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=How It Works=
=How It Works=

Negation works on the principle of identity or rather, definition. Perhaps more so than most Primal Runes. The concept is simple, the application is what becomes complicated. At low levels the mage is simply reinforcing the identity of the area the barrier encompasses. This is to make the area less likely to allow for the shifting of the definition of reality that allows magic to take place. These wards are often rudimentary at best, prone to failing after negating just a few spells, and encompassing very broad ideas allowing for clever mages to circumvent them. At higher levels wards becomes far more refined. The warden seeking to construct a barrier need only tap into the power of their respective rune, determine an anchor point for the ward and build the shield around the concept of what they intend to block. After weaving this concept into the structure of the barrier, it then negates the properties corresponding to those parameters. This results in the object simply being unable to pass the threshold of the barrier or the type of magic specified simply not working within its borders.  
All magic is a manifestation of aether that has been manipulated to bring about a shift in the reality that mortals experience. Whether it is an act of divine intervention or the machinations of a clever wizard, aether is the foundation of all normal and paranormal activity across the universe. The difference between the two is merely that anything paranormal is an act that is contrary to the Laws of the Mundane according to the gods designs. The Laws of the Mundane themselves are impossible to completely define but are easy to understand from a broad perspective. The Laws are simply what can be considered a process or occurrence that happens absent of external aetheric manipulation. On a fundamental level, what Negation mages have the ability to do is reinforce the Laws of the Mundane and prevent a paranormal event from taking place. This in turn stops the redirection of aether that occurs when mages exert their will upon the world by negating their manipulation of the aether in a given space. Beyond that, what Negation mages can do is physically project their own aether into the world and solidify it into hard barriers programmed to guard against whatever it is they are tasked with blocking. This can be as simple as being a hard shield meant to block an incoming physical blow or as abstract as a shield that interrupts the continuity of an illusion whenever it comes into contact with illusory magic.

'''Sustaining A Shield'''
From these concepts have sprung up two disciplines with regard to the use of Negation; Guards and Wards. Generally speaking, a Guard is meant to be movable as it protects a moving person or target whereas a Ward is usually stationary and intended to encompass an entire area as opposed to a specific target.

Wards tend to be very persistent things unless disturbed. Even the most powerful of them will not last forever though. All wards will expire after a period of time if they are not maintained. Any mage bearing the Rune of Negation can repair a ward that has deteriorated if they are of equal or greater power than the mage who originally built it. A ward can only be willfully dispelled by the mage who created it, otherwise it must either be overpowered or simply allowed to deteriorate naturally. This goes back to the concept of identity, the wards recognize the power that created them and while other mages bearing the Rune of Negation can add to their power, they cannot take from it.

=Powers and Abilities=
Techniques with predetermined effects and limits. They have very little deviation from their codified purpose. Guards offer protection that is short-lived but fast acting. These protections are very rarely, if ever, made to last more than a few minutes at best but what they lack in longevity they make up for in practicality. The de facto choice for any seasoned battlemage learned in Negation, Guards can mean the difference between life and death in the heat of the moment.


Acquired at Novice. Every ward has an achor. This is quite literally the point that keeps the barrier in place and serves as the focal point of its energies. The anchor is what gives the ward purpose. It is both the area where the barrier is weakest and strongest at the same time. It is weak because if the anchor is disrupted, dislodged or dispelled in any manner then the barrier is destroyed. It is strongest due to the fact that the anchor point is where the power of the ward is at its most potent. The anchor can be placed anywhere upon a person, place or thing. It should be noted that the placement of the anchor often dictates the shape and size of the ward. The smaller the area a ward has to cover, the less taxing it is to construct it. The broader the area, the more draining it is on the wizard attempting to build it.  
Perhaps what Negation is best known for are Wards. A Ward is comprised of layered aether that forms a barrier over a designated area anchored to either a single point or multiple points. They are much sturdier and have more longevity, the simplest of them often lasting for hours as compared to seconds or minutes as is the case with a Guard. The caveat to this is that Wards are time consuming to make, often requiring lengthy concentration as well as in-depth awareness of what is intended to be blocked by the barrier. Wards also require much greater exertion on the part of the mage to both construct and sustain.  

An anchor is given its parameters during its construction. This can be done in moments or over a period of time depending on the needs of the individual. Once put in place, anchors tend to be persistent things that are difficult to change. Barriers built to ward against a multitude of things seldom have a single anchor incorporating dozens of parameters. Rather, they include multiple anchors spread out across the points of the shield that when woven together, produce a final and powerful ward.

However, changing an anchor is not impossible. It merely requires the deconstruction of the ward and the reprogramming can then take place. Once this has been done, the wizard can then rebuild the ward incorporating the new properties of the anchor.
Tasking is the most fundamental ability in the arsenal of a Negation mage. Tasking is exactly what it implies. It is the assigning of a function to the shield that one is building. This can be as simple as blocking sound or as detailed as blocking a specific person, their bloodline or specific types of aetheric manipulation. The more detailed the task, the more time consuming it is to implement. All shields, whether a Guard or a Ward, must be tasked. Guards typically have very broad tasks whereas Wards are generally more detailed and complex. It should be noted that the broader the task given to a shield, the more rapidly that shield consumes the aether used to create it. Being specific about what triggers the activation of a shield preserves it, whereas generality often means the shield is in a constant state of activation.


Acquired at Novice. The construction of a ward is something that a Negation mage must take time to do. Every barrier is custom built to cater to the needs of the wizard building it. Shapes, however, hold a power of their own and the shape of a shield can either help or hinder the efforts of a Negation mage depending on their task. Every Negation mage, from the beginner to an esteemed master, can utilize the shapes described below. The difference is in the speed at which they can be built, their efficacy, and the finesse with which they can be wielded.
All barriers created by a Negation mage possess the ability to be divided into layers. The more layers that a barrier is intended to have, the more time consuming it is to construct. The most dazzling and complex shields are often comprised of numerous layers that all feed into each other and possess triggers that determine when they are activated. Such barriers are seldom the work of a single mage but are a collaboration of multiple mages.

'''Sustaining a Shield'''

Square, rectangle, or any other four sided shield. Quadrilaterals are the easiest to construct, however they are the most unyielding in the face of onslaught making them the most prone to shattering after just a few assaults. Quadrilateral shields are also some of the easiest to apply layers to.  
No matter how simple or complex, shields created by a Negation mage deteriorate over time. The strongest barriers can last for years on their own and have methods woven into their design to prolong their existence. The most straightforward and rudimentary shields are often very short-lived due to the very broad nature of their tasking leading to a constant state of activation and rapid deterioration. Barriers that are more precise and observe very specific triggers, while much more time consuming to build, are equally more long-lasting due to the fact that they do not burn through the aether used in their construction as quickly. Any mage bearing the Rune of Negation can empower a shield they encounter however only the creator of a barrier can dismiss it at will. Negation mages are often careful about adding to a shield they encounter in the wilds as it may turn out to be much stronger than they could hope to overcome when fully powered.

=Powers and Abilities=

The quickest to build and the easiest to sustain, triangular shields are often a mage’s choice during spur of the moment incidents. However, while they are quick and easy, they are lacking in coverage and their anchor point is often the most vulnerable.  
'''Mandate''' - Acquired at Novice. A Mandate is a specific trigger woven into a barrier codifying what will activate the shield. Mandates can be as broad or as specific as the mage requires but the more specific the Mandate, the more time-consuming it is to implement. The more familiar the mage is with the subject of the Mandate, the easier it will be to weave into the aether of their shield. Absent of a Mandate, a shield will be continually active whereas imposing a Mandate upon a shield will mean it is only active when that specific trigger causes it to activate.

'''Buckler''' - Acquired at Novice. Guard. The mage creates a concentrated plate of aether typically no wider than the length of their forearm. Woven into the buckler is a simple task which is to block, getting no more specific than that. Due to the broadness of the task, the Buckler is well suited as a quick defensive measure during hostile encounters. A Buckler tends to deteriorate rapidly due to the lack of specificity in its tasking and thus burns through its aether quickly unless actively sustained.

Tougher to construct but considered the most resilient shape when it comes to shields. There is an equal distribution of power across the surface of the ward making it the most adaptive in the face of onslaught. Curved shields are the most difficult to apply layers to but once finished are the most reliable.
'''Shelter''' - Acquired at Novice. Ward. A shelter is a simple barrier that has been erected over a small area, typically no larger than a small encampment of five or less people. Incapable of incorporating highly detailed tasking, Shelters are comprised of only a select few layers and generally only sustain basic directives such as blocking sound, light, or smell and other such simple instructions.

'''Riposte''' - Acquired at Novice. Guard. A rapidly constructed single-use shield, the Riposte is invoked in the heat of the moment where imminent danger is clear. Requiring the mage visibly see the danger coming their way, the Negation mage weaves together a simple shield made of thinly spun aether with but a single task, which is to defend against the oncoming assault. As soon as the assault is absorbed by the shield, it immediately shatters, having performed its function.

The most complex and difficult variety of shield to build. The strength of each area of the shield is dependent upon its overarching shape. Polygons are, however, the easiest of all shields to apply layers to.
'''Cage''' - Acquired at Apprentice. Ward. A defensive trap requiring at least a single Mandate to activate. A Cage is a barrier that is woven into a given area intended to entrap those who trigger it in the given space as opposed to keeping them out of it.

3 Dimensional Shields
'''Bulwark''' - Acquired at Apprentice. Guard. Weaving together a shield comprised of tightly spun aether, the Bulwark is an evolution of the Buckler capable of covering the entirety of the mage’s body. Requiring active sustainment, the Bulwark provides greater coverage while still allowing for maneuverability.

Most Negation mages prefer to work with 2D shields but there are times when 3D ones are warranted. 3D shields are the most powerful form of barrier a Negation mage can build. They are also the most demanding. It takes a considerable amount of energy and skill both to build and put in place a 3D shield, spheres, domes, cubes, cones etc. are incredibly powerful once finished but are taxing on the strength of the wizard building them. Most 3D shields are the product of several Negation mages working in tandem.
'''Static''' - Acquired at Journeyman. Guard. Negation is built upon the concept of reinforcing the Laws of the Mundane, wherein it prevents the shift in aether that allows a paranormal event to take place. The power of Static is a concentrated reinforcement of that concept in a focalized area, distributed in short bursts. This creates a series of pulses sent out from the mage wherein the aether targeted by them is essentially frozen into an unmoving state for a short period of time, thus disrupting its flow and grinding any aetheric movement to a halt. This in turn prevents any magical effects from occurring in the area where the mage’s focus is directed.

'''Sanctum''' - Acquired at Journeyman. Ward. Capable of encompassing most small buildings, a Sanctum is a barrier comprised of multiple layers that incorporates more moderate levels of tasking such as being able to block a specific person (but not their relatives) or to allow all sound but the occupants of the Sanctum’s voices to pass outside its boundaries.

Acquired at Novice. Tasking is the most fundamental ability in the arsenal of a Negation mage. Tasking is exactly that. It is assigning a function to the shield one is building. This can be as simple as blocking sound or as detailed as blocking a specific person, their bloodline and any weapon or magic they possess. The more detailed the task, the more time consuming and demanding it is to build.
'''Aegis''' - Acquired at Expert. Ward. A powerful barrier that is capable of encompassing a very large area including up to several buildings. An Aegis is comprised of multiple layers and usually several Mandates while also being able to sustain advanced levels of very specific tasking.  

'''Web''' - Acquired at Expert. Guard. Intended to be used in the face of hostile magic. A single-use advanced technique wherein the Negation mage creates a type of netting out of their aether. The strands of the Web remain flexible enough to bend in the face of hostile magic only for the Negation mage to pull them taught resulting in a rebound effect wherein the magic directed at the Web is either deflected in another direction or is reflected back at the caster. The Web then crumbles after its function unless actively sustained or recreated by the mage.

'''Mute''' - Acquired at Expert. Ward. Requiring that the Negation mage extend their own aether into the surrounding area, they overlap their aether across that of their surroundings and create a facsimile of it. As a result, any resulting external manipulation of aether in the area must first pass through the layer created by the mage allowing the Negation mage to actively reject or allow said manipulation to occur.  
Acquired at Journeyman. Normally, a shield’s parameters must be input into the anchor point in order to be distributed outward from this central point to the rest of the barrier. With the ability to Layer, this requirement enables the wizard to add new properties to different faces of the shield without having to disturb the anchor. A layered task however, can only be applied to a single face of the shield. As an example, the outward face of a shield can be given the property of repelling fire, such a property would not be present on the inward face of the shield unless the wizard went about adding the layer.  

Acquired at Expert. Once an anchor has been created it usually has to be set in place in order to take effect. Such is not the case when it comes to tunneling. To tunnel is to attribute parameters to an anchor and then throw it at the intended opposing force in order to “tunnel” through it or to stop it in its tracks.  
'''Fortress''' - Acquired at Master. Ward. A Fortress is a multilayered, complex barrier typically with numerous Mandates moderating its activity and activation. This shield is large, capable of encompassing entire city blocks if necessary but it quite time consuming to construct due to the many factors necessary to implement it seamlessly. A Fortress is capable of incorporating very advanced tasking.

'''Injunction''' - Acquired at Master. Guard. An evolution of the Mandate, rather than imposing it on their own barriers and shields, the Negation mage inserts their directive into an existing aether flow completely disrupting it or restructuring it. This in turn can cause the complete collapse of a magical activity or an interruption of it while not requiring the Negation mage to construct an entire barrier to counteract it.

Acquired at Master. To become a Monolith of Negation is to form an anchor out of oneself. It is a difficult technique to achieve as the Master mage must be careful to project the power of Negation without affecting themselves adversely. In forming themselves as the anchor of their barrier, they become the barrier and can then apply all the facets of their powers directly onto themselves.
'''Monolith''' - Acquired at Master. Guard and Ward. The Negation mage creates a field of immovable aether centered on themselves wherein no external manipulation of aether can occur. Furthermore, they are able to project a physical barrier around themselves or in the immediate surroundings giving it any number of Mandates, layers, and tasks. This in turn can create a type of invulnerability for the period of time that the Monolith is maintained. While utterly demanding to maintain, encountering a Monolith is to encounter a person capable of defending against most anything with a mere flick of their thoughts. Invoking the Monolith will always induce levels of Overstepping simply because of how demanding actively maintaining such a widely adaptive shield requires.

=Tier Progression=
=Tier Progression=

'''Novice (1-24)'''
'''Novice (0-24)'''

The strength of the novice negation mage rests in their ability to creatively apply negating basic things. Whether that is simply blocking sound, blurring one’s perception of light, or concentrating on reinforcing the underlying identity of an object as opposed to preventing the occurrence of external forces. Their anchors and shields are slow to build and typically do not persist for very long without regular maintenance. They are limited to applying only a single parameter to their anchors at a time. Attempting to build anything more than simple 2D shields is courting overstepping.
The Novice Negation mage is just learning the basics of how to implement tasking, layering and applying Mandates to their shields. Guards, while easy to rapidly construct, are draining to maintain. Wards take roughly ten minutes to put in place with a Novice only able to apply up to (3) layers to a given shield with perhaps only (2) Mandates able to regulate it. Their Shelters typically only last up to an hour without active maintenance. They can cover an area up to 25 ft. in diameter. The Riposte, while highly useful in a pinch, is equally taxing to conjure in such a rapid fashion. Their most reliable power is that of the Buckler which remains relatively easy to conjure due to its straightforward nature.

'''Apprentice (25-49)'''
'''Apprentice (25-49)'''

With a firm grasp on the fundamentals of Negation, the mage is now able to comfortably apply multiple parameters to their anchors at a time. Any more than a select few however is still exceedingly difficult. Their anchors and shields still take time to construct and properly affix to their decided location. Their ability to task becomes a tad more refined with the ability to take on more nuanced tasks becoming possible, such as warding against a specific mineral or a particular shape or a specific scent. Becoming overly specific however is still beyond the grasp of an apprentice.
With a firm grasp on the fundamentals of Negation, the Apprentice mage is able to implement the Cage. They are only able to project their shields up to an area encompassing roughly 60 ft. in diameter. They can produce a maximum of (5) layers to a given shield with up to (3) Mandates regulating it. Wards can stay in place for up to two hours without active maintenance and can typically be put in place after just five minutes of preparation. Having gained the use of the Bulwark, the Negation mage is able to better protect the whole of their own body or others while still able to maneuver.  

'''Journeyman (50-74)'''
'''Journeyman (50-74)'''

In gaining the ability to apply Layers to their shields, the Journeyman Negation mage has truly added some versatility to their practice. Constructing their anchors takes only a short amount of time as well as affixing them and building a shield outward from them. Applying a layer to the face of a shield however takes a fair amount of time, several minutes at the very least. Their grasp on the fundamental aspects of Negation have grown considerably.
Coming into their own as a Negation practitioner, the Journeyman Negation mage is able to comfortably produce up to (8) layers to a given shield and (5) Mandates to regulate it. Their Wards are able to extend to cover most small buildings, such as a one-story cottage or a shop with a single floor. They usually only take a few minutes to construct and can stay in place for up to twelve hours without active maintenance. Most potent in the Journeyman’s arsenal is the ability to create Static which enables them to interrupt other mage’s ability to exert their will upon the aether in the world around them.  

'''Expert (75-99)'''
'''Expert (75-99)'''

The expert Negation mage is a force to be reckoned with. The levels of nuance they can apply to their anchors and the shapes they can utilize in their shieldcrafting are vast. Building an anchor and constructing a barrier from there takes only moments. Their limitations are only the time they have to work and the amount of energy they themselves have to work with. At this level they gain the ability to project their anchors and thus Tunnel with their wards. While short lived, these snapshot anchors are invaluable in a pinch.  
The bane of most magical practitioners across the world, the Expert Negation mage is practiced in defending against matters both mundane and magical. The Expert is able to comfortably product up to (10) layers to a given shield with (8) Mandates to regulate it. Their Wards are able to cover very large areas such as an entire mansion, multiple floors of a single building, or across a handful of buildings in a given area. They take only a few minutes to construct and can stay in place for up to twenty-four hours without active maintenance. With an advanced understanding of how to creatively apply their powers, the Expert can utilize the Web, effectively deflecting or reflecting as they see fit. They also gain the ability to Mute other magic, becoming an active moderator of paranormal effects in their immediate vicinity up to an area of 120 ft. in diameter.

'''Master (100)'''
'''Master (100)'''

Having gained the ability to become a Monolith of Negation, the Master is a walking bulwark against any force they dedicate themselves to negating. While caution must be used so as not to negate their own effectiveness, the mage is limited only by their knowledge of how to creatively apply wards. Anchors and Shields are built and assigned tasks or even layers near instantaneously. At this stage, the only thing limiting a Master’s ability is their own energy reserves.
A living embodiment of the concepts of Negation, the Master mage is able to comfortably utilize any of the techniques in their arsenal without much difficulty. They can create barriers and shields with any number of layers with as many Mandates as they require to a level of specificity as detailed as they desire. Having gained the ability to create a Fortress, it takes only a mere flick of the Master’s thoughts to erect just the first few layers of any shield they create with time being the Master’s ally as it allows them to produce ever more complex and powerful barriers. Their range effectively becomes whatever is in their field of view or awareness. With the ability to introduce an Injunction, the Master can effectively disrupt, supress or dispel most any undesired magic they encounter. Upon invoking the power of the Monolith, they become invulernable of sorts, able to project defensive magic capable of guarding against whatever they require with but a flick of their thoughts.  

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Latest revision as of 09:44, 5 January 2024

Where there has been magic, there have always been those opposed to its misuse. In the early days of mortal history there was very little to stand in the way of exceptionally powerful mages save for being a powerful mage oneself. As a result, Negation was created. This discipline of rune magic is among the few that have been created by mortals as opposed to being gifted to them by the gods. With it mages are able to craft subtle wards and powerful shields. These barriers can be placed over people, objects or even entire buildings or areas.


During the early days of Ransera, when mortals wielded magic heedless of its consequences either through ignorance or ambition, there was very little to stand in their way. A group of monks devoted to Keela, Dragon Goddess of Wisdom, spent many years in contemplation on the nature of Cardinal Runes and their powers. The culmination of their work resulted in the creation of the Rune of Negation. It is said that on the day of its creation, a great wave of power billowed out from the monastery where they lived. On that day all magic in the world came to a grinding halt and lasted for several days. When the monastery was found all of the monks were gone and resting at the center of the courtyard where they conducted their ritual was the very first Rune of Negation. The monastery has since been lost to time but it is said that it is a place where only the Great Gods retain their power.


As with all disciplines of rune magic, an aspiring warden must find a mage who is willing and able to inscribe the Rune of Negation upon their flesh. Threshold sickness for ward mages is among the most curious of them all. It is a highly psychological sickness with most mages citing they experience an overwhelming numbness, crippling depression, or a complete aversion to social interaction with a desire to go into intense reflection. Some go into a comatose state, some have even experienced the complete loss of sensation or even use of limbs. Most successfully recover from the sickness brought on by the Rune of Negation, it is among the Primal Runes with the least likelihood of fatality.


In terms of use, Negation is among the safest disciplines of rune magic. Overstepping with it is exceedingly infrequent as the very nature of the magic prevents most of its effects from occurring. Of course, even with its relative safety it is not completely without its dangers. In the event that overstepping does occur with the Rune of Negation the effects can be quite dramatic and are more often psychological than physical. Historically this has involved mages whose sanity has been shattered due to continued abuse. This often leads to delusions of complete invulnerability that further leads to excessively reckless actions culminating in their deaths. A hastily constructed ward that has become distorted can act erratically.

How It Works

All magic is a manifestation of aether that has been manipulated to bring about a shift in the reality that mortals experience. Whether it is an act of divine intervention or the machinations of a clever wizard, aether is the foundation of all normal and paranormal activity across the universe. The difference between the two is merely that anything paranormal is an act that is contrary to the Laws of the Mundane according to the gods designs. The Laws of the Mundane themselves are impossible to completely define but are easy to understand from a broad perspective. The Laws are simply what can be considered a process or occurrence that happens absent of external aetheric manipulation. On a fundamental level, what Negation mages have the ability to do is reinforce the Laws of the Mundane and prevent a paranormal event from taking place. This in turn stops the redirection of aether that occurs when mages exert their will upon the world by negating their manipulation of the aether in a given space. Beyond that, what Negation mages can do is physically project their own aether into the world and solidify it into hard barriers programmed to guard against whatever it is they are tasked with blocking. This can be as simple as being a hard shield meant to block an incoming physical blow or as abstract as a shield that interrupts the continuity of an illusion whenever it comes into contact with illusory magic.

From these concepts have sprung up two disciplines with regard to the use of Negation; Guards and Wards. Generally speaking, a Guard is meant to be movable as it protects a moving person or target whereas a Ward is usually stationary and intended to encompass an entire area as opposed to a specific target.


Techniques with predetermined effects and limits. They have very little deviation from their codified purpose. Guards offer protection that is short-lived but fast acting. These protections are very rarely, if ever, made to last more than a few minutes at best but what they lack in longevity they make up for in practicality. The de facto choice for any seasoned battlemage learned in Negation, Guards can mean the difference between life and death in the heat of the moment.


Perhaps what Negation is best known for are Wards. A Ward is comprised of layered aether that forms a barrier over a designated area anchored to either a single point or multiple points. They are much sturdier and have more longevity, the simplest of them often lasting for hours as compared to seconds or minutes as is the case with a Guard. The caveat to this is that Wards are time consuming to make, often requiring lengthy concentration as well as in-depth awareness of what is intended to be blocked by the barrier. Wards also require much greater exertion on the part of the mage to both construct and sustain.


Tasking is the most fundamental ability in the arsenal of a Negation mage. Tasking is exactly what it implies. It is the assigning of a function to the shield that one is building. This can be as simple as blocking sound or as detailed as blocking a specific person, their bloodline or specific types of aetheric manipulation. The more detailed the task, the more time consuming it is to implement. All shields, whether a Guard or a Ward, must be tasked. Guards typically have very broad tasks whereas Wards are generally more detailed and complex. It should be noted that the broader the task given to a shield, the more rapidly that shield consumes the aether used to create it. Being specific about what triggers the activation of a shield preserves it, whereas generality often means the shield is in a constant state of activation.


All barriers created by a Negation mage possess the ability to be divided into layers. The more layers that a barrier is intended to have, the more time consuming it is to construct. The most dazzling and complex shields are often comprised of numerous layers that all feed into each other and possess triggers that determine when they are activated. Such barriers are seldom the work of a single mage but are a collaboration of multiple mages.

Sustaining a Shield

No matter how simple or complex, shields created by a Negation mage deteriorate over time. The strongest barriers can last for years on their own and have methods woven into their design to prolong their existence. The most straightforward and rudimentary shields are often very short-lived due to the very broad nature of their tasking leading to a constant state of activation and rapid deterioration. Barriers that are more precise and observe very specific triggers, while much more time consuming to build, are equally more long-lasting due to the fact that they do not burn through the aether used in their construction as quickly. Any mage bearing the Rune of Negation can empower a shield they encounter however only the creator of a barrier can dismiss it at will. Negation mages are often careful about adding to a shield they encounter in the wilds as it may turn out to be much stronger than they could hope to overcome when fully powered.

Powers and Abilities

Mandate - Acquired at Novice. A Mandate is a specific trigger woven into a barrier codifying what will activate the shield. Mandates can be as broad or as specific as the mage requires but the more specific the Mandate, the more time-consuming it is to implement. The more familiar the mage is with the subject of the Mandate, the easier it will be to weave into the aether of their shield. Absent of a Mandate, a shield will be continually active whereas imposing a Mandate upon a shield will mean it is only active when that specific trigger causes it to activate.

Buckler - Acquired at Novice. Guard. The mage creates a concentrated plate of aether typically no wider than the length of their forearm. Woven into the buckler is a simple task which is to block, getting no more specific than that. Due to the broadness of the task, the Buckler is well suited as a quick defensive measure during hostile encounters. A Buckler tends to deteriorate rapidly due to the lack of specificity in its tasking and thus burns through its aether quickly unless actively sustained.

Shelter - Acquired at Novice. Ward. A shelter is a simple barrier that has been erected over a small area, typically no larger than a small encampment of five or less people. Incapable of incorporating highly detailed tasking, Shelters are comprised of only a select few layers and generally only sustain basic directives such as blocking sound, light, or smell and other such simple instructions.

Riposte - Acquired at Novice. Guard. A rapidly constructed single-use shield, the Riposte is invoked in the heat of the moment where imminent danger is clear. Requiring the mage visibly see the danger coming their way, the Negation mage weaves together a simple shield made of thinly spun aether with but a single task, which is to defend against the oncoming assault. As soon as the assault is absorbed by the shield, it immediately shatters, having performed its function.

Cage - Acquired at Apprentice. Ward. A defensive trap requiring at least a single Mandate to activate. A Cage is a barrier that is woven into a given area intended to entrap those who trigger it in the given space as opposed to keeping them out of it.

Bulwark - Acquired at Apprentice. Guard. Weaving together a shield comprised of tightly spun aether, the Bulwark is an evolution of the Buckler capable of covering the entirety of the mage’s body. Requiring active sustainment, the Bulwark provides greater coverage while still allowing for maneuverability.

Static - Acquired at Journeyman. Guard. Negation is built upon the concept of reinforcing the Laws of the Mundane, wherein it prevents the shift in aether that allows a paranormal event to take place. The power of Static is a concentrated reinforcement of that concept in a focalized area, distributed in short bursts. This creates a series of pulses sent out from the mage wherein the aether targeted by them is essentially frozen into an unmoving state for a short period of time, thus disrupting its flow and grinding any aetheric movement to a halt. This in turn prevents any magical effects from occurring in the area where the mage’s focus is directed.

Sanctum - Acquired at Journeyman. Ward. Capable of encompassing most small buildings, a Sanctum is a barrier comprised of multiple layers that incorporates more moderate levels of tasking such as being able to block a specific person (but not their relatives) or to allow all sound but the occupants of the Sanctum’s voices to pass outside its boundaries.

Aegis - Acquired at Expert. Ward. A powerful barrier that is capable of encompassing a very large area including up to several buildings. An Aegis is comprised of multiple layers and usually several Mandates while also being able to sustain advanced levels of very specific tasking.

Web - Acquired at Expert. Guard. Intended to be used in the face of hostile magic. A single-use advanced technique wherein the Negation mage creates a type of netting out of their aether. The strands of the Web remain flexible enough to bend in the face of hostile magic only for the Negation mage to pull them taught resulting in a rebound effect wherein the magic directed at the Web is either deflected in another direction or is reflected back at the caster. The Web then crumbles after its function unless actively sustained or recreated by the mage.

Mute - Acquired at Expert. Ward. Requiring that the Negation mage extend their own aether into the surrounding area, they overlap their aether across that of their surroundings and create a facsimile of it. As a result, any resulting external manipulation of aether in the area must first pass through the layer created by the mage allowing the Negation mage to actively reject or allow said manipulation to occur.

Fortress - Acquired at Master. Ward. A Fortress is a multilayered, complex barrier typically with numerous Mandates moderating its activity and activation. This shield is large, capable of encompassing entire city blocks if necessary but it quite time consuming to construct due to the many factors necessary to implement it seamlessly. A Fortress is capable of incorporating very advanced tasking.

Injunction - Acquired at Master. Guard. An evolution of the Mandate, rather than imposing it on their own barriers and shields, the Negation mage inserts their directive into an existing aether flow completely disrupting it or restructuring it. This in turn can cause the complete collapse of a magical activity or an interruption of it while not requiring the Negation mage to construct an entire barrier to counteract it.

Monolith - Acquired at Master. Guard and Ward. The Negation mage creates a field of immovable aether centered on themselves wherein no external manipulation of aether can occur. Furthermore, they are able to project a physical barrier around themselves or in the immediate surroundings giving it any number of Mandates, layers, and tasks. This in turn can create a type of invulnerability for the period of time that the Monolith is maintained. While utterly demanding to maintain, encountering a Monolith is to encounter a person capable of defending against most anything with a mere flick of their thoughts. Invoking the Monolith will always induce levels of Overstepping simply because of how demanding actively maintaining such a widely adaptive shield requires.

Tier Progression

Novice (0-24)

The Novice Negation mage is just learning the basics of how to implement tasking, layering and applying Mandates to their shields. Guards, while easy to rapidly construct, are draining to maintain. Wards take roughly ten minutes to put in place with a Novice only able to apply up to (3) layers to a given shield with perhaps only (2) Mandates able to regulate it. Their Shelters typically only last up to an hour without active maintenance. They can cover an area up to 25 ft. in diameter. The Riposte, while highly useful in a pinch, is equally taxing to conjure in such a rapid fashion. Their most reliable power is that of the Buckler which remains relatively easy to conjure due to its straightforward nature.

Apprentice (25-49)

With a firm grasp on the fundamentals of Negation, the Apprentice mage is able to implement the Cage. They are only able to project their shields up to an area encompassing roughly 60 ft. in diameter. They can produce a maximum of (5) layers to a given shield with up to (3) Mandates regulating it. Wards can stay in place for up to two hours without active maintenance and can typically be put in place after just five minutes of preparation. Having gained the use of the Bulwark, the Negation mage is able to better protect the whole of their own body or others while still able to maneuver.

Journeyman (50-74)

Coming into their own as a Negation practitioner, the Journeyman Negation mage is able to comfortably produce up to (8) layers to a given shield and (5) Mandates to regulate it. Their Wards are able to extend to cover most small buildings, such as a one-story cottage or a shop with a single floor. They usually only take a few minutes to construct and can stay in place for up to twelve hours without active maintenance. Most potent in the Journeyman’s arsenal is the ability to create Static which enables them to interrupt other mage’s ability to exert their will upon the aether in the world around them.

Expert (75-99)

The bane of most magical practitioners across the world, the Expert Negation mage is practiced in defending against matters both mundane and magical. The Expert is able to comfortably product up to (10) layers to a given shield with (8) Mandates to regulate it. Their Wards are able to cover very large areas such as an entire mansion, multiple floors of a single building, or across a handful of buildings in a given area. They take only a few minutes to construct and can stay in place for up to twenty-four hours without active maintenance. With an advanced understanding of how to creatively apply their powers, the Expert can utilize the Web, effectively deflecting or reflecting as they see fit. They also gain the ability to Mute other magic, becoming an active moderator of paranormal effects in their immediate vicinity up to an area of 120 ft. in diameter.

Master (100)

A living embodiment of the concepts of Negation, the Master mage is able to comfortably utilize any of the techniques in their arsenal without much difficulty. They can create barriers and shields with any number of layers with as many Mandates as they require to a level of specificity as detailed as they desire. Having gained the ability to create a Fortress, it takes only a mere flick of the Master’s thoughts to erect just the first few layers of any shield they create with time being the Master’s ally as it allows them to produce ever more complex and powerful barriers. Their range effectively becomes whatever is in their field of view or awareness. With the ability to introduce an Injunction, the Master can effectively disrupt, supress or dispel most any undesired magic they encounter. Upon invoking the power of the Monolith, they become invulernable of sorts, able to project defensive magic capable of guarding against whatever they require with but a flick of their thoughts.