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[Paragon] Beck and Call

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2020 12:40 am
by Rickter
Beck and Call
Ash 10th, 120th Year, A.o.S.
Tick, tick, tick did the cogs go as wind swept through the openings of the lift, brushing all over Rickter's figure as he and Telion stood dead center. Watching. The bard was already mesmerized with how high the structure was elevating them, but of course, Rickter himself was far more concerned with something else. Tick, tick, tick. Each clang of the cogs that kept the pulley system going marked another steady rise, but for all the wolf knew it could easily take one easy miss. One stupid, if not ironic, malfunction and the lift itself could very well change course. Then again he had never really ever ridden one of these before, hell he'd normally stay out of the Cloudhaven District, but somebody wouldn't leave him alone about going to the palace much.

"Wow! We're so high up, Kalzasi's really beautiful from up here." Telion admired the view of the city below them, as the sun had reached its midday position, yet could barely provide enough heat to keep them warm as they dangled in the air. Rickter could only, even with a hint of sarcasm, grunt a noise of sound agreement at best. He had put on a long sleeve cotton shirt and worn his sleeveless brown doublet over it, though they hardly kept him protected from the chill in the air; no thanks to the wind which battered them on occasion. The wolf wasn't comfortable in the lift, even if the guard present knew how to operate the damned thing. The fact is he was in a box, may as well have been a cage, and that cage was essentially midair. No matter how many times one might assure him of the supports and whatnot, Rickter didn't give a rat's ass as to how the damned thing operated.

Not that he didn't want to, quite honestly the structure was an impressive bit of engineering. However it still didn't change the facts, and Telion hadn't overlooked the fact he appeared totally rigid. "Rickter... Are you okay?" Her question warranted a look from the lift operators, the couple of royal guards there momentarily alert, but then lightly amused to see one act so anxious. "You're not... afraid of heights are you?" He quickly loosened at that observation, shooting an unnerved glare at the bard in turn.

"...Not in the slightest." He lied as they were finally nearing the top, the cogs whining to a gradual halt as Rickter heard the ropes stretch as though they were strained. The lift reached a stop with a quick bounce, leading the wolf to lowly growl before the doors finally opened, allowing the pair to step out into the reception area of The Skyharbour. The reaction startled her a bit but after a brief chuckle, Telion brushed it off with understanding on behalf of Rickter's discomfort. It was actually one of the few times she'd ever seen him move quickly, as he made a brisk walk to clear himself away from the lift in general. Before too long they were back out into the open once again, the open breeze greeting them once more as Rickter collectively counted his breaths.

After standing in that thing for nearly an hour, gods only knew it felt like a hundred's worth, his legs were stiff and somehow wobbly at the same time. Admittedly he didn't want to accept the fact, but he was in fact uncomfortable with being so high up. Even on solid ground, he felt uneasy, no matter how remarkable the view was to them now. "Wow." The bard muttered lowly as Rickter looked at her, watching as the bard gazed down from the terrace they walked out on. Remarkably watching her somehow made it a little easier for him to breathe, even so much as to relax after he started to calm down a bit, to the point where he didn't need to hide the jitters in his fingers anymore. Telion had worn her leather jacket over a simple robin's egg blue dress, with her hair actually tied in a bun with a white ribbon. She noticed that he'd been staring at her, and looked at him curiously as a result. "What?"

Rickter's eyes widened as he realized he's stared for too long, the blue orbs quickly averted to their boots as he disengaged from her. "Nothing."

"Oh wow!" Her excitement honestly surprised him then, as Telion quickly moved past him to gander at the Palace of the First Wind. "It's huge!!"

"Yeah. Pretty sure that's why it's called a palace." The wolf mumbled as Telion twisted around, taking him by the hand as she started to chuckle.

"Well, what're you waiting for?! Come on! Aoren's waiting!" Rickter showed heavy reluctance with the idea of following her, but nevertheless, he'd made it this far up after all so there was no point in stopping now. The excitable bard continued to prompt him onward, even so much as encourage him, while the wolf himself would only sigh in his trailing behind her. Before too long they reached the steps that would take them up towards the palace, and approached the opened front gate as public officials entered and exited the area. The palace itself was a fortress of grandeur, from the looks of it the entire building covered a lot of the mountain range here. It was definitely impressive, if not imposing, sight to behold at close range; Rickter was so used to seeing it from below instead.

"Come on Rickter!" Telion urged him onward as they continued to climb the stairs, the wolf somewhat glad they didn't take them from the base of the mountain. The bard would often smile and wave at a passerby or two, sometimes being so lucky as to genuinely earn one back in turn. "This place is amazing! How could you not like it up here?!"

"I've got my reasons..." The wolf admitted still with a minor edge to his tone.

Once they finally reached the palace doors, Telion stopped to turn and allow Rickter to approach them, seeing as how they were in the presence of the royal guard still. "Excuse me," the wolf cleared his throat with hands clasped behind his back, "I'm here to meet with Knight-Captain Aoren. He extended the invitation not too long ago..." The Avialae at the front door tilted their heads at him, before one stepped forward and opened his arms to welcome them.

"Hail, what business do you have with the Knight-Captain?" The armored guard requested in turn, his green eyes wary but friendly in nature.

"Not entirely sure, he invited me here after..." The wolf's head lowered a bit as he looked to the guard expectantly, the meaning to which he left for interpretation clearly not lost on the Avialae that questioned him.

"Ah, I see. Understood then, both of you come with me." The guard instructed as his fellow doorman saluted them, Rickter and Telion were courteous enough to bow respectively in turn, before they followed the guardsman into the foyer of the royal palace.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

Re: [Talon] Beck and Call

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 6:59 pm
by Paragon
“Understood, my lady.” Aoren rose to his feet, bowing low at the waist as he faced the High Lady of House Novalys. Her winter grey eyes lingered on him momentarily before she turned her attention to the documents in front of her. They were in a laboratory devoted to the practices of necromancy, a field of study that the black robed sorceress was well known for. The Iron Queen of Kalzasi dipped her quill into a pot of ink and began writing quietly in her notes on some of her recent observations. He had known this meeting would be coming. Sahfri’s fury at the near death of her firstborn son had been felt across the entirety of the Great Houses. He nearly shuddered to think of the prisoners who were now locked away in the dungeons of the palace itself, subject to the interrogations of her retainers. Someone had plotted to kill the Crown Prince of Kalzasi. Someone that Sahfri was now wholly dedicated to finding with the same precision and cunning she displayed in the chambers of the Elder Council. As Aoren was turning, there came a knock on the chamber doors before the double doors were opened and a chamberlain walked in.

“Captain d’Maliet, there is a visitor at the guest hall for you. A man and a woman saying they were welcomed here on your invitation. He says it was in response to...” The chamberlain glanced over to Queen Sahfri, swallowed nervously. He didn’t need to say anything more. Aoren knew immediately who he was referring to.

“Tall man? Gruff?” The chamberlain nodded. “Yes. I invited them. see if he is perhaps up to par to joining Prince Talon’s entourage.”

“Bring him.” A soft melodic voice spoke clearly in the chamber. It was gentle but unmistakable in its command and authority. Both Aoren and the chamberlain turned to bow to Sahfri simultaneously.

“At once, my lady.” There was no questioning the High Lady of House Novalys. Aoren had wanted to sit down, speak with Rickter and perhaps gauge his skills himself but fate, it seemed, had other things in mind. Both he and the chamberlain backed out of the laboratory, leaving Sahfri to her studies and to her assistants. Once the doors to the laboratory were closed, the two of them looked nervously at each other. Talon was not at the palace that day. He had retreated, despite the wishes of his mother, to the sanctuary of his workshop at the Skyforge. Aoren had prepared to accompany him but a different entourage of guard were keeping watch over the heir of House Novalys. Some of Sahfri’s personal guard, they would be unseen, unheard and ever observant in their watch over her son. The message to Aoren had been clear, she no longer had confidence that he could keep her son safe. It was a quiet sting but it burned nevertheless. Aoren was almost certain that the only reason he was not on one of Sahfri’s laboratory tables was because of how deep the bond between himself and Talon went.

That did not make him above reproach, it simply meant that either he redeem himself or the Iron Queen would find a way to make him a non-factor to her son and her family.

“Shall I…?” The chamberlain began. Aoren shook his head.

“No. I will bring them here. Her Grace is studying the poison she extracted from her son. She will be here for some time yet, I imagine.” The chamberlain nodded and bowed. Aoren ran his hands through his hair. They were shaking. He rolled his shoulders. He flexed his wings and he began making his way to the guest house.


Aoren arrived at the guest house. He was garbed in the armor of a royal guard. A set of silver plate and chainmail that was slowly being reworked by Talon himself. At the moment it was simply reinforced and lightened so that it was easy to maneuver in. The cloak that billowed from Aoren’s shoulders was a pristine white with silver trim, different from Sahfri’s personal guard. His heavy leather boots, padded with metal greaves, thudded solidly as he stepped down into the common room. At his hips were both of his Reaved longswords, sheathed in mundane scabbards. Rickter and one of his companions, Telion, if memory served, were there. The table before them had a pot of warm tea as well as snacks to sate mild appetites. The room was decorated in the fashion that was customary for House Novalys. The furnishings were of sublime craftsmanship and decorations were carefully placed to enhance the room without cluttering it. Opulence at the Palace of the First Wind was carefully manicured to present the imagery of luxury balanced with frugality.

“Rickter. Telion.” Aoren offered a nod of his head. “Thank you for coming. Are you well?”

Re: [Paragon] Beck and Call

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 7:46 pm
by Rickter
Beck and Call
Ash 10th, 120th Year, A.o.S.
The pair had been escorted within by the guard as they walked inside a grand foyer, the scale near massive in comparison to other places Rickter had ever visited. Places like this were areas he never really thought to see, so naturally when his blue eyes were laid upon the exquisite stone work, well naturally he couldn't help but admire the scenery just as much as Telion. Though the bard herself was certainly more in awe of what they were seeing, which the guard that escorted them mildly chuckled when he saw their faces. "First time visiting the palace I take it?"

"Oh? Yes actually! It's beautiful." Telion complimented as the wolf grunted in turn, displaying a sense of agreement as they followed the Avialae towards a set of curved stairwells, which led them up further into the palace where a room awaited beyond their peak.

"Within this room here is where you'll be received," The guard informed them as he approached the doorway, opening the exquisitely carved doors ajar to guide them into a large reception area. A common room from the looks of it, exceptionally well furnished and decorated, with a steady breeze wafting into the room as curtains gently swayed from windows.

"Greetings ser." A man approached them before too long, addressing the guard that escorted them before looking to the pair with curious eyes. "What seems to be the occasion for this visit?"

"These two are here on behalf of Captain d’Maliet," the stalwart Avialae explained with a brief glance to them, "I take my leave here chamberlain."

"Thank you sir," the chamberlain bowed courteously to the guard in turn, looking to Rickter and Telion once more as the man walked out. "Might I inquire about the nature of your visit Sir and Madame?"

"Aoren invited us," The wolf reiterated a bit softer than usual now, "in response to the recent attempt on the prince." The look in the chamberlain's eyes turned into astonishment, as though he didn't expect nor appreciate the topic being brought up. Of course, Rickter had done so in a manner somewhat discreet, even if they appeared to be the only ones in the reception area at the moment.

"I see..." The chamberlain looked thoughtful for a moment, before clasping his hands behind him with a brief bow. "I'll inform the Captain of your arrival then." And just like that he started off on a practiced march towards another part of the palace, as the doors Rickter and Telion came through were shut not a moment afterward. They were both alone now, in this wonderfully spacious room littered with decorations. Vases and busts of certain historical figures were situated in parts of the room, while the sitting area itself was well maintained and even catered for their arrival.

"You don't think?..." Telion pointed to the ceramic tea kettle situated dead center of the table, Rickter's own eyes fell on it and the several appetizers placed beside it.

"Be my guest..." The wolf remarked with a shrug as he looked around, admittedly appearing slightly uncomfortable with the setting he was in. The bard took a seat and with as much social grace as she could, poured herself a cup of tea to sip on, pointing out the small platter of snacks that were available as well.

"...Not really..." The wolf remarked reluctantly as he averted his eyes, moreso to avoid looking at the small cakes that called out to him. Telion giggled a bit before leaning into the sofa a bit, her teacup brought to her lips delicately as she sipped on the warm brown liquid. While she had made the effort to at least find comfort in waiting, Rickter remained standing on his feet with arms crossed, and eyes still curiously scouring the room they were in. Something here even tickled his nostrils with its aromatic smell, likely a burning incense of some kind, which led to the wolf repressing a sneeze as much as he possibly could in turn. Had he not done so then surely, half of the palace surrounding the room would've heard him then.

Hell, just the mere thought made him even more uncomfortable, and just when he wasn't sure if he'd have the patience to wait around, footsteps echoed into the room as none other than Aoren himself greeted the pair. The Captain greeted them individually with a nod, before inquiring about their health upon doing so. "Been doing fine I guess." The wolf answered him in turn, as Telion herself placed her tea down before rising to a stand.

"Don't listen to him, we're both in good health and spirits. Thanks for inviting us here!" She spoke warmly and with maintained enthusiasm, nudging her head to the side to gesture at Rickter when she spoke further. "Rickter wasn't sure about it, but I helped him see the reason for accepting your invitation." The wolf shot her a brief aggravated glare before looking toward Aoren once more, the anxiety a bit more obvious since his companion outed him so easily.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

Re: [Paragon] Beck and Call

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 8:56 pm
by Paragon
Aoren observed the pair in front of him. They were an odd but fitting couple. Rickter, gruff and plainly nervous in this situation whereas Telion seemed well suited to more social interaction. He would not comment on the fact that the invitation that had been extended had been to Rickter specifically, if Telion were here, it was because the Rathari was comforted by her presence. He understood quite well the comfort found in the presence of a companion. Aoren’s thoughts turned to Talon, he subconsciously reached out to his companion as he felt the prince in a small amount of discomfort. The response was immediate as warmth flowed between the two of them. The kindness that Talon continued to show him, the closeness even in the face of his failure to protect him, it was a testament to the man’s heart and where it lay.

“Your presence has been requested by Her Grace, the High Lady of House Novalys. The Daizokura, Queen Sahfri.” Aoren rest a hand on the pommel of one of his swords while the other was placed on his hip. He let out a long breath. “We will not keep her waiting. Her Grace is busy enough as it is. I had originally intended to sit down with you myself, to learn more about you, to welcome you to participate in the upcoming trials, Her Grace wants to speak with you herself.”

Aoren studied them both for a moment.

“I am afraid that only Rickter will be allowed in her presence. You may accompany us to the chamber, Telion, but no further.” He let that settle in. Aoren offered both of them a smile. It was a weak one. He did not know whether they knew of Sahfri’s reputation, Aoren guessed that both of them were fairly new to the city-state of Kalzasi and its territories.

“Just, breathe. Be honest. Answer her questions truthfully. You must understand that an attempt on her son’s life was just made. This was not a random event. Those were not creatures from the Warrens. They were people, people who made the choice to become monsters, people who attacked members of the royal family and citizens of our homeland. That is...a delicate situation.” He did his best to put the Rathari and his companion at ease but there was nothing easy about what he knew would become an interrogation at the hands of Sahfri.

“I will need to know your full names, your professions and country of origin.” Once the information was Aoren gave a nod. He took a step back, opening the doors to the room and ushered both of his guests out into the corridor. “This way, please.”

Aoren did not fill the walk there with idle chatter. Such was not his way. He walked with purpose but he did not rush. It was the same measured pace that every servant, soldiers and official in the palace seemed to display. The halls were not empty, though there was an almost reverential hush that perpetuated the palace. People spoke in soft voices that, while gentle, were still easily heard. The palace’s interior design was one where open spaces and high ceilings were incorporated as much as possible. Across the compound it was easy to get the impression of an aviary-like structure which, given the Avialae’s status as winged people, it was logical. Aoren lead them to a section of the palace that was deeper into the mountain it was situated upon, away from the more public areas. Architecture became comprised less of wood and tapestries, and more stone that was carefully carved to be sturdy and practical. Eventually they came to stand in front of a pair of double doors. Outside the doors there were two dark skinned Avialae warriors, dressed in armor similar to Aoren’s. The difference was most evident in the cloth of their cloaks and sashes around their waists. Where Aoren’s was white with silver, these ones were black with blue trim.

Were it not for the bone white feathered wings sprouting from their backs, it would have been easy to assume the two men by the doors were Siltori. They regarded the group impassively, making no move to bar them or even engage with them. Aoren paused just a few feet away from the doors. He turned to Rickter and Telion.

“Telion, you may wait here.” He eyed Rickter for a moment. “Are you ready?”

Re: [Paragon] Beck and Call

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 9:34 pm
by Rickter
Beck and Call
Ash 10th, 120th Year, A.o.S.
To hear that his presence had, in fact, been requested by none other than the Iron Queen... Rickter felt the surface of his skin prickle within moments, as he had to remember to breathe at a steady and drawn pace in that instance. He wasn't by any means in trouble and that much he knew, but to still have an audience with someone so high as the Daizokura? Even Telion noticed how rigid he'd grown at the announcement, as she watched the wolf's firm expression somewhat turn into a frown in turn. The bard herself looked back and forth between the two, paying mind to the instructions Aoren had laid out to the both of them.

Only Rickter would be allowed in the grace of her majesty it would seem, a situation he disliked even less, but also felt was better off given the fact his partner was a foreigner. What the Captain had to say made a lot of sense after all, as Rickter understood well what that attack was back within the tavern. If his invitation here was any inclination of what was to come, that meant he personally was vouched for as a warrior to stem the tide. Something obviously big was on its way, something only the clever was able to perceive or so he believed. "So be it." The wolf reluctantly agreed with his expression still firm, a brief glance spared to Telion to check that she understood.

"Got it." The bard agreed with a nod to the wolf, straightening out her dress as she approached to follow behind Rickter. It was also made apparent that they needed to divulge in personal details about themselves, mainly just simple stuff that just about any guild or faction would also likely need to know. Only it was on behalf of the Iron fucking Queen. No matter how relaxed he needed to try and be, every fiber in Rickter's body warned him that this woman was not to be crossed. "It'll be fine Ricky, just be yourself and I'm sure she'll approve?" Her uncertain confidence was palpable, almost enough to actually loosen the muscles in his frown. "My name is Telion Gullwin," she answered in turn to Aoren, "I'm a wandering bard from the province of Atinaw."

"...Rickter." The wolf started a few moments after she'd finished, only to fail in giving a last name to the Captain. "Freelance mercenary from the Kalzasi Low-City." That much was at least true to his history, as he remembered growing up there for as long as memory served. With that information now at his disposal, of course, Aoren nodded and gestured for the two to follow. The wolf himself took to walk towards Aoren, a half-stride maintained to follow a few feet behind the Captain. As they were led down another corridor or two, much of the brilliant decor started to lessen, though not enough to generate a lackluster of detail within the halls. Rickter even noticed a difference in the air as they continued, with the smell becoming less perfumed and more earthen, as though they were drawing further into the mountain itself.

Before too long they reached their next stop, where Telion was instructed to wait outside the doors. "Okay." She agreed softly with another look to Rickter, this time with a bit of concern for the wolf. Was he ready? Hell no. He'd already seen her once, and now he was about to engage in conversation with the lady. Every hair on his neck stood at end as he anticipated every possibility, from a simple 'thank you' speech to even a drawn-out interrogation over her own son. Reluctantly the wolf exhaled through his nostrils, trying to keep a calm head as he nodded to the Captain to show that he was ready. Just before the doors were opened, however, the wolf felt Telion pad him on the bicep a couple of times. "Just be you." She reassured him softly with a wide grin, her tone actually more endearing than before.

Rickter nervously averted his gaze from her before nodding, and followed Aoren inside to meet with Her Grace.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

Re: [Paragon] Beck and Call

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 9:58 pm
by Paragon
Wordlessly, the two guards opened the double doors. The interior of the chamber was well lit. The soft violet-blue glow of aether beacon torches limned the space in a frigid cerulean light. The chamber was cold. Icy even, which made sense given that it was a laboratory devoted to the study and pursuit of necromancy. The cold was not something that Avialae felt but Aoren could still see his breath mist slightly in the air. It was spacious, meticulously clean across most of the space, and lined with shelves filled with books, scrolls, and containers filled with materials all suited to Sahfri’s craft in this particular laboratory. There were stone slabs carved from the very rock of the mountain itself, covered in arcane patterns. Some of the surfaces were stained with the blood of subjects that had been upon those altars. At least two of those slabs were covered in pale white sheets, outlining the forms of corpses that were the focus of the High Lady and her apprentice’s focus for the time being.

Seated at an elegant black oak desk with silver runic patterns lining the legs and edge of the table, was none other than the Iron Queen herself. She remained focused on the work in front of her. Behind her was a chalk board filled with notes, drawings and even diagrams detailing her observations on a specific subject. A cursory glance told Aoren that it was the very ghoul that had attacked Talon in the tavern. Both his and Rickter’s footsteps seemed to echo in the quiet space. The dark winged Avialae glanced around, noticing that Sahfri’s assistants had begun to pick up their tools and leave the chamber. He swallowed. So it was to be that kind of audience. When the two of them were exactly ten paces from the desk, Aoren brought them both to a halt. Carefully and with the practiced movements of a man very accustomed to military movements and traditions, Aoren lowered himself into a kneel. He placed one fist solidly on the stone floor, bowed his head, and crossed the other arm over his heart.

“Daizokura.” There was no reply but Aoren knew she was listening. “May I present, Rickter of the Low-City of Kalzasi. Mercenary.”

Silence followed. The only sound was the gentle scratch of Sahfri’s quill upon her paper. She neither looked up from her work nor did she outwardly acknowledge either of their presence. Aoren remained kneeling. The silence stretched onward until it was finally broken by her melodic voice.

“Thank you, Captain. You may go.” Aoren’s jaw clenched and he hesitated for only the briefest of moments before rising to his feet. He gave Sahfri a low bow. The raven winged Avialae turned to Rickter. He placed a hand upon the man’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze before walking away. His footsteps echoed in the chamber until the doors opened once more and then closed behind him. Sahfri and Rickter were alone.

The gentle scratch of her quill upon paper continued for several more moments. After another minute or so, Sahfri lifted the point of her quill. She set it into the glass holder on her desk. Taking a bit of dust that seemed to glitter like powdered diamonds in the soft lighting, she sprinkled it over the page then whispered a word in Silandris. The parchment glowed a white light before settling. With that done, the woman lifted the parchment, blew the dust off then rolled it up neatly before sealing it with wax. Setting the scroll aside, she rose from her seat swept across the front of the desk, brushing past Rickter and began making her way toward one of the occupied stone slabs.

“Come with me.”

Re: [Paragon] Beck and Call

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 10:32 pm
by Rickter
Beck and Call
Ash 10th, 120th Year, A.o.S.
Admittedly Rickter was one who could tolerate the cold to a degree, even in some cases preferred it over the hotter parts of Searing. Yet when he entered the laboratory Aoren guided him within, the wolf's very eyes wandered curiously to survey the room, while his own head remained lowered due to his own inferiority he felt. This place was not where he belonged at all, that much he felt to his own core. But of course, he'd come here not just at Aoren's behest, but at the continual prodding of the very companion he'd left behind. Why? He knew he didn't want to come, even if part of him wanted to learn what this visit would be.

Of course, that was when he expected to have an audience with just the Captain, not the Daizokura, so naturally what minimal discomfort he'd felt prior was exponential in comparison. Whatever she wanted with him, he certainly didn't want to find out. I'm such a fool for coming here. He couldn't help but quietly muse to himself, realizing that he hadn't even met with the Lady, and already working himself up before they'd even come face to face. The stonework found within the lab was rather impressive, and while he breathed soft plumes of moisture into the chilly air, it wasn't necessarily the cold that caused his limbs to tremble a little.

Some of the stones were riddled with runes the like of which he'd never seen, prompting a moment of curious thought as he continued along. It was as they reached the area where the Lady Sahfri worked within they stopped, Rickter noticing the fact the other apprentices in the room already cleaning their stations, before clearing the area itself to leave the three alone moments later. ...They've no plans to torture me I hope... He reluctantly began to speculate as his attention shifted from them to Aoren, as the Captain had taken to greet her Majesty with a most formal bow. The wolf himself almost looked toward the Iron Queen as she worked, but quickly bowed his head instead, his eyes squeezed shut as he simply knelt in the presence of her Grace.

Aoren announced his arrival to her and for several long, almost eternal in his mind, moments there was nothing but the sound of scrawling on parchment. Before too long Queen Sahfri spoke to the Captain, bidding him leave as he and the wolf both rose to a stand. There was a moment when the man seemed to grip him by the shoulder, giving him a gentle squeeze for encouragement before doing as he'd been told. At that moment the Captain would know, probably for the first time, how truly scared the wolf felt to be where he stood at that moment. For once in his life, Rickter met eye to eye with another, and what Aoren could see was absolute timidity in the presence of her Grace. Without even speaking he nearly wanted to plead for the man not to leave, even if it went against the Queen's own orders. Still, duty demanded him to follow his orders, to which Rickter was soon left alone with the lady Daizokura. He listened and counted each footstep, until he knowingly heard the door to the lab shut as well.

And then he waited.

She continued to just write on and on, while he simply stood there with his head lowered. Come on... He remained silent but within his very thoughts, he was growling. Get on with it. Finally it looked as though she were finishing her current project, as the application of some glistening dust emitted a white light over the parchment. It was a reaction that would've, normally, piqued the curiosity and interest of the wolf; had he not however been graced in with the presence of royalty of course. Within moments after she rose from her desk, the Iron Queen still remained ever silent, walking past the wolf as he'd remained rigid as the stone beneath his feet.

“Come with me.”

That was all she had to say? The wolf's eyes reluctantly moved from his toes towards the back of the Iron Queen, his feet heavy like iron as he lifted a leg to take the first step. While he hadn't the slightest idea what she wanted, he knew better than to keep the lady waiting, and so the wolf followed suit without a single word uttered to Sahfri.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

Re: [Paragon] Beck and Call

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 11:05 pm
by Paragon
The black gown upon Sahfri’s form rustled softly with her movement. Her silver-white hair and pale skin were highlighted by the violet-blue glow of the beacon torches in the room. It was in that lighting that the resemblance between her and her sons was most stark. Both the Firstborn and Secondborn sons of House Novalys took after their mother a great deal in terms of appearance where as their size, wings and strength came from their father. The High Lady of House Novalys made her way silently to one of the occupied stone slabs. Upon its surface was the body of something humanoid that had been draped with a white cloth. At close inspection, it would become evident that there was a shallow reservoir around the base of the stone slab. The lip of the reservoir was covered in just as many runic markings as the altar itself. It was filled with a black liquid that also streaked down the sides of the slab yet curiously did not stain the drape over the body on its surface. Raising her hand, Sahfri flicked her wrist sharply. The drap was yanked off of the humanoid figure by an unseen force.

There, on the surface of the slab, was the desiccated body of one of the ghouls that had been part of the attack on the tavern. It’s abdomen was sliced open. The innards were strewn about in meticulously placed rows over its flayed skin. The chest cavity was cracked open and the creature’s heart, with veins and arteries still attached, had been carefully lifted from the cavity and placed in a jar of clear liquid. Inside that jar was a white crystal that emitted a ghostly mist that swirled in the liquid before ghosting over the liquid’s surface. All across the surface of the creature’s flesh were carved intricate runes cut into its very skin by a skilled and steady hand. The creature’s clawed hands looked as though they were curled, ready to grasp at anything. The monstrosity’s face was contorted in absolute agony, pain, and horror as its mouth was agape in a silent scream.

That was when Rickter could’s eyes moved and followed them. The creature was still alive.

“Its name was Kardrick Thall.” Sahfri’s voice filled the silence. She rest her hands behind her back, crossing the wrists lightly. Her winter grey eyes observed the humanoid on the slab not as though she were regarding a person transformed into a monster. Her gaze held the clinical stare of one who was observing a piece of furniture or a vaguely interesting piece of artwork. There was no warmth but nor was there malice in her gaze.

“It was part of a plot to kill. To sow chaos and discord in our beloved city.” Sahfri circled the slab slowly, her gaze still scanning the form of the creature. “We know that it was not born in Kalzasi. It came from elsewhere, a foreigner that was taken advantage of it would seem. Recruited into a ploy and turned into this shoddy creature.”

She gestured at the still, somehow, living creature on the slab almost as though it were more of an annoyance than something that had tried to murder her son. Sahfri finished circling the slab and came to stand not far from the creature’s head. She spared it not another glance as her gaze zeroed in on Rickter for the first time.

“I believe in order.” Her eyes narrowed as she studied Rickter from head to toe. “The farmer tills the fields. The merchant employs their trade. The craftsman crafts. The soldier goes to war and the nobility govern.”

“My Talon…” Her voice softened and for a moment, there was a flicker of emotion across her face. “My Talon, is a good man. He is loved by his people. He believes in justice, in honor, in compassion and loyalty. As all heirs to the Novalys line, he is what his people expect him to be. A star in a dark night. A light, in this broken world.”

Sahfri gestured to the creature on the slab.

“That is what they tried to kill. That is the hope they tried to rip away from us. From me.” Sahfri regarded Rickter. She brought her hands together and approached the wolf Rathari, who was taller than her. Her grey eyes were cold and calculating as she studied him.

“Like his father before him, my Talon is good.” Sahfri came to stand just an arm’s length away from Rickter. “ not.”

“This world is filled with cruelty and darkness, so it is darkness that I suffer that something good may prosper.” Sahfri folded her hands together in an upside down triangle. She scanned Rickter’s form as though she were observing one of the diagrams on her chalkboard. “Captain Aoren invited you here because he believes you could protect my son. Do you believe he is correct in that assumption?”

Re: [Paragon] Beck and Call

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 12:00 am
by Rickter
Beck and Call
Ash 10th, 120th Year, A.o.S.
The wolf treaded carefully behind the Iron Queen so that he avoided risk, seeing as how her black gown only lightly grazed across the surface floor. The last thing he wanted to do was take an enormous step, only to accidentally tug at the Queen's own outfit because the toe of his boot caught a sliver of it underneath. Where they were headed wasn't too far in fact, as it was presumably the lab itself Rickter would be staying in with the lady. Already his trembles felt more rattled than normal, even so much that the man's own teeth clattered within his jaw as he walked. He had to admire how restrained the Queen herself was, as she could even put his silence to shame with how practiced she was.

Yet the point of their meeting was soon to arrive, as they stopped near one of the white sheets that covered something. Judging from the smell it had to be a dead creature of some kind, something that already reeked of rot even before it had started to decay. In this place it wouldn't have surprised him, however, it was when the Daizokura made a gesture that the cloth moved. In one singular motion, the fabric acted with a life of its own, flowing off the carcass of what remained beneath it as it fell lifelessly away. Beneath it was none other than one of the ghouls that had attacked them at the tavern, and judging from the work that had been done to it, the state it was in could not have been any uglier than before.

Immediately Rickter's own stomach lurched at the sight of the thing, which was unusual considering he'd brutally butchered other things before. Shinaegri and whatnot. Even so, it would seem he could turn off the capacity to feel sickly during the process upon whim, because when his eyes fell upon the layers of peeled flesh and opened ribs, his gaze immediately needed to deter as he swallowed hard at the moment. He felt nauseous suddenly and the smell didn't help at all, yet he didn't come here to be grossed out by the very abomination that assaulted the prince. It took a moment to muster the courage, but Rickter gradually found himself able to gaze upon the marred creature, with much surprise found in seeing that its eyes were still moving.

This... this thing is still alive?? He felt colder than before now, paler too as he observed the ghoul much closer. The runes carved into its flesh... the jar with its heart had a white crystal within... This wasn't just plain torture... No. Rickter realized this macabre state the ghoul was in was nothing more than magic. Some would call it dark, others would debate such a controversy, but there was no disregarding it for what it was. Necromancy. Kardrick Thall? In hearing what the Queen had to say, his somber eyes shifted, the blue orbs fixated on Sahfri as the wolf still kept his head tilted forward. The way she so easily regarded the creature as 'it' unsettled Rickter, as it helped him realize just how easily he did the same, in regards to any other creature he'd dispatch of after a fight.

Still, there was no denying the levity of her fury towards them. The fact these abominations attacked not just her son, but the very future of Kalzasi as a whole, practically justified her reasoning for treating them as such. Even if the lengths felt vastly overdone, it was not for him to decide, for his role in the ordeal had simply been minor from the start. It was when her gaze fell upon Rickter alone he stiffened once more, his eyes averted back to the abomination next to them as she continued. Indirectly he maintained a visual gaze on her Majesty though, as he didn't wish to come off disrespectful, therefore earning what small ire that might garner from the lady. There was no denying the hint of care she felt for her son of course, as it had only been subtle, but still present when she regarded Talon as an individual.

Somehow, Rickter could see all of what she saw in him. In knowing him in just the short amount of time he did, he already knew that man possessed a soul that was pure and genuine. He fought bravely and tactfully, conquering an entire horde of shinaegri practically, and even went so far as to treat the people with actual decency. In a sense the wolf felt similar to what Sahfri had to feel, as that man alone possessed a destiny none other could hope to fulfill. The Daizokura continued further on the matter, suggesting that Talon was much like his father, whereas the Queen herself fell on the other side of the spectrum. Yet what she said... Even as she put it, those very words resonated with something inside Rickter. The fact she chose to walk down this path herself, certainly garnered more than admiration from the wolf, she ultimately had respect Rickter almost never shown in anyone.

Were he in the same position, he would undoubtedly see it through as well. He'd already experienced it time and time again, moments where his body literally moved, before his mind even had time to think on the situation. If such was the nature of his path, then maybe he too would confront the darkness. Embrace it even, so that he could in turn use it on those, who would dare harm any he highly valued. In fact one of the things Sahfri said earlier stuck, and bothered him more than he anticipated. Kardrick used to be a foreigner from what she'd said, one that had been taken advantage of before the plot on Talon. Were that the case then... Already his mind wandered back to Telion and Hannah, and how they were both foreigners to the city as well. What if they'd been targets also? Part of him felt reminded of the rage he felt initially, and how quickly he took to slug a ghoul to death as a result.

But that information alone wasn't what Sahfri was after, what she wanted to know was something more profound. The invitation. Aoren held the belief that Rickter was a capable sort, worthy of being a protector even, after the second time he'd come to the prince's aid. Yet that very question the Queen asked him was a very tough question to answer, because deep down the wolf felt the complete opposite of what was obviously presumed. He even bit his lower lip as he thought heavily on the inquiry, understanding that his very response determined where destiny led him today. The thing that troubled him most, however, was the idea that destiny was a fickle thing. No matter how much one tried, destiny was never something one could tame, nor was it ever something left to chance either. He'd come here because of those around him, not because of what drove him here.

So what did drive him? Instinct was all he summed it up as, yet even then he could see the flaws where they were. "No." He spoke plainly with a hint of an apology, his eyes still avoiding the steel gaze of Sahfri, but still fixed on her Majesty in general as he emphasized the response. "Twice now I've aided the prince, but twice I've also lacked the foresight to leap at his defense." No doubt her Grace knew of what he meant, even if Talon didn't share with her everything about those two situations. "Before I came, I held no outright desire to protect his Majesty the Prince, it was merely... instinct, which drew me to his aid." He spoke honestly which was what she wanted no doubt, and while it unnerved him so, Rickter did as he was told and remained true to himself; even to one such as her.

"Does that disappoint you... your Grace?" He reluctantly inquired as he shifted to clasp his hands behind his back, the fists clamped tightly as he waited to hear what her answer would be. Part of him speculated she'd judge him where he stood, more than likely reacting with whatever gesture she maintained with her hands. It intrigued him nonetheless, but Rickter kept his head low as he waited.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

Re: [Paragon] Beck and Call

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 8:19 pm
by Paragon
“To be disappointed would imply I expected something from you. You are mistaken. I expected nothing because you are nothing.” Her face remained expressionless as she regarded Rickter. Raising a hand she snapped her fingers. The aether beacon torches in the room flickered as darkness descended on the chamber for no more than the expanse of a single breath. When they returned however, the room had at least a dozen more occupants. Each one of them wore black plate armor embellished with runic symbols. The cloaks upon their backs bore the symbol of House Novalys. In the center of the room, all kneeling with heads bowed were a mix of Human, Avialae, Siltori, Orkhan and even Rathari soldiers. Sahfri snapped her fingers again. As one, the soldiers rose to their feet, rendered a salute to their mistress and remained standing. Sahfri reached into the jar where rest the white gemstone beside the creature’s heart. She whispered a word and passed her hand over the gemstone. There came a breath that echoed through the chamber as once more the torches flickered. The ghoul on the table let out a croaking moan before its form began to wither until it was nothing but dust that fell to ashes on the stone slab.

“But nothing, is a canvas upon which many things can be drawn.” The bone white gem in her hand glowed hotly for a moment before dimming. It emit a ghostly mist that trailed in the air as she approached Rickter. She extended the gemstone to the Rathari. It drifted from her fingertips until it floated in front of him at chest level. With that done, Sahfri moved past Rickter and toward the still guardsmen who awaited her instruction, whatever that might be.

“Change is coming. Of that, there can be no doubt. The enemies of my family and our way of life are bold enough to attack my husband’s heir in the open.” Sahfri turned, her gown flaring slightly as she fixed the wolf with a hard stare. “It was foolish. The ploy was doomed to fail. But it is a statement in and of itself.”

Sahfri extended her arms, gesturing to the soldiers around her.

“This is the canvas you will paint for yourself if this is the path you choose. House Novalys does not conscript its honor guard into servitude. But…” She held up one finger. “...if this is the path you choose, there is no turning from it. You will be tested. Your life will no longer be your own. In the coming days, I will take the steps necessary to protect my family.”

Sahfri let those words linger in the air for a moment before she pressed on.

“So choose carefully, Wolf.” The Iron Queen gestured to the bone white gemstone that floated before Rickter. Glancing around the room, one thing would become evident. Every one of the soldiers that awaited her command bore a similar gemstone on their person, whether as an earring, a ring on their finger, an amulet, or the pommel of their sword, they all had one. What exactly it meant, that remained to be seen.


Aoren ran his hands through his hair as he stood outside the laboratory of Sahfri where he’d left Rickter. A shiver went up his spine as he let out a breath. The doors had just closed behind him and he was not altogether pleased that he’d been made to leave the wolf Rathari alone with the High Lady. It had been his hope that he would be able to speak on the man’s behalf, to give testament to his bravery and his willingness to confront threats head-on. Still, he would not be far away. His eyes came to rest on Telion. He gave her a small smile.

“He is on his own. Zedros be with him.”