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Lie I

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 8:32 am
by Arkash
48th of Searing, 120

After a long night at the bakery, Arkash was finally headed home. Barry didn't have many old confectionaries to offer the lizard that day, but there was half a cake or so that had almost turned rock hard in the open air. Arkash didn't care, as his serrated teeth made short work of the hardened sponge. It wasn't the most healthy diet to live on, but both he and Cojack were eating far better than they had been.
[indent=30]Even so, arkash found himself craving other foods, like cheese and meats. Part of him did think it was strange that he could keep starches and dairy products down without getting sick, as his parents had always told him that he wasn't able to eat anything but meat when he was very young. Both were surprised to find that he was even capable of eating some fruits and vegetables, however. Rathari heavily took after the animal that they represented, and Arkash's was carnivorous, so why was he able to eat a broader spectrum of foods? Neither Cojack nor Liu had the answers he sought.
[indent=30]Stray thoughts aside, Arkash made it home safely. The streets wouldn't be safe like that for much longer, though. Soon, the Thompson brothers would begin their prowling, and Arkash would have to remain hidden. That, or he would initiate his plan B.
[indent=30]Careful claws lifted to the padlock and held it in place as he reached to his one-strapped bag for the key. Some fiddling later saw him enter the house, where Cojack slept. Arkash sighed, stretched, and let his bag fall into his claws. With it held there firmly, he walked to his father's bedside and put it down gently beside the pale of water and the cup. Judging from the water level in the pale, it seemed that Cojack had been keeping hydrated while he was out, which was good.
[indent=30]Arkash always tried to promote healthy habits in the man. He'd brought some cake back from the bakery, but part of him feared it would be too hard for the old horse's teeth.
[indent=30]His concerns drifted to other areas of worry as he considered Cojack's medicine. They were on the last few doses of his first bottle. it wasn't a big deal, as they had another ready for use, but it still concerned the lizard that they burned through it so easily. Though they rationed the medicine over a few days, they still didn't last long. Arkash sighed and fetched the bottle from across the room along with a spoon. "Dad," he spoke aloud as he turned back to the old horse, "Wake up, s'time for your medicine."
[indent=30]The older rath drew a deep breath, and his eyes fluttered open where he laid. "Arkash..." he spoke at last. His voice was dry, raspy, even. it was definitely time for another dose. Arkash bowed his head ina s single nod, then began to approach his father, where he took a knee at his side. "How was work...?"
[indent=30]"It was fine, dad. I gotcha some cake, but it's kinda hard." Cojack's eyes widened at the news.
[indent=30]"Cake?" He asked in surprise. Arkash laughed a bit and shook his head.
[indent=30]"Yeah, but it's stale as hell. I really had to bite into it," spoke the younger of the two. Cojack deflated some, but he wasn't completely disheartened by the news, it seemed.
[indent=30]"You ready for another dose?" He offered, showing the bottle. The skinny equine nodded a little in acceptance, and Arkash started to pour the medicine into the spoon. The viscous fluid was a sort-of amber color that wasn't entirely transparent. It both looked and smelled foul, and Arkash was so very glad that he wasn't the one that had to endure it. Regardless, he offered the spoonful to his father, and the horse reluctantly accepted with his open mouth. A grimace followed shortly after, complete with a shudder that rocked his whole body. Arkash nodded. "You'll feel better soon."
[indent=30]"Water...?" Asked the horse, who sounded even more hoarse after drinking the medicine. Arkash nodded, then dipped to collect the pale. It was almost empty, and that would likely be the last drink. It was a shame, as Arkash had wanted something refreshing to wet his throat before he went to bed, but his father needed it more in this instance. So, he collected the cup and began to pour the last of the water into the metallic cylinder. Once he was done, he offered the water to the sickly horse, then sat at his side. Quite quickly, Cojack accepted the drink and began to pour its contents into his mouth, where he swirled the foul taste from his palette before swallowing.
[indent=30]Arkash smiled a little, then wrapped an arm around Cojack's shoulders in an embrace. "I'll be back in a minute now, jus' gonna refill th' pale before I go t' bed, alright?" With that, Arkash released his father from his half-hug and stood. Cojack nodded in acceptance, then cleared his throat hard.
[indent=30]"Be careful, Arkash," warned the horse.
[indent=30]"I always am-" came the boy's swift reply, only to falter as a knock sounded on the door. At once, Cojack looked through a crack in the wall with a one-eyed squint, then hummed quietly under his breath.
[indent=30]"Who is it?" Whispered Arkash.
[indent=30]"Some sorta knight... Maybe an argent?"
[indent=30]What the hell is an Argent Knight doing here? Were Arkash's first thoughts, though he didn't reply to his father's observation.
[indent=30]"'E's armed to the teeth, hasn't got 'is helmet on though." Now Arkash was seriously starting to freak out. Did they found out about him stealing from the general store? Wouldn't they have just sent hollows to kill him in such a case? What had he done to earn a visit from someone of the Argent caste?
[indent=30]Another knock rapped on the door, and Arkash was ripped from his thoughts. In truth, he had no idea why anyone so highly would be in lower Nivenhain at all, let alone knock at his door. He just had to face the soldier and find out. So, Arkash took a step forward and fiddled with the lock.
[indent=30]Finally, the door swung open, and the immediate light that filled the rickety shack was almost blinding. Arkash lifted one of his scarred, dirty-bandage-wrapped arms to cover his eyes with a squint and a turn of his head. It was only then that he realized the cause of the blinding light was due to the shine of the Knight's armor, which reflected the brilliant shine of the searing sun.
[indent=30]"Hello?" Asked Arkash, who still covered his eyes.
[indent=30]"Good morning," replied a low voice with a refined accent, the likes of which Arkash had never heard before. "May I come in?" It then asked with a hint of impatience... Or Irritation, Arkash was unsure of which. The small, malnourished, scarred, dirty Rathari cleared his throat and stepped back with a nod, which allowed the unseen figure to enter his home.
[indent=30]The man accepted the invitation and ducked his head beneath the doorframe as he entered. He was enormous, Arkash could finally see... nearly eight feet tall? His olive complexion was unmarred by scars or dirt, and his black hair, despite the rising heat of the morning's sun, was completely kempt and tamed. He wore a cloak of red satin, which covered a pair of massive feathery wings close to his back. An enormous two-handed sword rested sheathed at his hip while his sword arm carried a fierce and regal-looking helmet. The man, once he'd entered the shack, couldn't straighten up fully, and neither could he spy any furniture on which he could sit, so, he sat on the floor beside the hearth and stretched his back with a series of muffled pops, that Arkash imagined being his bones.
[indent=30]At once, the lizard shifted to close the door behind the man, and then walked to sit at his fur throws. "I'd offer you somethin' to drink, but we jus' ran out o' water," he half apologized to the argent. He doubted the man would drink their dirty well water, anyway.
[indent=30]The knight rose one of his strong brows. Perhaps he hadn't expected to encounter manners in the gutter district? "That's fine, I won't be here long," or perhaps he was just that repulsed by his lowborn accent? Regardless, the Knight's eyes fell upon Arkash's feet, and the response was discomfort in the Lizard's eyes, who shifted to cross his bandaged legs. Seeing that, the knight drew a deep breath and groaned a quiet sigh before introducing himself. "I am Knight-Argent Valris, and I'm conducting an investigation into the string of murders that have been occurring in Lower Nivenhain."
[indent=30]Oh. That's what they were being visited for. But why? people were killed in Lower Nivenahin all the time, why was this any different? And why were they being visited? Arkash was quiet, though it was fairly obvious that he was thinking hard.
[indent=30]"...As you might have heard," spoke the human as he laid eyes on the sickly, frail horse. "Bodies have been turning up in alleys and dark corners all over this district of Lorien, sometimes mangled, sometimes cut into pieces."

Continued in part 2: here.

Re: Lie I

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 7:18 pm
by Leliana


[indent=30]Experience: 5 points

[indent=30]Bodybuilding: While strange that you're an omnivore, it's helpful for putting on weight.
[indent=30]Etiquette: Allowing visitors into your home.
[indent=30]Etiquette: Apologising when unable to offer a guest a drink.
[indent=30]Etiquette: Giving someone else the last drink.
[indent=30]Etiquette: Bringing food home to your sick father, even if it's stale cake, is a nice gesture.
[indent=30]Medicine: It's possible to wash down the bad taste with water.

[indent=30]Injuries/Overstepping: N/A

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