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The Cage: Part Five

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 10:43 am
by Taelian
7th of Searing, Year 120, Sundered Rise.

It was another nice morning. He awoke in his bed within Melitene, light shining through the window. If he looked outside, he could see Grimholdt to the north, the ocean to the west, and the mountains to the east. South: his drawers. With their many pantaloons.

Taelian was largely undressed, his arms and upper chest exposed. Whatever else he had was veiled by the thin blanket, as he had often gotten quite warm throughout the night. Atinaw was clearly better in that regard than Sil-Elaine, with its muggy summer heat, though neither bothered him too profoundly. Lately, the progression of his Rune had largely kept him away from the concerns of heat and cold. Warmth radiated from his beacon in the frost, and that same internal warmth kept external heat relatively neutralized. Taelian was always very warm; people who made contact with him commented on it frequently. Just as many referred to it as a dull, comforting warmth. That same feeling had often been given to him by his Beacon, and it now expanded to coat his skin, his flesh, his bones.

It was undeniable that in the last few years he'd become a changed man. Even the last few months. From Rime until now, his mind and body had been subjected to constant evolution. He was stronger, deeply entrenched into a relationship that had changed his perspectives and even his emotions. He was politically involved, far more motivated . . . he was a powerful mage now. Last evening proved that. And he could just... feel it. It was like power was brimming out from him. He wasn't the same person he used to be.

Sometimes, that change scared him. He didn't feel quite the way he used to. He felt a leaning desire towards power; a progressive need to expand his capabilities beyond their current form and that desire did not abate. The more he gained, the more he wanted to gain. These desires tied into more than just arcane might, but wealth, political influence, even prestige. He wanted to influence the way other people saw him. In some ways, he wanted to influence the way he saw himself.

Eloise told him to be dressed by... around now, this morning. She had something important she wanted to tell him in Melitene's common hall, located by the vestibule. She told him that Iridith would be present as well, and so a part of him worried that the woman had complained of his compassion towards Destian, or some other matter. They hadn't gotten along particularly well during their hunt, though not particularly poorly either. Considering most people who he met tended to dislike him, Taelian considered it a victory enough.

He stood up and got dressed, putting on a simple puffed coat but with long sleeves and soft fabric. It was lined with silver buttons. His pants were essentially tights -- quintessential noble wear, following into simple suede shoes colored a tan brown. He looked something like an aristocrat, though at court in Loregard he dressed more fancifully than this, often wearing black silks and slimmer clothes that complimented his form. His goal was to be handsome, mysterious, and ultimately seen. And lately, he'd even been able to speak.

Re: The Cage: Part Five

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 11:27 am
by Taelian

"Come sit with us, Taelian," the Umpire requested. The two women were seated on ottomans situated around a small interior pond, effectively a stone basin with water at its center. He had often seen them use the basin to practice magic, or to put on simple shows. Apparently, it was a Runeforged artifact with some aethereal properties; its water would rejuvenate, it appeared to be saturated in aether, and its temperature shifted to correspond to the mage's body temperature. It was always perfectly lukewarm.

Melitene had many stupid furnishings like it -- things that didn't matter. The results of a World Mage's practicing, kept rather than discarded. Taelian favored some of them, though, like Wylen's creepy paintings, imbued with the effects of Masquerade. Or even some, infused with Mesmer, that appeared to tug at one's emotions. He couldn't forget the still life image of a simple yellow flower that made one feel irrepressible fear.

"I heard about your mission near Raellon. A plethora of interesting occurrences. Firstly, Iridith's unanswered request for aide -- unanswered by all but you. Wylen's mistake, one that could have easily lost him his court position in the city, and perhaps his head. One that did cost many lives; Wylen attended court this morning, nonchalant as you might expect, and they're saying forty three bodies have been found. Remember: the creature ate nearly every bone. All of their muscles, their skin. Forty three is certainly a low estimate."

It was chilling how much damage one renegade beast could do on a community of 'mundanes' as Iridith had called them. Simpletons, farmers. They really had no ability to defend themselves; nothing to fight back with. Dragonshard guns that weren't good enough; that couldn't protect them against the full breadth of the arcane world.

"If you had not assisted Iridith, she may have died. She informed me that the beast was quick, durable, flexible and agile, and highly lethal. But with your coordination you dispatched it easily, between the two of you. This is certainly what I am looking for in terms of the militant aspect of my Thespians -- the ability to ally, coordinate and dispatch. Unfortunately you lack in many others; your Customs are almost bottom-rung even among Understudies."

Harsh words. To some degree, they stung him. "You've shown little interest in pursuing social forms of mastery, even in spite of your aims towards political power. Instead, you continue to focus on expanding your arcane power, almost dangerously. Your haste is precarious. But, your progress is incredible. It is -- better than Miranda's, even. And unlike her, you appear committed to more than just yourself. I commend that."

Taelian's expression remained somewhat still. He was uncertain of the point of her commendation and her critique. It all sounded very pointed, very forward, like it was meant to mean something. But he failed to find the purpose.

"Taelian, I would like to make you a full Member of the Covenant," she said. "But in exchange, you must commit yourself to the Customs. You must learn them and must genuinely focus on gaining Lord Iulide's attentions. In exchange we will assist you; Thespians such as Wylen will induct you into each practice. We will assist you in navigating through court and dealing with your rivals. We will provide you with information, and expect the same from you. You can utilize our World Magic rooms, will hold a permanent residence here, and you can partake in our debates in determining the future of the organization. Though as of yet you cannot vote. I'm not certain if that feature would particularly interest you, regardless."

"Not really," he answered. Eloise's assumption was correct; Taelian had little care for mage-politics. To him, magic was merely an instrument. It had little to do with his identity. Still -- this was all very intriguing. The offer was considerable, though in exchange further commitment would be expected. This was the beginning of a tightening of their relationship; a fundamental change.

Re: The Cage: Part Five

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2020 11:53 am
by Taelian

Needless to say, he accepted her proposition. That night, Taelian was made a full Member of the Covenant. No longer an Understudy, he had proven his worth to be named among them, and Eloise had vowed to commit more resources to his development. He supposed, based on her actions, that it was due to his aide on the mission.

Iridith further commended him for his arcane strength -- how good of a fighter he was. Taelian was no Regis, supposedly, but he wasn't incredibly far away from his status either. Since he had first been rescued by Eloise in the forests of Karnor -- weaker than her and ultimately in need of her help -- he had come to sit well among the Thespians, at least in one perceivable form of strength. Rather than standing above him from an unreachable position, his peers had become something close to his equals.

But there was much further to go. And in truth... sitting among them did not bring him particular jubilation. There was a sense of enjoyment at improving, at being recognized, at being a peer to these obvious magical elites; but his heart did not lie here in Melitene. This group provided him a dull satisfaction, and though he was glad to help them he found little commonalities in their cause. They wanted power, more and more of it. Perhaps in that way they were the same. But Taelian wanted to save millions of people; to defend an entire race. To bring liberation to millions.

His heart didn't belong in Ailizane at all. It belonged back home. A part of him wondered if it would soon be time to return -- though before that, he would need Riven to know. And hopefully to join him. But he knew he needed patience; it would be a while yet.

Re: The Cage: Part Five

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:32 pm
by Leliana

Taelian Ela'Rannoch

[indent=30]Experience: 5 points

[indent=30]Knowledge: Tactics: Tactical Focus
[indent=30]Spycraft: Collaborating with other networks
[indent=30]Spycraft: Mutually benefiting from peripheral information
[indent=30]Psychology: Learning to take criticism
[indent=30]Leadership: Scaling an organization
[indent=30]Leadership: Being commended by leaders

[indent=30]Injuries/Overstepping: N/A

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