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[Memory] The Secrets of Steel I.

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 7:00 pm
by Arlen
25th day of Hunter’s Bounty, Season of Glade, Year 120

[indent=20]The word spread. It always did. He hadn’t even packed, nor set a date, but everyone was already looking at him as if he was to go tomorrow. Alas, there were still plenty errands for him to run, loose ends to tie before he could leave with clear consciousness. One of which was a visit to the tribe's weapon maker.
[indent=20]The way to his workshop led through their settlement, past the sparring ring which already played the music of a duel. Two Jastai were going at it full force with a few others standing for an audience. There was never any holding back. Not even on an early morning after the birds just started leaving their nests.
[indent=20]Rook and I… Arlen thought as he looked at the youth for a moment, remembering his friend now gone. His hand tightened around the scabbard.
[indent=20]One of the youth screamed out, bouncing away. It was a young Jastai woman in her late teens but with a built that put her at an advantage. She was lean with slim, springy muscles. Her opponent was heavy built. With teeth bared, she shook her arm where blood started to trickle down.
[indent=20]Until the first one down it is then, Arlen thought with a smirk.
[indent=20]Chuckling under his breath, he shook his head and turned away from the ring only to be called out to.
[indent=20]“Not gonna join, Arlen?” He heard Mor's hearty voice and her footsteps rapidly approaching. Moments later a heavy arm landed on Arlen's shoulder. He did not buckle.
[indent=20]“Not right now. Later, perhaps,” Arlen answered, turning his head up to look at the Jastai woman. Her eyes always captivated him. They were like fire. Her face was formed from sharp bones only highlighted by the ribbons of auburn hair tied back. They said she died consumed by the element in her previous life.
[indent=20]“Oh come on, Arlen. It’s been a while since we met blade to blade.” With one long step, she moved in front of him. Arlen had no choice but to stop.
[indent=20]“It’s been a while because you’ve been busy courting the young ones,” Arlen batted back, catching the spark in her eyes set off by his tease. “I’m almost thinking you’re tired of me. An old man. What can he give you, right?”
[indent=20]Mor stepped closer revealing a set of mismatched teeth. Yet, it was the way her face lit up that made her beautiful. “You know what an old man can give me. Don’t you?”
[indent=20]This time Arlen chuckled without restraint. “Well, I can think of one thing, maybe." His hand moved up to stroke a whisper of beard along his jawline. "It's aged a few days and tastes great in a stew." Her smile grew wider. "Perhaps an old man can treat you to dinner. At your place.”
[indent=20]“Perhaps he can,” Mor said, their foreheads meeting for a moment before her eyes landed on the hilt of the sword. “Taking that back to the weapon maker?”
[indent=20]“Indeed.” Releasing his arms, he circled around Mor. “So tonight my dear Mor. I’ll bring the goods.”
[indent=20]They both laughed out and parted with a promise they knew they could keep.
[indent=20]It wasn’t much later that Arlen arrived at the weapon maker's shop. He walked around to the back rather than entering through the front where the shop was. He didn’t want to hand the sword back to the shopkeeper but to the maker himself. After all, this was likely the last time Arlen would handle anything from him. That alone deserved more than just a quick drop off.
[indent=20]The song of the anvil filled the air as Arlen rounded the corner.
[indent=20]“Syd?” Arlen called out, but the beating continued.
[indent=20]“Hey Syd!” Arlen shouted louder, stepping into the view.
[indent=20]The back of the house was an open workshop with the fire burning underneath the smelter. Tools lined the walls and tables. Weapons at various stages of completeness scattered around. Syd was the more chaotic of the master weapon makers that Arlen worked with during his lifetime.
[indent=20]“Arlen!” Syd exclaimed, laying the hammer down, placing his work back into the fire. The Jastai wiped his hands on a cloth hanging from his belt as he approached. “What can I do you for?” They clasped forearms.
[indent=20]“I tested the sword as you asked so I came to return it,” Arlen said, lifting the weapon to view. The hilt of black leather and gold finishings caught the light of the morning sun.
[indent=20]Syd's lips curved into an ‘o’. “Alright. So? What do you think?” He wiped his hands on the cloth again.
[indent=20]“Well,” Arlen started. He looked down at the sword, grasping the handle. The blade slid out of its scabbard with ease. Its polished and sharpened metal dazzling, welcoming the light on its cold body. Right under the guard, there was the Jastai mark of quality.
[indent=20]“I won’t lie. It’s better than your previous attempts.” Arlen pointed the tip of the sword upwards. “I mean for a Jastai to continue making a human-sized weapon, you are improving.”
[indent=20]The corner of Arlen’s mouth twitched. “Well, the centre of the sword is not...really in the centre.” Arlen tilted the sword so the flat edge would face the ground then he hit the tip on the nearby table. “You see where shivers the least?”
[indent=20]“Oh, yeah.”
[indent=20]“It’s a bit further up then with your usual Jastai weapon. Now, I’m not saying it’s bad. It just means that the sweet spot is a bit further up. You could say that it gives a bit more reach to deliver the strongest blow. I found that quite handy.”
[indent=20]"That's cause you need to keep us at arm's length or further."
[indent=20]Unless I want to lose? Yes, Arlen thought but only offered a smile to Syd. "You know, I think you could learn a lot from Thova’s sword.”
[indent=20]Syd was first but Arlen's gaze followed to look at the back wall of the house to which the workshop was adjacent. Each apprentice who became a weapon master in this workshop left behind one of their weapons. Those were then hung up to commemorate them.The weapons up there were either finished masterpieces or the last weapon they made if they died too soon.
[indent=20]“Do you think?” Syd asked.
[indent=20]“Yeah, absolutely,” Arlen answered with a reassuring nod, sheathing the sword in his hand.
[indent=20]Thova was the master weapon maker before Syd. She was the second master weapon maker that Arlen worked.
[indent=20]“Have you ever handled it?” Syd asked, approaching the wall. Arlen could see Syd’s fingers twitch as he looked at the blade. It was made of a combination of metals with an intricately carved fuller into the surface. It was dark, like Thova’s end, but it was one of the most celebrated masterpieces in the workshop despite the missing hilt and blunt edges.
[indent=20]Arlen took in a slow breath, forcing himself to look away. “I never fought with it. She only let me handle it in the workshop. I didn’t even take two swings before she took it back.”
[indent=20]“It’s a shame she never got to use it.”
[indent=20]Arlen couldn’t agree more, but he has long moved past Thova’s death and there was still plenty for him to do.
[indent=20]“Anyway Syd, here you go. You had it tested and you have my honest feedback.” Arlen laid the sword down on a nearby table. Yet, Syd remained quiet, his back to Arlen.
[indent=20]“Zapling,” Syd then said out of blue, causing Arlen to raise an eyebrow. Not many people called him that anymore. And it was even stranger to hear it from a man half his age. “Is it true you’re leaving?”
[indent=20] Arlen's face grew tense and he gave one slow nod.
[indent=20]“Who’s going to test my swords now? No one here will fight with these toothpicks.” Syd bent two fingers on his hand when saying the last word. He looked at the weapon with a deep frown.
[indent=20]“I don’t know Syd.”
[indent=20]The Jastai looked from Arlen to the sword then back to the wall. His eyebrows knotting more and more with each moment before he shook his head.
[indent=20]“Do you know what? Keep it. It’s yours. You have done so much for this workshop, for all those who came before me,” Syd said and walked over with few quick steps, handing the sword back to Arlen who was unable to move.
[indent=20]“Seriously, Arlen. With all you’ve told me now and before and with Thova’s sword as a template, I can improve on this. And also…” Syd shrugged as though it was nothing, yet the strain on his face spoke other tales. “And also, I’ll rest better knowing that this sword gets used.”
[indent=20]It was as close as Arlen would ever get to ‘take care of yourself’ from Syd and he wasn’t going to argue with it.
[indent=20]His fingers tightened around the scabbard. The transaction was complete when he allowed the weight of the sword to bring his arm back to his side. A fan of wrinkles spread near the corners of his eyes.
[indent=20]“You’re a good man, Syd. One day, your masterpiece will hang on this wall and all the men will come looking for it.”
[indent=20]“Pah, save me the sweet talk.” Syd waved his hand, turning away. Yet, Arlen caught a glimpse of the slight movement in the corner of Syd’s mouth. And he wasn’t going to argue with that either.
[indent=20]“Well then, Syd,” Arlen said, inhaling the smell of sweat, hot metal, burning wood and...memories. “You keep forging and keep fighting. Next time I come, I hope to see an apprentice of yours turn master, alright?”
[indent=20]Syd looked back from the hearth, lips parted in a wide smile that did not touch his eyes, giving Arlen one last nod.

Re: [Memory] The Secrets of Steel I.

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 1:13 pm
by Althalos

XP Awarded - 5 XP
Collaboration: N/A
Magic Experience: N/A
Injuries/Ailments: N/A
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Loot: Jastai marked sword (agreed with Mirage)

Comments - I cannot for the life of me tell whether that was flirting or friendship or-- Jastai sure are a strange bunch with all of their beating on each other and combat and such. Good thread, was interesting to see you interact with the blacksmith and provide feedback about the weapon. Don't know if I've ever seen anyone go through that process, but it's an important piece of any artisan work, so it's neat to see it written out.

I'll admit to being unsure of how the Jastai sword worked out, and whether it would work as part of your starter package or not given the presence of a ranged weapon in your starter pack as well, but if Mirage is cool with it, then I'm cool with it too. Good work, and keep on keeping on.