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Thy Mother's Child

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 7:32 pm
by Etro
[indent=20]Thy Mother's Child
14th of Searing, 120 AoS

Standing there in the Archives of Amoren, Etro was lost in the visage of the divine beings that are prayed to by those in Daravin. He was here along with Khaori, following a lead on his mother, as she was a native of the land. Etro was nervous to speak with the clerk in charge of family records after having time to think about certain things, things he didnt understand, things he did. But most of all he had time to settle on one thing in particular, and for that, he needed to take this step forward.

He sat nervously as he was unsure if the clerk would even be of any use to him, or send him on some wild goose chase all for nothing. Then again there would be no reason for them to steer him in the wrong direction, and he had yet to experience the deception of Daravin court. He was hoping, praying that this was the right step.

An attendant soon came into the parlor he was in and greeted him. She informed him that the clerk was awaiting him in the grand hall and that she was to bring him to him at once. Nodding he followed her, through the building of information. This place was the key to him finding out about his mother and her life here. He knew of her name, thanks to Gregorio's help and his informants.

Other than her name or where she lived he knew absolutely nothing. What scared him the most was that he couldnt shake the feeling that he could find out something he wished he rather not know. Taking that into account he began to look around as he was escorted to the man.

He felt out of place, given the fact e was not a native of the city, but he pressed onward following behind the attendant till he was brought to a rather regal looking man, for a records clerk that is. "Etro correct?" he asked, his eyes never raising to meet the half-elf, to which Etro cleared his through to speak. "Yes, I was wondering if you could tell me if you have any records of Dorethea Escada?"

The man set his pen down, taking a few sheets of paper from his drawer and setting them in front of Etro. "Sadly this is all we have on her and the House of Escada. Any other records were....lost to the raiders in the Badlands. If I could make a suggestion, I would say to forget about this endeavor. As brave as you look, I don't think you can handle taking on these savages on your own. But that is just me." he advised.

He could say that it was something he wanted to hear, but he knew exactly what dealing with the Badlands and its inhabitants could be like. With a bow, he took the information given to him and went back to where he was when he arrived, back to square one at least.

Re: Thy Mother's Child

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 2:49 pm
by Khaori
Thy Mother’s Child
14th of Searing, 120 AoS


t seems ‘Ulen’ has had a terrible grasp on the group the past few days and Khaori couldn't say he's happy about it. The young lord is not a religious person, he cannot claim atheism either; Khaori is still somewhat a believer in the gods. Ulen just isn't one of them and he cannot see himself pledging to a monogamous God. The fae’norai usually believe in Veratelle (except one special person he’s met) and whatever accompanies her. He would not admit this out loud, but he isn't much of a fan of her as well. It could be said that he just isn't a strong believer of dead gods at all. The fae just doesn't understand their place in the world anymore. He views them more like powerful queens or kings of the past—they have impacted the world and should be acknowledged, but not worshipped.

Despite how he felt, Khaori walked through the Archives with a slight tremble. God was no more, however, his people thrived and stride in his name—ready to pummel anyone that defied him. He had a feeling for some reason that these men and women could read his mind. Clenching his fists at his side, he slowly followed Etro, the poor man. The fae was not told much. Somehow, he knew this was all-important to him. He had a hunch it had much to do with his past and maybe a rite of passage. The halfling had to prove something to either himself or other people. That's all the lord needed to know anyway.

Khaori was not the kind to force himself into someone else’s business. Unless it benefits him that is, however, this would not help him in the very least way possible. Still, he wished Etro the best since it must be hard not to know your beginnings.

After reaching the clerk, Khaori inched closer to his partner. He could only pick up bits and pieces of the conversation, but it was enough to know that supposedly whatever his friend was looking for that included his mother was gone.

That doesn't make sense.

Such a large place and no information on his mother?

What was supposed to be his friend’s and his friend’s alone, the business became his own for some reason. It could be that pity swell up in his heart or maybe Khaori found the news to be absolute cow dung and could not get over it.

He stopped his friend, glaring at him before rolling his eyes.“You give up way too easily. For a man your size, I thought you would fight.”

Khaori then took his hand and led him right back through the archives until they were in front of the clerk again. Slamming his hand on the counter, Khaori grabbed whatever papers the man had and balled them up to get his attention:

“THIS is absolute madness. You’re telling me you have no information on at least the house’s past relatives here? I'm sure House Escada did not screw each other and keep it all in the family. Their papers cannot remain all in one file in the badlands. There must be others—aunts, uncles, cousins you might have information on that were married into a different family?”

"Chin Up Dear, Your Weakness is Showing"

Re: Thy Mother's Child

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 11:32 am
by Mathis

The Amoren Archives were a place the Entente did not particularly like visiting, though most of them would, rather than delegating it to others. The information contained within -- protected by the highest security clearances -- was often very sensitive, and could be used in the Candor if it fell into the wrong hands. A servant grabbing a document could replicate its contents onto another scroll or sheet, and from there all manner of speculation and claims of illegitimacy could arise.

But a man of the Entente even coming here did allow for speculation as well: why was he here? What was he seeking? Such rumors were likely to follow. Fortunately for Mathis, he was so irrelevant to mainstream Ententer politics that people scarcely bothered to speculate on him. That was how Daravin was: no matter how legendary a House you came from, when that House fell, you were no longer of any importance. Being a Courvagne offered him no privileged legitimacy, and so it offered no purpose in examining his deeds.

And this deed was fairly banal. He was seeking to examine old family trees for the Maison de Courvagne, perhaps to uncover old House allies that may be interested in realigning with him. Even families that were no longer active today -- stunted Veir dynasties like his, with little import among the tide. Mathis was looking to marry, and in order for 'Courvagne' to possess some form of legitimacy again, he needed to marry into another noble family. It would show that he was worth associating with; it was a form of validation. And potentially, a mutually beneficial exchange.

Upon arriving at the Archives, however, his eye immediately caught notice of a scene. It wasn't particularly overt or egregious, but in a place of secrets and obscurity the presence of two obvious foreigners was enough to cause a stir. Their blatancy, even moreso. Particularly one of them -- a smaller, thinner boy with vivaciously curly hair -- who appeared somewhat abnormal for a human man. Something about his mannerisms, and of course his accent -- it seemed familiar, but also unfamiliar. It was strange. The larger man... he was clearly a half-Elf, given his skin tone and the shape of his ears. And that meant he was similar to Mathis, but he was a Lord Elf, in contradiction to Mathis' own Dusk Elf heritage.

Half-Silt weren't uncommon in Daravin, though. Particularly not in Amoren -- it was perhaps the place with their highest concentration.

Stepping forward, the man decided to interject in the exchange. At least partially because he needed to speak with the same bookkeeper the two were tormenting.

"Buenos dias a todos," he greeted them. Good morning, everyone. "I overheard you mentioning something about a House Escada? I'm vaguely familiar with them, I think," he continued. "But... ah," Mathis began to clearly direct his attention to Khaori, " must understand; the Entente do not work with the same system as other countries. You are both foreigners, so I can understand if you may be seeking complex family lineages -- but the only way you'll find which families married Escada is by finding Escada's tree itself. In truth, marriage and lines of succession, as well as title claimants are not relevant here. The Entente don't acknowledge any such claims. Forgive me if I'm mistaken, and you're seeking something else."

He wondered where their curiosity came from. The two seemed almost desperate -- which meant they were likely trying to somehow connect themselves to this Dorothea. It couldn't have been a matter of finding her; no paper would help them track her down. The Entente's movements were not officially logged or monitored.

"I am Mathis Alexios Courvagne. You may call me Max, or Alexios, Veir Courvagne, or Mathis. If you wouldn't mind..." he began to smile, "...I may be able to help."

It was a low hanging fruit for the Candor, but of course, all information was still valuable. Even if he didn't particularly like to play.

Re: Thy Mother's Child

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 3:06 am
by Etro
[indent=20]Thy Mother's Child
14th of Searing, 120 AoS

Given the situation, he was content on going to this archive in the badlands. It held a key part of his own past within its walls. His only concern was how to go about dealing with the vermin that inhabited it and keeping them out. He wasn't sure what to expect with these raiders, but he would prepare for the encounter nonetheless.

As Etro pondered his course of action, it seemed Khaori refused to take the clerk's answer at face value. His companion seemed determined to get answers "You don't understand, it's not that I'm......" though he was cut off by Khaori again, his tantrum and frustration now in full bloom. Etro couldnt help but stare and listen to him, admiring his passion for a straight answer, but more so wishing his friend would learn some restraint.

In a matter of mere seconds, Khaori had taken Etro by the hands, pulling the larger male back to the clerk. He was surprised the little guy had that much strength to him, but when emotions are running wild, one is much stronger than they think, figuratively and literally he supposed.

The clerk however was not all too enthused by Khaori. Mid stroke of his pen, the clerk stopped, hearing Aurisian male fuss at him about not having the answer's Etro was looking for. Unbeknownst to the pair, the guards within the clerk's office were about to move, only to be called off by the clerk. Setting his pen down and taking off his glasses, he looked up to meet Khaori's eyes with his own.

"Believe me when I say, I wish there was more that I can do. But as far as I'm concerned, the information is both unobtainable and irrelevant." he began, starting to tap his index finger on his temple. "If my memory is correct, anything within that archive in the badlands pertains to houses that have either faded into obscurity or fallen in some way or another. If one was smart, which by the looks of you two, one would simply move on. Nothing is gained from a dead house." the clerk stated in a rather blunt manner.

Etro knew as much but even hearing it aloud was irritating. "Now please If you would be so kind as to take your.....loud companion, I have work to return to." he said, shooing them off. Etro took Khaori by the shoulder and was getting ready to escort him out of the room. "I appreciate your passion and enthusiasm, but if I'm going to return my mother's house back to its former glory, I have to do this right. That means not causing a disturbance at the records archive. Whether we know it or not, people talk in this city, any information learned of another can become a weapon used against them later, always remember that Khaori." his tone being stern yet instructive.

It wasn't like he meant to reprimand the man for defending him, but there was a time and place for an outburst like this, and now was neither. Having got the answer's he needed, though not the ones he wanted to hear, he was prepared to leave, or so he thought. A man had come and interjected in the situation greeting them in what he could only think to be a native tongue of Daravin, but what piqued Etro's interest was the fact he was familiar with House Escada.

Just who was this man, and how did he know his mother's family? As much as he wanted to believe the man, he was nothing short of suspicious of him. It was far too convenient for Etro's liking, yet a sliver of hope formed at the appearance of this man. He felt foolish thinking Daravin would be like other countries, as Mathis explained that the Entente don't truly care for such things.

With a sigh, he nodded. "I was originally looking for her will and testament so I could make a claim for any lands or assets she may have had, and join the Entente in order to distinguish myself, as well as to learn something of the mother I had but never knew. if you can help in any way, I would appreciate that." he said with a slight bow. "I am Etro, and my friend here is Khaori" he introduced. He was hoping that by taking a chance on this Mathis character, he could learn something of who his mother, what she did before meeting his father.
"Common Speech"
"Silvain Speech"
"Aerendyl Speech"

Re: Thy Mother's Child

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 12:22 pm
by Khaori
Thy Mother’s Child
14th of Searing, 120 AoS


haori was at the point of attacking the clerk, the man’s high and mighty attitude with sly remarks were getting to him. Before Etro began pulling him away, Khaori spat on the ground and gave the man behind the desk one last glare.“If this were Auris, I'd have your head on a stick. You mean nothing, your people mean nothing but the leftover pickings I feed to my hunting dogs!” He was back to speaking his native language, the only language he could really use to offend others although they probably couldn't understand him. It is most likely a good thing most of Daravin couldn't understand him either.

Khaori shook himself free of Etro’s grasp, choosing to turn his back against him, folding his arms as he listened to him speak. He knew everything the blonde was saying was true. The fae just could not believe how terrible it was here. The country seemed to focus on nothing more than magic; the initiation process muddled their brains and canceled any sense of organization. The more time he spent in Daravin, the more he began to see why it deserved to be an enemy of others. It shouldn't be their beliefs people strive to destroy, but their way of running an entire empire.

“Then let them throw my words back at me like daggers. Let them speak! Perhaps you will find what you're—”

Khaori halted and cut his words in common short once a mysterious man began to approach out of nowhere. He didn't remember seeing him before, however, Khaori’s trudge back to the front desk was almost a blur to him now. The noble fae wondered how long the man had been listening, especially after he began to speak directly to him. At first, there was a blank expression on his face as he watched the man talk—the dratori’s greeting lost to the petite fae as a question crossed his mind. Why is he talking to me? After the man’s last sentence, Khaori smiled politely and closed the large gap between them with just a few struts.

“I guess it's safe to say you guys do not mind incest here than?” He placed his hands behind his back, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet.“You have very weird customs here, some that should be changed.”

Khaori didn't remain too close to the man, inching backward as he talked until he reached Etro. He wished his partner wasn't so chatty. The two had gotten all the information they needed so far. The clerk was useless, the archives were nothing more than empty promises and they had no other choice but to travel to the badlands. Simple. He got it now and he did not feel the company of the dratori was necessary. The tan elf was just too nosy for his liking and he felt something just wasn't right.

A veir?

Nope. The fae believed his help wasn't necessary anymore.

His jaw dropped when Etro casually introduced them to the man.“Isn't it ironic of you to preach about how any information one learns about another could be used against them then you blatantly give our names to a man who was eavesdropping on our conversation?” Khaori softly slapped Etro on the arm.“Clearly, you were raised on the streets. Your mind is as sharp as a dull knife and I mean that in the kindest way possible, love.”

"Chin Up Dear, Your Weakness is Showing"