[Loras] Still Remembering

The lands of Atinaw surrounding the capital city.

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Title: Dabu
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=578
Plot Notes: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=815
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=761
Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=816


Still Remembering
Searing 10th, 120th AoS

Light from the sun had finally receded beyond the western mountains, marking the end of shifts for some of the local town guards. For Ricky it was a welcome relief as he'd been walking around all afternoon, handling any minor disputes in the markets when tourists haggled too much, as well as keeping a few clansmen from bickering elsewhere within the streets. Overall it was a pretty straightforward shift, one he felt glad was over, and soon after finalized by the reports documenting his patrol around Loras. Of course nothing exciting ever seemed to go into the paperwork, but for Ricky it just made the process of leaving much more quicker.

Thus he marched onward from the barracks down towards the center of town, the Duedrop Inn distanced in his sight as he walked forward. Sweat still lightly coated his forehead from the lingering heat of the day, as the links of his chainmail lightly rattled with each heavy step he made. The arrival of the night was still fresh as the pale moon illuminated the sky above, with naught but a few clouds looming over the town here and there. During his walk, however, Ricky noticed a short passing figure to his left. Immediately her presence pulled in his attention, as the woman looked up to him in return for only a moment; the curiosity in her eyes palpable when he realized she was a stranger.

Immediately he brushed it off and continued walking, but deep down it disturbed him how sudden she caught his attention. While she was exactly the same height, possibly a bit taller even, Ricky had thought he had seen a ghost when he looked to her. Yet the moonlight illuminated her enough to know, that her long wavy hair was a chestnut brown instead of blonde, and the woman also had a different walk compared to the one questionably in Ricky's mind. He had stopped to gander back once more, his eyes almost somber when she still looked the same as before. So he truly had imagined her to be somebody else, the echoes of her memory now a hefty chain wrapped over his heart.

While he would've given anything to see his wife again, Ricky knew better than to dwell on that wishful thought. So when he turned back around to resume his walk, he did so almost in a brisk fashion, yet only made it a step or so before bumping into another strolling civilian. "Watch it mutt!" The blonde man spat almost bitterly as he stepped back, his milky green eyes fixated on Ricky as he looked down on Aaron a little surprised. The paled man didn't even wait for Ricky to respond, merely groaning as he moved past in a passive-aggressive manner. That's strange. He expected that sort of treatment from Aaron of course, but just then his eyes seemed a little different... Then again he chalked it up to the moon's glow reflecting in his eyes.

Either way, the wolf shrugged it off with a sigh, resuming his walk to the inn for a second time, with minimal interferences this time when he headed towards the inn. Before too long Ricky approached the doorway to enter the premises, greeted by the amber glow of its lanterns as he minded his head. But wow did it feel a little bit cooler in here, although the lingering heat outside was also waning gradually. Thus when he stepped into the inn his eyes fell upon the bar immediately, and the brunette woman working the bar, with the one-year-old child securely wrapped in a makeshift holster on her torso. Rather quickly Hannah looked to the doorway as she'd noticed someone entering, a look of pleased relief on her face as Ricky came to approach the bar.

"Thank GODS you're finally here! I washed Martin before work, but he's gettin' cranky because he hasn't ate yet." The barmaid explained as she placed a couple of empty mugs down on the bar, quick to move from behind it so that she could approach Ricky, and in turn relieving herself of the child she'd been carrying around. "You're late by the way!"

"Sorry, the paperwork took longer than expected." He briefly explained Martin was carefully taken into his arm, the father mindful of his chainmail when he held the boy close. "Can y' get a bowl o' milk handy with some bread? Preferably cow's milk as he doesn't like goat's milk."

"Not to worry, I had asked the cook to make a fresh loaf so you could share it. Want anythin' for you?" Hannah checked as she undid the apron she'd used as a makeshift harness.

"Nah, not really hungry tonight." He answered in turn as he started to move towards the nearest table, before glancing back to Hannah to tell her "Thanks," as she walked back towards the kitchen.

"You got it!" Was her response as she quickly resumed pouring her drinks, later disappearing back into the kitchen when they were both finished. Meanwhile Ricky drew closer to the table in mind, with his left boot used to pull a chair out for himself, while he slowly bounced the babbling child in his arms.

"Aaaa-oooo!" The fussy child almost screamed aloud, causing the father to clench his jaw as he felt his ears ring for just a split second.

"Heeey, none o' that now." He told the boy as they eased down onto the chair, with Martin brought out to be sat on the table before him. "Besides yer not a wolf like I am. Who taught ya wolves howl huh?" The father checked almost teasingly, his weary face still a little firm but loosened now that he interacted with the boy. Martin merely looked down at his father's hands, with his own grasping at Ricky's thumbs as he looked at them curiously. He then proceeded to giggle and smile sharply, making another "Aaaa-oooo," sound in a milder fashion.

"I'mma have t' talk with yer Godmother 'bout that ain't I?" Ricky figured as he finally cracked a grin, a soft chuckle of amusement given as he watched the child. Gradually the father eased his hands away from the child, moreso to take a moment of time to remove his gauntlets, while keeping an eye on Martin to make sure he didn't move around any. The child almost took advantage of the opportunity of course, turning about and nearly moving into a crawl across the table, before the father placed the removed gauntlets down and held the child once more. "Nooo, nice try kiddo!" He teased as immediately Martin started to grow fussy, a pouty face made as he started to whimper into a crying fit.

"I know, I know! Dinner's on the way I promise!" The father tried to sound encouraging, but arguably his hopeful look at the kitchen doorway lessened. How much longer until that bread was done? He wondered and waited, trying to keep the child distracted as he did so.
"Can you tell me which hurts more, is it remembering... or forgetting?"
word count: 1288
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House

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