And When The Morning Comes

The lands of Atinaw surrounding the capital city.

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[indent=20]And When The Morning Comes
Glade 47th, 120th AoS
Morning dawned on the campsite when the sun finally beamed beyond the eastern mountains. The light filtering down it's peak all across the fields of Atinaw, creating a glistening effect on the morning dew as someone stirred. But not Patrick. No he wanted to sleep in a little longer, even if laying on hard ground remained uncomfortable at times. Even with a tent and bedroll between him and the earth, the bartender never quite found the same comfort as one did in a bed. But it was perhaps for the best he became accustomed to it, since he wanted to be able to roam around Atinaw on his own eventually.

No the one who stirred... Connor groaned as he cocooned his entire figure into his bedroll, so it had been the oldest brother Dominik that had gotten out of bed. Having three full grown men cramped in a tent likely daunted the poor guy, since he was always so used to coming out here alone. Yet by now he had gotten used to sharing the space with the other two, and if his early rise was an indication to his dedication; then the other two were likely going to wake up to a hearty breakfast soon. That hearty breakfast being yet again fish, since they had already gone through whatever other rations they had for dinner. Honestly the fact they had managed to stay out here for almost a full ten days impressed Patrick, as he hadn't expected to be away from civilization for that long.

Not that it had been all too bad however, Taelian had visited once or twice after all. He also liked to help out by sending his pet monster to hunt, while he used his Shrivenflame to keep the campfire alive during his visit. By now however Patrick felt fully awake, aware that his brother was busy getting things ready. So reluctantly Patrick rolled onto his back to stretch, with a sluggish rise up from his spot in the tent; after slipping back on his shirt and then his boots he then slipped out into the campsite area. "Well, mornin' sunshine." Dominik greeted him as he was busy setting up the cast iron skillet for cooking over the flame. "Didn't expect you to get up so early."

"Not so hard when the only thing between you and the ground is a thin layer of comfort." Patrick remarked as he took a seat near the fire, his expression still drowsy as he heard Dominik chuckle a little.

"No kiddin', someone's gonna have to deal with that mess of a hairdo you got goin." The older brother teased him as another groan came from the tent, however this time it's source came out still bundled inside his blanket.

"These campin' trips of yours.... suck." Connor bluntly admitted to Dominik as he came out to join Patrick, his own hair a messy tangle of cowlicks. Both Patrick and Dominik couldn't help but chortle together, leading Connor to sleepily glance between the two of them. "Okay, not the best wake up call guys."

"Sorry," Patrick quickly answered, "we're just happy to see you up and around now."

"Yeah well, if you want somethin' cooked right... gotta do it yourself." The youngest sibling remarked as he rose once more, intent to return to their luggage near the tent's entrance.

"You mean you're cookin?" Dominik looked to him a little surprised.

"Once my hair is fixed, yeah, breakfast will be better than des- dirs-... dismal." Another brief chuckle from the other two. "Shut up I'm just tired."

"Hey, do me a favor." Patrick said as he watched Connor pull out his comb and toothbrushing kit.. "Bring me the comb when you're finished." The youngest sibling gestured a wave towards him, letting Patrick know that he pretty much would; once his morning gussy routine was finished.

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It was fairly easy to entail his feeling on the visits he'd been doing lately: Taelian was largely neutral to them, though with a slight deviation towards positivity. Whatever negative emotions came were ones that arrived in the face of what he felt to be his social inadequacy; his distance and inability to communicate with others very well. Particularly given they all spoke Kokalath. He was often an outsider in Patrick's conversations with his brothers, and he did not know them incredibly well. All of that, however, was okay. It was... interesting to observe. At first he thought he was looking into the dynamic of a normal human family, but then he realized they weren't normal at all. They had their own host of issues, perhaps less gritty than the ones Taelian's own family had, but -- the problems remained real.

He also liked to come out into the forests just to be. To practice magic, to watch, to explore and to breathe in the clean air. Taelian really liked his abode. The fact that he could occasionally converse with travelers from far away places - or near ones - was an additional benefit. He'd learned some Kokalath in communicating with the Barnells, and even perhaps some humor. Even among Siltori, he was never quite good at that.

Taelian had a rucksack over his shoulder, occasionally thudding with his lower back and rear as it followed after him. He was wearing a simple, sleeveless white shirt that largely appeared loose on his body, with contrarily tight slacks over his legs. He wore thin slippers, careful not to let his feet callous. As much as a warrior as he was, he still maintained his Siltori sensibilities; he aimed towards always being pristine, particularly when presenting himself to others. Patrick had quickly become something of a friend, too, which meant quite a bit to him. He didn't really have many of those.

The Ebon Knight was accompanied by two Marghozad, this time. Patrick likely felt used to their presence by now, though Taelian had only ever brought one with him and he normally sent it out to do his bidding. These two were instead here as sort of strange companions; they would hunt and scour, but on the walk he'd been traveling with them. Of course, they did make him feel safer, despite their intimidating visage. Taelian had never gotten into conflict with his Marghozad; he knew them well, and they collaborated well together. Like him, they were somewhat simple and focused. They weren't talkers. They tended towards objectives and pragmatism. They were also fierce fighters -- ruthless. A gem to have alongside.

"Hello," the Siltori waved as the other men came into view. Their campsite somehow appeared messier and more chaotic than before, but he didn't pay it particular mind. They themselves were eccentric people, leaning towards strange predilections. Particularly Connor, if Taelian was remembering his name correctly. He didn't know him very well yet outside of a few, brief, stunted interactions. But part of coming here today was to get to know them better; to expand his social circle. To triple it in fact - from one person to three.

Taelian greeted them in Kokalath. In fact, he would even try to speak it, as cripplingly nervous as he was. "I come to greet you," he said with the singular conjugation, "...on morning." He meant: I've come by today to say hello. At least it wasn't completely wrong. "Greet hello to these Barnells, Marghozads." Again, imperfect, but he knew they would understand the intention. "What you all been doing?" He asked, nervously. Taelian already noticed he'd messed up a few times, and wanted to correct himself, but only felt that he would sound more awkward.

"Sorry, still learning," he said.
Last edited by Taelian on Sat Jun 20, 2020 5:01 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 646
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[indent=20]And When The Morning Comes
Glade 47th, 120th AoS
Both Patrick and Dominik were more or less focused on the campfire for a while, until finally Connor finished his little routine and came back out. He even handed over the comb like Patrick had asked him to, and began working on breakfast while the middle brother combed his own hair. "Looks like we got company again." Dominik stated plainly to Patrick, as he nudged his nose in the direction towards the object of his statement.

Patrick followed the direction with his gaze, still combing his hair when his green eyes fell on a group. Two of those ebony skinned creatures were following one pale figure, leading the bartender to grin as he recognized the individual. "How about that, he actually likes us."

"Or maybe just you." Dominik remarked with his eyebrows raised slightly.

"He likes you too Dom, you just gotta look past the magic part."

"Speakin' of magic, is that friend of yours gonna show up again?" Connor inquired aloud as he brought out the cooking gear, getting himself a spot setup by the fire while his back was turned towards the mage.

"Look behind you nimrod." Dominik taunted with a bit of a grin, nearly laughing when Connor did so with almost a jump to follow.

"Holy shit! Big, tentacly lookin' things over there- man they look gross." He murmured to himself a little quieter, now that Taelian had approached close enough to be within speaking range. The greeting he gave sounded like he attempted to speak Kokalath, the native tongue in which the three brothers spoke diligently. It shouldn't have surprised him so but to hear it somehow did, and when Patrick exchanged a glance with Dom he knew he wasn't the only one. Taelian was actually trying to speak in their language, and while he sounded off to a decent start somewhere in the beginning... that's about as far as he got to say the least.

"Does he understand us too?" Connor checked with the other two, his lips curved up into a devious grin all of a sudden.

"For all we know probably." The eldest brother remarked as he leaned a little closer to the campfire, certainly a little more anxious now that he'd laid eyes on the Marghozad.

"It's 'I'm here today to say hi' buddy." Patrick greeted in turn in the Common Tongue this time, though he spoke Kokalath when correcting the phrase for Taelian.

"Since you asked so nicely," Connor interrupted when they all were asked what they were up to, "I'm just busy sportin' a good breakfast for everyone. Thankfully I still have enough salt left to give some flavor to these fish."

"Well, fish is all we got left." Dom remarked with a minor glare at the younger brother, with a mindful look given to Taelian afterwards. "By the way," He started in Common, "it's actually 'I've come by today to say hello.' if you wanted to know, Patrick here just likes to take shortcuts with words like he does with everythin' else."

"Kiss my ass brother." Patrick shot at him in Kokalath with a snappy tone of voice, the corner of his lip still turned up in a smirk when he looked back to Taelian. "We were just gettin' up and around for breakfast, which you're in time for if you wish to join us." Patrick spoke once more in Common to the mage, pretty sure he'd have an easier time understanding if he did so. Both Dominik and Connor looked to Taelian then, as if they were of one mind, and waited to hear what the Siltori had to say.
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He immediately felt embarrassed upon joining them, largely because he'd realized his mistakes quickly after making them. He had been here for long enough to know the basic fundamentals of Kokalath, and greeting was certainly not a challenge for him anymore. It was his nervousness speaking, which was further emboldened by the first few words he'd heard; their disgust at his Marghozads. Taelian had grown quite fond of them, and almost took the smears personally. The entire archetypal family of the Vesj'vakar was fairly gross, but -- he was a part of it, in a way. He had been for quite a while, now. Often, when he slept, he dreamt that he was dormant within the Stygian Grave. Swimming with them. One with their order.

The Marghozad were familiar enough to him now that he could call upon them rapidly. In fact, eager to compensate for his embarrassment, he did so much as to show the other men. Taelian closed his eyes for a moment, reaching with his aether into the Stygian Grave. His hand, slowly drawing forward, felt for a moment as if it were gripped by a Marghozad's claws. He felt the sharp, organic material rake along his skin, crawling towards his form. In reality, he wasn't harmed, but the feeling was vivid.

Taelian called upon the Marghozad then, as it continued to climb closer across the length of his arm. The same black pool of aether formed again, and within seconds this time - far faster than normal - the creature emerged from the Stygian Grave. The mage quickly looked to Connor, who had derided the Marghozad, as yet another one now accompanied him. He acknowledged that it was perhaps not the best of greetings, but he had always been aloof. Patrick had managed to have Taelian slightly warm to him, but others... it would take a while.

"I know the language better than... looks... it looks like," he said, remembering the conjugation. Dominik was nice, though; Taelian flashed him a small smile, a far more welcoming glance than the one he'd offered to Connor. In truth, though he didn't speak incredibly well, he understood almost everything at this point. As they spoke, the words flooded back into his head, and he recalled. Even 'kiss my ass', a rather colloquial term, was something he'd learned in his time buried in books. He just struggled to really respond.

"I would love to join you." He spoke, again, in Kokalath. It was clear that he was committed to not using Common; in truth, it was something of the reason as to why he was here. The Marghozad began to fan out around the campsite, before dipping into the woods to patrol and keep a lookout. Taelian's demeanor relaxed, appearing less guarded and standoffish. He tried to remember that these were Patrick's brothers, rather than total strangers. They were... at least acquaintances, by proximity.

"I forgot to say my name. I'm Taelian Ela'Rannoch, of Sil-Elaine. Thanks for your... friendly." Still imperfect, but with his nervousness fading he knew he sounded better. He decided he would keep it to short sentences, which he excelled at anyway. He had never been much of a talker. He'd leave that to Patrick, while he listened, and learned.

"Dominik," he called on the brother who had been cordial to him, " you not mind my magic? You all safer this way. These woods can be dangerous for the... uh, those without arm." The unarmed. "And none of you mage, yes?"
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[indent=20]And When The Morning Comes
Glade 47th, 120th AoS
Taelian's quickly decisive display of Summoning was nothing short of expected, at least when you took into account the reaction the brothers gave. Overall the response proved typical of the three; as Patrick merely looked with experienced eyes, for he had noticed how quickly that newly summoned Marghozad came. Yet while he was well aware of the change in control, it was Dominik and Connor who were completely mystified by the creature's apparition. The eldest brother of course shifted from his spot, total fascination plastered across his expression. However poor Connor, the one who subjectively made his bed, grew pale and shook at the sight of the creature.

"Ho ho, ho crap..." The sobered addict bit at his thumbnail indiscriminately. "He's gonna eat me later isn't he?" The terrified little brother checked with the other two, who were practically chuckling at him for even asking. Evidently Taelian could very well understand them now, better than even Patrick had likely anticipated. Had he really worked so hard just to learn the Atinawan language? Was he hoping to learn more of its culture as well? Regardless of what ambition drove the Siltori, Patrick couldn't help but approve regardless; as he could not imagine such a goal easy to pursue.

"You definitely weren't kiddin'," Dominik remarked towards Patrick without taking an eye off Taelian, "definitely the type of guy you'd want as a friend."

Patrick merely shrugged in response, with a casual grin shot to the Siltori before his response. "Guess fate just had a sense of whimsy that day." In a sense it was ideologically true, other than the simple fact mere luck brought them to encounter one another. But regardless of how he felt on the matter, the fact Taelian still returned as frequent as possible for him meant something. It became clear that he found something, or perhaps still seeks it, in having a friendship with Patrick. Maybe? It was still too early to tell, but as far as he knew Taelian was a good person to have around. So far he hadn't stirred Patrick wrong in any way, and if anything seemed rather humblesome due to the nature of their meeting.

Ironically that even fed more into Patrick's curiosity, entertaining once more that maybe something larger was at work. "We'd be honored to share with you Taelian." The middle brother assured the elf with a warm smirk, with a curious glance towards Connor to see if food was getting ready or not. While he had been heavily distracted earlier, the youngest brother hadn't shirked his duties for long! Already he had begun to lay out strips of fish, so that he season them before poking them with an iron bar; so that he could then hang it over the firepit.

"And don't feel required- er obligated to speak our tongue. There's small honor in sharin' in Common Tongue as well." Dominik offered still in heavy Kokalath, while Patrick looked towards Taelian to see what he would say.

Shortly after Taelian remembered to introduce himself to Patrick's brothers, both shot grins that pretty much sat on opposite spectrums. Dominik clearly seemed welcoming in his warm expression, while Connor's came off slightly more pensive due to hidden anxiety. "Hospur- Hospa- Hospitality?! Ho boy, that one was a mouth full." Connor blurted aloud as though he put thought to word, before narrowing his eyes on Taelian with a sudden intrigue. "Hey I know! Could we call you Lian?! Lian sounds badass!"

"Connor!" Patrick interjected almost in a scolding manner. "You cannot project onto Taelian like that! That is not a very friendly thing to do!" While Patrick continued to rant onto his younger brother for a moment, Taelian found the opportunity to ask Dominik about hhis magic. Initially the elder brother appeared intrigued by the mage, quick to nod but with a slight indication of apprehension in his face.

"Well, lucky for us we came armed." Dominik assured the elf in a rhetorical yet friendly demeanor, hinting at the sword resting against the pile of belongings next to the tent. "Our father trusts me with the family sword, but yes, having magic does make things feel safer." There wasn't any reluctance when he admitted that, almost surprisingly so when Patrick noticed it. "I'm not too crazy about magic, it scares me a little honestly." He briefly chuckled in admitting that. "But I believe my brother when he says we can trust you."

"And none of us are mages yeah." Patrick answered the last question with a hint of a smirk, knowing good and well he could possibly become one. Hell they all could, only problem was... the credibility of the odds. That was a stipulation Patrick felt better appropriate to explain later, before either one of these two considered what Patrick already nearly reached out to take. He could've very easily said yes that day, risked his life at the chance of gaining his first rune. So many questions... still waiting for him to answer them. Even now that temptation lingered, but he never once allowed it to show.

"Okay so question." Connor started off with.

However Patrick interjected with a firm "No."

"Why aren't we?" Patrick almost wanted to glare at Connor, as that idiot already nose dived into a conversation Patrick clearly wanted to have later. "I dunno if I could... summon things into the world, no offense, but I dunno! It'd be kind of cool if we could do stuff, least I've always wanted to be able to do magicky stuff." Patrick merely pinched the bridge of his nose, almost physically pained by the blabbering the idiot had started to go on about.

"Connor, magic doesn't work like that. There's a hefty risk involved, one that you're not to take lightly." The middle brother started to say the least, however he looked to Taelian right when he paused, allowing the Siltori to take point from here if he wished to explain the matter personally.
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Taelian's eyes moved back and forth between the brothers as they spoke. He remained fairly quiet, but observant, taking on the full demure traits of a wallflower. He had to admit that he was fairly charmed by Patrick's approval of him -- the way he praised him and seemed to value their meeting. Apparently he'd even told his brothers that he was 'the sort of guy one would like as a friend', if Taelian understood their Kokalath adequately. He also made it clear that the Lord Elf was welcome: that he could, perhaps, find himself at their table or campfire whensoever he wished. From his own viewpoint, Patrick was also a good friend to have. While Taelian could act as a... defender of sorts, Patrick had introduced him to new shades of Atinorin culture. The mage had been surrounded by nothing but pomp and nobility. It was good to see how the common folk lived -- it was people like these that Taelian had always surrounded himself with back at home, and their company - in a way - felt familiar.

He found himself smiling, sometimes. More often as time went on, and less words were spared.

"It's okay, Dominik," he replied. "I don't no mind--" he paused. A double negative. "Sorry; I do no mind speaking in Kokalath. Actually, I like it lot. I am learning from this conversation. And as time goes on..." his smile widened, "I'm getting less nervous. And I'm speaking a little better." He kept his sentences short, and what he said simple. It helped that he was surrounded by people that clearly didn't hold any reservations or judgments. In court, he had to speak in such a restrained way, and sneering glances followed every mistake. Now, in a setting like this, he felt he could really improve.

Connor spoke again, and as per the norm he was... silly. It was invariable with him; seriousness was not his nature. Taelian didn't particularly mind. "You can call me Lian, yes. My Arlaed calls me Tae. Ah, uh -- that's my... love. Lover?" his brow raised. "I've been called Lian before. By the... by... some, people, in Daravin. It sounded more, ah..." He frowned. The Siltori was beginning to need to use more complex words. "More natural," he finally added.

Then -- they started talking about his magic. And then magic in general. Taelian decided, then, that the topic was far too complicated for him to attempt to verbalize in Kokalath. While he believed he could understand their words on it, he had little confidence that he could speak to them on an equal level. As Connor raised the prospect of them becoming mages -- all of them, apparently -- Taelian shifted to Common, though even in the global tongue he still had a thin but noticeable accent. His words sounded... sharp, but sophisticated. Somehow, he projected a natural aloofness with his speech.

"Patrick is right. You don't know what you're considering, really. Not until you know the cost. And I mean really know it -- understand it. Around half of all initiates die during the initiation itself, and many more while learning magic, or during successive initiations. The only reason I ever acquired my magic was because I had no choice, and because I am fighting in a revolutionary war. As far as I was concerned -- as far as anyone was ever concerned -- Sigilic Pyromancy, my first Rune, is our only choice."

He frowned lightly. "I don't see incredible ambition in any of you," Taelian added. Perhaps it wasn't a flattering assessment, though he did not carry any negative context with it. It was fine to want to live a simple life. But simple people did not need to be mages.

"I don't see a purpose for any of you embracing magic. Magic is inherently a power game -- it's like war, in that it has risks, winners and losers, and can warp and reshape the world around it. A mage always wars within, and often they lose the war before they can even begin to play. At this point, I feel confident enough to say that I am a powerful mage. But much of that came from luck. And much of what is left came from... I suppose, natural talent? I don't know; it's arbitrary."

The Ebon Knight realized that he wasn't quite 'selling' the arcane. But that was fine -- he wouldn't have wanted any of the three before him to die to initiation... to succumb to a horrific death. Whereas before he was nonchalant about initiating Patrick, consequences be damned, a part of him now worried of what could transpire. He was beginning to doubt his words, and question their ends. And for that reason, the topic at hand began to make him feel somewhat worried. It perhaps wasn't clear on his expression, but in the way his lips began to slowly curve into a frown, and at the occasional concerned glance he offered the middle brother of the Barnells. He had grown fond of him, and Taelian realized that he'd never initiated anyone before. What did it feel like to be, in some way, responsible for the death of a friend?

It was a tragic thing to imagine. And that was only imagining it; not living through it. Even Vendrael lamented the dead youths he'd squandered -- the failed squires of the Ebon Knights.
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[indent=20]And When The Morning Comes
Glade 47th, 120th AoS
In response to Dominik's offer on the conversation in Common, the oldest brother could only at least give a proper nod of approval. Indeed learning to speak an entire language had to be difficult, but for Taelian it seemed as though he had almost ascertained what he really needed to know. Of course just the fact he worked hard to not only understand, but speak, the Atinorin language was an endeavor most would see honor within.

"Well continue with steelin' those nerves then! Your effort with the language is really payin' off." Dominik commended as the other two agreed, in their own individual ways considering how different Pat and Connor acted towards Taelian. When it came to being given his nickname however, Taelian did not seem to mind it at all really. Quite honestly Patrick felt a little surprised over this, but maybe due to the fact he felt it subjective to Taelian's own feelings at first. Yet seeing him remark about his lover to the other two, who actually seemed intrigued by the mention of a lover, and then add in the fact others called him by that nickname.

Overall it gave something for the three of them to connect with, though for Patrick that hardly felt necessary by now. He had learned so much upon their first meeting, realizing then just how small his own world truly was; and in turn shown favor for the Siltori who suffered many hardships. He hadn't really found the chance to explain everything he knew, to neither one of his brothers in fact as he wanted them to know Taelain beforehand; so that they might have a solid impression of his character at face value. Already the middle brother could see that Dominik seemed fairly receptive, almost practically humbling which was an added bonus Patrick hadn't predicted.

Connor of course appeared on the fence still, but he was certainly coming out of his shell. Before too long he'd come to say something utterly stupid, which by that time Patrick hoped Taelian would fully understand. "Well, Lian's a good nickname in my book. That is so long as you say it is Taelian." Dominik assured him while Connor checked on the fish strips, with a triumphant grin on his face after hearing Dominik say that. Yet when the important topic of magic came in, and Patrick gave Taelian the chance to speak in turn; the stress of the topic's own nature brought back out the Common Tongue. For Patrick it was obviously an easy transition, but the other two brothers were almost baffled by how quickly it took place.

Yet what amazed, probably even terrified, the both of them was the grave stipulations involved with magic. Risk equals reward, power demands sacrifice. All that important stuff that someone like Patrick, much less Connor, needed to remember before they ever dared risk it. Yes magic could've been something they all wanted to do, but there was obviously a very good reason why they hadn't already. Now that the truth of the matter had been brought to light, both Dominik and Connor looked pensive with considerable thought. "Well... I mean..." The youngest sibling tried to be suave and brush it off, with a few nervous chuckles spaced between one another. "It's Atinaw isn't it? We're always at war, whether it's with the Imperium or Old Ones know what else."

"The Clans don't war with one another anymore, it's been that way for generations now." Dominik recited as he remembered the history lessons also, their mother would never let them forget the stories of their culture and the warriors of old. "Fact is we don't have a reason to need magic, if we did then it'd have to be over somethin' worth the risk." The eldest brother elaborated as he noticed both Taelian and Patrick had gotten quiet suddenly. "Somethin' wrong?" Patrick looked to his brother almost in a guilt like manner, briefly glancing to Taelain before he responded in turn.

"I actually have been thinkin' about magic myself."

Both Dominik and Connor looked ready to lean in closer, with the eldest eyeing him expectantly now. "And?"

"Well, uh..." He didn't want to tell them, not whenever he felt unsure about how Taelian felt. He figured at best that he would leave that part out however, so that neither one of them was aware the Siltori had once offered it to Patrick. "It's like you said; we'd require a reason to need it first." He admitted with a hint of reluctance, clearly trying to hide it of course. "What if I told you I had my own reasons? That I wanted to study it in practice and theory both?" Connor looked surprised by this, however, Dominik's expectant gaze shifted into one of solemn recognition. Probably because he knew Patrick well enough by now, to the point where he expected such a reaction from the middle brother.

"If Taelian says it's a power game, then what reason would you have for researchin' it Pat? Think about that for a moment brother, a constant war within yourself because of magic?" Suddenly it sounded like the eldest leaned toward disapproval. "Studyin' the practice doesn't sound bad, I just don't think it worth the risk when clearly nothin's at stake." Yet when he also noticed how disheartened Patrick appeared in that moment, the older brother clenched his jaw for a moment before sighing softly. Clearly he had his own opinions on the matter, but he also knew what it was Patrick looked for; otherwise it wouldn't have come up in the conversation to begin with. "If it's what you think is worth doin' though, then don't let me or anyone else stop you."

Now the middle brother looked confused, hopeful that he wasn't misunderstanding what Dominik had told him. "Just be smart about it, and don't take any unnecessary risks. No matter what you choose Patrick, you'll always have me to back you up."

"...Yeah," Connor chimed in after a moment of silence, "the both of us actually."

Patrick couldn't help but glance to Taelian once more, a minor hint of a shrug posed at him before he answered both brothers afterwards. "Thanks you two. I... don't know if I want to, or if I'm ready to just yet... but I definitely want to consider the possibilities."
Last edited by Patrick on Tue Jun 23, 2020 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1140
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The Siltori smiled as his usage of the native tongue was flattered and praised. He was, like he had hoped, learning fairly quickly now that he was using it without reservation -- and the three of them had been so positive and supportive, it was impossible for him to not feel at ease. Taelian wanted to inform Patrick of the kindness of his brothers, and how fond of them he'd already become, but the Ebon Knight thought to save that for some other time. He wasn't one for open or brazen displays of affirmation, or even appreciation. Instead, the best they managed to extract from him was a small blush and a bewildered smile.

"Thanks, guys," he whispered coolly.

The rest of what happened followed quickly, moving between their nickname for him and the topic of magic. As Taelian explained the dangers of magic, Dominik commented on the potential necessity that came with Atinaw's state of eternal war. Taelian understood what he meant. It was a similar justification used by Daravin, of course, and by Sil-Elaine to a lesser degree. They always struggled against the Dranoch, and therefore always needed power.

But he wasn't convinced that the three of them needed magic for that reason. They weren't on the front lines. And he could just... see it -- think about it, and imagine their faces and their lives; how broken apart they would be if one or even two of the brothers died to initiations. Maybe even all of them. Taelian had lost all of his family to disease, and infection. It was common in Sil-Elaine... but it hadn't made it any easier. Seeing such a beautiful dynamic between the three, he couldn't help but fear and even lament the possibility of being involved in tearing them apart.

But as he pondered, Patrick came forward with his confession: he was considering magic. Taelian knew that; even if their conversation before hadn't made it somewhat obvious, he did perceive it to some extent. There was that sort of fiery ambition in Patrick's eyes, and in his curiosity, outlined by the many queries he had given Taelian when they first met. Even the sight of his threshold sickness hadn't dissuaded him, if anything he was interested in the consequences wrought. Patrick did have the heart of a mage; the intricate need to understand, and to know, and to experience. If any of the three of them were the right candidate to acquire a Rune, it was certainly him.

But of course, Taelian had conflicts. Conflicts he began to feel as the three brothers conversed, as Patrick laid out his reasons and made clear his inner conflict. Taelian had that conflict too. The truth was, he had warmed to him as a friend. Taelian had very few friends in the world; Lethiril, Riven who was also his lover, and perhaps Eleanor. Now, Patrick. There were others in the past... Darnan, Elandria, Rhylor, Mikhail, Varael. All of them were dead now.

He was tired of losing friends. Tired of seeing their corpses, and chasing after their spirits through the Dead Realm, using Searing as a method of slaying the nagging part of them that wished to deny death, and to remain. What if Patrick did die... what if...

"Patrick," he began. Taelian spoke in Common for what followed after, because he wanted to make sure it would be said correctly. That it would be clear. "We've only known each other for a few days, but -- I like you. You're a good man. A friend. I'll help you become a mage if you want, but I don't want you to die. I want you to consider the possibilities, and if you undergo any initiation, I want you to fight to live as hard as you possibly can. If you do live -- I'll help you become a great mage. I've never had a student, or an initiate, but I think I can help you learn well. Just . . . think about what you want, okay? Remember that all of life's gifts may be jeopardized by your death, if it comes. Make peace with that. When you can do that, let me know, and I'll give you my Rune."

He sighed. Patrick was an adult -- he felt wrong for being resistant. At the end of the day, it was his choice. Whatever the consequences were.

"Let's stay friends even when you go back to Alfsos," he said. "I would like that. I'll come find your inn and visit you every so often. By this time next season, who knows, maybe I'll be able to sound less like an idiot when I speak the local tongue. That would be nice," he gleamed.
word count: 811
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[indent=20]And When The Morning Comes
Glade 47th, 120th AoS
To see that Taelian overall seemed pretty proud, if not humbled, by their praise brought a smile to not just Patrick; but both Dominik's and Connor's face as well. Granted they both likely felt differently than he did, just the sheer fact they shared in the sentiment spoke volumes as well. They could tell that Taelian was a friend to Patrick, more than likely saw it that way now after the few conversations they've shared also. It led Patrick to wonder how his parents would react, especially his mother Elinora, if they ever came to meet the Siltori in time. He had hoped such would be the case, because if he knew his mother well then it was certain; Taelian would be treated with the warmest welcome she could provide someone.

Likely because Patrick never actively sought to make friends, so any that did come along had to be somebody of particular interests. Lian as they'd start calling him soon catered to those interests quickly, since he already shared so much of what Patrick had wanted to know already. Honestly the fact they had such common ground really helped, as the bartender could tell that the Siltori was intellectually driven also. Just in a different direction in comparison. So it was no small surprise to hear Taelian speak up once more, addressing him directly after his own brothers said their opinions. To hear all of what he had to say, to be encouraged but considerate of the choice he felt unsure to make... all of it.

Part of him suddenly felt terrified that maybe he would die, and in doing so cause a great rift in the hearts of his beloved Kinship. The fact Taelian already felt so strongly as to admit he didn't want Patrick to die? Well that clearly spoke volumes that weren't emphasized on before, volumes which the other two brothers picked up on when they listened. Had Taelian really come to feel that way? In such a short span of time? Well then, Patrick definitely felt honored. Flattered even. After all he wanted to believe that he and Taelian would be good friends, hell maybe even great friends if he counted the possibility.

"Thanks buddy, you're a good friend too." He assured Lian with a warm grin, mindful that the other two were still presently watching.

"Awe! Do we all get to bring it in for a hug now?" Connor more or less teased to the middle brother, but also glanced to Taelian to include him in on the banter.

"How about finishin' breakfast, we've got full day ahead of us!" Dominik reminded him as he nodded towards the campfire, curious and likely fixated on filling his empty gut with food.

"Yeah yeah, its almost done. Big brother mind grabbing the tableware so we can eat? Bigger brother here's gettin' crabby, plus I'm sure Lian would appreciate a plate also."

"Heh, on it." Patrick remarked as he rose to a stand, moving towards the pile next to tent to sift through their belongings. It took him a couple moments before he managed to get the eating utensils out, along with the ceramic plates they brought along for the trip. When he brought them over to Connor, the youngest sibling carefully lifted the iron bar from over pit; careful with the washcloths he used to lift and hold it. Together with Patrick's help they managed to separate the fillets, covering four plates as evenly as possible before distributing them around.

Altogether the three brothers and the Siltori in their presence grew to appreciate each other's company more. The two brothers unafraid to talk a little between bites, more or less to associate with Taelian better now that he was here. That was overall what Patrick cherished the most about this visit, as not only did his friend become their friend; but they in turn hopefully became Taelian's friend as well.
word count: 715
Business, Templates, Workshop
"Patrick" "Dominik" "Conrad"
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Joined: Tue Jun 16, 2020 9:54 am
Location: Alfsos, Atinaw
Character Sheet:
Character Secrets:

XP Awarded for Both - 8
Collaboration: Collab
Magic Experience: 5 XP for Summoning to Taelian
Injuries/Ailments: N/A
Requested Lore:
Linguistics: Kokalath: Atinaw's Native Tongue
Linguistics: Kokalath: Greetings
Linguistics: Kokalath: Banter
Linguistics: Kokalath: Speaking Colloquially
Linguistics: Kokalath: Introducing Yourself
Linguistics: Kokalath: Present-Tense Conjugations
Summoning: Ritual of Reminiscence
Summoning: Ritual of Reminiscence requires intimate familiarity with an Archetype

Rhetoric: Antics Of Brotherhood
Leadership: Welcoming A Friend Into The Fold
Linguistics: Speaking Kokalath With A Friend
Teaching: Helping A Friend Speak More Fluently
Rhetoric: Discussing Stipulations Involved With Magic
Survival: Bedrolls Aren't As Comfortable As Beds

Kokalath: Atinaw's Native Tongue
Personal: Conversing With An Outlander In Your Native Tongue

Bonus Lore for Both
Politics - Magic is Associated with the Ambitious

Loot: N/A (Fish dinner is a loot all of its own.)

Comments - What an excellent thread. As always, Patrick, I absolutely adore your dialogue, and the interactions that you write between Patrick and his two brothers. They're outstanding. Taelion attempting to learn the local language was very humorous, and also made him seem very personable. The discussion that both of you had over the nature of magic and the risks associated with it was fascinating as well. Altogether, this was a great thread! Look forward to seeing you interact again in the future, and seeing whether Patrick takes Taelion up on his offer to get a Rune.
word count: 234

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