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Racial bloodlines are the most common form of bloodlines which can be awakened. Some of the races possess unique bloodlines which, when awakened, provide additional powers, abilities or bonuses outside of what is standard for those of their race.
Racial bloodlines are the most common form of bloodlines which can be awakened. Some of the races possess unique bloodlines which, when awakened, provide additional powers, abilities or bonuses outside of what is standard for those of their race.

===Aviale Bloodlines===
===Avialae Bloodlines===

===Dratori Bloodlines===
===Dratori Bloodlines===

Revision as of 08:18, 13 June 2023

Different traits are passed down from parent to child, and over many generations these characteristics can take many shapes. Hair color, eye color, natural talents, proclivities to certain activities, addictions, illnesses. Blood is a powerful vehicle for inheritance, and in Ransera where magic is everywhere this is especially so. Many things can be inherited through ones bloodline, from ancient memories of one's ancestors, to unique talents and abilities. Because of this many families cherish the purity of their bloodlines and tightly control the unions of their children to preserve the potency of their blood.

Awakening Bloodlines

Most races have a certain ability or talent which their race is well known form. This talent is present even in mixed races, with the proportion of each races blood within the child dictating which racial traits present. There exists a deeper level to these characteristics, however, that can only be revealed through a form of bloodline awakening. The form this sort of awakening takes can be different for every individual, but at its most basic level it involves reaching a greater level of connection with ones ancestry and then drawing out the fullest potential their lineage has to offer. The purer the blood the easier it is to awaken one's bloodline, with the highest purity allowing a child to be born with their bloodline already awakened. Different cultures have different methods of awakening their bloodlines, and some entities in Ransera have begun a taboo practice of forcefully altering bloodlines to draw out specific effects.

Divine Bloodlines

Divine bloodlines overshadow all other bloodlines by their sheer potency. If a person possesses even a drop of divine heritage then awakening other latent bloodlines within them is exponentially more difficult. Because of this many with divine ancestry never awaken their latent talents or ascend to demigods. They do not have enough divinity in their blood to lead to an ascension, yet at the same time that small amount of potential restricts their other lineage from taking center stage. It is still possible to awaken ones bloodline, but doing so is very difficult and if successful the path to Demigod is forever locked for the individual.

How to apply

Characters can either start play with awakened bloodlines (such as those who play one of Undead Noble Races) or an awakening can be requested via the Support Forum at any time after creation. Players who wish to start as one of the noble races with awakened bloodlines need only post in the support forum with the request for approval. If a player wishes to have their bloodline awakened and their character is not one of the races that can begin with an awakened bloodline then a short story at least 1500 words needs to be submitted explaining how their bloodline was awakened.

Racial Bloodlines

Racial bloodlines are the most common form of bloodlines which can be awakened. Some of the races possess unique bloodlines which, when awakened, provide additional powers, abilities or bonuses outside of what is standard for those of their race.

Avialae Bloodlines

Dratori Bloodlines

Druskai Bloodlines

Fae'ethalan Bloodlines

Gnome Bloodlines

Human Bloodlines

Hytori Bloodlines

Goblinoid Bloodlines

Lysanrin Bloodlines

Mortallen Bloodlines

Orkhan Bloodlines

Rathari Bloodlines

Siltori Bloodlines

Undead Bloodlines

Those of the Undead Empire, from the noble races, jealously protect the purity of their blood. Unfortunately the passage of time has slowly diluted the ichor that flows in the veins of the noble races, leading to only a few specific families still possessing their bloodline abilities at birth.

High Ghoul

Certain families of Ghouls still retain their purity, and thus are born as High Ghouls. As High Ghouls they gain the ability to burn their stored vitality, effectively doubling their useable aether for spellcasting in exchange for rapidly deteriorating into their monstrous form. After burning their hunger spikes to near unbearable levels, and they must feed quickly or succumb to hunger madness. If fully fed their aether pool doubles when burning, if not fully fed it is increased 1.5 times and the after affects are harsher.

Ghouls have the ability to awaken their bloodline through the use of necromancy, the method of which is costly and frowned upon by the noble families.


A small segment of the Phantoms possess this rare bloodline said to come from the Witch Queen herself. The Banshee are able to release high intensity aether through their voices which can disrupt magic within a 10 meter radius around themselves. Doing so also disrupts their physical forms, and they are unable to solidify for a short time after using their ability. This bloodline is rare even among the nobility of Phantoms, and is primarily seen among the covens in Blackwater Bay.

In very unique circumstances this bloodline can be awakened by Phantasms who have a heritage in the Blackwater Bay region.

Special Bloodlines

Special Bloodlines are those bloodlines which are not necessarily associated with a particular race. Instead they are related to a family, a heritage, or ancestry and can bestow unique abilities different from what Racial Bloodlines can provide. These tend to be very specific to the individual families, who may incorporate their bloodline abilities into their culture and magic as well. This category also includes artificially created bloodlines such as the experimentation done in the Imperium, as well as PC specific bloodlines. Applying for these bloodlines is done in the same manner as with Racial Bloodlines.

Descendants of Lyrielle tu Kovash Elmari

Lyrielle was born during the age of dreams at a time when a ancient practice to transfer power and knowledge from one person to another was done as a way to solidify the power of the ruling class in certain parts of the Boundless Empire. After the ritual of transfer failed Lyrielle was permanently altered, and her soul twisted near to madness. Shaeoth found her in the Age of Wonders and took her under his command as one of his generals, and he used her to control the tides of large scale battles by manipulating the minds and hearts of both sides of the conflict. Through the ages she has gained both notoriety and infamy, and at the end of the war of light and shadow she was shattered and sealed away before being released in the current age. Lyrielle, through the ages, has sired several children, some of which have gone on to make names for themselves, and the blood of the Lady of Whispers still flows in the veins of some in the Age of Steel.

Those who wish to start with a bloodline linked to Lyrielle can choose to take a specific lineage, or they may take a more general path. Her progeny tend to have a talent and proclivity toward the mental and emotional manipulation of others, especially in regards to the rune of mesmer. If taken at start without a specific lineage a player may add +10 xp to Mesmer if they are starting with that magic.

Bar'el's Lineage

Bar'el, the would be hero, was the youngest of Lyrielle's known children. Unlike his other siblings Bar'el chose to separate himself from the path that Lyrielle walked, and desired nothing more than to be a hero that saved others instead of a being that took and manipulated others to his own gain. He even went so far as to join the Dawnmartyr's at some point in the Age of Conquest, but it is said that he was never able to save anyone.

Those who choose this lineage gain a natural resistance to all mental and emotional manipulation, including magical. This ability is tied to the Resistance skill. For every Rank in resistance a person is able to completely nullify mental attacks at or below their level, and resist the effects more of one rank higher. If no points are taken in Resistance then they can resist novice level mental and emotional manipulation.

Cal'anai's Lineage

Cal'anai, known as the true heir, was the youngest daughter of Lyrielle, and she resisted all of her mother's attempts to push her down the same path as herself. Nothing is known about this woman or her children, and her name is all but lost in the annals of history.

The decedents of Cal'anai inherit the abilty to produce ethereal smoke from their body. They are able to control the smoke freely, and use the smoke as a medium for their magics.

Kirva's Lineage

Kirva, the mother of monsters. She more than any of Lyrielle's other children desired to be loved by her mother. She followed in Lyrielle's footsteps, and did all she could to attract the Lady of Whispers' attention. Across the ages she has sired the most children, and her bloodline can be found across all corners of Ransera and beyond. It is said that some of the greatest beasts, and most disturbing of monsters, are born from Kirva herself.

The decedents of Kirva tend to be odd, their appearance slightly distorted from the norm. Some have an extra eye, others pulsing veins under their skin. Most would describe them as monstrous in appearance, though their personality may not reflect their outward appearance. These children possess the ability to produce and manipulate a viscous tar or slime like substance from their body in a similar fashion to how those with vitalis manipulate their blood. The slime can be used as a medium for their magics.

Nefim's Lineage

Nefim, the beast. It is unclear if Nefim was Lyrielle's first child, or only the first to be noted in recorded history. He was born in the age of dreams and was abandoned shortly after his first birthday. Nefim lived in the wildest part of the Boundless Empire, in a land that was known to house creatures that could challenge adult dragons in sheer strength. There he grew up, and as time went on he adapted to the land and became something less human. Those who met him described him as more animal than man, with a ferocious temper and monstrous strength that let him tear out the throat of an adolescent dragon with his teeth.

The decedents of Nefim possess a powerful presence, an indescribable aura which presses down on those around them unless consciously restrained. This ability is tied to any social skill, with the skill it is linked to slightly altering the affect of the aura. If linked to intimidation the character feels more threatening, but if tied to negotiation or persuasion they may feel more trustworthy or charismatic. With zero points in Intimidation the passive aura gives a sense of immediate danger akin to novice level intimidation, with each rank in the skill giving the effective power one rank higher than normal.

OOC Note

Those who wish to apply for a bloodline, or create their own, can do so by submitting a request through the Support Forum.