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The Nobility

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2019 7:13 am
by Sovereign

The Royal Palace, Castle Wight

The Nobility, its roles occupied by the privileged Celebrant, is the ruling power of Lorien and is the fundamental institution of government. Many of the Noble families most prominent today have existed in the Kingdom for millennia, and as a result they are considered inexorably tied to the Kingdom and its fate. There are many more intricacies to the Nobility and many more small houses not defined here, and so the purpose of this thread is to offer an overview of what is otherwise an entire section of Rien society.

The Nobility of Lorien (and Celebrant in general) hold a great deal of power, as they own all reserves of lorianum and control its production and refinement. As they, therefore, have a monopoly over the Hollows - Lorien's greatest source of productivity and military power - they hold a truly infallible grip on society that has largely allowed the Nobility to live greater than even Kings. The Nobility truly have a stranglehold over all of society's institutions; even the Argent who are taught to command Hollows are often married into Noble families once they become prominent enough, removing any risk of betrayal. Further, there are many likely true claims that the higher Nobility have means of pacifying Hollows and so appear to be nearly impervious to revolution.

As such, with a population truly unable to resist them, Lorien's Nobles have long acted as the oligarchs of their society and have never operated under the rule of law. A Lord is the supreme authority of his realm and can arbitrate all things to his will, so long as he does not conflict with the interests of the Omen. Nobles tend to dress lavishly, adorned with absurdly expensive jewelry and wearing satin crafted in faraway lands. They visit other nations where they reveal to the local industries their nearly sickening levels of wealth, though to the people of Lorien this divide is simply a fact of life, and due to the Hollows most people go without hungering and almost none must toil in labor.

As a result, the hegemonic grip on power remains thoroughly in the hands of the Celebrant and the regional Lords they create, with the only gaps occupied by the Omen.

Noble Marriage
As stated in the Marriage section of Lorien's major lore article, the Nobles of Lorien can roughly marry whoever they wish regardless of gender, sex or class, and their marriages tend to be lavish arrangements that shock cities; it is not uncommon for entire municipal areas to be decorated with flowers by Hollows in the lead-up to a prominent Noble marriage, and no expense is spared to ensure a euphoric if hedonistic condition for all attending guests.

Still, there are some implicit rules, and some important things to note. Firstly, Nobility may marry whomever they desire to, but to marry someone from a class any less than Argent is to bring upon oneself a lasting reputational stain. Even to marry most Argent would invoke a great deal of negative gossip, though prominent Knights and Chevaliers are sought after due to what is believed to be the excellence of their genes. Additionally, this seems to ensure a stronger military position for the Noble in question, reducing the likelihood of betrayal by their local Argents (though this is incredibly rare regardless).

Whatever the class of the partner may be, they will be elevated to Celebrant afterwards and will be given an inferior version of the Noble's same title, with the original Noble acting as the regnant (or true) holder of any title they possess.

In the case of two men or two women marrying one another, the typically patriarchal rules of Rien society cannot be applied and so the matter of whose name is taken and who acts as the regnant is determined largely by negotiation. This also applies to matrilineal marriages, or marriages where women act as the superior title-holder, or regnant. When two men or two women marry, the 'regnant' or leading spouse will be the one to reproduce with any surrogate, and that child will be treated as a legitimate heir like any other.

Authority and Involvement
There is no parliament in Lorien. Though there is a court of law that handles the majority of crimes and disputes, the Lord of a locale is capable of vetoing any court decision and determining a different outcome. They can pardon killers and imprison innocents - they can raise or lower taxes to their liking, and can arbitrate or change new laws to their liking once they’ve acquired the appropriate title - Count or greater. Nobles are immune to the repercussions of their own laws, save for religious laws. The exception is that they may hold their vassals accountable for infringement, but this is rare and dangerous for any Lord to do.

For all of these reasons, the Nobility of Lorien has often been tyrannical throughout history. Though Revenlow’s ascent reformed a great deal of the corrupt policies that a House Reizend weakly enabled, the decimation of Revenlow influence has led much of their reforms to slip back to the annals of history. While it certainly cannot be said that tyranny and abuse is the prevalent status quo, it is not uncommon to hear stories from afar of decorated Lords enslaving others to their will or even - more rarely - hunting their countrymen for sport.

As far as involvement goes, Nobles occupy society at more levels than simple Lordship over large sections of land. There are comparatively landless Nobles ruling lesser estates within cities, serving as aides to the ruling authority; as Courtiers, council-members or the board of their businesses. Though these jobs can often be left to other classes to fulfill, particularly Lustrians, unlanded Celebrant are often given such tasks in order to keep the power thoroughly in the hands of the ruling class.

Roleplay Rules
A player can choose to begin their play as a Noble of Lorien, can marry into the Nobility, or additionally may acquire Celebrant status by some other extraordinary means. Whatever the case, there are rules and restrictions regarding play as a Noble of any House.

Firstly, a character cannot begin play as a Duke or Duchess or married to a Duke or Duchess. They can begin as the child to one, cousin or even possibly sibling (with such requests being heavily scrutinized) - but they cannot begin as one. Ascending to this position requires layers of moderated approval and oversight, and will most likely require a multi-step process of moderated approvals and review. This can vary by circumstance, as a much more active Noble who contributes more to the plot and development of the realm may be given different treatment.

Secondly, one cannot play as a Revenlow - at least not in the beginning, or by circumstance of birth. No bastard Revenlow, no sibling or cousin, nothing; the Revenlow are extremely rare due to their civil wars and kinslaying and each is highly integral to the plot of Lorien. It is possible to marry into the family, but this is treated similarly to becoming a Duke in terms of scrutiny.

Third, someone who plays as a Noble must accept that the noble family is not theirs even if they become Duke or Duchess, at least in regards to OOC oversight. These families are open to any players given permission to begin as a member by the Lorien moderators, and no player has the right to forcefully influence any details regarding Lorien Noble PCs - even if they are parents, or siblings, or any other relation.

It cannot be stated clearly enough: even if you do not want a sibling PC (for example), a moderator does not have to consult you in order to approve someone as being a part of your line (as a sibling). This is to ensure that players are not forging a narrative monopoly over the noble Houses, as they are highly important to Lorien’s story and they are open to any deemed fit for the role. There is not a defined number of siblings that a PC may have, and they cannot define this IRP. Assume that you have a lot.

The one piece of nuance here is that a PC may not be made who is older than the current PC heir of a noble House, without the PC’s explicit permission. While the moderators of Lorien can and will use elective succession to prevent stagnation within the noble Houses, the position of heir is important and thus can’t be gamed by making an older PC.

Fourth, players who play as Nobles are beholden to the burden of Nobility. Lorien is a cutthroat society and the things a Noble says and does can have serious repercussions. While the benefits can be immense, so too can the drawbacks.

In terms of progression, Nobles have a few tiers that they may ascend to. There are unlanded Lords - Nobles not yet given a title - followed by Lords, Barons, Counts, Dukes and then Kings. Occasionally there are Margraves and Archdukes, but these are the exception rather than the rule. The highest position any PC may begin with is Baron, though this is not suggested. Nobles do not need to ascend up a linear career path - one can go from Lord to Duke in rare circumstances, and all that’s required in order for a PC to ascend up the ladder (at least until Duke) is Help Desk approval by a Lorien moderator.

Finally, please do not act on behalf of your House to a level beyond your role - you may be allowed to speak on behalf of your family in important delegations, but only if a moderator allows you to do so.

As a note, a player may play a noble not from one of the major Houses. In fact, this is encouraged. In this case they are allowed to choose who plays in their family, so long as they develop their House in the Lorien player development forum and have it approved. It is required that a Noble's House at least be submitted for approval before they are allowed to play. These Houses may obviously not be ducal families but may act as Lords of a county, barony or less - even nothing.

NPC Rules
1. Unless given permission, no Noble NPC of the rank of Count or higher can be played by a PC. There are a few unique exceptions, which will be outlined here.
[indent=15]1a. If the player is a Duke, they may RP the NPC Counts in their Duchy for the purpose of plot.
[indent=15]1b. If a player's parent NPC is a Count or higher, they may play their parent but only for roles in relatively insignificant plots (unless given permission to do otherwise) - such as conversations, dining, generally things of a social element. Politics may come up but the player is not allowed to decide that they have swayed or altered their parent's opinion/decision-making in such conversations.
[indent=15]1c. If a player is married to a Noble NPC, regardless of rank, they are allowed to play them freely however they wish. As a result, it does require high-level moderated approval to marry a prominent Lorien noble.
[indent=15]1d. If a player is a Knight serving in a County or Duchy, they may RP with the Noble running said area solely in order to be issued commands. The same applies to a Lustrian being ordered to build Hollows. It is preferable in these cases that it is either through letters or a brief exchange.
2. While Barons and Lords, etc, can be played without permission - please do not do anything extremely drastic in plots with them without moderated approval, such as having them be killed or anything nearly so impacting. Also please be aware of your skill levels and not overplaying them while interacting with Noble NPCs in a meaningful manner.
3. Minor Noble NPCs (such as those below Count) can be improvised at-will for the sake of plot and immersion, like naming and interacting with a Lord or Baron during a ball or something of the like. If this is abused, this right can be revoked from an individual player.
4. Even if given total permission to play a Noble, a PC cannot change their rank or status without moderator permission, such as having a Baron spouse become a Count.
5. Use your better judgment. If you think you're being abusive in doing something, don't do it, or ask. Even if something isn't listed as a rule here, it can still be considered abusive.

NOTE: These NPCs are all Story NPCs. All players have 0 Influence with them unless otherwise granted.

Re: The Nobility

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2019 7:40 am
by Sovereign


House Revenlow

Before there was ever a Lorien, there was a House of Revenlow - older than Alderset, even older than Reizend. Among the first of the Kingdom’s Noble families, the Revenlow ruled in what is now the ancient city of Rainier for so long a time. But like all Houses that pre-dated Reizend, they were conquered by a splice of military might and the public perception of what, beneath that Kingly House, could only be prosperity.

But House Revenlow remained - for a long, long time. And as is thoroughly written in Lorien’s history, they eventually usurped the throne of Reizend that they - perhaps - thought should have always been theirs. Perhaps only they, the ancient House that pre-dated even the name of Lorien should have ever ruled. By the time they had ascended the throne, nearly all of the Noble families once adjacent to them had perished.

Regardless, the crown did not come without a price. The Kindred came with it, bound to the blood of the new monarchy. For a time, Revenlow existed at the perfect intersection of monarchy and theocracy; members of their family almost universally operated the role of Archlector, and the Kindred’s will was synonymous with their own. Revenlow was ultimately powerful, but then no longer needed, and so they are where they are now. But these are all facts already understood, and act only as a prologue for the truly deranged intricacies of the current monarchy.

With the favor of the Kindred evaporating alongside Revenlow’s value to them, the once pristine royal family has since been undermined by a flurry of civil wars that have broken down the Kingdom far out of their control. As a result of the continuous succession crises posed by brothers’ infighting, largely due to the Kindred’s influence, all sons after the firstborn are executed at birth.

Daughters are immediately promised to other Houses before they can even speak, and other branches of the dwindled family make an Oath to the Archlector of Nivenhain that they may never have the throne. As of the Year 119 of the Sixth Age, the House of Revenlow is nearly extinct — and must remain so in order to prevent further familial strife. For this reason, they have gained an immense dependency on vassal Houses to fill positions within their realm, and their power has slowly been siphoned from them in the aftermath.

But with a new King comes new opportunities, and Lucien Revenlow has revitalized his House a great deal, restoring stability and cementing ties with House Florent. As things are now, the royal House no longer hemorrhages, but it still bleeds.

Titles and Resources
As the royal House of Lorien, Revenlow holds many titles and a great deal of them are of significance. Two of the most powerful Duchies, Nivenhain and Breven, are held by the Monarchy directly which also grants them partial dominion over the Omen’s most influential holdings, such as the Bishopric within Nivenhain. Along with this, the family of Revenlow has a few other branches that hold counties in both Duchies, as well as baronies, lordships and religious holdings. Particularly now that House Florent is so closely tied to Revenlow, with a history of royal marriages, the House is truly dominant in the land that it presides over.

As far as resources go, it cannot be denied that House Revenlow is the most powerful of all ruling families in Lorien. Presiding over two urban Duchies, and ruling the greatest population of the Kingdom, the economy of the royal family's holdings is strong even despite setbacks in the last century. Nivenhain at its greatest was one of Ransera's richest and most populous cities, and even now despite a long period of stagnation it continues to produce great works and innovate new technologies. Revenlow has the greatest population of Hollows and commands the original Argent Knighthood, forcing other families to forge their own interim militaries without nearly the same level of tradition or experience. With the strongest military of the Kingdom and arguably the greatest economy, as well as a vast fleet other families are often forced to retreat from, the royalty of Lorien remains stalwart.

Diplomatic Ties
Revenlow does not hold considerable ties to any of the other major Houses, save for House Florent. The relationship between the two families has been long, with Florent coming into being as a direct result of Revenlow's trust in their founder a long time ago. While this relationship is superbly tight-knit, their relationship with Galbrecht, Baringer and especially Alderset has only greatly deteriorated through time and many believe the war occupies a winner-takes-all philosophy as a result, with Revenlow to eliminate its three enemy Houses if victorious, or vice-versa.

The symbol of House Revenlow is the Black Griffon. Since the emergence of the Kindred from their prison, all of Lorien's ruling families have adopted winged predators as their symbol, and Revenlow was quick to follow this trend. Their colors are black, ivory, copper-gold and a burgundy-red, and their heraldry is undeniably the most exquisite. Revenlow's House words are: "For the Soul of Lorien," referring to their once synonymous relationship with the Omen, as well as their reforms that have sought to make the Nobility more just. Castle Wight's chair is known as the Boreal Lounge, often spoken of in regards to the ambition of the Nobility.


Name: Lucien Revenlow
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 36th of Searing, Year 72
Title: King of Lorien, Duke of Nivenhain and Breven

Details: Lucien is a man of incredible wisdom - and of a dry, pragmatic demeanor to his court, and inversely of a gallant and romanticized royalty to the masses and the public who lay white roses at his feet. He is a man who few can deny is good to his people, yet one who hails from a family who many internally blame for letting Lorien fall to the influence of the Kindred. A man whose family has been torn apart by division, manipulated against one another by the Omen's whispers that never seem to relent. A man who is whispered to himself, all the time, who has developed mechanisms to ignore the Kindred's enchanting words that tell him of betrayal and methods of overcoming his enemies.

Indeed, Lucien contends with a great deal of challenge and animosity, and yet like many of his forebears he has resolved to bring Lorien to stability and to hold the Nobility accountable for their actions. For this reason, the people of the lands that he does rule tend to be fiercely loyal, which has kept the Argent Knighthood thoroughly under his control.

Lucien is a warrior himself, and has always been; once a Knight-Argent before the death of his father, he stands at a very tall stature and exudes power and authority to those who meet him. Aside from these intimidating and undeniably Kingly outward features, however, Lucien is an enigmatic figure and the majority of his life's early details appear to be either forgotten or erased from time.


Name: Vera Revenlow
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 21st of Ash, Year 83
Title: Queen of Lorien, Duchess of Nivenhain and Breven

Details: The Queen of Lorien, Vera is an important figure to the Kingdom. Born as the daughter of the Prince of Zaichaer, Vera was always groomed and conditioned for the role she was essentially always promised to fulfill - serving as the royal wife to the King of a far-off land for an alliance that she did not fully understand, with a man she would never meet until they were to be married. At the age of sixteen, this engagement was fulfilled and the young Vera first met then-Lord Lucien, and though they did not fall in love and have never been in love since, she has performed her duties well.

Vera is a dangerously cunning woman, serving as the Kingdom's spymaster and maintaining a vast intelligence network that has even managed to lay its clutches into the heart of the Omen. She believes her primary goal to be to keep vassals in line, whether through blackmail or threat of revealing what may be seen as treason to others. Aside from this, she is an excellent organizer and a talented wordsmith, organizing much of Lorien's largest and most regal events and authoring many of her own speeches as well as her husband's.

Vera is a sharp and intellectual woman, yet perhaps due to her soft complexion and often brilliant smile many find her approachable and earnest. While this may be yet another method of acquiring information, the Queen is well loved and does well to keep it so.


Name: Franz Revenlow
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 91st of Glade, Year 101
Title: Prince of Lorien, Heir to the Throne

Details: Prince Franz, the young son of King Lucien, has not - perhaps - been the heir deeply hoped for by the traditional and rigid Kingdom. He is far from soldierly or masculine, and famously disinterested in military affairs. Much of Franz's pursuits of passion are those regarding the arts, music, fashion and culture; perhaps the one similarity he holds with the Kings of Old is his love for architecture and monuments, but even that is long preceded by his infatuation for idyllic romance and beauty. He is a ponce, and proudly so, living for his luxuries and celebrating what he believes to be the ushering of a new artistic age in Lorien.

Franz is known to be a kind young man with a brilliant, charming smile and an airy tone of voice. He is ever-confident and regal as he needs to be, and he certainly wishes to be King despite his strong differences in taste between he and his father. Despite this, he has frequently shirked on royal obligations and has turned away all arranged marriage appointments in order to pursue 'himself' alongside a variety of other excuses. Despite all of these immaturities and issues, Franz is well loved by both his family and the Kingdom for his adventurous and youthful spirit, one that appears so rare among especially Lorien's young nobility. As the realm is mired in skepticism and nihilism, Franz is said to be one capable of restoring the soul to the Kingdom, a thing he claims to have already done to Nivenhain-1.

Re: The Nobility

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2019 7:41 am
by Sovereign


House Galbrecht

House Galbrecht truly emerged as a power at the peak of the Fourth Age, and certainly in the Fifth, capitalizing on the decimation of their liege House during the Sundering. At the onset of a series of violent Hollow incursions, the House swiftly gathered its retinue to police the Duchy of Brandt and secure its settlements, acquiring the loyalty of the common classes and the fealty of the Knights. This led to a quick elevation of Galbrecht's power, enough so that they were deemed fit to rule Brandt at the collapse of the prior dynasty. House Revenlow was enthusiastic to greet a more loyal House, as Galbrecht's predecessors had favored the Reizend in the most recent civil war, and continued to apparently scheme.

But the House of Galbrecht was a family of upstarts, elevated by quickness of thought, opportunism during a time where most Lords simply drunk from the hysteria of the apocalypse. They did not ascend to Dukedom through loyalty, and in fact had done so with a sort of implicit betrayal. The Lords of Galbrecht did not become what Revenlow wished them to be: instead, they conspired, and when royal disputes became commonplace they were ever the intrusive spectator. Galbrecht declared its temporary secession even before House Alderset, propelling the Revenlow infighting towards true civil war.

And since then, they have been difficult to satiate. Conspiring. Opportunistically launching raids and invasions along neighboring coasts and shores, with Hollow sailors at the helm. Ambition, most say, is all that drives this House... though within Brandt's elite circles, most know it to be more than the vice of material lust.

Titles and Resources
House Galbrecht rules Brandt as well as a few counties and baronies, offering them access to the majority of Brandt's resources. Considering their island position, they are difficult for other Houses to interfere with, and so wield an unchallenged authority within their Duchy. Galbrecht holds utterly executive power within Brandt and has reduced most of their vassals to that of bureaucratic ornaments, and of late has increased centralization to expand upon their own wealth and power. As a result, Galbrecht's resources are truly great, and they are capable of utilizing economic and political leverage in a way that most other ducal families cannot. Galbrecht has Houses influenced by them even beyond their borders, paid by the vast swathes of coin they have appropriated. They own their merchants more than any other House and use this fact to negotiate incredibly beneficial deals on their own behalf.

Simply put, Galbrecht has immense negotiating power beyond what others might expect, and one does not need to look far to discover their trail at the site of nearly all impactful events.

Diplomatic Ties
Galbrecht holds no particular alliances among the major players of the war, but is closely allied with House Baringer of the East End. Claudia Galbrecht and Aveline Baringer are not only sisters, but fellow advocates of the Pact and their close bond has tied the two Houses together in a lasting way. The two have sworn a defensive pact and have continuously threatened and assaulted Breven in unison, each of the Duchies seeking to divide the realm and its cities between them.

The symbol of House Galbrecht is the Condor. Their colors are black and gold, similar to Revenlow's in that way but with much darker and more opaque hues. The seat of House Galbrecht, the Essen Diadrus, is often called the Black Keep for its dark colored walls and dimly lit interior. Galbrecht's House Words, "For the Sun to Rise Again", have changed in the last century as a slogan of Rien old nationalism. Despite Claudia's actions, House Galbrecht has long been associated with conservative principles, though this ideological framework has slowly been remodeled over time.


Name: Claudia Galbrecht
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 35th of Frost, Year 46
Title: Duchess of Brandt

Details: Claudia is a unique character within the higher politics of Lorien, not only because she is the only woman to rule a Great House but also for her detachment from the norms and traditions of the Kingdom. As a powerful mage and a high ranking member of the Pact, Claudia is often viewed as a dangerous outlier to Noble customs and her ever-growing faction of magi in Essen have long intimidated her foes. But her desires, some close to her whisper, do not come from a need for pure arcane power with which she might decimate House Revenlow and take the Boreal Lounge. Claudia, once a girl who witnessed her elder sister murdering her father at the behest of the Kindred, who has seen the land torn asunder a thousand different ways... appears to have other goals, utilizing magic as a tool for what could ultimately be much more of impact than who wears the crown upon their head.

In terms of personality, the Lady Galbrecht is often said to be kind and generous, subsidizing charitable organizations and building hospitals and schools with much of the Duchy's outstanding coffers. As Brandt is fairly safe from invasion due to its disconnect from the other land bodies of Lorien, as well as its navy and Revenlow's current focus on House Alderset, Claudia does not spend a great deal on military infrastructure and has instead focused on developing her realm.

Uniquely, Brandt is the only Duchy - as a result of some of Claudia's reform - to not follow a male-preferential primogeniture system, with the eldest child inheriting regardless of gender. As such, her daughter - Olivia Galbrecht - is the current heir to the seat of Brandt, known to be a prudent and just woman, similar in that respect to her mother.

Despite all of her focus and reforms which may be seen as good to many, however, Claudia is often secretly rebuked by her vassals and the citizens of other realms as a witch for her magical arts, and for her disrespect for the laws that have always been prevalent in the realm. Out of all rulers she is most often forced to deal with riots and uprisings, with a Knighthood constantly verging on disloyal.


Name: Luther Galbrecht
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 28th of Searing, Year 48
Title: Duke of Brandt

Details: Like Claudia, Luther is a powerful mage. In fact, the Duchess originally met Luther within the Pact and - so awed by his talent and skill - she offered to marry him as a deal in exchange for her apprenticeship. Luther is famed across the Kingdom for his arcane talents, and while many scoff and grit their teeth at the thought of the Duke, equally as many stand in awe of his legendary tales. Luther was formerly the leader of the Pact until passing down the mantle, focusing his efforts on ruling Brandt and the civil war. He is said to be a kind, humorous and charming man, with a youthful complexion that would not tell of his age.

Originally, Luther was a member of the Lustrian class, his father a Hollow Artificer and his mother an engineer for urban development. Despite his comparatively modest upbringing, the man has always been said to hold an air of Nobility about him, and has long sought to climb his way into the Celebrant class. Since meeting his goal, the Duke has enacted many reforms to benefit the lower classes, with Brandt's class disparity among the largest before his ascension to power. He is a pragmatic diplomat and a man of the people, well-loved and a great asset both to his wife and his House.

Like all great rulers, though, he has his vices -- a reputation for frequenting classy bordellos to partake in infidelity, as his marriage is more a convenient alliance.

Re: The Nobility

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2019 7:41 am
by Sovereign


House Alderset

House Alderset is one of the eldest houses in all of Lorien, and it has always been among the most powerful. When Reizend initially took the throne of Lorien, the founder of House Alderset - Lord Grayson - was elevated to Duke of the West End for his loyalty, and from there his ducal dynasty has persisted for over a thousand years.

But like most noble houses of Lorien, the history of Alderset has been turbulent. Betrayal has always looked upon the horizon, and more often than not it has seen its intentions fulfilled, one way or another.

The House of Alderset was initially founded on the 57th of Searing, Year 112 of the Fourth Age. From that time onward the family remained loyal, always, to both its people and to the Reizend King, whoever he was. For this reason, Alderset’s House words were given to them by the throne: “For Lorien Alone,” a symbol of their utter and unyielding devotion. But what appeared certain on the surface did not reflect each Lord’s grimly aspirations, and it was not Revenlow that was the first house to seek Reizend’s dissolution. Alderset, second only to the royal family, had always longed for the will to pursue its own royal aspirations... and it was Alderset who first heard the whispers of Von Rabe.

In some ways, they were almost a test by the white vulture — how far fallen could he bring the Kingdom? Could he create a schism between the monarchy and their most powerful vassals? Could he initiate a civil war, or better yet, suspend a more susceptible family to the throne? For decades the House was plagued by this madness, the Vulture’s low and compelling whispers — and before long they became a subject of sorts. They turned against one another, bloodied by the stigma of kin slaying as the Vulture told each member of the House of every betrayal by one another, small and large, true and false. Enough claims held enough truth to where all actions were cast with a shroud of suspicion, and Alderset was brought to the brink of extinction due to what became an internal struggle that raged for centuries.

These times became known as The Whispering Years, for what suspicions the Alderset would often mumble beneath their breath. During this period in history, near the end of the Fourth Age, the West End’s borders were constantly redrawn due to civil exchanges and succession crises brewing one after the next. Yet ironically during the period of greatest strife in Lorien, when the Lords were most exploitative and Reizend was most vulnerable, suddenly these whispers ceased and within the West End, peace returned. Some who have closely observed Lorien’s history use this to claim evidence that Von Rabe has always been involved, always stirring unrest, acting as a force for disarray. They claim that he moved from Drakenraid - Alderset’s old capital - to other ventures in order to further distort the realm.

The House quickly returned to the fold, and they fought for the monarchy valiantly in the war that came. Nivenhain and the West End allied as they always did, against Brandt and the Kingdom’s east. And as history follows, they lost. While Reizend was systematically eliminated in the months to follow, every last member culled, Alderset was spared so long as they surrendered each and every member of their House bearing Reizend blood, including their Lord and the family’s entire main branch. And they did. No longer did the family worship the Dragon Gods nor hold their cathedrals, and in exchange another crippling civil war was averted.

For a long time afterwards, peace ensued. Revenlow rose to the crown of Lorien and Alderset swore to them, despite what would always be an uncomfortable alliance. For the longest time, this status quo remained. But of course, one day everything changed.

Von Rabe came again to the West End, to the corridors of Drakenraid’s palace, and whispered once more of betrayal: the expunging of House Revenlow and the ascension of House Alderset to the throne. But like the time before, Alderset refused to act on ambition alone. Deep within the hearts of the Noble Lords, so understood yet never spoken even now, remained a mutual understanding of the Kingdom’s true enemy: the Omen, who would turn the wheel of Kings and Queens until the realm was eroded by blood and ash. And so, with the pretense of following mere ambition, then-Lord Alderset declared war on the Crown - and lost, again and again, until finally the sons of his grandsons did what he could not: they killed a Revenlow King on the battlefield, within the snowy fields of an old city known as Vandalburg.

And then another, King Lucien’s father, Valen Revenlow, assassinated at a meal. Matthias’ own father, Lukas, was killed in exchange — and the young Duke took over in his stead. With the feud between the two noble Houses growing ever more bloody and intimate, desires for an aggressive war have only ramped up to ever greater heights of late, and there appears to be no end in sight without the destruction of one House or another.

Titles and Resources
House Alderset acts as the ducal family of the West End, as well as holding several baronies and a few counties within said Duchy. The Lord of Drakenraid is an Alderset and as Westfalen lies as the Duchy's new capital, Matthias rules as Westfalen's Lord as well. Considering the West End is the trade, production and innovation hub of Lorien, House Alderset holds an immense wealth of economic power and holds a great deal of power within Lorien's internal and international trade nodes. As a result of this and the civil war, Nivenhain has taken a considerable economic hit and has had its growth almost completely stalled, largely due to House Alderset refusing to trade with the Kingdom's capital or provide it with production materials.

Instead, a great deal of trade and industry has routed to the extremely fast-growing Westfalen, which boasts one of the most vibrant economies in Lorien. Generally, Alderset is known to be a house of wealth, and within the last decade many claim the family has surpassed Revenlow in its treasuries, in addition to production.

Unsurprisingly, the West End is a highly industrialized Duchy with several wealthy cities sitting along its eastern coast. While most of its land is simply utilized for resources by Hollow laborers, its cities act as massive enclaves of wealth, goods and production, as well as technological discovery. Many of their cities are known to have automated, Clockwork-type elevator shafts and the rail stretching from Nivenhain to Westfalen has recently expanded to run across the coastline to Drakenraid. House Alderset's wealth and influence is only growing at a more and more exponential rate, striking great anxieties into any who would call themselves a rival house.

Diplomatic Ties
In truth, House Alderset has no true allies in Lorien. While Brandt remains cordial to them, they have not yet joined hand in a formal allied military declaration, instead engaging in skirmishes against House Revenlow separately. The same follows for their ties to House Baringer of the East End, and while Alderset and House Florent are historical allies the two failed to remain cordial after Alderset's betrayal of the monarchy. As a result, Alderset has received the greatest amount of military focus from Revenlow, acting as their greatest rival while also a lone faction needing to be crushed. For this reason most of the major battles of the Lorien civil war are fought between Revenlow and Alderset, often at sea or on the shores of Breven or the West End.

The symbol of House Alderset is a Winged Lion. Their colors are black and white, often contrasted in various ways; for example, the seat of their Duke is a white chair referred to as the Ivory Throne, whilst the House itself is called the House of Onyx. Unlike many other Houses, the symbol, emblem and House words ("For Lorien Alone") of Alderset have never changed, and many consider them the most traditional of Rien houses - or in other words, the least willing to adjust to the will of the Kindred.


Name: Matthias Alderset
Race: Human, Quarter-Siltori
Date of Birth: 8th of Frost, Year 87
Title: Duke of the West End

Details: Matthias is the Duke of House Alderset, and a direct rival to King Lucien in all but the might of his army. Known to be a pragmatic and cynical ruler, operating largely with ‘the greater interest of Lorien’ in mind, Matthias is a Lord who reflects his people in their unrelenting pursuit towards progress and skepticism of dogma. Other than this generally positive reputation however, there is very little known of Matthias. He is a quiet and reserved individual, often keeping to his palace in Westfalen where he reads, and ponders, and enacts from behind the scenes.

Perhaps this is due largely to his upbringing; one of loneliness, with a disjointed family still in recovery from centuries of turmoil. A father who died to the assassin's blade and a mother crippled by mental illness; siblings who either died or who had never been born at all. Matthias is the last of the primary Alderset line, and as an unmarried man he threatens to end that line before long. He was once married to another Lord by the name of Varian, but after the man's death the Lord since became only more withdrawn.

And so he is the Lorn Duke, kept away from society where he may quietly perform his obligations with seemingly no purpose but the fact his duties were given to him long ago.

Re: The Nobility

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2019 7:41 am
by Sovereign


House Baringer

House Baringer has always been fairly independent. As rulers of the East End since before Lorien was even founded, and the most resistant to joining the Kingdom when it formed, they were allowed a level of autonomy that contributed greatly towards their unique culture and virtues. Baringer was a family, then and now, of beliefs; of honor and dignity, for their own people and for others. Perhaps because they were founded by an escaped slave from the Kingdom of Silor, the Nobles of the House did not wish to further perpetuate the cycle of subjugation and ownership so prominently found elsewhere.

But unlike Florent and Revenlow who tackled these values by creating structured codes of law, and sometimes even holding the highest accountable to them, Baringer has operated for a long time through passion and - perhaps dangerously - sentiment. They have allowed their vassals and commoners to carry immense weight in their words, with the structure of their society reforming endlessly to suit the supposed interests of their people. For this reason, the East End has always been messy, and it has always been seen as a wild land filled with wild people. Covered in evergreens and winter flowers, with the lowest number of urban centers and most dispersed population, the East End and Baringer are regarded as a people of hunters and reckless adventure. Many of Baringer's reforms throughout history have been largely experimental, and have often catastrophically failed.

Due to their high autonomy, however, there are few defining moments of history that signal transitions or moral quandaries for the Old House. They remained neutral and unsolicited by either side during the war between Revenlow and Reizend, and have largely only laid offenses against the crown in recent years to keep their military from growing disorganized. Despite their old nationalism and fierce sense of community, however, recent history has shown that House Baringer's detached and altruistic methods may no longer be suitable in the Kingdom's cynical and violent climate, leading to upheaval that may destroy the House for good.

Titles and Resources
Of late, the resources of House Baringer have waned significantly. Though there are many factors for this such as the exhaustive civil war, the key detail limiting Baringer hegemony is revolutionary sentiment within their realm. This has gone to the highest levels; Argent have begun to betray their Lords at an unprecedented scale, and even some lorianum mines have been taken by violent peasantry who have begun to develop Hollows unregulated in order to build an army capable of contending with Nobles.

Despite this, Baringer remains the resource-heavy house of Lorien, with massive stockpiles of lorianum, lumber, metals and other minerals, as well as coal, oil and other valuable materials. The East End is the natural resource capital of Lorien and Baringer is known to cultivate the land well, leading to the region existing as the energy and manufacturing center for much of the Kingdom. This translates directly to Baringer prominence, and their armies are well-armed, their cities have excellent infrastructure that is well-insulated to deal with the frigidity, and production continues largely unabated.

Diplomatic Ties
Though Baringer has a cordial relationship with Galbrecht, they are otherwise preoccupied in their own internal affairs and largely pursue support from Brandt as a method of strengthening their internal position. Baringer spends much of its time mediating occurrences between its vassal Counts and Barons, and of late has spent exhaustive time and resources on safeguarding itself against schemes. For this reason it is regarded as being diplomatically among the weakest, if not even less so than Alderset. Baringer is viewed internally and externally as an elitist family keen to further their own interests, with little regard for Rien identity. This is most exemplified in their willingness to accept Koltoskan migrants from the Daravinic borderlands, an action that has had lasting consequences.

The symbol of House Baringer is the Peacock. Their colors are gold and blue, with an accent of a royal purple in much of their symbolism and attire. The seat of House Baringer is the Garden Revelry, a castle whose lobby is a massive botanical garden filled with specimen from across the world, well-insulated with sophisticated heating methods. The throne of Baringer is often called 'the Perennial Overgrowth', a white seat covered in flowers, ivy and other natural adornments, lending to the overall theme of the House. Baringer's House Words are "For Those Who Bear a Heavy Burden", a line drawn from the family's altruistic and noble history, and one that was uttered profoundly upon accepting so many migrants from the south.


Name: Alberich Baringer
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 2nd of Glade, Year 71
Title: Duke of the East End

Details: Alberich is an idealistic man, given the mantle of Duke by an abrasive and ambitious father who merely sought to gain more power at all expense. Ironically, of all of the great leaders of Lorien, many would call Alberich the most well-meaning, even despite the fact that he has led many of his people into open rebellion. Alberich wishes to lessen the class dividers of Lorien, and has espoused this view often. He has lifted regulations on consumption of knowledge and education that previously existed, though this has only led to peasantry proliferating manifestos and other materials counter to Nobility. He believes that Lorien, as a rich and prosperous nation - at least by Turothi standards - should be able to share in its wealth and extend alms to the rest of the region. This led to his acceptance of well over three hundred thousand refugees near the beginning of his reign, a decision that has shaken the East End since.

In many ways Alberich has made his own bed, though he is not content to lie in it. Despite being idealistic, Alberich values his ideals enough to permit violence and deprivation upon his foes. He has done well to curb the plots of prominent members of metropolitan society, and while he initially foolishly surrendered many of his central authorities, he has drawn them back over time and with unyielding force. He is one of the few Nobles who has executed his vassals for defying the rule of law, and while many of his subjects despise him and his sorceress of a Duchess, this is largely the lowest of the peasantry who ascribe to highly conservative ideals. More educated members of society tend to almost worship Alberich's progressive reforms, to - perhaps - an almost corrosive point, leading him to lend himself wholly to a moralist echo chamber.


Name: Aveline Baringer
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 53rd of Ash, Year 67
Title: Duchess of the East End

Details: Aveline was born a Galbrecht, the eighth child. All of Aveline's siblings were girls, and she was the youngest of them, the last to be married off as so many of them were and the most neglected as a result of her parent's despondence. They had always wanted a son, and after so many attempts all they had was Aveline; the final nail in the coffin that had her parents surrender any further desires to produce a male heir. With such weight upon her back, Aveline has always been a cynical woman, a necessary pragmatist to compliment the almost naivety of her husband.

Aveline is, by all means, a necessary fundamental of the Baringer hegemony and has helped to keep the House from hemorrhaging in the last two decades. She has been the premier force behind defeating peasant revolts and other revolutionaries, serving as an able liaison between Alberich and the military. Further, she has a considerable position within the Tower of Glass as a high ranking member of the Scholia Arcana, and has leveraged this for favors across the East End, where the Tower resides. Aveline is an often unseen hand, but her role in Baringer affairs is equally as fundamental as the Duke's.

Re: The Nobility

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2019 7:41 am
by Sovereign


House Florent

An old family, House Florent was founded by Draymon Florent of Karstein, Year 344 of the Fourth Age. Known for his administrative skill, his knowledge on medieval combat, his grasp on history and law, he was a natural advisor to the Reizend monarchy and was invited to remain at their court. After several years of exemplary service, with many claiming that his wisdom and proposed reforms saved Lorien from occupation by the Clockwork Empire, Draymon was offered multiple more counties in Breven which he could rule basically as he saw fit. Draymon quickly made several changes to the structure of his holdings, instituting a common and well-appreciated rule of law as well as better stratifying the roles of each class in society. These reforms greatly improved the cohesion of his holdings, and before long they were adopted by the remainder of the Kingdom.

And so, with beginnings focused on administration and law, and with several hundred years after of a similar strain -- it is curious to many how Florent adapted to become a House of piety, of blind loyalty to the throne, and of subterfuge. Many of these changes began shortly after the turn of the Age, as Lorien reeled from the Sundering and sought guidance. Florent was content to offer this, an old and respectable family, with the faith of the throne and the ear of the Kindred. One of the Ladies of the House, Henrietta Florent, brought the Lords of the realm together to re-draft their society in light of the newly predominant Omen faith. The worship of the Dragon Gods was outlawed and many of the societal institutions were re-structured, with Florent being given influence over these new national bodies.

Offered control over a great deal of information and resources, the House wove their way into the cloth of the new church, and before long their name was synonymous with religion. Each generation of Florent had at least one Archlector, varying between Nivenhain, Rainier and other large cities, like Drakenraid. With little history of corruption or betrayal the Florent were often given the role of mediator, or the author of a new law, or the rites to perform annual religious ceremonies before the masses of Nivenhain. Their prominence continued and continues to grow, even after allying themselves with the royals in the face of their many foes.

Titles and Resources
Though Florent is the only Great House not to rule a Duchy, they are arguably more influential than Galbrecht and Baringer. Florent rules several key Counties within the borders of both Nivenhain and Breven, and many of its members tend to hold high positions within the Omen. While land ownership may not be vast for the vassal family, their cultural influence and religious prominence lends them several advantages over other players in Lorien's civil war.

It is well known even in rival lands that to harm a Florent or their interests is to become enemies with one's own clergy, fiercely loyal to Annalise who still favors - and acquires favors from - her House. This has led to Florent's holdings largely remaining untouched, increasing their economic prosperity and drawing investments from other realms. Florent is known to be highly stable and self-sufficient, and is capable of fielding an army and navy large enough for self-defense, as well as mobilizing an educated populace for the many industrial projects ongoing in their realms. As such, Florent is easily considered a competitive force within ducal politics, with strong cultural impact directly leading to their economic and military strength.

Diplomatic Ties
Florent tends to be on fairly neutral grounds with other Houses; while it technically considers the other ducal families 'enemies' due to their friction with Revenlow, Florent scarcely bothers or is bothered by the Nobility. Their embedding into religious institutions offers them protection from such skirmishes and conspiracies, and they prefer to keep it so. In this way, while they do not carry the same leverage that Galbrecht does across borders, Florent holds an incredibly secure diplomatic position. Of course, most important to mention is the tight-woven relationship between Florent and Revenlow, lending the House the most important ear in the Kingdom to whisper to.

The symbol of House Florent is the White Vulture, or Von Rabe. Their colors are a pale ivory and sapphire blue, and they are often associated with diamonds and other ornate gems due to their extremely lavish jewelry and attire. They do not have a prestigious ducal chair like the other major Houses of Lorien, but rule an almost sickeningly opulent palace in Astoria titled 'Hallen-Zall'. The words of House Florent are "For Winter's Long Abidance", a statement of their desire to see Von Rabe continue to thrive. True to their desired public perception, House Florent is often viewed as humble and pious, loyal and preserving of Lorien's chivalrous code. While most in the Nobility see them for their pernicious attempts to weed their way throughout society, they are incredibly popular among the common people.


Name: Cailan Florent
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 77th of Searing, Year 91
Title: Count of Astoria, Ravensburg, Karstein and Brent

Details: Cailan, while young, is regarded as one of the premier negotiators and intelligencers of Lorien. He wields an extensive spy network throughout the realm, and while he scarcely acts on information, he may encourage others to do so. Cailan is feared and valued for his ability to scheme utterly contrived plots that never truly lead back to him, with legal defenses in place even if his complicit nature is revealed. Unlike many in Florent, Cailan tends to display a jovial demeanor in public spaces, carrying with him an attractive charm and grace. The higher Nobility know many of his features to be inaccurate, however; sexual depravity and violent predilections are often whispered of in regard to his affairs, and Cailan is known for carrying many intimate relationships with young noblemen and women across Breven, many of which have led to scandal once his behaviors became revealed.

Regardless, Cailan is well-respected among his peers, and bears the whole confidence of House Revenlow to perform a great variety of diplomatic and intellectual deeds on their behalf. He acts as the premier agent of much of the royal duties, leading to the man being given the secondary title of 'Royal Actuary'.


Name: Catherine Florent
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 15th of Glade, Year 100
Title: Countess of Astoria, Ravensburg, Karstein and Brent

Details: The second daughter of King Revenlow, Catherine was betrothed to Cailan at a young age and this arrangement shows in their dispassionate and detached relationship. The woman is known for her cynicism and waning interest in court affairs, showing little enthusiasm during public events. Cailan often excuses this due to 'illness', as Catherine allegedly had complications during the birth of their second child. Whatever the case, she is hardly looked to as the matriarch of House Florent, with most deferring to Annalise as Cailan's political partner. Catherine does appear to be interested in Lorien affairs to some degree, though -- she advocates for her own House relentlessly, and according to many in the Nobility she feeds information to her young brother, Prince Franz, so as to prepare him for his eventual ascent.