Player Development Thread

The capital of the Kingdom of Lorien, and seat of House Revenlow.

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Player Development

Work in progress.
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Holiday/Celebration ideas. Edit to your discretion.

Glade -

Disting: First full moon of Glade. This is a feast of new beginnings, at which the work of the year to come to be blessed and for those to send out prayers and wishes.

Einherjar: 52nd of Glade. A day of remembrance and silence for those that have fallen. While it seems solem and tears are shed, it is actually a time of honor and great tales are told of the battles in which the heroes of Lorien fell.

Searing -

Day of Ruhe: 22nd of Searing. Also known as the “Day of Peace”,it most commonly refers to an absence of aggression, violence or hostility, but which also represents a larger concept wherein there are healthy or newly-healed interpersonal or international relationships, safety in matters of social or economic welfare, the acknowledgment of equality and fairness in political relationships and, in world matters, peacetime; a state of being absent of any war or conflict. Reflection on the nature of peace is also bound up with considerations of the causes for its absence or loss. Among these potential causes are: insecurity, social injustice, economic inequality, political and religious radicalism. For this, there is revelry and feasting that represent this as the like-minded come together as one. Some believe it is a way for those who follow the Omen to weed out those who don’t follow or to weed out “trouble makers” to convert them to their way of thought.

Lithasblot: 79th to 91st of Searing. Celebration of the Summer Solstice, when the power of the Sun is at its height. It was at this time that most foreign trade was conducted, as well as shipping, fishing expeditions, and raiding. Thus, Lithasblot was the festival of power and activity. It was not without its dark side as well. Often alms are given to the unfortunate at this time, or loaves in the shape of the fylfot. The Sun-wheel, which fell into regrettable disrepute during the dark times of The Third Age when the symbol was perverted as a symbol of chaos and darkeness. To rectify this they present this symbol on their homes such as their windows as stain-glass, painted on the back of their hands, or wear it on clothing in celebration of Lithasblot.

Ash -

Walpurgis: 27th to 30th of Ash. Walpurgis is a night of revelry and darkness. During that moment all light is extinguished and chaos reigns. At the final stroke of midnight, the light returns in its brilliance and bale-fires are lit. The dead and Kindred are said to be walking amongst them as people dress up and wear masks that is almost ominous.

Winternights: 90th of Ash to 1st of Frost: The beginning of the winter season for the people of Turoth. Remembrances of the dead and one's ancestors were made during this feast. Winternights was a ceremony of wild abandon and it marked the end of the summer season. Much divination was done during Winternights to foretell the fates of those entering the coming year. It was said that if one sat on a barrow-mound (grave) all night long on Winternights, one would have full divinatory,

Frost -

Winters Feast: 32nd of Frost. A large organised events with stage performances and an after-dinner dance as they dedicate it to “He Who Is Returning”.

Jul (sounds like Yule): 85th to 91st of Frost. Jul signifies the beginning and end of all things; the darkest time (shortest hour of daylight) during the year and the brightest hope re-entering the world. Since the winters are not bad in Turoth, it is considered the second largest festival for the region where people come out to dance, music, winter harvest, and being with friends and family. The last day of Jul involves a large bonfire where everyone get together and dance while singing the nomadic folksongs.
word count: 652

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