Short talks and long walks with Pacheco & Khan

The lands of Atinaw surrounding the capital city.

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11th of Searing, 120

Khan, the chameleon that Magna had discovered just the day prior, was sat upon Pacheco's back while she led the two toward their destination; Hopsfel. The half-giant didn't know the land, but with Khan's help, they'd managed to find the main road. It was busy, too. They hadn't been on the way to Hopsfel for even two hours, but they'd walked by three other travelers heading in the opposite direction already. At every encounter, Khan greeted them with the native tongue, a language she knew nothing about. Part of her wished to learn, as it seemed that nearly everyone she encountered could speak two languages or more. The other part feared she would not be in Atinaw long enough to make use of it. Of course, picking up a few words couldn't hurt, could it?

Though, the journey between them had been quiet thus far. Aside from the odd greeting to a stranger as they passed and Magna's insistent checking on his wellbeing and wound, they hadn't spoken much at all. It would be strange if she brought up the topic of language, suddenly. So, she waited until the perfect time to start the conversation arose. Soon enough, another stranger came walking from the other side of the road; another animal person, but a mammal instead of a lizard - They appeared to be sort of fox-like with bright amber fur, and wore rather fearsome-looking armor. It wasn't the same style as Khan's, but Magna had recognized a pattern. Nearly everyone in these lands was dressed in heavy armor and carried weapons. Was she a fool for not doing the same? She didn't know how to fight, even if she did carry a weapon.

Khan's greeting came with a bow of his head, and the fox replied with one of his own. That was her chance! She stared hard at the Lizard as the fox passed by, hard enough that Khan noticed and turned rigid in his seat. A glance of her silver eyes confirmed the fox was out of earshot before she spoke. "Whatcha speakin'?" Again, she'd forgotten to speak slowly for the lizard, who reeled a little and tilted his head at the question. "Ah... Bet? Twy'n heb de-ak. Not hear..." Magna's eyes widened at the realization, and she brought her palm to her forehead in a light strike. "Sorry," replied the giantess. "Your language," she spoke slower, with more clarity. "What is?" Khan's eyes widened in turn, and a smile took his lips. "Ithmi," he declared, apparently quite proudly. "Rathari-speak, yes."

Ithmi? Magna nodded with her lips pursed, thinking to herself before she locked her eyes with the chameleon's once more. "I can learn?" Her reply came perhaps half a second too soon, and the giant recognized that. Suddenly, the space between what she'd asked and Khan's reply seemed to stretch on for minutes, even hours in her own head. Did she appear too needy? What if Khan thought she was only keeping him around so that she could learn from him? She was, but that didn't mean she wanted him to know that. "Yes!" Replied the rathari quite excitedly. "Khan teach! You want?" A shaky exhale of relief flowed from the giantess's lungs, and she nodded with a smile that spoke volumes on her feelings. The lizard laughed a little at the sight, then cleared his throat before Magna could question it.

"Oke," started the lizard. "Say 'hello' like... 'Ba'reda'. But only to stranger." Magna tilted her head. That was the word he'd been saying to the people they passed, yes. It was indeed a greeting, as she'd suspected. "Barada?" She asked in turn with a slight tilt to her head. Khan shook his. "Bah-Reh-Dah" He spoke slower, and with more emphasis on the pronunciation. Being talked to in such a fashion made the half-giant tuck her neck a little, as though she'd been scalded. She didn't speak a word of her disappointment, however. "Ba...reda," she replied. Pacheco snorted while they walked along. Khan clapped his claws together and nodded quickly. "Yes! Enffa, perfect!" A smile took her lips as a feeling of accomplishment coursed through her chest. "Ba'reda," she recited with a hum.

Her gaze returned to the road for a moment, where she spied an approaching hill. In truth, her body still ached from all the running she'd done the day prior. Her hamstrings were a point of particular stiffness and soreness, just walking on them hurt. Then, she realized! She'd not eaten enough that day nor the day prior. So she paused a moment and brought the horse to a stop. her gentle hand brushed through his mane and drew a happy snort from his long face. She smiled a little before reaching into the saddlebag behind Khan, where she drew a ration pack. One of these was meant to be enough to last a day, according to the shopkeeper she'd purchased them from, but she found herself eating two or three a day. A pause heralded her thinking while Khan merely stared at the rations. A few moments later, the half-giant snapped from her trance and looked to the lizard with a hint of uncertainty. She should probably offer Khan some lunch, he was bound to be hungry. So, with the pack in her hands, she lifted with an extended arm to the lizard.

"For Khan?" He asked, and Magna nodded with a grin. That would last him the whole day with his size, for sure. Of course, the lizard happily accepted the gift and began to pick through the bag, looking for whatever looked tastiest. Meanwhile, the giant opened one in Pacheco's saddlebag and pulled a sack of grain from its contents, only to empty the entire thing into her mouth like a snack, chew and swallow. It was meant to be a full meal for any normal-sized traveler, but she was hungry. Khan watched with wide eyes, then bowed his head in gratitude. "Di'alk, thank," he spoke. Was that the word for gratitude? "Di'alk," retorted the woman, and she looked to Khan before resuming the walk.

"Mean thanks?" She asked when the lizard didn't reply. When there was yet more silence in place of his voice, the giantess looked back to him, only to find the lizard with his mouth comically full. He was hungry, she should have recognized sooner. Nonetheless, the lizard nodded quickly in response, which coaxed a brief laugh from the giant's lips. She had made great progress! Already, she knew two words... Or did she? Her smile turned to a puzzled grimace as she thought. What was 'hello' in Ithmi? She'd forgotten already! "Uhh, Khan?" The lizard hummed in response. "What is hello?" She puzzled, and bit her lip as if she expected to be reprimanded. "Ba'reda," replied the lizard after swallowing his rations. "For stranger. For you, I say 'Ba'rhea'. Hello for friend."

Magna paused again, and slowed Pacheco to a halt by extension. Khan appeared uneasy, why were they stopping? "Ba'rhea?" Asked the giant without turning to face him. Uncertainty lined the lizard's features as he nodded slowly. "Yes... That okay?" He asked in turn. For the longest time, Pacheco had been her only companion, her only friend away from home. To suddenly be called a friend by another, by a lizard she barely knew, stirred something aflutter in her chest. Just a second or two later, she turned to look at the uncertain chameleon with a broad smile and watery eyes. A sniffle saw her wipe her tears away with her sleeve, and she nodded. "Yeah, we're friends alright," she affirmed.

The sudden urge to hug him was strong, but as small as he was, and with the wound below his shoulder, she was afraid to harm him in the process. So, with great restraint, she refrained from doing so. "Ba'rhea," she spoke with a toothy smile, and turned back to face the hill before she spoke a quieter "di'alk," under her breath. Meanwhile, Khan hadn't moved much at all. Perhaps he knew not the commitment he'd made by addressing her so fondly? "Yes," he replied, then pursed his lips hard.

The making of a new friend, coupled with the invigorating accomplishment of learning three new words, Magna was inspired, energized, refreshed. The hill she faced didn't daunt her at all. So, one foot after another, she began to climb, and Pacheco followed. Khan had to lean forward a bit more to remain steady on the horse's back, and watched with interest as she ascended the tricky terrain of Atinaw. That wasn't to say that the climb was easy, far from it, especially under the heat of the sun. But, with a new friend at her side and an almost unreasonable level of inspiration, she had the strength to push through the burn and achieve.

word count: 1542

Floor Gang

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Joined: Tue Jun 16, 2020 9:54 am
Location: Alfsos, Atinaw
Character Sheet:
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XP Awarded - 5
Collaboration: Solo
Magic Experience: N/A
Injuries/Ailments: N/A
Awarded Lore:
[Bodybuilding] Eat less than the energy you expend = weight loss
[Linguistics] Ithmi: Common greeting.
[Linguistics] Ithmi: Friendly greeting.
[Linguistics] Ithmi: Expressing Gratitude.
[Linguistics] Ithmi: Has different ways of saying the same thing depending on who you're talking to.
[Linguistics] Ithmi: Language of the Rathari.
[NPC]: Khan: Speaks Ithmi
[NPC]: Khan: Likeable
[NPC]: Khan: Useful
[NPC]: Khan: Called you his Friend
[NPC]: Khan: agreed to teach you Ithmi
Loot: -2 ration packs

Comment - I'll never really understand how a person can forget to eat enough for a day. I see it from time to time, but it's one of life's great mysteries to me. This was a quaint thread, and there were some relatable moments, especially in how Khan had to remind Magna of a word about a minute after telling it to her. Definitely been there when trying to learn a language, even when it's my own.
word count: 167

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