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[Loras] In The Shadow of Memory

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 9:24 pm
by Rickter
Searing 6, 120th AoS

Ricky felt the need to stir as his side he slept on ached from laying too firmly, thus he twisted over to his other side to reclaim that comfort he once had. He had to guess it was morning time by now, early enough to where the sun had yet risen over the eastern mountains. Gradually his eyes cracked open to glimpse the space before him, a soft smile suddenly found as he grunted warmly at what was a welcome sight. It was her. Telion laid there next to him with the blankets wrapped over her shoulder, her sleepy eyes also opening as she seemed to stir. How he had missed this, wishing to be able to see her again, after losing her practically two seasons ago.

"Morning..." She whispered to him quietly as he merely watched, disbelief in his mind and yet hope that this was, somehow, real enough to actually be happening right now.

"Mornin'." He greeted in turn still with a smile beaming at the woman, as she giggled before scooting closer to invade personal space. Their noses were close to rubbing together now, and for a moment Ricky really did forget the reality of the truth, as her warm hand traced fingers from his wrist along his forearm. Feeling what he could only theorize was had to be a memory, he closed his eyes once more and held his breath, wishing to whatever Gods or Old Ones might hear his deepest plea.

"Awe, what's wrong my love?" Telion seemingly noticed his somber expression, leading Ricky to open his eyes once more, and palpably conceive this as another form of reality. One where his wife was still alive. How? He didn't know, and he didn't care. She was here with him now, and he almost felt ready to believe it as the truth.

"I've been trapped in a dream, one that never seems to end." He answered softly with a longing stare spent on her, his heart heavier now that he was actually seeing her smile.

"Well... that doesn't sound fun." She murmured as her hand moved from beneath the blanket, her delicate fingertips still tracing the outline of his broad shoulder. Now his heart began to palpitate, beating erratically as those same fingers traveled along his collar bone, then along his neck before finally resting along the length of his jawline. Her hand... It really felt real, like she was really there. Earnest cries were heard beyond the walls of their room, signaling that the little bundle of joy they shared had awoken, and likely needed a clean change of rags before starting his day. Telion softly chuckled with a brief sigh, slowly turning to lay on her back as she still watched him. "My turn."

"No... I'll go." Ricky pleaded as he reached out to her, actually feeling her wrist in his hand when his rough fingers lightly grabbed her. "Stay. Please."

"It's my turn though." Telion reiterated as she leaned in closer once more, the child in the other room still crying aloud as he awaited somebody's arrival. Ricky opened his mouth to object but as he barely made a peep, the blonde's hand moved back to place a finger over his lips. She shushed him softly then, leaning in to kiss him gently as she moved to rise. "Wait here, I'll be back."

"Promise?" He checked pleadingly as his weary eyes remained focused on her.

"Promise. Now rest a while longer, maybe no more bad dreams?" She teased as she moved out from underneath her blanket, the white nightdress she used to wear still on her as she slipped out of bed, standing onto her feet with another endearing smile cast to him. Ricky watched as she moved for the bedroom door, even walking out with it quietly shut behind her, leaving Ricky alone in his bed as he reluctantly closed his eyes. He listened. He listened to the sounds of Martin in the other room, hopeful that the child would, at last, cease the wailing he did. Because if he did then everything he just saw was real, and that meant Ricky still had the only woman he ever loved in his world.


Nothing. No silence came even after a few minutes had passed, leading Ricky to open his eyes once more as he looked at the door. Where was Telion? No. Not again. So he was dreaming it up then, everything he saw was only a figment of the mind, imagining ghosts as if they still lingered within the room. Yet she felt so real... So alive... The wolf's heart sank as the reality settled in, and in turn, he moved to rise out of bed a moment later. While his beloved usually wore something to bed, Ricky, on the other hand, could hardly stand the layers clinging to his skin. Thus he walked about the room towards the door with no article of clothing on, his skin able to breathe the cool morning air as he moved out the bedroom door.

Quite drearily he walked towards the doorway that led into Martin's room, where the sobbing child had stirred into a sitting position within his crib. "Hey," The father cooed as he entered the room, approaching the crib so that he could greet his son, "Oh I know lil' guy, somebody's in need o' a change o' linens, doesn't he?! " The child's sobs started to wane now that his father arrived, his cheeky tear-stained face red as he still made softer moan's even in Ricky's embrace. "Don't worry son..." He spoke calmly and clearly now that Martin was held against his upper chest, with the child laying his head into the crevice of Ricky's neck as he made gentle bounces, using his knees to emphasize on them as he moved closer towards the doorway.

That was when Hannah walked around the corner, almost entering until she jolted in her tracks, evidently surprised by Ricky's presence when she saw him. "By Vilathalk's balls Rick! How about some pants before you go roaming the rooms?!" The brunette barmaid quickly turned to avoid gazing at him, her hands pressed on the doorframe as she stood there in her crimson nightgown.

"Sorry. Didn't wanna keep lil' Martin waitin' fer very long." The father answered in turn as he twisted around so that his back was to her. "We were just gonna wash up an' then start with breakfast. Mind lendin' a hand?"

"I'll handle the breakfast part, you can take care of the wash." Hannah answered in turn with a brief glance over her shoulder. "At least put on pants or somethin' before you start anythin', Rick."

"Hmm." He grunted in return as she walked off a moment afterward, leaving the two alone in Martin's room once more as the father looked down at his child. "Who says we need pants. Huh?" He started to coo at the child a couple more times, almost garnering a smile from the sleepy boy as he looked up to his father. Afterward, Ricky moved once more to leave the room, returning to his room so that he could find the pair of trousers he wore yesterday. Momentarily the father moved to rest his child on the bed, mimicking a slow tackle as the made a soft and low, "Aaaa," to excite the baby.

"Alright lil' guy, first I'mma get dressed, and then we're gonna dress you!" He enthused with a gentle poke at the child's belly, finally causing the curious onlooker to smile as he remained on his back. Ricky quickly moved to swipe at the pair of trousers on the floor, slipping them around his ankles before they were pulled up to his waist. Once he finished tying the hemp of his trousers to secure them, he let the strings falter as the fabrics loosely clung around his waistline. "And we're off!" He murmured almost playfully as he pretended to pounce on the bed, hovering over Martin with a faked look of surprise cast down at him. "Y' ready?! I said 're ya ready?!" Now the child was giggling, leading the father to chuckle, as he played a giant monster slowly scooping the boy in his embrace.

"Here we go! Gonna get a bath in before breakfast!" He continued as he walked with a bounce in his step, continually keeping the child occupied as he walked out his bedroom, and headed for the stairwell located at the end of the hallway. When he reached the stairs Ricky then walked carefully down, minding each step since his child was in his arms now. When they were both at the bottom, the father then moved towards the kitchen area to his left, towards the open doorway located there as Hannah entered once more with a pail of water.

"Look who's up and around!" Hannah then greeted as she walked towards them, her cheery smile at the boy already garnering another beamy grin from Martin. "I went ahead and filled the other pail with water and left a sponge for you." The barmaid then assured Rickter as she moved from where they stood closer to the fire pit, pouring the water she'd collected into a hanging cauldron afterwards.

"Thanks Hannah." Ricky responded in turn as he moved towards the doorway, bringing Martin outside where a light fog still loomed over the morning dew. Next to the doorway was the wooden basin they had for Martin, filled with water like she'd instructed, with a bar of soap resting at the bottom and a yellow sponge floating within. "Here we go." He encouraged to Martin as he knelt down next to the bin, unraveling the knot of the child's linens as he finally noticed the odor. Not that he couldn't have detected it earlier, but the wolf did his best to let his sharp nose ignore any foul smells associated with the baby. Thus when Ricky removed the linen wrap from his son's waist, he then promptly let it drop to the ground next to the pail, before easing down to carefully lower his son into the basin.

Already the child started to whimper as the water coated his body, stirring around his belly as Ricky shushed him affectionately with the sponge in hand. "It's all right son. I know it's cool, but you'll be all nice an' clean after we're done, and then y' get t' eat as much as you want!" He spoke still with a lighthearted elevated tone of voice, quick to gently scrub the boy's upper body before he began to work his way down to the lower half.