[Memory, Loras] The First Day II

The lands of Atinaw surrounding the capital city.

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Title: Dabu
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=578
Plot Notes: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=815
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=761
Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=816


The First Day II
Ash 19th, 117 AoS
(Continued from here)

Lright from the sun filtered passed through the cracked doors as they all left, the two ladies behind Ricky as he squinted in turn, from the brightness which assailed his eyes after their departure. Just outside the doors to the Terras Manor was Captain Malkea, his arms firmly crossed as he looked to be expecting the wolf for a bit now. "A little bird told me I was to keep an eye on you! So don't get all ass hurt over me deciding to tag along with ya." The weathred looking man told him as Ricky walked outside into the sun, his blue eyes still narrowed in a squint as he simply groaned as a response.

"Wait Captain Malkea." Telion called out as she approached the both of them, with a brief smile shot to Ricky before she looked up to Malkea. Both Ricky and the captain looked down at her with vivid curiosity, though Ricky already knew where it was she'd be going with this. Her friend Hannah too evidently for she stood back, her arms crossed as she watched her friend speak with the grizzled man. "Would you mind if I watched after Rickter? I know Lady Milana put him under your watch, but I would personally like to see this man work his debt off myself if that's okay with you." She requested humbly with a smile still present on her face, leading the Captain to stroke his beard a few times after he listened to her.

"I dunno miss Telion, do you think you could handle him?" The man checked firmly with an eyebrow raised, his eyes warily upon Ricky when he asked the question. The wolf merely scoffed and folded his arms over one another, with a dismissive look shot to the side as he listened further.

"Don't worry," the short blonde answered with soft confidence, "I'm sure he won't be too much of a problem." Hannah scoffed behind Ricky and for a moment he almost smiled, yet Captain Malkea could see something in the woman Ricky could not apparently, for he seemed to raise his hands up in the form of surrender not long afterward.

"Well... alright then." Malkea's face went from soft to firm in one quick instant, as he looked back to Ricky when he spoke once more. "You better check in with me afterward, let me know the moment you've made reparations with the lady here."

The wolf's eyes gravitated back to Malkea then, with a brief bite of his lower lip before answering in turn. "Understood."

"Well then, better hop to it." Malkea finally gave a small grin to the three of them, a farewell waved to them as he started to head back into the town. "Look after her well, Rickter." He called out as Hannah started to walk past Ricky, a glare shot up to him as she stopped in place next to him.

"Do anything to hurt her, and you can bet I'll be hurtin' you afterwards!" She threatened him with an expectant look given to Telion, the two exchanging smiles before she bade her friend well, and doing the same as Malkea did with going back into the heart of Loras. With those two gone before too long Ricky and Telion were alone then, the blonde turning to giggle briefly before she tucked her hands behind her back.

"Sorry, don't take anything she says personal. Okay?" She told him with almost a compassionate look, something the wolf didn't expect honestly, therefore a brief look of confusion was given before he answered in turn.

"She don't scare me." Ricky deflected almost dismissively as he looked to the side once more, avoiding the inclination to stare at the woman for too long. "Besides yer the one I'm workin' fer now."

"Ah, ah!" Telion raised a finger to wave it in the air. "With! You and I are gonna do this together!" Now Ricky was utterly confused by this woman, mostly because it was her he had wronged after all, so why should she deem it necessary to help him? Didn't that contradict the idea of repaying her for the broken instrument? She noticed how lost he looked in his vacant stare, and yet somehow she had the audacity to laugh at him a little. Was he really so funny to her? "What? The idea of help scares you that much?"

"No..." The wolf answered quickly but fell silent afterward, his eyes squinted at her as he tried to understand this woman. "Just find it odd that you actually want to help, since it's your instrument that I broke."

"Well..." Her hands went away behind her back once more, as Telion looked to the side with a cheeky grin. "Someone once told me it's always easier when you work together. Besides there's nothing wrong with wanting to help... is there?" Teamwork huh? Suddenly Ricky started to see why Hannah was so protective of this one, as Telion was a true human being to her very core. The fact she actually felt the need to go out of her way, to help others above herself no less, told Ricky that she had to be somebody different from the rest. Somebody that he clearly didn't need to be involved with, for the fact he'd only probably ruin things for her.

He was so used to doing everyone's dirty work, so naturally, he felt suspicious of her gracious attitude. "Alright, fine... What's the first job?" He caved in with a shrug as he lowered his arms finally, planting his palms at his hips as he waited to hear what she had to say.

"Great!!" Suddenly Telion looked about ready to jump for joy, as she took a few steps closer to him while she bounced fists eagerly before her. "We'll get started by showing you around Loras! We can take on a few odd jobs while we're at it." Ricky looked from her down to the street that led back into town, his lips tightened into a firm expression as he looked to her once more.

"Okay..." He said with a nod added with it, giving Telion incentive to smile wider it seems. "You lead."

"It would be my pleasure!" She responded in turn with a slight twirl, the brim of her dress spinning around in the air as she started to walk. "We'll stop by Erma's first and see how she's doing. I'm sure she'll have something fairly easy we can handle!"

"Sure..." The wolf answered in turn as he walked along behind her, his eyes directed towards the ground where Telion walked more than anything.

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"I remember lookin' at her... and for whatever reason I just wanted to smile..."
word count: 1259
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House

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