MediaWiki API result
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See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.
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"timestamp": "2024-12-11T10:56:40Z",
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"user": "Paragon",
"timestamp": "2024-12-11T10:56:40Z",
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"user": "Paragon",
"timestamp": "2024-11-29T07:07:59Z",
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"timestamp": "2024-11-29T07:07:59Z",
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"user": "Paragon",
"timestamp": "2024-11-29T07:02:46Z",
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"title": "Soulforging",
"pageid": 598,
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"user": "Paragon",
"timestamp": "2024-11-29T07:02:30Z",
"comment": "Created page with \"Where personal mages expand the limits of their souls by introducing the window of a Cardinal Rune of Magic, the work of the Soulforger is that of breaking those limits entirely. Even in its prime, Soulforging was considered a magic undertaken only by those who have forsaken the sanctity of their own souls, are willing to incur the wrath of many gods, and be followed by whispers wherever they go. Of all the magics ever practiced in Ransera, it is considered one of the da...\""
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"user": "Mirage",
"timestamp": "2024-11-16T17:28:08Z",
"comment": "Created page with \"''The river of time forgets none but flows through all; the Blue Dragons are the memory that bridges its shores.\" It is said that the blue dragons were the first paradox, born from the rivers of time, yet having been there at its creation. They are travelers and keepers of ancient histories. Like their creator Velar, they seek to watch and remember, and ensure that the passage of the ages continues ever forward. ==Chroniclers of Time== While Vicis and her red dragons...\""
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"user": "Mirage",
"timestamp": "2024-10-23T04:11:42Z",
"comment": "Changing it back"