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[Memory] Seeing Blind I.

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 9:47 am
by Arlen
1st day of Sundered Rise, Season of Searing, Year 57 of Age of Steel

[indent=20]Walking into the bowyer’s shop was like stepping into another world. The rising heat outside receded and gave way to the varied smells of wood and feathers. Arlen inhaled it with one deep breath, relishing in the smell. There on the undertone, he also caught the scent of wax. The workers in the shop complete the image of bees buzzing in the trees. The bow maker and his assistants worked away on their commissions.
[indent=20]“Arlen,” one of the bowyers laid down his carving tools. “What can we do you for?”
[indent=20]Not waiting for a further invitation, the man in question approached. “I was hoping if you or anyone could have a look at my bow.”
[indent=20]The bowyer laid down the worked piece of wood across his lap and stretched out his hand. “What’s wrong with it?”
[indent=20]“It started creaking,” Arlen answered. It had not happened before, leaving Arlen clueless as to what could be the issue. Ever since joining the hunting parties in the tribe, Arlen received a fair share of training, but no one ever mentioned creaking in a bow.
[indent=20]The bowyer didn’t even look at the bow and returned it to Arlen. “It’s on its way out. Nothing I can do to fix it.”
[indent=20]“Why?” Arlen asked his eyes jumping between his weapon and the maker.
[indent=20]“Once a bow starts creaking, it’s seen its days. If I were you, I’d break it and use it as firewood.”
[indent=20]No way! Arlen pursed his lips. This was his first very own bow. One he worked so hard for to get the coin. He couldn’t part with it in such a nasty way to burn it. And, it wasn’t like he could go hunting without one. “But... it’s been with me not even two years.”
[indent=20]The bowyer leaned forward resting one elbow on one knee and palm of his other hand on the other knee. Like that, the bowyer thought and contemplated or maybe he was only taking his time. “Well, there might be a few reasons it’s not lasted you longer. Say, have you been warming it up properly?”
[indent=20]Arlen pressed his lips together and pulled his cheeks in. He was told to do it. He did it...sometimes.
[indent=20]The bowyer sighed. “No wonder the poor thing is creaking like old joints. Probably affected your shooting as well, you know.”
[indent=20]The fact that his carelessness cost him a good bow and it likely made his performance worse, caused Arlen to double-take. Some lessons were learnt the hard way.
[indent=20]“But,” he started, “I need a bow. I can hardly hunt without one.”
[indent=20]The bowyer spread his arms. “Then make your pick. Plenty here.”
[indent=20]And indeed there were. Different bows lined the walls and stands. There were polished woods with intricate carvings, simple woods without once, curved shapes like women’s waist. Arlen was rooted in place, looking around, unable to pick. Next to him, the bowyer picked up his work but did not return to it.
[indent=20]“Too much choice?” The bowyer said.
[indent=20]“Too little knowledge,” Arlen muttered before looking back at the bowyer with an embarrassed smile.
[indent=20]The bowyer chuckled and laid down his work. “Alright then, Arlen. Tell me what you’re after.”
[indent=20]Arlen offered a grateful smile. “Well, I liked this bow because it sat well in my hand, but I wonder if there is a version that would help me shoot for longer distance.”
[indent=20]The bowyer nodded, tapping his chin. He then extended his hand to which Arlen laid his poor weapon. The bowyer gently tugged on the string. “What arrows do you use?”
[indent=20]Arlen sucked in his cheeks again. “Ash ones. I think.” He pulled his head between his shoulders as he spoke feeling again like a child. The previous bowyer did not do much introduction into which bow was best and why and which arrow worked and which didn’t for what Arlen needed. And each time he came for a refill, he just showed the arrows and that was that. Arlen bit the inside of his lip in frustration.
[indent=20]The bowyer sighed again, shaking his head. “Alright, alright. Let me tell you something and you remember it so you can choose your own bow next time, ok?”
[indent=20]Arlen nodded and followed the man.
[indent=20]“If you want to shoot farther, you will need to combine a higher poundage bow with the right arrows.” The man set Arlen’s old bow on a table and reached for one that was on a stand. It had a sleek, dark body but it was yet without a string.
[indent=20]“If you’ve been shooting with this poor thing, this one should not be much harder. The poundage is only slightly higher. You probably want to pair it with cedar arrows. They’re lighter and hold straight. But you better talk to the fletcher about that.” The bowyer nudged his chin towards one corner of the shop where the fletcher was carving nocking points. Arlen nodded.
[indent=20]“Let me string it for you so you can try” The bowyer offered.
[indent=20]“Much appreciated.”
[indent=20]The bowyer grunted something to himself as he went to collect not one but two bowstrings. “Always better keep an extra in case the one strung snaps.” The bowyer then retrieved a stringer from his pocket and nocked it on each side of the bow. In a matter of moments, the bowstring was in place and the bow looked complete.
[indent=20]“There. See for yourself if this is to your liking.”
[indent=20]The bow sat well in Arlen’s palm though it had a different shape. He pulled on the bowstring, feeling the greater resistance. From up high, he stretched the string all the way to his shoulder until he was aiming an imaginary arrow at a target that wasn’t there.
[indent=20]“How does it feel?”
[indent=20]“Very good. I think it’ll do its job nicely,” Arlen replied, gently releasing the tension and laying his new weapon down.
[indent=20]“Very well then. Here is the second bowstring as well.” The bowyer pushed it towards Arlen as the man took out his purse.
[indent=20]“Hunting in the plains again?” The bowyer asked as Arlen was preparing the coin.
[indent=20]“No. Not this time.”
[indent=20]“Forest then?” The bowyer asked surprised.
[indent=20]“Not really hunting. But yes, I will be going into the forest.”
[indent=20]The bowyer huffed and took the coin. “Not my business to pry.” He nudged his chin at the fletcher again. “Don’t forget your arrows as well, alright?”

Re: [Memory] Seeing Blind I.

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 9:59 am
by Arlen
2nd day of Sundered Rise, Season of Searing, Year 57 of Age of Steel

[indent=20]“Arlen!” Her call stopped him in his tracks. He didn’t expect her to come. In fact, he didn’t expect anyone to come. So when he turned around to look at her jogging towards him, his eyebrows were high.
[indent=20]“Glasha. What are you doing?” Arlen asked when she came to a breathy stop near him. She was a Jastai child, already nearly as tall as him.
[indent=20]“They said, you’re leaving. Why are you leaving?” She blurted out. The blackness of her eyes was teary but furious at the same time.
[indent=20]Those brows high on his forehead knotted. “Leaving? Who told you that, Glasha?”
[indent=20]“Rook and the others.” She frowned and pursed her lips. A smile cracked through his lips. He laid a hand on her shoulder whilst keeping the satchel in place across his back with the other.
[indent=20]“You can’t believe everything Rook and the others say. Half the time they are blabbering fools.”
[indent=20]“And the other half?”
[indent=20]Arlen chuckled lightly. “The other half you are likely asleep.”
[indent=20]Glasha pursed her lips even further, the frown on her forehead a storm. She crossed her arms over her chest. “Then why are you going?” She demanded.
[indent=20]He tapped the back of her shoulder in thought. “Why don’t you come with me Glasha and I’ll show you.” The suggestion was measured, but it was there and it was taken like a bait by a hungry fish.
[indent=20]In a blink of an eye, Glasha’s face lit up and the worry disappeared like Frost’s last snow. Her head bounced up and down.
[indent=20]He dropped his hand from her and laughed. They turned to walk together.
[indent=20]It wasn’t long until they arrived at the edge of the forest. Glasha grew distant and wary the closer they got. Arlen knew that she was not fond of the woods.
[indent=20]“Right, Glasha,” Arlen said and pointed into the forest. “Tell me what you see right there.”
[indent=20]She looked between him and where he was pointing. “Um...trees?”
[indent=20]Arlen smirked. His hand dropped. He looked at the girl next to him, corner of his mouth curved upwards in half-smile. “Smart. But be a bit more specific.” He pointed again. “Right there. Tell me what you see.”
[indent=20]Glasha stepped a little closer to use his finger as a pointer. Small flyaways on top of her head tickled his nose.
[indent=20]“Well, there is this thick tree. I think you’re pointing at that. It’s got like moss on it? There is a branch, kinda broken off. It looks like it’s almost fallen to the ground.” She then looked up at Arlen. “Is that what you’re pointing at?”
[indent=20]Arlen dropped his hand and used the other to wrap around her shoulders. “You see Glasha, I can’t see all that detail. It’s too dark for me in the forest so all I saw was a shape.”
[indent=20]Her eyes went a little bit wide.
[indent=20]“Now that’s not to say, I can’t see. I can. I see quite well. When there’s light,” he quickly added. The last thing he needed was the next generation to call him blind as well. “But when it gets dimmer, I struggle.”
[indent=20]“So that’s why you got to leave?”
[indent=20]Arlen chuckled. “I am not leaving, Glasha. I am just going into the forest for a few days to learn how to see blind.”
[indent=20]“How to see blind?”
[indent=20]Arlen’s hand brushed across her shoulders as he stepped back. “I’ll tell you when I come back, ok?” Because so far, he had only the smallest of ideas of how he was going to achieve that.

Re: [Memory] Seeing Blind I.

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 4:02 pm
by Arkash

Review Request: viewtopic.php?p=3055#p3055

XP: 5

Magic Experience: None.

Injuries/Ailments: Maybe next time.

Awarded Lores:
Ranged Weapon: Always carry extra bowstring
Ranged Weapon: Creaking bow is a bad sign
Ranged Weapon: Use stringer to hook the bowstring
Ranged Weapon: Warm it up before use
Ranged Weapon: Poundage and arrows may affect range
Ranged Weapon: Bowyer makes bows, fletcher makes arrows

Loot: You'll get lucky someday.

Comments: Wow, I didn't take Rook for a snitch. Just goes to show how much you really know a guy. Again, I loved the detail in this thread. The aesthetic of the bowyers shop was fantastic too. It's always interesting when you learn something new in a thread, and I learned that the creaky-bow is a dying bow. Well, at least Arlen can put it up on his mantle or something for safekeeping.

Enjoy the rewards.