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The Astral Sea is the plane of existence that touches upon all dimensions across all the planes created by the Dragon Gods. Within it is the ghostly reflection of the various places it brushes up against. To wander the Astral Sea is to bear witness to the world as it is reflected in accordance to what it might truly be. Spirits and entities wander the Astral Sea from across the spectrum, some begnign...some not so. All who venture there should always be vigilant for without a firm will and clear direction it is easy to be set adrift and become lost.
The Astral Sea is the plane of existence that touches upon all dimensions across all the planes created by the Dragon Gods. Within it is the ghostly reflection of the various places it brushes up against. To wander the Astral Sea is to bear witness to the world as it is reflected in accordance to what it might truly be. Spirits and entities wander the Astral Sea from across the spectrum, some begnign...some not so. All who venture there should always be vigilant for without a firm will and clear direction it is easy to be set adrift and become lost.
For those venturing through the Astral Sea, whether or not they are Seers, they will find themselves coming across memories of the past and moments currently happening in the present. For Seers, this is a journey along the paths of Destiny, where the Seer can choose the direction to travel. For others, this is a raging river of tumultuousness, where Destiny and Time are jumbled, pushing the individual from moment to moment until they can right themselves.
OOC: This allows for those in the Astral Sea, Seer or not, to view Past Threads and Present Threads of other PCs. The PC in the Astral Sea’s writer *MUST* acquire permission from the writer of the PC they wish to view. Once obtained, the PC may wander through the memory or present moment as an invisible observer. They do not gain access to thoughts or anything else hidden from the PC whose memory they are in, unless the visiting PC has the power to do so independently. It should also be restated that if the PC visits a memory or moment of a Demi-god PC, that thread becomes a Collaborative, as the God will be made aware and is able to act freely and interact directly with the visiting PC. It should be noted that this is time viewing, not time travel, so nothing can be changed in the past or present, rather, only information can be learned.

'''River of Time'''  
'''River of Time'''  

Latest revision as of 06:51, 14 March 2023

"Ignorance is bliss."

In this world, there are fortunetellers, there are mystics, there are diviners and clairvoyants. And they all have their place in the world. But then there are Seers, and they are those who represent Galetira. Those who have been bestowed with the Emblem of Foresight are incredibly rare in the world, but their service is extremely influential and far reaching. The Emblem of Galetira is one that is obvious and cannot be hidden or ignored. Her Seers must be seen. The physical presence of the Emblem differs from Seer to Seer, but it is always tied into the concept of Eyes. This might be markings around the eyes of a Seer, their eyes changing to a permanent, unnatural color, or tattoo like markings of living eyes upon their body. Whatever markings the Seer has, they cannot be ignored or hidden. They will place themselves upon clothing that covers them. And when one looks at the markings of a Seer, they will know, truly know that they are a Seer.

Attracting Divine Attention

Galetira is extremely selective with whom she bestows her mark. She is constantly watching mortals through her constant exploration of the interconnections of Destiny, the randomness of Fortune, and the unstoppable Fate. It is believed by some that Galetira actually considers every living soul for her mark, and begins to remove them from her selection as their life continues onward. It is thought that she first begins putting seemingly innocuous signs in the lives of mortals, typically pointing to random acts of fortune. If the mortals seem able to pick up and notice these signs, regardless of the meaning behind them, she keeps them in her selection process. She will continue to give to those who she thinks may be worthy of Foresight tests and trials throughout their lives, without their knowledge. Typically by this point, those who have been seeing the hidden signs in the world have become fortunetellers, artists, or writers, developing that ability to observe and share from a rare perspective. Galetira never marks children. At some point, Galetira will appear directly before those who've made it this far in her process, usually with a gift and some aid. By doing this, she creates a brand new Branch of Destiny in this person's life. She doesn't know where this branch will lead, but in creating it, she puts them on a course to be challenged further. As she follows their progress and destiny, should they choose to pursue it, she will typically provide two more difficult challenges, typically tied to the Domains she feels the prospect could grow further within.

Upon completing these challenges, Galetira presents herself to the prospect. She asks them if they would like to become a Seer, and if so, would they like to accompany her on one more, final challenge, one they accomplish together. If they consent, she creates a divine spiritual body for the prospect, and the pair venture into the Astral Sea together. While there, Galetira shows the prospect their own life leading up to this moment from their birth, from Galetira's own perspective. She shows them choices they've made that have affected others in ways that the prospect wouldn't be able to know about. She shows them choices or signs that they may have missed. This final challenge isn't one of pointing out flaws or errors or admonishing the prospect, but rather seeing if the prospect has the appropriate mental and emotional capacity to take on an Emblem as unique and powerful as Foresight.

If they pass this final test, Galetira grants them their Emblem there in the Astral Sea and then takes them on one final portion of the journey. She shows them the next coming instance of Fate. Fate is difficult for even Galetira to read and understand, but she shows her new follower nonetheless. She asks for any opinions or thoughts on it, and then she sends the new Seer back. Galetira also invites all of her new Seers to visit her temple in Ecith, but this is entirely optional and does not affect her opinion of them.

Age of Wonders

It was during the earlier years of the Age of Wonders that Galetira was born and came into her power, and shortly after, her role in guiding the people of Ecith. The first Seers of Ransera were among the Orkhan, and they roamed the continent, helping to further guide their people away from savagery and ignorance in an attempt to alleviate their suffering and reduce the hold of Malgar on them. The Seers have always been widely accepted among Ecith cultures.

Age of Conquest

During the Age of Conquest is when the Seers of Ecith introduced themselves to the rest of the world. They sought to bring about better enlightenment and reduction of suffering as they had managed in their own cultures. And Galetira began to call upon new Seers in these foreign lands, often in the places experiencing the worst suffering and ignorance. Many cultures forbid, attack, and otherwise reject Galetira and her Seers, but that does not stop the All-Seer from trying to help them.

Age of Sundering

For reasons unknown, after the Sundering, Galetira was blinded. The amount of new Seers she chose also greatly decreased. It seemed she was a lot more selective and careful in her process. The world continued to be divided on their acceptance or rejection of Seers.

Age of Steel

In the Age of Steel, Galetira's Seers still work all over the world. However, in places that reject them, they are far more rare and difficult to find success. That doesn't stop Galetira and her Seers from trying, they are just more careful about their efforts.

Applying for Foresight

Requirement: A fortunetelling or art skill at Competent

Galetira is extremely particular about the emotional and mental states of those she selects. She will outright reject anyone who actively increases the suffering of others, is not open minded about learning new information, and shows no care for their fellow people. She will present people who fail to meet her criteria with opportunities to improve themselves, but it must be genuine, true, and enduring for her to consider them for the emblem.

Tenant of Fortunetelling

Fortune surprises with the mercuriality of its ebbs and flows. Destiny calls with its web of paths, choices that are neither right nor wrong. Fate is overwhelming and can never be avoided, only endured. The realms in which Galetira walks are those that affect the lives of every soul that ever wakes on Ransera, realms that many will never know anything about. To be able to see and understand these ever changing forces is, however, something that the people of Ransera have always tried to do. This has been done as simply as people telling stories of what may come to pass, but others have attempted to read the signs of destiny in cards, to find a hint of fortune in the way leaves blow, to discover fate in the burning of animal organs. There is no wrong or right path to try and reach into these realms of divinity.

And Fortunetellers are those who reach, never knowing what they will find.

Gift of Fortunetelling: Seeing

The Seers of Galetira are extensions of her. She is not All-Seeing, nor are her followers, but they are able to view the happenings of Fortune, Destiny, and Fate, across the River of Time. This allows the Seers to glean information that would be otherwise impossible to acquire. Those who follow Galetira do so as a method to spread her compassion across the world, to prevent or reduce the suffering of others.

For the Seers to function, they must learn what Fortune, Destiny, and Fate truly mean, as well as the Astral Sea, the River of Time, and the Weave of Fate, for they are all more than just metaphors. They are very real aspects of the universe. The River of Time was both created and is presided over by the Dragon God Velar, while his twin sister, Vicis is the creator of the Weave of Fate. Together, the two of them chronicle the events spread across history and have a hand in ensuring the flow of Fortune, Destiny and Fate act in balance across the cosmos.

Astral Sea

The Astral Sea is the plane of existence that touches upon all dimensions across all the planes created by the Dragon Gods. Within it is the ghostly reflection of the various places it brushes up against. To wander the Astral Sea is to bear witness to the world as it is reflected in accordance to what it might truly be. Spirits and entities wander the Astral Sea from across the spectrum, some begnign...some not so. All who venture there should always be vigilant for without a firm will and clear direction it is easy to be set adrift and become lost.

For those venturing through the Astral Sea, whether or not they are Seers, they will find themselves coming across memories of the past and moments currently happening in the present. For Seers, this is a journey along the paths of Destiny, where the Seer can choose the direction to travel. For others, this is a raging river of tumultuousness, where Destiny and Time are jumbled, pushing the individual from moment to moment until they can right themselves.

OOC: This allows for those in the Astral Sea, Seer or not, to view Past Threads and Present Threads of other PCs. The PC in the Astral Sea’s writer *MUST* acquire permission from the writer of the PC they wish to view. Once obtained, the PC may wander through the memory or present moment as an invisible observer. They do not gain access to thoughts or anything else hidden from the PC whose memory they are in, unless the visiting PC has the power to do so independently. It should also be restated that if the PC visits a memory or moment of a Demi-god PC, that thread becomes a Collaborative, as the God will be made aware and is able to act freely and interact directly with the visiting PC. It should be noted that this is time viewing, not time travel, so nothing can be changed in the past or present, rather, only information can be learned.

River of Time

The River of Time flows unseen across all planes of existence within the realms created by the Dragon Gods. It flows over everything and everyone and to set foot within it is to bear witness to every moment, every minute, every day of Ransera's history. As a result, any who dip into it must be firmly and clearly aware of what they are searching for. There are terrible truths to be found, lost within the mists of Time and some of those things are better left forgotten.

Tapesty of Fate

Woven into everyone and everything is the Weave, the great Tapestry of Fate that Seers and other time sensitive individuals can touch upon to glean an understanding of the course of events across all space and time. To witness the threads of this immense tapestry is to bear witness to the machinations of the gods and tampering with even a single thread has far reaching consequences. Within the scope of the great Tapestry there are three concepts that Seers become acquainted with.

Fortune - Random chance. Velar and Vicis have no direct influence over this concept. Rather it is an expression of Chaos, which is ultimately a purview of Naori. It is amplified by the work of Vhexur. The two of them work to ensure that this measured drop of Chaos is not rebuffed across the expanse of Time and Fate, but rather things flow in such a way as to accommodate it and thus allow randomness and freedom of choice to exist at a higher degree than mortals would experience otherwise. Velar and Vicis encourage Fortune, because Fortune brings about change and change, whether good or bad, keeps the universe spinning.

Destiny - Destiny is tied to individual people. People, whose choices have a profound effect on the flow of Time and Fate. These are focal points within the weave that determine the outcomes of an infinite number of other possibilities, all concentrated on a single choice. The idea of a “Chosen One” arises in that it might be the destiny of a great warrior, scholar, or other figure to accomplish a “great thing” but in the end it is that individual’s choice on what to do with that given destiny. The flow of Time and Fate ripple outward from these choices and assist the gods in magnifying the unique experience that is Mortals. Destiny makes you important but it does not determine what you do with that importance. Because ultimately, free will is extremely important to the gods because it is the ultimate tool by which they are able to further reinforce the foundations of the universe and keep it independent from the Aetherium.

Fate - Fate is unavoidable. It is predetermined. It cannot be stopped, prevented, or changed in any way. It is something that must happen. For whatever reason, toward whatever purpose. Fate is rare. There are only perhaps a handful of truly Fated things across all the Ages of the universe. The event itself is predetermined. It will happen. What comes after however? That is why Fortune and Destiny are so pivotal. These two things can change the events preceding the Fated moment and the events after it.

The Power to See

Intentional acts of Divination by a Seer all have three (3) requirements that must be fulfilled.

The Subject - This is the person, place, or thing that is attempting to be divined. This begins to narrow the focus of the Seer, and the more specific the subject is, the more difficult the divining will be, but equally the results will be more clear and relevant.

The Purpose - This is the constraints of what is being sought. This is often additional details to help answer the question being asked about the Subject. This must include a period of time, to define it being in the past, the present, or future as well. Again, the more specific the Purpose, the more difficult the divining will be, but also more clear and relevant.

The Expression - This is the method of Divining, typically through a method of fortune telling such as tarot cards, dice, paint, fire dancing, etc. The Expression is simply how the Seer translates what they experience while Divining into the current world and time.

The actual act involves sending a spiritual body, built by Galetira's divinity and acting as a divine representation of the Seer, into the Astral Sea. This is typically done by starting the Expression the Seer chooses to use, meditating and entering a type of trance. In the beginning, the Seer is equally aware of both their real presence in the current world. But as they venture further through the Astral Sea, following the ties of their Subject and Purpose. As they travel through the Sea, they are able to see through the River of Time and across the barriers of the realms, allowing them peer across time and into other places.

Seeing the Past

Viewing the past is the easiest style of Seeing, as it is the calmest portion of the River of Time. Seers can view the effects of Fortune within the past is extremely clearly, seeing how Fortune played a role in events, as well as showing what actually was affected by Fortune instead of by the intentional manipulations of others. Seeing Destiny in the past is pretty clear as well, but it takes longer than Fortune, as the Seer typically must follow the Paths of Destiny already taken. While on these paths, the Seer can view the paths not taken, but these are extremely less stable and clear. Fated Events leave a permanent mark on the River of Time. They cannot be altered after the fact but they are easily seen. They stand out loud and clear to the Seer, and the Seer can see the Paths of Destiny that led up to the Fated Event, as well as those formed from it.

Seeing the Present

Seeing in the present is more difficult than the past across the board for Seers. The ability to See the signs, predictors of Fortune is difficult, but if the Seers focuses, they are able to do so. Viewing Destiny in the present is the easiest of them, but is still quite difficult for the Seer, and more time consuming. They are able to see which Paths of Destiny are open in the present, but as Destiny is about choice, they will not be able to see which Path a Destined Individual is picking. The Seer cannot see closed Paths in the present, paths the Destined Individual did not take in the past. Seeing Fate in the Present is, while technically possible, is unusable. It is like looking into the sun while standing directly next to the sun. Fate in the present is too large, too close to be read or understood.

Seeing the Future

Seeing into the future is the most difficult style. The River of Time is most turbulent in the future, causing the Astral Sea to be even more difficult to traverse. Fortune is impossible to be seen in the future, as part of the rules put in place by Vicis and Vhexur. Chance is left to chance, effectively. Destiny is extremely difficult to see in the future, because the further from the present one travels, the more choices that are presented to the Destined Individual. A Seer can only see possibilities in regards to Destiny in the future, it is always up to the choice of the Destined Individual which path they take. Fate, on the other hand, is easier than Destiny or Fortune to See in the future. Seers can usually always see the next Fated Event that is coming up in the River of Time. However, the context of it will require much more research on the part of the Seer. Typically, Seers don't intend to See Fated Events, but rather stumble upon them while following someone's Path of Destiny. But as a Fated Event approaches the present, it can block out the ability to see the Paths of Destiny beyond it.

The Risks of Seeing

But the Astral Sea is turbulent and ever moving, just as the River of Time is, so viewings are often brief and difficult to control. And the longer one is in the Astral Sea, the more their spiritual body degrades. As it degrades more, the Seer can put more focus into holding it together, but in doing so, they pull their focus away from the real world.

And in extreme cases, a Seer can pull their mind entirely out of the real world and get lost within the Astral Sea. This leaves behind a body that is alive without a mind present within it. A coma state that must be cared for by others or allowed to die. And if the body dies, the mind in the Astral Sea dies with it. Another known risk for Seers is having a Subject who is dead. Most times this is innocuous, for the majority of people who die re-enter the life cycle and are reborn. However, if the Subject has refused to pass on, and is existing as a ghost or spirit, Seeing them leaves a trail that they can follow back to the Seer's real body. This can often lead to hauntings, possessions, and other issues that can be caused by ghosts until they move on, either by aid or forced to do so. Finally, Seeing a being of great divine power, be it in the past, present, or future, can often alert them to the presence of the Seer and they can take measures to prevent or punish the seer, if so desired.

Tenant of Writing

Writing is the immortalization of thought and memory. It takes the fleeting, temporary moments in the lives of people and helps them to withstand the ravages of time. Writing creates a timeless and universal voice, not just of an individual, but of entire communities of people. It allows for cities, nations, homes, those things that are not alive, not truly, to have personality, to have memories, to have beliefs and opinions. Writing spreads what it means to be alive, across time, and across the world that has never known life. It gives voice to the voiceless, power to the powerless, and meaning to the meaningless. Writing unites the world and equalizes it.

The Gift of Writing: The Immortal Word

The Seer is able to always conjure up a quill made of Galetira's divine aether. This quill is unique to every Seer, typically matching their personality and aesthetic preferences. This quill can be conjured and dismissed without limitation, will never dull or break from use. This quill will refuse to use any external inks that might be applied to it. The only ink it will use is the blood of the Seer that has conjured it. However, it should be noted that no wounds are formed and the blood is taken out safely and at the standard rate for writing, so it is extremely rare for a Seer to die of blood loss from this method.

When a Seer is writing with this method, they will begin to feel a tug into their work. The feeling is often described as being similar to getting sucked into reading a really good book. While in this state, the Seer must write and their words are unaided by the divinity of this power. However, this power places a permanent enchantment on the words being written. Whatever memory or thought or idea or mental creation that is in the Seer's mind while writing will be recorded into the words exactly as the Seers saw or otherwise experienced them, forever.

When these words are later read, the memory/thought will be relayed perfectly into the mind of the reader. This memory/thought can never be altered, not by mental deterioration, divine or magical interference. Any number of people can read the created works and acquire this memory/thought.

It should be noted that while it is very unlikely for a Seer to pass out or die from blood loss, they are known to stay in this obsessive state for long periods of time. This state allows them to tune out the world around them, even the needs of their own body, so many a Seer has passed out from dehydration or lack of sleep from writing for a few days straight.

The Tenant of Compassion

The sharing of suffering as a means of reducing its affect on the world is Galetira's primary weapon against the effects of Malgar on the world. Having taught and spread compassion to the frenzied Orkhan who who were drunk on the Wine of Suffering, Galetira saw firsthand how they could grow to be better and stronger, together, rather than tearing each other apart in their suffering. Galetira knows that suffering begets more suffering, but compassion reverses this horror.

The Gift of Compassion: Solidarity

The Gift of Solidarity allows the Seer to detect Suffering in others around them. They are unable to, through this ability alone, glean any information on the Suffering, or the one who Suffers, beyond the severity of the Suffering (as determined by the individual who is suffering). This detection is constant and passive, and cannot be "turned off" by the Seer.

The Seer is able to, with the consent of the individual who is Suffering, take on a portion of that suffering from them. If their suffering is from physical pain from an injury or disease, the Seer will take on a portion of that injury or disease themselves. This will restore part of the injury on the individual back to its original state, while inflicting the damage and pain on the Seer. If it is mental or emotional suffering, the Seer will take on or experience the traumas that caused it.

Upon taking on this Suffering, an effect is triggered within the Seer. Their divinity begins to heal the source of the suffering within them, but in doing so, releases a euphoric high within the Seer. The more severe the Suffering they take on, the stronger and longer lasting the high. At the end of the euphoria, the Seer is restored back to their original selves, the source of the suffering healed, but the memories and experiences remain.

Faith of the Seer

Galetira demands no faith from her followers, at least not for herself. The faith that is required for Seers is the faith in people, in the belief that their suffering needs to be eased, that they are just as worthy of being immortalized in time, that their lives always and truly matter, without exception. This is why Galetira is so selective in those she selects to be Seers, they must have the capacity to see, experience, and forever remember all the worst aspects of mortals and life, and still maintain their belief in people.

Acolyte|The Acolytes of the All-Seer are often wanderers. They are usually people who still need to see the world and experience the many different walks of life, meet the many different kinds of people, to better understand how the Fortunes, Destinies, and Fates affect the real world and people within it.

Seeing. An Acolyte can venture into the Astral Sea twice a day. Control and movement within the Astral Sea is difficult for the Acolyte, so typically their Seeing is less clear and short lasting, and can be quite exhausting on the Acolyte.

The Immortal Word. An Acolyte can only record their own memories / thoughts. Their Immortal can be damaged by any normal means. Their Immortal Word will recover from any damage inflicted upon the document, and will recover from complete destruction.

Solidarity. The Acolyte can take on a modest portion of the Suffering one is feeling. Recovering from this Suffering will typically take 24 hours of the euphoric high, longer and more intense if the Suffering is heavy.

Avowed|The Avowed are those who have shown an increased bravery, curiosity, and understanding for exploring the Astral Sea, have shown an increased desire to both spread their own written word, as well as reading those of others, and have helped to fight back Malgar's suffering in the world and continue to maintain their belief in people and the world.

Seeing. An Avowed can venture into the Astral Sea five times a day. Control and movement within the Astral Sea is easier now for the Avowed, making their Seeing much more clear and stable.

The Immortal Word. An Avowed can record their own memories / thoughts, as well as those of other individuals who give their consent. Their Immortal Word can only be damaged by powers of Tier 7 Entities or higher. Their Immortal Word will recover from any damage inflicted upon the document, and will recover from complete destruction.

Solidarity. The Avowed can take on heavier portion of the Suffering one is feeling, making it roughly equal between the Avowed and the Suffering individual. Recovering from this Suffering will typically take 12 hours of the euphoric high, longer and more intense if the Suffering is heavy.