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[Memory, Loras] Night In The Brume I

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 9:47 pm
by Rickter
Ash 18th, 117 AoS

Rays of light still brokered through the heavy clouds passing over the western mountains, with the smell of moisture still heavy in the air as the wagon wheels groaned through dirt and mud. His body was honestly tired from the amount of riding he'd done today, with his waist and lower body stiff in certain areas that never fully eased off; no matter how many times he shifted to another uncomfortable position. However with Loras in sight, Ricky knew the end would be soon, and once he met that light at the end of the metaphorically long tunnel; he'd be in a place with comfortable chairs... and even a nice warm bed.

It felt like an interesting trip so far already, leaving Kamdin by hitching a ride on the peddler's wagon. Insofar the excitement of Atinaw's wilderness had been manageable, what with patrols passing by every great once in a while. The peddler and Ricky both were kind enough to offer them waves, but never really stopped much less slowed down on their little venture. Now of course the horse pulling the wagon they rode on trotted along, kicking up clumps of dirt as they drove along the road past farm fields. Now and then one or two farmers would still be seen out, tending the fields since the harvest season demanded such attention.

Ricky wondered what he'd find within Loras once they got there, as he never really left the port he grew up in until a little while ago. He was quite exhilarated by the adventure, thinking he'd be back on the road again before too long. With this freedom, he had no superior to answer to; no ties that kept him rooted in a place for very long. For Ricky he quite enjoyed that, as not having to answer to anyone felt liberating. Not that he had bad experiences in Kamdin, but he certainly wasn't gifted the best childhood growing up either. The peddler's horse whinnied as they were approaching the town gates, dragging Ricky out from his thoughts as the peddler at the front of the wagon beckoned the animal; calling out a "whoa" as reached a gradual halt moments later.

Finally. He could move at last, although his upper thighs felt stiffer now than before. The half-breed pushed to sit on his feet first, before hauling himself over to drop onto the ground. Initially, he clenched a jaw when he felt the force of landing surge through his feet and calves but merely shrugged it off not even a moment after the feeling ran its course. Ricky moved around to the back of the wagon to collect his belongings then, his pack thrown over a shoulder as he adjusted the strap over the white cotton vest. "Thank y' fer the ride ser." He called out as the peddler climbed down from his seat slowly, as the older man groaned from the wisdom pains associated with his age.

"Much obliged young'un, these trips always feel easier when there's company present anyhow." The grizzly old-timer muttered through weary breaths, as he walked up to pet the black steed that carried them this far. As he did so the guards at the front gates approached, with smiles spared to the both of them, while Ricky took several steps to stand closer with his travel companion. A hand mindfully pressing into the side of his outer thigh, the beige trousers he wore crinkling from the pressure he applied. His muscles felt knotted in a couple of spots from the trip, which in turn made Ricky feel rather uncomfortable even as he stood. There was a bit of relief of course in finally moving around, so he figured it'd only be a matter of time before those aches withered away.

"Greetings! Visiting or just passing through?" One of the guards checked with the old peddler, as the other watched Ricky with a curious expression.

"Visiting for a few days, then afterwards onto the next stop." The wrinkled man answered in turn as he moved towards his cart so that he could show the guard what wares he brought along. "Got some nice pieces to sell, if you know of anyone willin' to buy that is!"

"I'm sure some of our civilians would love these." The guard answered him in turn before furrowing a brow, with a spark of interest found in his eyes. "My wife might actually want that vase there."

"You both traders then?" The guard eyeing Ricky inquired as the both of them began to talk business, the peddler obviously taking that as an opportunity to make a bargain. The half-breed's gaze shifted from those two to the one who asked, his expression firm but indifferent when they both looked at one another.

"Nah, not me. Just a wanderer accompanyin' him might visit fer a few days as well." He answered in the heaviest Kokalath accent one might expect, a mindful look given towards the streets and houses beyond the entrance of the gates.

"A wayward traveller eh? Well your welcome to Loras, just as long as you don't cause any trouble." The guard responded in turn with a brief bow, granting him passage as the other guard finished his deal with the peddler.

"Thank ya ser," The happy man offered a hearty smile in turn, " she'll be happy to know I ain't forgot our anniversary this year." The comment made the peddler chuckle warmly, as he smiles with a few fingers stroked through his long white beard.

"We all good to go now, young man?" He then checked as he approached the horse, with curious pine green eyes focused on Ricky.

"Yeah..." The half-breed nodded after answering lowly, while the two guards moved aside with a conversation over the vase carrying on. A moment after he answered the peddler turned to the black mare behind him, an affectionate hand brought to brush along the horse's muzzle.

"Almost there Winona, then you'll get all the rest a beauty like you deserves." That comment nearly brought crack of a smile to Ricky's firm expression, but nevertheless they were on the move once more; boots pressed into the muddy ground as the peddler shepherded his horse to follow. "I've visited Loras quite a few times now, always been a nice little hamlet to stop in." He started as they walked beyond the walls and down the main street. "The Terras are a good lot, and that's actually their manor way over there." Ricky's blue eyes moved from observing the environment to the peddler, following the direction his bony finger pointed until they fell upon a large house in the distance. "Ah but really it's the people here that keep me comin' back. That and the drinks they serve at the Duedrop Inn." Another hearty chuckle wisped from his lips then, as they continued to walk towards a building within the heart of town.

Ricky guessed that to be the place the peddler mentioned just now, as it looked to be a relatively large tavern that stood three stories tall. "You'll find..." He continued wearily. "that they offer rooms as well as food there also. You can expect to see me there later after Winona here gets boarded up and rewarded for another successful trip."

"Oi'll expect t' see you later then." Ricky responded in turn, which merited a nod as a response from the old man. He was rather thankful to have come across such a good man, almost to the point where he felt lucky for even meeting the peddler. Regardless both of them were soon on their separate ways, with Ricky walking up towards the door of the inn not long afterward. He watched for a bit as the peddler's wagon moved along elsewhere, before turning down another lane to head further within the town. Then the half-breed himself moved to grasp the door handle, mindful of the frame when he pulled the door open to enter. After briefly dunking to avoid banging his head Ricky entered the premises casually, easing the door to a close behind him as he took in the sight of the Inn's lobby.

Tables were situated all throughout the main hall, with a stone made fire pit situated at the heart of the establishment. Patrons were all gathered at tables, with more of them lined along the front side of the bar. Right away Ricky could detect the various scents in the room, most of it musky from all people clustered together, but the smell of stale ale and spiced cook meat also filled his nostrils. The moment he recognized them Ricky felt his belly give a low grumble, reminding him that he hadn't eaten anything in the last several hours. With very few glances cast to observe the room, the half-breed moved toward the bar first, determined to get settled in before committing to sitting down and enjoying the full perks of a hot meal. "Well hello there," A petite brunette woman greeted as she walked alongside the aisle of the bar, "lookin' to wet that whistle of your's hun?" She inquired with a lean in to the bar next, unafraid to show off the crevices of her breasts the blouse didn't cover.

"Actually yeah," Ricky answered without looking to her directly, "but first I'd like to rent a room for a few nights."

"Oh? Alrighty then, any preference on a room?" The tanned brunette checked as she moved to pull out a book of some kind, Ricky guessed that it had something to do with the boarding front of the business.

"Ground floor preferably, single bed will do." He answered her directly with minimal hesitation, his eyes still averted from her as his expression remained indifferent.

"Hmm..." The brunette checked down a line of written entries, a slender fingertip trailing down the page as she inspected it... almost casually. "Lucky for you we've got a few openings! How long again? A few days?" Ricky merely nodded as a response to confirm the inquiry. "Well, for someone your size a single won't necessarily do see..." She remarked with an even further lean forward, careful to hold herself atop the bar as she eyed him from boot to hair. "I could give you a room with a single, but somethin' tells me you'd appreciate a king-sized bed."

Ricky couldn't help but roll his eyes then, his arms brought to cross over with one another as he willingly took the bait. "Fine. How much?"

"Two hundred Farthing per night ser!" Ricky didn't hesitate on pulling out the banknotes he had, the small bundled roll a little less thick when he pulled out enough for three nights. The barmaid didn't hesitate to accept the payment when he held it out, with a beaming grin shot to him as she eased off the bar to look at the book once more. "Can I get a name?"

Ricky merely stared at her then, probably because he had a hard time figuring the woman out. She seemed so open and forward, almost like she possessed no small ounce of shame. "...Rickter." He finally answered after a moment of silence, watchful of the barmaid as she wrote the name down in the book.

"Perfect," she mumbled to herself before twisting to find a room key, "let's see here..." In front of her on the wall was a board, littered with hanging keys for the rooms that they had... and there were a lot. More than he thought, much less, cared to count when he looked at them. "Here we are! Room ten is your room for the duration of your stay!" She informed him as she pulled the key off its peg, holding it out for him to accept with a playful smirk. "Can I get you anything else?"

"No." He directly answered with a firm expression still present. "Later though." At first she looked a little puzzled, maybe even disappointed until he left her with those two words. At the present moment, he was more concerned with his room and dropping all his belongings there so his shoulder would stop killing him. Thus with the key in hand, he walked down the hall, mindful of the numbers on the doors as he mentally counted them. When he saw the room with the numbers one and zero etched on the door together, he knew he had found what had to be the right door by then. Thus with the insertion of his key to twist the lock, Ricky found the door ready to open ajar the moment his hand twisted the knob.

And so he entered.

Re: [Memory, Loras] Night In The Brume I

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 11:32 pm
by Mirage


Navigation: Surveying Your Surroundings
Navigation: Landmarks Help You Remember Certain Locations
Navigation: Using Routes To Reach Your Destination
Business: Learn To Create Opportunities In Any Situation
Rhetoric: Keeping Your Answers Brief
Rhetoric: Only Provide The "Necessary" Answers To A Question

Atinaw: The Lands of Eight
Atinaw: The Territory of Grimholdt
Atinaw: The Town of Loras
Loras: The Duedrop Inn

Loot: My heart (So excited!)

Injuries: N/A

Points 5

Comments: This solo is like the opening chapter of a book you have read a dozen times but keep coming back to. It's kinda like that feeling you get in a library, like it is just meant to be read and enjoyed surrounded by other such books. I can almost smell the ink on the page haha. Needless to say I love your use of NPC's as always. Lets see where this iteration takes us shall we!

Question your Reality,