A Rocky Start

The capital city of Atinaw, home of the royal throne.

Moderators: Principal Author, Regional Author

Posts: 10
Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2020 8:18 pm
Location: Atinaw
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=632
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=645

3rd of Searing, 120th Year of the Age of Steel

The Gemling stood at the windowsill and peered into the house. Sleeping on the sill the night before had been an inspired idea. Warm, humid air and the view of some many things of the night from a heightened perspective. But now they were onto new and bigger, better things. In particular the nice-looking piece of flint that looked delicious and beautiful, Ammy was torn between want of it for their Collection and want of it for breakfast. Afterall, it was so much larger than their own flint stone too. Everything Big Friends had was larger, including the window cracked open which meant the small being could shimmy their way under it.


The smallest gasp left them as they took in the room and all of its shiny things. Far greater than most of what they’d seen within the farmlands. These pieces of furniture were clean, bits of fanciful designs on some, and others with colors that reminded the Gemling of Gemlings. If it were possible they would have simply taken the whole house and made it their Collection. But they only had two arms to fill, not hundreds.

With a bit of a whine the moment of thought ended and Ammy leapt off the sill without a care, letting their body hit the nearest table with a bit of a crash. It took a moment to reorient themselves, carelessly shaking off any dizziness with all the effort of a fallen toddler, before they spotted their target again. It was larger than the Gemling had anticipated but they wasted no time attempting to drag it, falling over almost immediately at the awkward attempt. With a huff they jumped up and pointed at the flint.

“You! You’re coming with me.”

The nodded firmly to confirm their point then moved to the back of flint, dragging it across the table nosily. What they should do when they reached the end of the table was a later thought, for now they needed to just reach the end of the table. Humming now that they could move it, Ammy set to work inching the flint to the edge of the table. If they were lucky it might break into easier to carry pieces and pieces for snacks. Truly the best of both worlds!

word count: 409

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