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Hyoga's Journies

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 2:26 am
by Hikami
Motif - Incarnation of War

  • With the Rune of Reaving inscribed on him Hyoga begins to shift to becoming an embodiment of battle, the personification of combat itself made flesh. As he progresses within the magic, the rune intermingling with his soul more and more, Hyoga gains the desire to cleave through the world, overcoming any obstacle that appears in his way, dominating the field of battle in a blaze of glory. In this way, the rune reacts to this desire and molds Hyoga into the perfect weapon - the Incarnation of War.

Arsenal Roulette - Apprentice

  • Upon reaching Apprentice in Reaving, Hyoga finds that his pact weapons, when called or choosing one, rotate around him like a roulette wheel. This acts like a catalogue for him, summoning aethereal versions of his pact weapons to choose from. Once chosen his weapons will glow in an aura with chatic patterns and colors in fiery hues of blue, black, & grey. To add to this, a crown like halo of blazing hues floats an inch above his head, giving him a divine appearances when ever weilding his pact weapon(s).

Battle Smiting - Journeyman

  • As a quirk that is aggressive in nature, this quirk turns Hyoga into a vicious head hunter on the battlefield. As an incarnation of war, one must eliminate those who grant the greatest challenge in battle, and the way his rune has interwoven itself into his very being at this point shows in this quirk, compelling him to test his skills every battle. Once per battle, Hyoga enters a bloodlust like trance, his eyes blazing intensely with the same fiery ethereal opulence as his pact weapons, urged to seek and slay whoever he thinks to be the most skilled in the enemy group. He will have to rely on his own basic instincts to assess who he feels fits that description. He may be right, or he may be wrong, but as he grows to understand combat and war more through experience he will get better at recognizing skilled warriors. This quirk comes with the threat of death if facing an enemy of greater skill than himself, not to mention the considerable mental and physical strain on Hyoga, forcing him to be bedridden for a single day after each battle.

Re: Xiang's Journies

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 3:02 am
by Hikami
Motif - Yuki Ryū

  • The Rune of Elementalism intermingles the natural traits of water into the soul of Hyoga. Most notably, it causes his impulisve personality to mellow out, making him calm, easy going, and attentive in his daily interactions mimicking the traits of water. As he progresses, he will become more akin to a dragon born of the tranquility of the snowfall from the heavens, the Yuki Ryū.

Water Becomes Him - Apprentice

  • At apprentice-level Hyoga begins to see that water favors him. When in the presence of water, it will lean and ripple in his direction, yearning to submerge him in its cooling embrace. Sources of water within 20ft of him or under his manipulation turns a mystifying azure hue with subtle hints of silver glittering within. His skin also has spots along his chest, forearms, lower back, and thighs with iridescent opal scales. A misty like aura softly radiates from his body as well, giving him a look as if he is being delicately splashed by waves. His connection to waters heightens as he is able to sense sources up to 80ft of himself, attributing the sensation as if the water calling out to him. When manifesting water his eyes will glow, taking on reflective hues reminiscent of having mini pools of water for eyes.

Living Frost - Journeyman

  • Progressing to Journeyman, and gaining the ability of Blending, Hyoga has been compelled to mix water with wind, producing ice. Whenever using his arche element of water, Hyoga's wings radiate with the same misty aura as the previous quirk, though this mist is cold to the touch. Because the relationship between him and water is as strong as it is, he finds that whenever he is manipulating the element, it is ice cold, those he uses it on feeling as if being hit by a frozen lake. His personality also changes, as he breaks from that erratic and impulsive and nature, taking on characteristics of water & ice; calm, stoic, easy-going.

    It is feasible to say that because of Hyoga's connection to the element of water his ability to deviate from it means he devotes a lot more specialization to it, thus enabling him to more easily manipulate it. Because of the possessive nature that water has with Hyoga, it will only allow him to manifest and sculpt water naturally from his own aether more easily and in a larger quantity than others of his skill level. If forced to utilize wind, Earth, or fire, he must use an outside source. Because of the water's desire to be close to him, the other elements he wields besides it take on characteristics of water & ice; wind becomes ice-cold, the earth is dense like thick ice, and fire burns an icy blue.

Re: Hyoga's Journies

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 5:45 am
by Hikami
The Ascencion of the Frozen Dragon
龍 龍
龍 Kōtta Shūen {Frozen Death}

The Kōtta Shūen persona is a master of Elementalism & murder, blending ice and water into their combat style both with weapons and in hand to hand and delivering those foolish enough to cross him into Death's Cold Embrace. A predator unlike any other, the Kōtta Shūen goes to strike they are efficient and clean in their killing, leaving a glittering trail of ice and destruction. The Kōtta Shūen persona is an individual who holds neither pity nor malice for those they slay, keeping a cold pragmatic view that the means will always justify the end and that's all that matters.

Related Skills:
Weapon Skills
Unarmed Combat
龍 Sensō no Seishin {Spirit of War}

Related Skills:
龍 Kemono-ō {Beast King}
The Kemono-ō persona is

Related Skills:

Re: Hyoga's Journies

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2021 5:48 pm
by Hikami


蛇 Details
  • Age: 33
  • Race: Human
  • Height: 5' 6"
  • Weight: 150 lbs
  • Magics: Affliction, Semblance, Exotic{Claw Greives}

蛇 Info:
  • Kurogane in all sense of the word is voracious, no matter what aspect of her life it comes to. Be it sex, battle, casual interactions, this domineering force of beauty is always diving headfirst in whatever it is she does. Playfully seductive, yet sadistically dominant Kurogane exudes an air of power only she can provide.

    Her sensuous figure may look unimposing, but Kurogane's mind is a dangerous one. She sees any encounter, be it casual or conflict, as a game of domination as deep down she enjoys toying with other people's lives and watching them squirm. At times, she has been seen as being perceptive of other's thoughts. Either she seeks to torture those who cross her with this knowledge or satirizes the ones on the same side as her.

    Not a moment of guilt runs through her as she defeats people in her path, exhilarated in watching them squirm from being beneath her heel. She has been conditioned to act as a sultry head huntress, more than ready to use her allure to sucker fools into submission or to their own deaths, and if that fails then she's more than willing to use her own two hands to do so.

    Throughout her life, she is depicted as cunning, deadly, and highly observant. Her vicious nature and ruthless combat style earned her a severance within the Midden's structure,


蛇 Details
  • Age: 41
  • Race: Synnekar Avialae
  • Height: 7' 6"
  • Weight: 250 lbs
  • Magics: Reaving, Kinetics, Polearms{Halberd}

蛇 Info:
  • Life for Yoshida before coming to the Midden isn't something he really likes to dwell on. It was unimportant and the here and now takes more a priority. He was scouted for his impressive talent in magic and combat by the Sky Guard. During his time in the Sky Guard, he excelled in his duty as a soldier, just like everyone around him, but was especially proficient in combat skills and surprisingly the strategy.

    He was always the talk of the guard whenever a fight broke out, normally being the center of the brawl. Fighting just came naturally to him and he loved the thrill of it. Many could say they saw him come alive when fighting, brightening up from his normal resting bitch face he wore. It was this love for battle that would eventually get him kicked from the Sky Guard and disgraced.

    Eventually, he found his way to the Midden and soon became an established name among its denizens. Yoshida left each and every fight in the Crucible a bloody warzone, none to take on teams by his lonesome. Many say his thirst for battle only increased after he sought revenge on a Kathar that had bested him for the first time.


蛇 Details
  • Age: 65
  • Race: Siltori
  • Height: 5' 9"
  • Weight: 150 lbs
  • Magics: Masquerade, Reaving, Blades/Dual Swords{Longsword x Shortsword}

蛇 Info:
  • Magnolia is a complex woman, known to many as being serious, calculating, and always planning far in the future. She portrays herself as though she feels nothing for human sympathy and ethics, believing that absolute power is the only path to true power in the world. While her blunt and unconventional honesty may not make her popular among other people, her keen insight and cunning are what earn her fear and respect from others.

    Showing no mercy to her foes and believing that every instance is apart of a divine fate, Magnolia fervently strives to achieve her goals regardless of the risks or agendas of the other Fangs. Magnolia is often seen as a very grim individual. She accepts all news, good or bad, mockery or praise, with a stoic attitude. As pragmatic as they come, she has had to make some harsh decisions, some resulting in casualties, and some resulting in mutual allies. She has stated on many occasions she will do anything within her power to achieve them. Underhanded tactics are not above her stature; if she feels they give succor to her cause she will use them.


蛇 Details
  • Age: 31
  • Race: Human/Orkhan
  • Height: 6' 6"
  • Weight: 230 lbs
  • Magics: Elementalism, Reaving, Gunslinging

蛇 Info:
  • Sheridan is a mellow man who is apt to make cryptic statements and thought-provoking questions. Moreover, he is frequently known to take up in the Crucible to sharpen his talents using anyone foolish enough to face him as target practice. Sheridan is known to be a placid and calculating man who is always thinking one step ahead. He often states that every turn in battle is a part of his effortless planning.

    He speaks in a polite and proper manner at all times, albeit terrifyingly so when he completely eviscerates his enemies. Perhaps a bit too confident of his abilities, he only half acknowledges his enemies. While many who have the unfortunate luck of facing him try and prove their martial superiority, Sheridan will haughtily thwart their efforts, showing them just how weak they really are compared to him.


蛇 Details
  • Age: 33
  • Race: Rathari{Bear}
  • Height: 6' 4"
  • Weight: 210 lbs
  • Magics: Reaving, Elementalism

蛇 Info:
  • A flirtatious and collected individual under pressure, Flannigan handles most situations that would induce terror and fear in the average person with controlled ease complimented by his charismatic allure. His conduct is very "business mixed with pleasure-like, however, he isn't incapable of being serious when the situation demands it, goodnatured and not. Despite appearing promiscuous and carefree, he holds no remorse for those he kills.

    He is the embodiment of carnage, has been since he was a young cub, and has carried this trait with him into his adult career as a killer. Though not entirely intentional on his part, there is an intimidating and domineering air about him. He is reckless, usually turning out luckily for him, however, his charming demeanor can give way to bouts of rage at times when his buttons have hit their final limit.

    When people meet him they are entranced by the confidence he exudes, confidence that belies the sadistic and murderous nature of a demon. Like most sociopaths of his kind, Flannigan is also a narcissist who takes joy in killing and the spilling of blood, especially those of worthy foes. He frequently decorates his sentences with the words "beautiful" and "marvelous" with each foe he kills.

    Each battle to him is a stage for him to demonstrate a "Beautiful dance of Might & Death". Flannigan has a disdain for things that are crude and vulgar. He has been seen to be very cruel and discouraging to those he finds worthless and a waste of space. In spite of his odd behavior, his versatility and often flawless killing streak in the Crucible earns him respect & fear from others.