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Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 5:36 am
by Enid
3rd of Searing, 120 AoS

The dim light of the morning sun shone through the fabric of Enid’s tent, and created a few refracted shards of blue as it hit the sleeping Gemling know as lapis. Like clockwork lapis woke up and crept over to her still sleeping Fae companion.

“Enid…awake?” Lapis whispered as she firmly tugged Enids long elven ear.
Enid groaned and his eyebrows pinched themselves into a strong frown before his eyes shot wide open and he blew air from his nose in a defiant huff.
“I clearly wasn’t but I certainly am now.” Enid grumbled as his torso rose up from his sleeping bag and he began rubbing his sore ear. “It is too much to ask that you leave me alone while i’m getting my beauty sleep.”
Lapis stared up at Enid and after a notable silence responded with a simple “No.”

Enid threw back his head and sighed dramatically “I can’t with you right now” he then pushed himself up and gathered his things to go out. He put on a colourful sleeveless crop top that was practically dripping in small glass beads before slipping on a pair of decretive pants what were only slightly less flashy. Following their tall friend’s lead, Lapis mimicked Enid’s dramatic sighing while slipping into their tiny dress. Enid efficiently packed up the tent while Lapis played truth or dare with a group of stones she collected. After placing the tent into the saddle bags hanging from each side of his tan horse Dandelion, he untied his horse and led her towards nearby civilization.

The stench of the slums that surrounded the city of Duran could be smelt even from yards way, and enid couldn’t help but scrunch his nose and frown as he grew closer. To think that people had to live in these conditions on a daily basis was beyond cruel but it was just how things were around here. Enid’s parents gave him magic to keep him out of the slums, they did their best to protect him but he wasn’t there to protect them. His eyes began to well up with tears but he whipped them away, he couldn’t cry until he found them.

“Have you seen these women?” Enid presented a drawing of his missing mothers to a sickly women with fearful eyes, she shook her head rabidly before running away in a panic.

“Good of the Bye smelly women!” Lapis waved with a cheerful singsong chime to her voice.

Enid sighed and groaned but continued to ask more people, though the responses he got were far from helpful. Most couldn’t even look at him, let alone the picture of his missing mothers. He considered entering the city to talk to some of the noble residence, he at least looked more like them and they wouldn't be scared of him, at least he could hope.