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Drink and the Devil Had Done for the Rest

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:41 am
by Saej Mirilla
46th of Searing Year of the Age of Steel
Sun's Zenith¤

Saej had spent the better part of the day in Viverosa Market and Plaza. She wasn’t buying anything, just scoping out the scene and sometimes chatting with the other foreigners. At first she was afraid in Alfsos, with its winding roads, that she would get lost but Shasco led the way most of the time. At her heels was Poppy without a leash, panting and always within a hands-grasp distance to pat or scold depending on the circumstance. They had gotten some food from a vendor, indeed a large smoked turkey leg a piece*, even one for Poppy, and had quite the day walking around the stalls.

In truth, she was gauging earnings of two different kinds of people, “outsider” merchants who she would come up and speak to with small talk while glancing at their wares, as well as the locals who she wouldn’t speak with and instead just made mental notes of their comings and goings. From what she could see the locals made a certain amount of more money and had the market cornered. This all was going into a mental check and balances in about what to buy for wares and who to try to sell them to. Spices, tobacco, and you couldn’t go wrong with some unusual dyes… With Shasco being her crier she thought she had a decent amount of luck maybe, if she could get him to learn the language.

They talked about this for some time and he said that she was ludicrous, no, he wouldn’t learn a foriegn language to appease some locals when they would be traveling on and most places didn’t even speak Kokalath. While he understood her sentiment he still outright refused but Saej knew that it would be fine either way. This was just a test run if she did end up vending a tent here, in fact maybe the challenge would be just what she needed to fine tune her business.

At one point she noticed a pale elf following them at a distance.
‘Well, maybe not following.’
She thought, telling herself that the market was large and crowded, streams of people did cross multiple times and it would seem with his white hair and pale skin he would stand out anywhere really. Saej didn’t let the man bother her as she perused the stalls and other shops in the market, at one point finally forgetting he existed completely.

A notable occurrence was early on in the day when Saej got into an argument with one of the locals who began shouting at her in Kokalath. When the person finally began speaking in common it would seem he was fed up with her browsing their textiles and demanded that if she would keep coming over then she needed to buy something. Saej said nothing and went to turn away politely when Poppy reared up and barked loudly at the offended man. She had to scruff the huge dog while quieting her down and Shasco apologized profusely, they were getting a lot of stares from the people around them. For the next hour the Knights followed Saej and Shasco around at a distance, keeping a watchful eye for trouble. This is when Saej and Shasco decided to have a bite to eat and afterwards the Knights had dispersed, obvious satisfied that they weren’t here to cause trouble.

For now, at the current time, it was early afternoon and the heat was rising in the day, Poppy would need to get back to the Inn soon to hide her thick coat from the sun before she overheated. They were making their way through the bustling crowd across the disorienting volley of tents, stalls, criers, and patrons when Saej thought she could see that pale man again.
‘Could he really be following us?’
She asked herself, pulse getting quicker. Looking over to Shasco he had his slingshot stuck in his belt and somehow, despite the pity of such a small weapon, felt better for that.

OOC; Ledger
-5df for a smoked turkey leg from Shasco's ledger
-10df for two smoked turkey legs from Saej's ledger

Re: Drink and the Devil Had Done for the Rest

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:12 am
by Althalos

Viverosa Market had proven to be immensely uncomfortable for the Animated. He had known there would be hundreds if not thousands of people present, especially given the sunny weather and the not excruciatingly hot temperatures, but he had thought there would've been a bit more decorum to the entire process. Instead, it felt much more like stepping into the middle of a beehive and being forced to jostle his way through whatever portions of it he wanted to reach. Thankfully, everyone else had also grown accustomed to this same routine of jostling - stepping - jostling - pausing and so it hadn't taken too long to slip into the routine.

Of course, he hadn't come to Viverosa to shop very much, and so each of his pauses was little more than cursory in nature. He would glance across the products on display, ascertain whether they were anything particularly special, and then cast his attention back towards his quarry. Looking at the shopkeepers directly in the eyes was a good way for them to shout praises about their merchandise and go into tirades about the importance of quality over quantity, and after the first couple of advertisements, Althalos had a desire to never hear another one in his life. They'd always feign such disappointment when he walked away even after their adverts, but he wasn't made of farthings and he really didn't have a use for 'an authentic Alfsos dagger' or 'the finest saddle this side of the world.'

The foreigners seemed to have roughly the same issues that he was having, being accosted by some of the peddlers for their refusal to purchase things. He questioned whether they kept returning to the same stalls over and over if they had no intention of purchasing anything, but he supposed that further observation would be enough to make their reasoning known to him. He had been watching for a few hours now, slipping off only once when they had turned about and nearly walked into him. Thankfully, whether they were aware of his presence or not, they seemed to be doing very little about it, which meant he was free to continue his quiet vigil.

The knights had gotten involved at one point, which had made his activities somewhat more difficult. It was evident that they were watching over the pair of travelers and their faithful hound, but that didn't mean they wouldn't notice him creeping around them as well. Of course, that didn't necessarily mean he was going to do anything malicious to them, but stalkers had a habit of being treated poorly when discovered, and he had been forced to walk in wider arcs about the pair until the enforcers had disbanded. That had meant altogether less learned in that short period, though he believed he had gotten enough for a cursory conversation.

It seemed that they were headed back towards the Inn where their journey had begun, and so, like an obedient bloodhound he stepped into line with them, following about fifteen feet behind them, glancing off to the sides at this and that as he walked. There was, of course, no reason to stare directly at the two and completely ruin any element of deniability in the process. He would wait until they had entered into the Inn, and then afterward he would simply need to enter behind them, and finally make his move.

Or -- perhaps he should take them now? Were there advantages to that? Maybe he could invite them for drinks, and loosen their tongues?

"Excuse me!" He exclaimed suddenly, the sound leaving his lips before he had finished with his analysis, time running against him. He hadn't used Common nearly as much as Kokalith while he was here, but it felt familiar nonetheless, like a language he'd always known. Noting the distance still between the two groups, he elected to close it more quickly, stepping with greater speed, but all of the lack of aggression that he could display in his scrawny figure.

"Are you going to the Silver Lion? I'm an outsider too, and I was hoping to get to talk with you." Perhaps that was a bit too formal, and a bit too revealing, but he had never been one for a lack of revelation -- in fact, he had never been one at all.

"If you'll humor me, I'll buy your meals and drinks for the evening?" He offered with a gentle rattle of farthings hidden away in his fine coat.

Re: Drink and the Devil Had Done for the Rest

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 11:10 am
by Saej Mirilla

They were pushing lightly through the people, hand close to Poppy to steady her and keep her at the hip. It would seem as they pushed through the crowd the man this time was definitely following them as he kept back at a certain distance. Saej was rather nonplussed by this but tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, he wasn’t following and staring, when she looked back to see if he was still there. Though it would seem even as they made quick feet from the market, finally out of the hubbub of the area, he was still close behind.
“Errr, maybe he’s headed home? Or maybe he wants, you know, a ride in your wagon, hmm?”
Shasco hissed to her in Kyriac, teasing her even now.

They quickened their pace simultaneously, both kind of getting the hint from one another that it might be best to lose him but right at their heels was the pale elf, who finally opened his mouth to accost them. He sounded polite and well spoken, she couldn’t quite place the accent. The trio whipped around and Poppy’s hackles started to raise as the man drew closer. Saej gave her a look of trepidation as she assuaged the huge dog,
“What has gotten into you today?”
Saej said nothing else, not looking at the man but at Poppy, and Shasco glanced from her to the man in a double take before replying to him in Kyriac accented common while smacking his lips.
“Well, yes we are. Are you also a patron? I suppose you could join us. I could go for a drink.”

Saej rolled her eyes and tried to stop herself from face-palming. Shasco could be so greedy. Of course he’d take a free meal. Still, it could be better than gruel for supper and the man himself gave off no air of something funny that she could see. Maybe he was being honest. Neither one of them gave much mind to his revealing comment, as far as they knew the Silver Lion was popular and Saej thought from his statement perhaps it was just a regular stop for tourists and visitors. So far, nothing was out of the ordinary for them.
“What does he want?”
Saej addressed Shasco in Kyriac to which Shasco replied in the same language,
“No clue, you know as much as me honeybee. Maybe you should ask him that yourself.”
So Saej finally said to the man in common,
“What do you want?”
It came off maybe slightly gruff but not intentionally rude, her manner of speaking was blunt and to the point preferring to leave no room for interpretation or whimsy.

They would keep pace with him to The Silver Lion Inn, chatting if he wanted to. The duration of the walk Poppy would be stress panting and close to Saej, growling slightly but seeming more afraid than anything. If the pale man reached out to touch Poppy she would cringe away with her tail between her legs. The duration of the trip to the Inn Saej would think nothing of the pale man’s involvement in Poppy’s actions.

Re: Drink and the Devil Had Done for the Rest

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 3:08 pm
by Althalos

The very moment that the trio had spun around to face him, Althalos felt as though he had made a dire error. He hadn't even observed them long enough to know their names, and so how was he meant to gauge their personalities? What if they thought he was attempting to trick them and took his advances to be some form of assault? They might challenge him to a contest of some sort, perhaps something that would oust him as having lost his life several weeks prior. If his nervous system was as reflexive as his mind, he might've begun to twitch in anticipation for their answer, but instead, he simply stood still as a statue.

There was some discomfort in the presence of the hound which had accompanied the pair. It had disliked his presence, and yet, despite the hostility in it, he couldn't help but feel a draw to get closer. Did it know somehow what he was? It didn't matter, he supposed, because it couldn't speak to them in a common tongue they would understand and inform them of how close they were allowing themselves to get to him. He was no danger to them anyways, he thought, recognizing that he would never deign to chew upon a mortal. The hound though? His tongue flicked across his teeth behind the cover of his lips, imagining for a millisecond what it would taste like to snap into the dog's hide.

"Yes, I've been there a few times. They serve a Kalzasi meal on Raellas. It's pleasant." That part was a lie. He'd never actually tasted the meal, but he'd been in its presence a couple of times, and he knew it smelled tasty at least. The male of the two at least seemed pretty satisfied with the possibility of a free meal and drink. Perhaps he was confident in his ability to read the nature of others, or perhaps he simply thought that his own physicality was greater than that of the Siltori and didn't detect any real fear in him. Either way worked for Althalos.

Yet, there seemed to be a bit of contention between the two about accepting his offer. A foreign tongue was uttered, and Althalos found himself standing idly, waiting for them to finish with their conversation. Finally, the result of it was made known to him in a more familiar language, inquiring as to the purposes he had for the two... three. "Just to talk. You're travelers, and I have questions about the outside world. I've forgotten more than I ought to, and had hoped you'd recognize some things for me." He smiled towards them, enthusiasm for the chance at learning more about himself swelling to the surface.

He would accompany them towards the Inn if they accepted his reasons for wanting to speak, glancing every couple of minutes at the way the hound kept as far from him as possible, it's chest heaving with fear. That solidified to him that the dog knew his true nature, then. Perhaps there would be a way to tame it regardless so as to lessen suspicion, of course, that assumed he had to put up with the pair for more than one meal. "Where are you from? I don't recognize that language, but I know it's not Common or one of the local tongues."

Re: Drink and the Devil Had Done for the Rest

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 8:25 pm
by Saej Mirilla

The pale elf seemed a bit awkward as they all kind of waited for him to speak up. Saej thought maybe he had bit off more than he could chew when he approached them. There was no real suspicion that they would be harmed by him or taken advantage of, in fact the only suspicion there could be said would be on Saej and Poppy’s part. Shasco was gregarious enough to talk about himself to nearly anyone, and at length, but Saej held a certain reservation around most people, preferring to keep what secrets she had close to heart. Poppy on the other hand was wary which was completely out of character and even so Saej still didn’t take it as the man but only the coming sun and the rush of being around so many people. The trio was eager to return to their room and board.
“Hmm, indeed. A meal from Kalzasi sounds pretty comforting. I feel like I can never get enough of a good dish from that region! You know one time--”
He started, before cutting himself off with a look from Saej.

Continuing on the man went into detail about what he wanted from them, to ask questions about the outside world he said.
‘Well, he certainly found the right people for that.’
She thought, drifting to her horses and the fact of paying even more money for their room and board soon. The man smiled after he spoke and she looked at him more clearly then, something about his pale visage and the way he said his words to her made her look at him deeply. His dyed brown clothes were finely tailored, they had small other colors running through them here and there, marking him as wealthier than she. His hair was long, silky and white, the falling strands shimmering in the day’s light with a silver hue as if he had just bathed it in silver. And indeed, his skin did glimmer, duller though, in the same way which was when she realised she had no idea what kind of elf he was.

These observations made the next thing he said odd, that he didn’t know what language they were speaking. Surely someone of his wealth would have come in contact with this language at some point. Aren’t the nobles worldly people? Still, he said there was much he had forgotten or maybe didn’t even know. Saej blinked at him and adjusted her glasses. She and Shasco looked at each other before Saej took it upon herself this time to reply.
“It’s called Kyriac, the Hytori language. Actually we’re from Kalzasi, we just arrived days ago. I admit I have been in Kalzasi for some time but I was actually a merchant for awhile as well as a courier for the longest time. I meet people from all over regularly. Shasco also travels. We could give you some insight for a meal, I suppose. I’d love to help.”
Poppy reared up then eager to get away and Saej grabbed her, hugging the one hundred and seventy pound dog back to the ground.
“I need to put this dog up, the sun is getting to her. If you’d like to come with us and continue this conversation over, say, a beer and some meat I would love to talk back in The Silver Lion. My name is Saej, it’s nice to meet you.”

Shasco nodded with vigor,
“I definitely agree. They call me Shasco Devule; juggler, bard, and highwire extraordinaire. I could go for a good beer. Recently I’ve traveled much more than Saej, I’d also love to have a chat. It’s been awhile since I’ve gotten a good story out. I need to say your hair is beautiful, I’m part Hytori and have always admired elven hair the most. You look very dashing!”
With that they started the walk to the Inn, making it there in good time. Pushing through the doors Saej and Poppy stepped in first, she took the dog up the steps, noticing the immediate difference now that she was “out of the sun”. She left Poppy in the room with a bowl of water and some food before returning to the men. Shasco would sit wherever the pale man sat and Saej would sit beside Shasco.
“What’s your name?”
Saej said in her usual curt manner.

Re: Drink and the Devil Had Done for the Rest

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 9:39 pm
by Althalos

She must've been in charge, he ascertained as she cut off her male companion in the midst of his storytelling. He seemed gregarious to say the least, though perhaps he was simply eager to talk about himself. Althalos wasn't sure whether he truly disliked that quality in people, because he didn't feel the need to speak about his own nature quite so much, and it was a good method to gather information about someone in the process of stoking their ego. He supposed so long as no one was hurt by the continued pride, then it was entirely a non-issue. The trader, it seemed, disagreed with his assessment.

He listened intently as they described the language they had been using to communicate between themselves, identifying it as 'Kyriac' the language of the 'Hytori'. He wasn't entirely familiar with whom the Hytori were as a people, but the further mention of Kalzasi seemed to indicate to him that they were the native population of that area. Althalos was uncertain if that was a correct assumption to make, but he was willing to operate off of it until someone bothered to correct him. After all, worst-case someone would realize that he hadn't traveled beyond the territory of Atinaw much, and that wasn't truly a taboo here, especially given the people's general attitudes to the more effeminate groups surrounding them.

The corpse had known that the pair were outsiders through his observations, but it was now revealed that one of them had served both as a trader and as a courier, meaning that they had made a profession out of their arbitrage and deliveries. That was spectacular news, and he couldn't help the grin that impressed itself across his face. She would know a great deal about the world around them, no doubt, and especially about the people from different areas and the various attitudes they held towards one another. A trader needed to know much about their consumers if they intended to make a sale, and she had clearly been successful enough to call it her primary work without shame.

There was further satisfying news at her sudden agreeableness, and her desire to stow the hound which continued to give away his true nature. He didn't bother making any excessive movements towards the beast for fear that its fright would overtake it and send it into an anxious attack, instead choosing to allow her to put it away without any real interaction with it. If she asked, he could always just say that he was afraid of dogs, and especially of that one given its large size.

The trader gave her name as Saej, and her companion gave his as Shasco -- apparently he was a bard which meant he likely knew a great deal about stories and mythologies. Eager to probe their minds for information, Althalos slid into the first free table that he could find, only a few feet away from the center of the establishment that usually served as his haunt; the center of the building was the perfect place to hear and see everyone on the lower floor, after all.

"Thank you. I was born with it." He replied with a curt nod and a polite half-smile to Shasco at the sudden compliment. He really had done very little to affect the mass, but he didn't want their informative conversation to be distracted with needless talk about cosmetics and methodology on hygiene. "Althalos Sil. There is supposed to be more to the name, I think, but --" He paused, raising a hand to catch the attention of the barmaid snooping through the aisles so that she could come and take their orders. For his part, he ordered nothing, simply handing over the requested farthings whenever his company concluded with their conversation.

"I woke up the other day with some severe memory loss. I'm afraid I don't remember very much at all. My companions were all found -- they were gone -- and I discovered my identity in a smudged journal lying around in our little caravan. Althalos Sil is all I know of my name." He took on a solemn silence, chewing at the side of his cheek as he considered how to proceed. "I didn't want to start out quite so drab and morbid, but I think it's important you know why I wanted to meet with you so badly."

He stirred from his melancholy, another polite smile cresting the somber look as curiosity again overtook morbidity. "Shasco, you said that you were part Hytori? What can you tell me about them?" He said, placing his gaze on the half-blood.

Re: Drink and the Devil Had Done for the Rest

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 8:22 am
by Saej Mirilla

Now seated at the table with the man he gave his name as Althalos Sil.
‘Althalos, seems regal. Why does he seem so proper yet… clueless?’
Althalos motioned for the barmaid, ordering nothing but still extending the invitation to eat and drink themselves. Shasco ordered shepherd's pie, Saej ordered the stuffed portobellos. They both ordered a cider*, Saej following Shasco’s lead. What she really wanted was another shitport special but after her first night’s faux paux she decided to leave that drink be for the time being. After ordering Rose took the tab away and handed it off to the cook who turned out to be Vincent, she didn’t meet his eyes.

The man began his tale and Saej couldn’t help but wonder while listening at the inexplicableness of it all. Althalos really knew how to pick ‘em it seemed, between she and Shasco one or the other would surely know something perhaps to help the man out with his plight. His comment about wanting to meet them “so badly” was odd to say the least, it made her question not his motives but him as a person as well as the duo themselves. Were they really so obvious or was this man just blessed with an unholy foresight? Then again she had seen him around the market all day, maybe that was where he made his assumption.

Her thoughts didn’t get much farther than that as he addressed Shasco now with a question about his heritage. This was actually one of his favorite subjects and was more than happy to oblige an answer.
“Memory loss, hmm? Maybe it’s better not to know if you woke up like that, seems to me maybe you blocked something out. Mostly joking, but really though it sounds like you have a new lease on life! At least until the memories return then. The Hytori though? Where to begin! Ah, so much beautiful history. I must say this is one of my favorite tales growing up but one I don’t get to tell often enough.”
He cracked his knuckles and began, the story was marked with flourishes of the hands as well as overdramatic and romantic undertones. “The Shasco Special”, Saej liked to call it.
“The Hytori are the oldest elves and indeed, the elves from which all others spawned. Some would say they’re the pinnacle of being elven. No offense there, sir but I can tell you wouldn’t be one of us from the… the.. Pallor of your skin and hair. We have a golden sheen to us, see my eyes, known for its stunning beauty. We are heroic and daring, living long lives filled to the brim with tales for almost every Hytori man and woman. I say we lightly as I’m only a fourth. My mother, was half-- she will live long past my father who is full-blooded human. I don’t expect to live much longer than his dying age myself. I have the ears and in some lights you can tell the eyes, but unfortunately I think my inheritance from them’s purely cosmetic. Hey, if you get your memory back and know any good Hytori women give them a wink for me? In any case within the realms of the Clockwork empire’s assault on Ransera my people were very saturated in its unfolding. That’s all I can really say without going into much more detail.”
Shasco folded his hands neatly on the table,
“Ring any bells?”

Saej cleared her throat and Shasco turned to look at her.
“I have a question for you, Althalos. If you say they were found and were gone at the same time are you implying they were… dead? Isn’t this something more for the knights to look into, not just some foreigners with a beer in their hand? I’m very sorry for your companions but I think maybe you need a detective, not just some travelers in a tavern.”
She grimaced then, realizing the depth of her words. She almost sounded like she was implying that he might have killed them himself. Just then dinner was served to them, beer and all, and the stunned Shasco started to eat.
“Uh… man I’m so starving! Thanks for the dinner Althalos.”
Nervous, Saej drank deeply from her cider and didn’t meet Althalos’s eyes. Using her fork, she toyed with her stuffed mushroom before stabbing it and taking a bite.

Adding as an afterthought, she tried giving the man the benefit of the doubt.
“I would love to still help the best I can. If you truly have lost your memory I can tell a bit about Kalzasi. There’s a merchant guild there and many other guilds too. If you say you’re part of a caravan I can only think maybe you would have been moving goods, but that’s just my perspective. Nothing in the journal gave you any other clue to where you maybe started out? Ah, but maybe I think I should let you ask the questions.”
She took the last bite of mushroom and drank from her cider deeply again, how she loved a good drink.
“It’s very good, thank you.”
Came Saej with her mouthful, adjusting her glasses.

OOC; Ledger for Althalos, who so kindly provided the food and drink,
-shepard's pie 10df
-stuffed portebellos 10 df
-2 ciders 4df a piece

Re: Drink and the Devil Had Done for the Rest

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 9:24 am
by Althalos

Having revealed his symptoms, he had expected a comment or two of sympathy towards his plight. Instead, Althalos found that the part-Hytori was far more intent on proving that he had a 'fresh start' and that he wouldn't need what he had lost. Perhaps there was some truth to be found in those statements because the pale elf wasn't really certain the had even really forgotten so much as never possessed. Was there really a difference as far as the Althalos was before was concerned? He was dead either fully or mentally, and every action and reaction taken now was performed by an alien mind that was not -- would not be his own.

Yet, people had lives like spiders had webs, and he was clearly an aristocrat of some type. It might be possible that he possessed a family who would be able to provide support for him, unwittingly giving shelter and assistance to a stranger wearing the guise of their kin. The opposite was also true, he considered, recognizing that even the nation in which he lived was dealing with various difficulties involving hostilities from other nations. If Atinaw's sovereignty could suffer such antagonism, then it was only fitting that an individual could face enemies, and they would be all the more dangerous if Althalos didn't know they would be coming for him.

Instead of a response, he gave only a crooked smirk and a shrug of his shoulder, not bothering to deign the idea of abandonment with a response. He did listen with rapturous attention, however, to whatever details could be given about the Hytori. They had served as progenitors for his own race, and that of any other elves, and apparently were easily distinguishable from his own Siltori brethren, because of the presence of their golden skin. That was a stark contrast to the silver of his own flesh, and he began to wonder if all elves were possessed of an inherent shimmer like that of metal -- golden elves and silver elves and perhaps some variant of copper or bronze to match.

"All elves must live long lives." He answered at the gentle interrogation from Shasco. "Not much to go off of, is it? It's something, though." He said, focusing on Saej as she readied her throat for speech. At her insinuation that the group was deceased, he gave a nod of confirmation. Her question was a valid one, and he took no offense or assumption out of it. He didn't think that he was responsible for the death of a dozen men given his obvious aptitude towards work done sitting down, and the general lack of apparent injury on him. "The knights, while valiant, do not make it a habit of raising the dead." He gave with an almost light-hearted tone, though again the somberness crept onto his features, particularly in the way his eyes glazed over. "I'm almost certain it was a wild beast or a pack of them. None of the caravan's things were taken, and I wasn't tied up when I awoke. The Knights are already well-aware of the presence of vicious creatures and beasts on the roadways."

He paused, turning his gaze on Saej as she suckled harshly at her drink, her own vision either obscured by the mug or else directed elsewhere. Did she think he would be offended by the suggestion? People were such curious things. "It's a good thought, but knowing what type of thing killed them won't remind me of who I am, and as Shasco put it --" He coaxed a finger into pointing at the part-Hytori, "--perhaps I don't want to know them all that well, knowing their fate as it is."

There was a brief pleasantry exchanged of thankfulness about his having provided a meal, but this too he seemed to almost ignore, giving only a hem of acceptance. It wasn't rudeness that had overtaken him, nor had his pride been stirred by the astute assumptions of his companions, but rather he felt nigh on the verge of new understanding, and he didn't want to be distracted from his target before he had stricken it true. "I'm grateful for that assistance. Anything you can tell me would be beneficial, I'm sure," He said.

"When I awoke, there was something here upon my finger that helped me learn of my identity. The journal provided some insights to my name, but it was a business document first and foremost, more about trade-goods and profits than the people carrying them." Bringing his left-hand forward, he raised the digits towards the ceiling, showcasing the large and shattered signet upon his ring finger. Delicately, so as not to provoke further damage, he stole it off of the phalange, settling it center-point upon the table for both Saej and Shasco to observe it. "A nobleman's effect, I'm certain. Do you recognize it at all? I think I must've rolled down a hillock in the attack and bashed it against a tree or a stone."

To Be Continued...

Re: Drink and the Devil Had Done for the Rest

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 10:12 am
by Leliana

Saej Mir'illa

[indent=30]Experience: 8 points

[indent=30]Animal Handling; Keeping a cold weather dog out of the hot sun
[indent=30]Animal Handling; Taking an animal into a crowded market
[indent=30]Business; Checking out the competition
[indent=30]Business; Local businesses vrs traveling merchants
[indent=30]Business; Choosing your stock
[indent=30]Business; The need to learn the local languages for traveling merchants
[indent=30]Leadership; Keeping a conversation on track

[indent=30]Injuries/Overstepping: N/A

Althalos Sil

[indent=30]Experience: 8 points

[indent=30]Negotiation - Offering Meals for Knowledge
[indent=30]Negotiation - Getting All You Can Get From Someone
[indent=30]Storytelling - Avoiding Gruesome Details
[indent=30]Interrogation - Asking Big Questions First
[indent=30]Psychology - Some People Are Loud, Some are Quiet
[indent=30]Tracking - Stalking Someone Through a Crowd
[indent=30]Tracking - Foreigners Make Waves
[indent=30]Stealth - Staying At A Target's Back

[indent=30]Injuries/Overstepping: N/A

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