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Kalzasi Bounty Board

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 4:44 pm
by Chronicle
Quest and Bounty Boards

When it comes down to it there is always work to be done; and within every inn and tavern, even every guild and faction, a board in which one can find such work. Bounty boards are a useful commodity and constantly utilized by mercenaries and adventures alike, offering ample opportunities to earn some extra cash and rewards. While one may approach these boards in search of work, it is also possible for one to post their own request up, so that they can hire help for whatever needs they may have. One only needs to simply fill out the form below, so that others may know the criteria of their job offer, and in turn decide if they are perfect candidates for the job posted.

How To Claim A Quest/Bounty: Please respond to this thread and indicate which bounty you would like to claim. A member of staff will update the bounty board to indicate that the bounty has been claimed.

The recommended length for completing a bounty is 1500+ words, though it may be more or less depending on the bounty's complexity. The majority of the thread should be focused on completing the bounty request. Threads may be done collaboratively or solo.

Completed threads should be submitted to the Reviewer's Section forum with a note requesting the award from the bounty.

How To Post A Quest/Bounty: Please respond to this thread and fill out a form for whatever sort of job you'd like to post here. A member o staff will then update the bounty board so others can claim it once approved.

Types of Quest Guide:
When creating a job or quest for others to claim, it helps to have an idea on what sort of objective the quest presents the participants. The following listed are just several of many possible references for what kind of quests a petitioner can give, and are here to help with creating an outline for each quest.

Competition - A contest between two or more persons wherein players compete toward an agreed upon prize for meeting criteria specified by the challenge. These can be overseen by an individual player acting in the role of narrator for competitors or it can be a coordinated effort between participants.

Fetch - Usually a quest that involves the participant locating and retrieving an item or object.

Extermination - Similar to bounties; extermination involves cutting down numbers on fauna and creatures that are overpopulation a certain area.

Protection - As the name implies the objective is to watch over and guard something, be it a shipment or even a personal bodyguard to a traveler or merchant.

Recovery - Similar to Fetch quests; Recoveries are normally for retrieving something lost or stolen.

Research - Usually a quest that revolves around observation and even studying, can range from simple archeological/geographical locations to even minor reconnaissance.

Quest Board
Name: Noah
Job: Snow shoveling
Details: Laborers within Kalzasi could use extra hands to shovel the snow this season, anybody who is willing to help need only take up the shovel, and meet with the guild representative Noah when they are finished.
Reward: 25 GP
Expires: End of Frost 120
Moderation: Self-modded

Name: Cecilia
Job: Lost Item
Details: I seem to have misplaced an important heirloom of mine, anybody willing to find it might be paid handsomely for their trouble.
Reward: 100 GP
Expires: End of Frost 120
Moderation: Self-modded
 ! Message from: Chronicle
Claimed by Lieth!

Name: Bennigan
Job: Hunter or Scout Wanted
Details: The appearance of Dire Wolves has generated a bit of unrest within the Merchant's Guild, would like to hire somebody to track them down and either exterminate them; or report back on their hunting patterns and where they roam the most.
Reward: 100 GP
Expires: End of Frost 120
Moderation: Self-modded

Bounty Board
Wanted Alive/Dead: Boulder
Crime: Five Nine accounts of Aggravated Assault and three seven accounts of Murder
Details: A rogue outlaw still terrorizing the southeastern perimeters near Kalzasi, operates alone, and considered armed and dangerous.
Reward: Has increased to 250 GP
Spotted: Southeast along the road towards Zaichaer is where was last seen.
Expires: Ongoing
Moderation: Can be self-moderated

Wanted Alive/Dead: Nikolas
Crime: Eight Fifteen accounts of smuggling contraband.
Details: A peddler smuggling illegal goods and contraband within Kalzasi
Reward: Has increased to 100 GP
Spotted: Varies; last seen within Port Udor and The Midden
Expires: Ongoing
Moderation: Can be self-moderated

Coming Soon

Job/Quest Forms

Code: Select all

[b]Name:[/b] PC Name here
[b]Job:[/b] What sort of task or quest are you wanting to create? If you need ideas on what kind of quest to create, refer to the "Types of Quests" guide for details.
[b]Details:[/b] Tell us more about the job and what it involves.
[b]Reward:[/b] What can a person expect to earn from this quest?
[b]Expires:[/b] Is there a time limit for this quest?
[b]Moderation:[/b] Self-moderated, Guest Storyteller-moderated, or Staff-moderated?
Bounty Forms

Code: Select all

[b]Wanted Alive/Dead:[/b] Bounty's Name Here
[b]Crime:[/b] What has the Bounty done?
[b]Details:[/b] More insight on what this bounty looks like? Habits? Etc.?
[b]Reward:[/b] How much is the Bounty worth?
[b]Spotted:[/b] In what area was the Bounty last seen?
[b]Expires:[/b] What's the time limit for this Bounty?
[b]Moderation:[/b] Self-moderated, Guest Storyteller-moderated, or Staff-moderated?

Re: Kalzasi Bounty Board

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 7:51 pm
by Talon

Name: Talon
Job: Competition.
Reward: See below.
Expires: Frost 120
Moderation: See below.

10th of Ash, 120th Year of the Age of Steel

From the Palace of the First Wind,

His Esteemed Grace, Shinsei Talon Alexios Novalys, Firstborn of the Shokaze, Lord-Heir to the House of Novalys and Patron of the Jeweled Arches, does extend his hand and invite those able bodied warriors of sound mind and great patriotism to join the ranks of the most honored and prestigious Argent Hand. With this declaration let it be known that the Argent Hand are the honored guardians and protectors of the House Novalys. The winner of this tournament shall be expected to perform the following rites of passage in a display of skill and ability.

First, in a display of resourcefulness, it is the responsibility of each applicant to go forth and retrieve from the lands of Kalzasi, a single piece of Illumite. The dragonshard held in highest esteem by House Novalys. Find it in those high mountain places where sunlight brushes stones and the music of the dawn is most pure. This dragonshard shall be given to Knight-Captain Aoren d’Maliet as proof of desire to enter into the competition. (Self-Moderated. Permission to use Aoren for the purposes of receiving the illumite dragonshard.)

Second, in a display of honor, each applicant must go forth into the city of Kalzasi and its territories and perform three acts of goodwill, compassion and charity. These acts must be done without payment and must be in service to the people and city of Kalzasi. The recipients of these acts are permitted to bestow upon they who perform them a token as proof of service rendered. (Self-Moderated.)

Thirdly, in a display of prowess each applicant shall, in the presence of Knight-Captain Aoren d’Maliet of House Novalys, perform a contest of strength, skill and ability wherein they spar against each other in tournament style combat. The final two victors shall move forward to the final stage of the competition. (Guest Moderated.)

Lastly, the final two applicants shall, in the presence of His Esteemed Grace, perform a final challenge. This victor of which shall be awarded the honor and titles bestowed upon the Knights of the Argent Hand. (Mystery. Guest Moderated.)

The victor of the contest shall be awarded the rank and title of Knight of the Argent Hand and petition to the Shokaze for the privileges of a Kozoku. Furthermore, the forging of arms and armaments courtesy of His Esteemed Grace himself, enchanted for both battle and protection. Finally, assignment to the personal guard of His Esteemed Grace and full wages and honors of living in the appropriate quarters of the Palace of the First Wind.

Aoren d’Maliet

Knight-Captain of the Argent Hand

 ! Message from: Chronicle

Re: Kalzasi Bounty Board

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 11:22 pm
by Rickter
Talon wrote:Name: Talon
Job: Competition.
Reward: See below.
Expires: Frost 120
Moderation: See below.

► Show Spoiler

Partaking in this entry! The outline below is a reference to the Criteria that must be met for this Quest:

The Illumite Dragonshard
☑ -Research: High Hopes, High Standards - Talon
☑ -Retrieval: Forward Unto Dawn II - Solo
☐ -Delivery: Illumite My Way Forward - Solo

The Acts of Kindness
☑ -Act One: Swimming In Udori - Solo
☐ -Act Two: A Boy Named Martin - Solo
☐ -Act Three: The Wrong Sort of Fishing - Solo

Frost 120th AoS Edition
The Tournament of Prowess
☐ -Participation:

The Grand Finale
☐ -Participation:

Re: Kalzasi Bounty Board

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 2:13 pm
by Rickter
The following are available side quests from Rickter this season:

Name: Rickter
Job: Necromantic Interests
Details: A friend is looking for someone who is proficient with the craft of Necromancy, looking for anybody who is knowledgeable and willing to meet with this person at the decided location. Contact via letter if interested.
Reward: 10 GP
Expires: End of Frost 120
Moderation: Guest Storyteller-moderated

Name: Rickter
Job: Where There's Smoke
Details: ????
Reward: 15 GP
Expires: End of Frost 120
Moderation: PC Participation

Re: Kalzasi Bounty Board

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 3:01 pm
by Leith

Posting here to claim the retrieving of the heirloom bounty for Leith and Hershey. Thank you!
 ! Message from: Chronicle

Re: Kalzasi Bounty Board

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 11:36 pm
by Mino
Name: Mino Lekivian
Job: Protection
Details: In order for the Glade Cotillion to run smoothly, protection is needed. It's a gathering of the wealthiest Kalsazi citizens and they just won't feel safe without some sense of security. With that in mind, the House Lekivian extends an offer to all those willing to provide protection for the seven days in which the Cotillion lasts.
Reward: Rewards can be discussed.
Expires: Glade 30-37
Moderation: Self-moderated

Re: Kalzasi Bounty Board

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 12:03 am
by Mino
Name: Mino Lekivian
Job: Entertainment
Details: The cotillion, while spanning the seven days, is something has need for entertainment as well as protection. The Lekivians would like to request the presence of any reputable or upcoming performers to attend. Perhaps you may find yourself sponsor among the crowd. Wages are to be discussed, as well as which days you may be available to perform on and the duration of those performances.
Reward: Rewards can be discussed.
Expires: Glade 30-37
Moderation: Self-moderated

Re: Kalzasi Bounty Board

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 10:25 pm
by Moon Jae-Seong
Wanted Alive/Dead: Boulder
Crime: Five Nine accounts of Aggravated Assault and three seven accounts of Murder
Details: A rogue outlaw still terrorizing the southeastern perimeters near Kalzasi, operates alone, and considered armed and dangerous.
Reward: Has increased to 250 GP
Spotted: Southeast along the road towards Zaichaer is where was last seen.
Expires: Ongoing
Moderation: Can be self-moderated
Being undertaken by Moon-Jae Seong and Isolde; started frost 122

Wanted Alive/Dead: Nikolas
Crime: Eight Fifteen accounts of smuggling contraband.
Details: A peddler smuggling illegal goods and contraband within Kalzasi
Reward: Has increased to 100 GP
Spotted: Varies; last seen within Port Udor and The Midden
Expires: Ongoing
Moderation: Can be self-moderated
Being undertaken by Moon Jae-Seong & Imogen; started frost 122

Wanted Alive/Dead: Orion
Crime: five count robbery, one count murder
Details: A thief that ended up in a scuffle with the most recent business owner he robbed, resulting in the shopkeep dead
Reward: 150g
Spotted: Varies; last seen in a small town to the south of Kalzasi proper
Expires: Ongoing
Moderation: self-moderated
Being undertaken by Moon Jae-Seong & Vinsue; started Frost 122