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Beauty and the Bartender

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 12:34 am
by woman

⌘ Beauty and the Bartender ⌘

33rd of Searing, Year 120, A.o.S

⌘ Rhea had been in Alfsos running some errands for the guild, and as tired and tuckered out she was, she was more so hungry. Analine was suppose to be meeting her at some Inn she heard had good food and drinks, so Rhea figured she'd meet her best friend there for a quick bite. It wasn't too far out of the way so it wasn't an issue to go and meet her friend.

Standing outside the place she waited patiently for her friend to arrive, not knowing Analine was already there, sneaking up behind her and hugging her from behind. "If I was a bandit you'd be a dead silly girl, you should always be aware of your surroundings." she teased, poking Rhea in the head. Startled Rhea let out a squeal before sighing into the hug from her friend. "I guess so, they are smart to use me meeting my good friend for lunch as bait for an ambushed."

Both women laughed as they entered the establishment. It was a nice tavern and Inn by Rhea's standards. It was quiet and peaceful, the smell of food wafting under her nose, causing her stomach to rumble and beg for food. Embarrassed, she quickly grabbed at her stomach, as if that would quell the sounds of it roaring.

Finding a spot at the bar, Both women looked around to really take in the place. She wondered who ran it, was it one of the eight clans, or under some kinship she knew nothing about. She didnt recognize any of the employees that were on duty working, so she figured it was a kinship she was not privy to.

It meant meeting new people, which made the Iulide nervous. She never liked first impressions, fearing she would say or do something that would make her look or sound stupid. She was very glad she had some support, Analine being more of a people person compared to Rhea's reserved and introverted self. ⌘

"Common Tongue"
"Kokalath Tongue"
"Analine Dialogue"
"Hellig Dialogue"

Re: Beauty and the Bartender

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 11:34 pm
by Patrick
When they had entered into the premises of the Inn the midday rabble had finally dwindled, a good number of patrons leaving in drones as they were workers heading out, likely finishing the last of their daily routines before sunlight truly faded. Yet even as much of the business had just left not so long ago, the air in the lobby allured the sense of smell to one's nose, as the aroma of a buttery glaze permeated the area from the kitchens.

At the bar were Patrick and Dominik, as Vincent was helping Rose collect dishes so that they could tag-team the chore of washing them together. Naturally, the whole buddy-buddy system was often used to clear the chore list, as both of the parents approved of the efficiency found in teamwork. So while one pair tackled the clean-up in the kitchen, the other out front at the bar worked on cleaning the workstation, while still tending to any patrons who needed a drink or two.

Sure enough, the arrival of two women, both beautiful to gander at, heralded the dawn of newcomer's into their business; a fact which led both Dominik and Patrick to smile wildly to the both of them. To the middle brother, who was in a stained grey shirt wiping a washcloth across the counter, they looked to be possible mercenaries or adventurers.

They had the kind of figure that implied discipline, a type of frame refined from a consistent drive. Yet they entered with no weapons visibly on them, so perhaps they were part of a Clan visiting Alfsos. "Welcome ladies," Dominik greeted them in Kokalath, who was in the brown shirt with a damp spot just over the abdomen area. "You lookin' for a bite to eat? Or perhaps a stiff drink?"

"Or lookin' to rent a room?" Patrick weighed in almost smoothly, as though the two brothers were almost of one mind when he spoke. "Got some Atinawan Mutton still left, if you're as hungry as you look, Miss?" He left off with a curious look to Rhea, his eyebrows elevated as he waited to hear her name.


Re: Beauty and the Bartender

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 10:40 pm
by woman

⌘ Beauty and the Bartender ⌘

33rd of Searing, Year 120, A.o.S

⌘ A smile on her face she looked to the two gentlemen behind the bar, nodding to the one that greeted them, focusing hard on not making a fool of herself. Analine, batting her eyes at them both smirked upon their question. "If the food is as good as it smells then absolutely, and the stiffest drink you have wont hurt either. Make that a double for friend here." she teased, laughing at the shocked looked Rhea gave her.

"A glass of wine will do if you don't mind." she requested sheepishly, her eyes advertising from both men. She was doing it again, and she couldnt help it. She was always nervous if not reluctant around men. Old scars take time to heal she supposed, so she knew it would take time to conquer this aspect of herself. It was a battle she was not ready for.

One of the men behind the bar offered them some mutton to which Analine accepted, Rhea nodding in agreement with her friend. His question made her realize he was asking her for her name, to which she gasp upon the recollection. "I am Rhea Iulide of Clan Loregard, and this is my friend Analine. It's a pleasure to meet you both." she introduced with a slight bow in her seat.

Her eyes began to wonder around both men, inspecting them closely. They didn't seem like the type to hurt anyone, but she knew from past mistakes, that looks can deceive even the most perceptive of minds. For now, she would enjoy whatever wine they brought for her. Analine noticed her friend looking at the men in detail which caused her to giggle and nudge her.

"I see you checking them out, wondering whats under the clothe too huh? They are kinda cute arent they?" she whispered, giggling to which Rhea nudged her back with surprise. "Thats not what I was doing at all Analine!" she exclaimed in protest. ⌘

"Common Tongue"
"Kokalath Tongue"
"Analine Dialogue"
"Hellig Dialogue"