[Hopsfel] An Eventful Stroll

The lands of Atinaw surrounding the capital city.

Moderators: Principal Author, Regional Author

Posts: 13
Joined: Tue Jun 16, 2020 5:56 pm
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=634
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20& ... 2953#p2953


11th of Searing, 120

Amara awoke that morning early as ever, the sun was still coming up and it was likely that she'd hadn't slept long at all- yet she felt rested enough. She never thought herself as an early bird, but lately the excitement of being in a new home had gotten to her, and sure enough her thoughts were full of questions and the urge to explore her surroundings. The night before had been particularly hard to rest, as not long after going into town for the first time did she realize just how different it was from her home. The woman shook her head and sat up, planting her bare feet on the floor of her cottage, which was just situated on the edge of Hopsfel. It'd be a long trek if she wanted to get into the denser part of her new home but it'd be nothing compared to the journey there. It didn't matter, she had a goal today!

Well, she had planned to familiarize herself with the city and possibly meet someone new, whether it be a friend or a master blacksmith she could train under. And maybe a bar, but that last bit isn't all that needed. The city itself was a good size, the population noticeably human and elf oriented with the occasional Rathari or Awoken. Nothing she hadn't seen before passing through her tribe or along her travels, but again.. She was used to being around those of her own size, and everyone she had come across the Jastai wanted to pick up and cuddle. Though, Amara would note there was likely to be one or two of her own kind around.

It didn't take long for her to dress in leathers and pull her hair up, using a stream to wash the morning drool from her cheek before her journey began. A few other dainty houses dotted the woods around her, but as she went on the trees shrunk into stumps, the forest floor turned to cobblestone, and the sound of an upbeat marketplace had reached her ears. Her eyes ran over the scene; a long winding road that split off into a fork not too far ahead, shops and houses lining the road as if set up for tourists to buy food and supplies after their journey. Above the buildings, as the sun rose, she felt herself smile. If there was one thing that reminded her of home it was the pale yellows and reds of the sky as the sun rose from it's corner and greeted the city.. Her gaze was brought down as a few human children ran past her, followed by an old man with graying hair (no doubt from stress) yelling something about his cabbages being ruined. All around her seemed to be the hustle of businesses opening, a couples quarrel behind her, laughter of children and her favorite- the banging of metal. She loved it all.

Amara stepped forward and felt the gravel under her boots. She'd left her sword at home, hidden underneath her mattress for fear of a thief entering her home. The Jastai was more than confident her fists would be enough if she happened upon something she couldn't run from after all. Anyways, she was off, eyes wandering all around- drawn to sounds and smells as they assaulted her senses. After a bit of walking Amara noticed something dart past her It pushed hard against her hip and shortly after, fell to the ground in front of her.. It seemed like they had tried to push past her, but underestimated her weight and ended up tripping instead. Amara kneeled down, taking a good look at the little boy with of tilt of her head- only to realize it wasn't a boy at all, but a short haired human child, clutching a bit of bread between her hands as if it were the only thing keeping her alive.. Maybe it was. The giant reached forward and picked the girl up, leaving her dangling in the air a couple seconds- her eyes wide and panicked as she could do little to stop Amara. With a nod of her head, she was put back down on her feet and pat on the head.

"Be careful where you step, honey." Her voice was strong, smooth as silk and almost scary if it weren't for the smile on her face. Almost immediately, the stranger nodded her head like her neck had come loose, running off with a short 'Thank you!'. The situation left the giant standing still in a small crowd, pouting out. She couldn't say it was pity that filled her at first glance of the dirty, rag wearing child. But it was something else, like she felt apologetic despite doing nothing to cause the girl grief.. It wasn't unlike Amara to think so much of little things like that, and there were more then a few times where she was caught staring off in the void while she did so.. Some people would think that she was crazy.. "Pardon!"

Amara stepped to the side as a woman scurried past-- only to realize she had bumped into yet another person as she moved away. Gods! The giant wasn't used to having this problem, and retreated into an alleyway while a small group of people (assuming a family?) laughed as the ran by and surely went off to do morning errands. Alright, so the sudden bustle was almost anxiety inducing-- it was such a big change.. And while it wasn't her first time in Hopsfel, it wasn't the first time she was reminded of how different this was from her home. She stood there, only to be once again snapped out of her thoughts by a sound. She turned her head and searched the dirty stone walls for a window; perhaps someone called out. It happened again, the sound ringing like a cry of pain-- animal in nature and her interest peaked.

It was then she found the source, a ball of black fur hiding behind a crate of garbage. Slowly, she lowered herself to the ground in a crouch and reached out her hand. Her fingers tapped the stone, tongue clicking to beckon the creature forward as it hissed and scurried back. As it flew back, she came forward- pouting and determined to pat it. The scene was comical, a giant in an alleyway bent over and crawling to a bundle of soot-- making animal noises akin to a cat but.. not quite making it. "'C'mere lil... thing?" She kept her tone soft and words slow.. And soon enough it worked. First, a nose peaked out, then it's face, following was the skinny, long body of an extremely dirty-- bear?!

Her jaw dropped, amazed at just how blind she was when looking at this thing earlier. Well. That explained why it showed itself only when she stopped making those.. 'cat' calls. A short laugh bubbled up from her as the creature wobbled forward and sounded an adorable roar, followed by angry growls as it stood up on its hind legs and waved it's paws. Comparatively it was quiet, not like the ones Amara would see passing by in her early years. She frowned and her palm went flat on the ground, leaving it still so the cub could come closer and get a handle on her scent-- which was probably sweat and metal. It did as expected, returning to all fours as it strode up and sniffed the scarred hands of the Jastai. It didn't last long, as shortly after the bear had backed away again, leaving her to stare at it's fluffy butt as it waddled out the other end of the quiet alley where a cart had suddenly passed. In reaction it flew backwards, the tough persona it no doubt tried to give off dissipating as it ran back to Amara. Spotting her, it roared again and ultimately decided the lesser evil was the 9' foot Jastai that had yet to cause it harm. This was when she decided two things. One; this cub was probably a runt, and based on the way it walked a front leg was twisted or sprained. The second realization was actually a mistake, as she moved too eagerly and too quickly to reach down.

It ran off!

She realized it had ran past her and into the road! She panicked, the worst of scenarios running through her mind as she heard a few woman scream, and a man call out rather loudly about again- the state of his cabbages. The giant speed walked past the panicking children as her eyes narrowed on the black bear cub, to anyone else she'd look like an angry woman chasing down an animal that had stolen her food. All she needed was broom. It was fast but clumsy, finding it's head bumping into everyone as they scurried. Of course this had to happen on a busy road, she wouldn't be so lucky otherwise. The Jastai had to maneuver around most of the beings in her way, others thankfully noticing her heavy footsteps and scurrying to the other side as she chased down the bear. Her only thoughts consisted of what would happen if someone caught it, would they kill the beast for being a pest? Or maybe because it was without a mother anyways, and it wouldn't last long outside. Amara shook her head, feeling the need to justify herself for being unable to keep up with it. She felt her lungs burn, and her breathing turned harsher in order to keep up with something that not only had two more limbs then her, but it had a head start!

Just as she made it back to the winding dirt road, she saw it disappear past a house, deep into the woods and out of site. ".. What am I doing..?" Her voice was stern and she began to scold herself. What a silly thing to waste time on, running after a bear. But it was almost fun, and Amara was known for not thinking things through. Either way, it was gone and the adventure was over as quickly as it began, leaving a semi- disappointed Jastai in the middle of the road. Oh!

"I wonder if it's a boy or a girl."
word count: 1758
Extremely nervous screaming.
Posts: 54
Joined: Wed Jul 01, 2020 7:03 pm
Location: Lorien
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=745
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=760

Review Request: viewtopic.php?p=3048#p3048

XP: 5

Magic Experience: Nothing! You get- NOTHING!

Injuries/Ailments: Maybe next time.

Awarded Lores:
Persuasion: Telling a child to watch where they're running!
Etiquette: Stepping aside so smaller beings can pass!
Animal Handling: Loud noises terrify small animals
Animal Handling: Using a soft tone of voice makes you approachable.
Animal Handling: The way an animal walks can give away its injuries.
Running: It's harder to chase animals with four legs

Loot: You'll get lucky someday.

Comments: Congrats on your first solo! You did excellently to meet with the word requirement on your first try, but I would advise reading over the lore of Atinaw; it's not like most places and common speak won't get you that far! I hope to see that bear cub in future threads, hopefully when you've used your animal handling skill appropriately. Well done for playing to your skill level, too!

Enjoy the rewards.

word count: 169

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