of their future together. He managed to stop, breathe in and blast a splash of water against the floor (the best thing he could have thought of, considering the degree of focusing he could achieve in that situation). He breathed out, heavily, and he looked up at Taelian, stepping forward to catch him into a hug, his eyes watery. "I'm sorry, I just... Please understand. Becoming the happiest man in this world would probably overwhelm anybody, wouldn't it" he whispered to his ear, pulling him closer for a tight embrace. They stayed like that for a few minutes under the warm sun and over the small puddle he had just made, which was filtering between the planks. He pulled back with a soft smile.

"I'm... I'm not rushing to do it, Tae. But there's nobody else in this world who I could call my Arlaed, I'm sure of that. I want it to be you, too. I want to call you Arlaed in all of its full-fledged meaning, so... let's do it. Someday, I promise. When we both feel the time is right, I'll cut my palm open for you." He said with a faint smile, remembering the details of the ritual itself. He smiled softly and grabbed Taelian's left hand with both of his hands, holding it in his left one as he softly run a nail through the Siltori's palm. "Guessed I could get some practice first, Taelian." He kissed him deeply; he cupped his jaw as he leaned in deeper, the marked palm held against Riven's own.Their tongues longed for each other in a slow dance, their lips locked, opening just to chain in another kiss, and another one, and another one, minimally breathing as they did. Riven loved Taelian immensely, there was no doubt. He wanted the Siltori to lift him up, to support him, to be there for him, and he knew he'd do the same thing no matter the price. And his heart and soul responded, and his mind clicked, and it was filled with love. Not his own, but Taelian's, and it suddenly was a mutual possession and a gift, a love they both equally shared as Companions.

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Riven began to step back and catch his breath. Taelian . . . looked down, feeling... anxious. Perhaps somewhat defeated, even; he couldn't deny the worry that wracked him as the other man's breathing picked up, and his eyes watered. Sometimes, his lover had very unpredictable reactions. But... with the two of them being bonded, Taelian had some concept of what he was feeling. It wasn't as clear as it could've been, but he knew that he was feeling a plethora of things; joy and love were strong among them. But also... some sort of fear, and an anxiety accompanied by... what he could only make out as some crippling sense of inadequacy. Taelian recognized those feelings. Sometimes Riven and he resonated so closely, and so clearly, that he almost wondered if he was bleeding his own emotions into the man. But... they simply shared those fears. Taelian, also, had always feared he would never make another person happy and would never bring any good into the world.

But now...? He knew that wasn't true. Riven had taught him that.

The other man began to channel his aether, unwittingly it seemed. Wind began to surround him, then sparks of energy, and at their climax they struck the wooden deck and caused for a small fire to begin to burn. The Siltori's eyes widened for a moment; the sight almost stung him, their perfect home being touched by flame that could quickly consume it. He was ready to frantically put out the fire however he could, but more important was ensuring that Riven's emotions were managed. That he could feel calm.

Taelian did understand, and it was why he didn't intervene. He knew the other man would return to, at least, visible normalcy. Even if he was sometimes frightened by the way Riven's aether often manifested so wildly and raw, he'd never hurt him. And he'd never affronted him. Riven just -- had his moments. He was a man with a complex past, and a lot of trauma. Perhaps if he hadn't been made Famished, Taelian would have ended up the same way. Where trauma could've been, for all of his life there had instead been a disconcerting hollow.

But like Taelian could do for Riven, Riven had managed to bring out the joy and the love in Taelian. The pain, the fear, and their associated memories -- they were secondary to everything else. They were blips in the road. They were fragments along the elongating tapestry that had become their lives, their journey.

Riven put out the fire. As Taelian expected, he returned to calm, and the Siltori -- who had empathetically found tears welling in his own eyes, perhaps due to their bond -- smiled brightly at his beloved. Riven stated how, perhaps, now wasn't the moment for the pact to be made -- but that it could be one day. That he would rather do it with no one else. Essentially, he was agreeing to it, but when the moment was right. A silly grin grew on Taelian's lips, rising through his cheeks, as his mind made a comparison that he couldn't help but verbalize.

"Great -- then we're engaged," Taelian teased... sort of... not at all. Really he was deviously slipping another element into the deal -- whenever they became genuine Arlaed, he wouldn't mind them getting married, too. Riven seemed to get that, though, and he doubted either of them minded the thought. It was just turning them from bondmates to true, at least in the legal sense, family. He meant to speak on his 'tease' proposition more, but the other man took his hand and began to smoothly run his nail across his palm as their fingers clasped together. Their hands then locked, the Siltori feeling that same lightness in his chest once more; and the warmth.

Practice. He laughed, though he was interrupted by a kiss, one that he accepted eagerly. The other man continued, and followed kiss after kiss, their lips meeting time and again; their tongues dancing. He felt incredible -- he felt all of his energy, every element of his complex array of present feelings, being directed at the other man. All of the joy, the need, the hope, and the affection. He was truly in love with the man, and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with him. There was no longer any doubt nor any hesitation. And... he knew that Riven felt the same. Their emotions appeared to entwine with one another in harmony; their souls met, in some confusing way, and interlaced. He could feel Riven's love for him stronger than ever before. He could even see concepts in his mind, images, he could feel and hear thoughts. He felt like he was almost... melding with him. Like somewhere in their embrace they were becoming one being -- though maybe that was the wrong way of visualizing it.

He didn't know. It was overwhelming; the other man had the terrifying ability to peer into his mind and even his soul like never before. Like no one. And yet he felt at peace with that.

The two had forged the Companion Bond, one of the most important elements of an Avialae's being. And of whoever they forged it with. Taelian recognized that, and sunk his head into the other man's chest, wrapping his arms around his back and beginning to lightly laugh as his mind was filled with the interchange of joy and love.

His tease of a proposition from before... he wanted to state very clearly, now. Taelian pulled away -- but only a few inches. He kept close to his Arlaed.

"When we forge the pact -- whenever that is -- let's get married too. Perhaps it's silly, but every time I think of calling you my husband one day I feel a bit giddy. For now though, I can settle for fiance, or love of my life," he lightly laughed. Taelian realized he'd essentially confessed to thinking of marrying Riven before -- but he supposed that wasn't much of a secret. He'd been head over heels for him since... well, the day the two had met, really. Perhaps it was folly to think so, but he'd felt like something in him always knew. Perhaps not that they would be like this -- but that they would be something. Even as he needlessly lamented every word Riven shared with him, and mocked him relentlessly...

The thought made him embarrassed. He had been flustered by his attraction towards the other man. Sometimes it still amazed him how much he revered his lover in so many ways. Compared to him, everyone else was so . . . flat. Riven was everything.

He realized he was getting worked up. A bit. Agreeing to get married to the love of his life appeared to have the effect of making him incredibly happy, and a variety of other associated feelings. Taelian lamented his own absurd leap in emotions, but: he wanted Riven. He wanted everything about him, every aspect and element. He wanted the two of them to share the moment in amour, skin on skin. He wanted to feel Riven's raw warmth, his masculine chest, wrapped around his own smooth form.

"Let's check our bedroom first," he suggested. Taelian stared at Riven, and needed to do no more -- even without asking, Riven would know what he was proposing. The two could sense each other's emotions very acutely, now. But in case Riven needed any elaboration...

"I can't spend another hour without making love to you. Arlaed."
word count: 1288

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