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(Created page with "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Where there is hope, there is despair. Where there is prosperity, there is ruination. Where there is light, so too is there darkness. Just as the Land of Nod is the where mortals go to tread within the realm of gods and dreams, there is the Void. This realm of grim darkness is a broken reflection of all that the Dragon Gods and even what some Mistlords have tried to create. It is from this realm of darkness that...")
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==Acquiring the Rune of Nyx==
==Acquiring the Rune of Nyx==

Until the conclusion of the Shadow of the Eclipse Event, all applications for the Rune of Nyx must be submitted to the Support Forum to be administered via moderated thread. The exception to this will be if a player already in possession of the Rune of Nyx imparts it to another player.
Until the conclusion of the [https://www.legendofransera.com/viewtopic.php?p=21376#p21376 Shadow of the Eclipse Event], all applications for the Rune of Nyx must be submitted to the Support Forum to be administered via moderated thread. The exception to this will be if a player already in possession of the Rune of Nyx imparts it to another player.

=Initiation and Threshold Sickness=
=Initiation and Threshold Sickness=
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'''Militus''' - Acquired at Expert. Ateromancy. Reaching into the deepest pits of the void, the warlock expands their influence over shadows and funnels intense amounts of dark energy into them. As a result of this, they open the doorway for shadowspawn to enter into the prime material realm, creating portals for the creatures to emerge from. Unlike with Summoning, where such conjurations are bound to obey the summoner, these entities act of their own accord unless forced to abide by the warlock’s will. As creatures comprised of the void’s purest energies, such creatures are subject to the influence of such powers as Manikatos and Restis.
'''Militus''' - Acquired at Expert. Ateromancy. Reaching into the deepest pits of the void, the warlock expands their influence over shadows and funnels intense amounts of dark energy into them. As a result of this, they open the doorway for shadowspawn to enter into the prime material realm, creating portals for the creatures to emerge from. Unlike with Summoning, where such conjurations are bound to obey the summoner, these entities act of their own accord unless forced to abide by the warlock’s will. As creatures comprised of the void’s purest energies, such creatures are subject to the influence of such powers as Manikatos and Restis.
Furia - Acquired at Expert. Transmutation. Perhaps one of the most sinister powers at a warlock’s disposal is the ability to channel the corruptive powers of Nyxus into the body of another being. The warlock opens first themselves up to a significant amount of the energies of the void and unleashes it upon another, suffusing that person or creature in a tide of dark power. Lacking sufficient protection, the individual will be subjected to a monstrous transformation becoming a beast of the void. While not under the warlock’s direct control, the individual transformed is more susceptible to such powers as Manikatos or Restis.
'''Furia''' - Acquired at Expert. Transmutation. Perhaps one of the most sinister powers at a warlock’s disposal is the ability to channel the corruptive powers of Nyxus into the body of another being. The warlock opens first themselves up to a significant amount of the energies of the void and unleashes it upon another, suffusing that person or creature in a tide of dark power. Lacking sufficient protection, the individual will be subjected to a monstrous transformation becoming a beast of the void. While not under the warlock’s direct control, the individual transformed is more susceptible to such powers as Manikatos or Restis.

'''Regnum''' - Acquired at Expert. Voidwalking. The warlock transforms all shadows around them into doorway into the realm of Nyxus exerting such influence as to allow others to travel to the dark plane with them. Travelers should be warned however, lacking power of their own to travel from plane to plane, the only way back is to be transported by the warlock who brought them there.
'''Regnum''' - Acquired at Expert. Voidwalking. The warlock transforms all shadows around them into doorway into the realm of Nyxus exerting such influence as to allow others to travel to the dark plane with them. Travelers should be warned however, lacking power of their own to travel from plane to plane, the only way back is to be transported by the warlock who brought them there.
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'''Gehenna''' - Acquired at Master. Ateromancy, Voidwalking, Transmutation. Reaching into the realm of Nyxus, the warlock extends their influence to every shadow in a given area. Where there are no shadows, their own shadow extends outward from their body to blanket an entire area and through it a storm of voidfire is unleashed upon an area. The fire is so infused with the power of the void that not only does it burn cold, cause corruptive sickness, and disrupt other magic with its corruption, people and creatures caught within the inferno who experience prolonged exposure are subject to monstrous transformation. As a consequence of the unleashing of this power, the warlock transforms into a shadowy titan of the void for the duration of their use of this power. Returning from this state is difficult for the individual as while in this state they are extremely inclined to unleash the full extent of the void’s influence.
'''Gehenna''' - Acquired at Master. Ateromancy, Voidwalking, Transmutation. Reaching into the realm of Nyxus, the warlock extends their influence to every shadow in a given area. Where there are no shadows, their own shadow extends outward from their body to blanket an entire area and through it a storm of voidfire is unleashed upon an area. The fire is so infused with the power of the void that not only does it burn cold, cause corruptive sickness, and disrupt other magic with its corruption, people and creatures caught within the inferno who experience prolonged exposure are subject to monstrous transformation. As a consequence of the unleashing of this power, the warlock transforms into a shadowy titan of the void for the duration of their use of this power. Returning from this state is difficult for the individual as while in this state they are extremely inclined to unleash the full extent of the void’s influence.

=Tier Progress=
=Tier Progress=

Latest revision as of 17:09, 8 January 2023

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Where there is hope, there is despair. Where there is prosperity, there is ruination. Where there is light, so too is there darkness. Just as the Land of Nod is the where mortals go to tread within the realm of gods and dreams, there is the Void. This realm of grim darkness is a broken reflection of all that the Dragon Gods and even what some Mistlords have tried to create. It is from this realm of darkness that the Rune of Nyx draws its power. Accepting this power makes one become a Warlock or as most refer to themselves, Nyxborn.


The Rune of Nyx is new to the world of Ransera, having appeared with the rising of the Shadow of the Eclipse in Ash of Steel 122. There are whispers across the dark places of the world that it is tied to the Dark God, Shaeoth. Rumors circulate that the fabled deity of Shadows, Vengeance and Fear has absorbed the Light of Arcas and in so doing, has ascended to heights of divine power previously unknown to him. With such power in his hands, he has become a Great God on par with the likes of Akrivar, Malgar and even Myshala. The veracity of these rumors has not been confirmed but the mere possibility is something that fills even the most stalwart hearts with dread. What is known is that the Rune of Nyx is intricately tied to the powers of Darkness. Of all the likely creators of such a dangerous power, Shaeoth is the most likely source.

Acquiring the Rune of Nyx

Until the conclusion of the Shadow of the Eclipse Event, all applications for the Rune of Nyx must be submitted to the Support Forum to be administered via moderated thread. The exception to this will be if a player already in possession of the Rune of Nyx imparts it to another player.

Initiation and Threshold Sickness

To accept the Rune of Nyx is to invite the darkness of the Void into one’s soul, which is both an incredible transformation and nightmarish ordeal. Among those who have found the means of acquiring this newly arisen rune of magic, it is often called “accepting the Curse”. For to live as a Nyxborn, is to live a life that will never be the same.

As with all runes of magic, the Cardinal Rune of Nyx must be acquired from an individual who already possesses the rune. Inscribing the Rune of Nyx requires that it be done in a place of complete and total darkness. The rune cannot be inscribed upon the flesh of the recipient in any other circumstance. Following this inscription, the darkness of the Void will begin to spread through the body of the initiate. Their veins will grow black. Their skin will grow cold. Darkness will fill their eyes and they will be awoken to the presence, power, and horror of the Void.

Upon awakening to the presence of the Void, the Nyxborn will be drawn into a spiritual journey across the broken realm of darkness and discarded things. There they will be tested and must marshal their willpower in order to overcome the darkness that would otherwise consume their soul. How this manifests is a largely personal journey. Some face a dark reflection of themselves. Some must find their way through a horde of dark entities hellbent on ripping them apart. No matter their experience, there is always an air of desperation intertwined with a need to find hope and to master their inner darkness.

Failing to succeed in their quest to master their inner darkness, the individual becomes a shadowspawn. A broken husk that is devoid of true life, consumed only with a need to seek out any and all things that dwell within a world of Light and bring it into a world of Darkness.

Those who succeed in mastering their inner darkness become capable of wielding the powers of the Void as Warlocks. This experience leaves the individual forever marked as extending outward from the Rune of Nyx is an inky blackness that winds its way outward from the mark to partially cover the extremity where it has been inscribed.


Invoking the powers of the Void is not done without cost. The greater the power one wishes to wield, the close to this realm one must walk. Doing so invites the chance of losing oneself completely to their inner darkness and in so doing, be transformed into an eldritch abomination that serves only the bottomless emptiness that takes root inside of them.

Stage One, the Black Sickness

Individuals who push themselves beyond their limits suffer what is known as the Black Sickness. This is the visual spreading of the inky blackness that normally lies dormant around their rune. The shadows of the Void have taken a stronger root inside the soul of the one who has foolishly reached beyond their power and spread further, becoming a blight upon them. The result is a hypersensitivity to light that causes headaches, nausea, fatigue, and general malaise. Additionally, prolonged exposure to light can result in rashes that will only heal when the individual finds a dark place to rest.

Stage Two, the Hollowing

Those who ignore the warnings of the Black Sickness and continue to push themselves fall prey to what is known as the Hollowing. Their hypersensitivity to light becomes a serious aversion to it. Simply stepping into light can cause blistering of the skin, pain, and suffering. The nausea, headaches and weariness pass only to be replaced with a numbing depression and lack of empathy. The overall disposition of the individual shifts as the darkness of the Rune of Nyx spreads further upon their body, covering up to 50% of their physical form. They are driven to begin seeking out dark places and to spread the influence of the Void wherever they go to a greater degree. Along their body, monstrous and eldritch manifestations begin taking shape in the places covered by the inky darkness of the rune.

Stage Three, the Abomination

The ultimate fate of those who lose themselves to the darkness of the Void. The Black Sickness takes root inside of them permanently. They lose all will of their own and become a broken husk of a being that is transformed into a wretched abomination. They are lost to the shadows, becoming a shadowspawn that seeks only to drain the light and life from all things around them.

How It Works

The power of the Rune of Nyx stems from the realm of Nyxus or the Void as it is more commonly known. While the prime material plane is the realm where the greatest creations of both Dragon God and Mistlord often reside, the Void is a realm of darkness and discarded things. It is comprised of the cosmic refuse of creatures, planes, and things that are and were considered failed experiments by the divines of the cosmos. From this amalgamation was born a realm of inherent darkness and negative energy that has become a bleak parallel to the natural world and planes of Ransera. Warlocks tether themselves to this realm via the Rune of Nyx and in so doing, gain the power to channel its energies into the world around them. In awakening themselves to the presence of this realm, they are empowered to manifest their inner darkness and bring the touch of the Void into Ransera.

Warlocks should be warned that utilizing the powers of the Void are difficult while standing in direct sunlight. As the sun is a prime conduit to the Plane of Light, which is elementally opposed to the Void and Darkness, sunlight has an adverse effect on the summoning of the powers of Nyx. The degree of difficulty ranges from requiring heavier amounts of concentration and effort to not being able to use one’s powers at all depending on an individual’s aptitude and personal willpower. Regardless, attempting to utilize the Rune of Nyx in a sunlit area will have a detrimental effect on one’s ability. Light sources that are not sunlight, do not have an effect on one’s casting ability.

To use the powers of the Rune of Nyx means inviting the corruptive influence of the realm of Nyxus into one’s body. This is achieved by opening one’s flow of aether to the aether that flows through the void. Inviting this corruptive aether into the body then allows the individual to manipulate the shadows and forces tied to the realm of the void. Be cautious however, for the deeper one ties themselves to the void, the more difficult it is to leave it behind.


The foundation of all things accomplished through the Rune of Nyx is the art of Ateromancy, the manipulation of the black energies that stem forth from the void. By tapping into the connection provided to them through their rune, the warlock manifests shadows and darkness as a tangible force that they can then manipulate according to their whims. This is perhaps the easiest use of the powers of Nyx as it requires the least amount of channeling of the Void’s influence. Through the utilization of this power, the warlock is able to harden and solidify shadows that they can then mold and shape according to their will.


Transmutation refers to the transformation of one’s individual form through the unification of one’s soul with the powers of the void. By opening oneself up to the powers of the realm of Nyx to a heightened degree, the warlock is able to take on monstrous transformations thereby augmenting their physical, sensory, and in some cases allowing them to invoke powers they otherwise might not have access to. Warlocks should be mindful of how far they extend these transformations. Imbuing the body with excessive levels of aether that has been corrupted by the touch of Nyxus may result in irreversible transformations or aberrations that take on a will of their own.


To the warlock, a shadow is more than merely the silhouette of an object blocking the light. Darkness is more than merely the absence of light. The dark is a portal to a world that mere mortals can scarcely fathom. Nyxus, the Void, is a dark mirror of Ransera. Stepping across the threshold that separates the prime material realm from the void allows one to traverse unseen by most other mortals. Those with abilities that allow them to perceive the aethereal are still capable of perceiving such travelers if they invoke those powers. Voidwalkers beware, there is never telling what awaits on the other side of mirror. Where no dangers existed before, an individual could step into the void and find themselves faced with a horror that could very well slaughter the unprepared.

It is important to note that Voidwalking is not teleportation like Traversion, where one is utilizing the Slipspace to fold distance from one point to the next. Voidwalking is entering the realm of Nyxus or using it as a medium of projecting the senses. Upon physically entering the realm of the void, there is no shortening of the distance between one point to the next. The individual is merely stepping from one plane to another and then back again. They must still traverse the space via their own mechanisms. For example, a warlock seeking to bypass a locked door can do so by entering the void and physically walking to the opposite side of the door as it is reflected in the dark realm. This does not negate the presence of the door in the dark realm, but the door itself might be on the verge of decay and easily destroyed or perhaps the doorway might simply be a stone archway in the void. There is no telling what awaits the individual once they step from the material realm and into the dark realm. It is a dangerous place and there is always, always the risk of not being able to return.

The Prime Material Realm vs. Nyxus

Nyxus is a dark mirror of the prime material plane of Ransera, referred to as simply “the mirror” by warlocks. What one does while in the void is not translated to the prime material realm directly. Thus, destroying a wall in Nyxus does not destroy that wall in the material realm. The only way this rule is bypassed is if the people and objects one wishes to affect on the material realm are brought into the void itself by the warlock. There are powers within the warlock’s repertoire to accomplish this feat but doing so can have consequences that even they cannot account for. Nyxus is an unpredictable place that abides by a will of its own, bringing it into the prime material realm and vice versa is a risk only the warlock can decide is worth the effort. For better or worse.

Power and Abilities

Obscurus - Acquired at Novice. Ateromancy. Channeling the powers of Nyxus, the warlock channels their aether into the shadows present around them. By expanding their influence over the shadows, they can then enhance them thereby plunging an area into heightened levels of darkness. This can be useful in extending the area wherein they can use their powers more effectively. Additionally, through this power the warlock is able to conjure shadow by transforming their own aether into the darkness of the void.

Restis - Acquired at Novice. Ateromancy. The warlock extends their influence into the shadows of the world around them. Through this link they are able to manipulate them into shapes and even make them move independently of objects they are attached to. This power alone does not solidify those shadows into tangible objects.

Lacero - Acquired at Novice. Transmutation. The warlock allows the essence of the void to enter their body more fully, specifically into their hands. This manifests as razor sharp claws of eldritch and corrosive dark power. The corruptive influence of these claws affects both physical and aethereal objects. In the case of physical, the claws can rend, slash and cut much like the claws of a natural beast. The claws have the added effect of imparting a corrosive poison. For the living, they become afflicted by symptoms similar to the first stages of Overstepping with the rune of Nyx. For aethereal powers (i.e. a Negation ward) the corruptive influence of the void eats away at the inherent magic present within that which is touched. This only has a substantive effect on manifestations of equal or lesser power (i.e. a Novice cannot affect something at the Apprentice level).

Vide - Acquired at Novice. Voidwalking. By closing themselves off to the world around them, the warlock can project their sense of Sight and Hearing through the shadows. This is achieved by entering a meditative state and projecting one’s consciousness through the void in order to behold the world through the shadows present in the area one wishes to view. If there are no shadows in the area one is attempting to perceive, then it is inaccessible.

Fortis - Acquired at Apprentice. Ateromancy. Building upon their manipulation of shadows as a tangible force, the warlock channels their aether into the darkness and solidifies it into a hardened structure. This gives the shadows weight and tangibility enabling the warlock to erect things such as walls of shadow, blunt blasts of shadows and other such manifestations.

Gladius - Acquired at Apprentice. Ateromancy. Harnessing the shadows of the void, the warlock takes a more lethal approach in the wielding of the darkness. Rather than concentrating their aether to create a broadly solid structure, they hone the edge of their aetheric shadows into a razor sharp weapon capable of cutting.

Cirrus - Acquired at Apprentice. Transmutation. The warlock allows the energies of the void to suffuse one of their limbs and transforms it into a writhing tentacle of inky blackness. The tentacle can extend greater distances than a natural limb and is several times stronger than a normal extremity.

Passus - Acquired at Apprentice. Voidwalking. Stepping into the shadows, the warlock is capable of physically entering the realm of Nyxus in order to traverse it for a short time. The shadow they enter must be large enough to physically enable them to pass their whole body through it. Returning to the prime material realm must be accomplished either through the shadow cast by another person, place or thing that is of equal or greater size. Passus only allows them to move themselves through the void, not other people.

Vorago - Acquired at Journeyman. Ateromancy. The warlock stirs the shadows of a given area into motion and pulls the presence of the void more firmly into the prime material realm. The shadows then coalesce and from them spring a number of writhing black tendrils of corrosive dark energy. The tendrils act to grab and restrain any and all who come within reach.

Ignis - Acquired at Journeyman. Ateromancy. Summoning the dark energies of the void, the warlock conjures an eldritch fire that burns cold and is infused with the corruptive influence of Nyxus. The fires of the void cast a dark light that, when covering an area, creates a space that counteracts natural light thereby enhancing the magic of a warlock. The space is brought closer to the void making it an area more susceptible to the void’s influence.

Brutum - Acquired at Journeyman. Transmutation. The warlock invites a heightened level of the void’s influence into their body. This results in a grim transformation into a beast of Nyxus for a period of time. While in this state, the warlock is more prone to destructive and corruptive actions. They are more inclined to unleash the full brutality of the power of the void. The benefit of this state is higher resistance to both magical and mundane harm.

Mantellum - Acquired at Journeyman. Voidwalking. The warlock brings a facet of the realm of Nyxus into the prime material plane and uses it to cloak themselves entirely in shadow. Via this method they are capable of traveling from shadow to shadow on the material plane regardless of size. Doing so however, leaves an open doorway behind them for a short period of time exposing the material world to the emergence of shadowspawn creatures until that portal closes.

Manikatos - Acquired at Expert. Ateromancy. Funneling their influence over the realm of Nyxus and using it to overlap both the material realm and the void, the warlock takes control of a person’s shadow while it is linked to their physical body. In this manner, the warlock can puppet a person’s actions while manipulating their shadow.

Militus - Acquired at Expert. Ateromancy. Reaching into the deepest pits of the void, the warlock expands their influence over shadows and funnels intense amounts of dark energy into them. As a result of this, they open the doorway for shadowspawn to enter into the prime material realm, creating portals for the creatures to emerge from. Unlike with Summoning, where such conjurations are bound to obey the summoner, these entities act of their own accord unless forced to abide by the warlock’s will. As creatures comprised of the void’s purest energies, such creatures are subject to the influence of such powers as Manikatos and Restis.

Furia - Acquired at Expert. Transmutation. Perhaps one of the most sinister powers at a warlock’s disposal is the ability to channel the corruptive powers of Nyxus into the body of another being. The warlock opens first themselves up to a significant amount of the energies of the void and unleashes it upon another, suffusing that person or creature in a tide of dark power. Lacking sufficient protection, the individual will be subjected to a monstrous transformation becoming a beast of the void. While not under the warlock’s direct control, the individual transformed is more susceptible to such powers as Manikatos or Restis.

Regnum - Acquired at Expert. Voidwalking. The warlock transforms all shadows around them into doorway into the realm of Nyxus exerting such influence as to allow others to travel to the dark plane with them. Travelers should be warned however, lacking power of their own to travel from plane to plane, the only way back is to be transported by the warlock who brought them there.

Defectus - Acquired at Master. Ateromancy and Voidwalking. Rather than simply manipulating the shadows around them, the warlock unleashes the power of Nyxus drawing a portion of the dark realm into the prime material plane. This blankets the area in total darkness where the void itself has taken root creating a space where even sunlight and moonlight from the skies are blocked.

Gehenna - Acquired at Master. Ateromancy, Voidwalking, Transmutation. Reaching into the realm of Nyxus, the warlock extends their influence to every shadow in a given area. Where there are no shadows, their own shadow extends outward from their body to blanket an entire area and through it a storm of voidfire is unleashed upon an area. The fire is so infused with the power of the void that not only does it burn cold, cause corruptive sickness, and disrupt other magic with its corruption, people and creatures caught within the inferno who experience prolonged exposure are subject to monstrous transformation. As a consequence of the unleashing of this power, the warlock transforms into a shadowy titan of the void for the duration of their use of this power. Returning from this state is difficult for the individual as while in this state they are extremely inclined to unleash the full extent of the void’s influence.

Tier Progress

Novice (0-24)

Just beginning their path upon accepting the Curse of Nyxus, the burgeoning warlock is more susceptible to falling prey to the corruption of the void than truly mastering it. They find it impossible to summon their powers while in direct sunlight. By utilizing their Obscurus power, the warlock is able to expand the area wherein they can use their powers effectively. This is key to understanding that they are more powerful in places of darkness than in the light. They are only able to extend the reach of shadows to an area of up to 60 ft. in diameter. Through the power of Restis they are able to manipulate the shape and movement of existing shadows but can only manipulate up to (3) shadows at a time. With Lacero, they can summon claws of the void that are similar in lethality to that of small daggers. The poison of their claws can affect Novice level magic. Individuals afflicted with their poison only suffer the effects for up to (1) minute but otherwise make a full recovery. Through Vide they are able to cast their senses into the shadows of the world around them for up to 350 ft. (107 meters).

Apprentice (25-49)

Growing more comfortable in their manifestation of shadow magic, the warlock is able to summon the powers of the void with greater aptitude. This has resulted in them being able to use their powers while in direct sunlight, albeit only Novice level abilities. Through Fortis, the warlock is able to solidify the shadows that they either conjure or control into hard structures giving them weight and form. This can be used to a variety of effects depending on the desires of the warlock. Through Gladius, the warlock can sharpen the edges of these shadows so as to be able to inflict more lethal harm if they so desire. Utilizing Cirrus, the warlock can transform (1) of their extremities into an inky black tentacle of darkness. The tentacle is several times stronger than their natural limb and can extend a distance up to 30 ft. away from the individual. The warlock can safely maintain any of their transmutations for up to 15 minutes before suffering detrimental effects due to prolonged exposure. Having gained the ability to enact Passus, the warlock can traverse the void in place of the prime material realm. They can safely travel through the void for up to 5 minutes or a distance of 120 ft. whichever limit is reached first. They cannot yet bring others with them. At this stage, the apprentice can comfortably manipulate up to (6) shadows at a time. The poison of their corruptive influence can last up to 10 minutes and will have lingering effects for up to 30 minutes (i.e. fatigue, generalized weakness). They are now able to corrupt Apprentice level aethereal manifestations as well. Extending their senses through the void can be done for up to 1 mile (1.6 km).

Journeyman (50-74)

Having become confident in their ability to summon the powers of the void, the warlock is now able to harness more potent manifestations of shadow magic. If they are standing in direct sunlight, their powers can manifest at the Apprentice level. By invoking the voracious hunger of the realm of Nyxus, the warlock can utilize Vorago, summoning shadowy tendrils of the void from existing shadows or ones that they themselves conjure. These tendrils are not immediately under the control of the warlock and lash out at anything and everything nearby. People, animals or creatures caught in the tendrils suffering the corruptive effects of the Black Sickness unless they are otherwise protected. The tendrils will try to grab and restrain those ensnared by them. The warlock can maintain this space for a handful of minutes with concentration. Through Ignis, the warlock is able to conjure the negative and corrosive energies of the void manifesting it as a cold fire. The flames do not burn in the traditional sense, rather they inflict the corruptive influence of the void upon that which they touch. This warps and twists that which is ensnared by the flames with those afflicted by them describing it as a searing cold sensation. With Brutum, the warlock can fully transform themselves into a creature of the void. Exactly what this looks like is dependent upon the individual but they can safely maintain this transformation for up to 10 minutes. All other transmutations can be safely maintained for up to an hour. The poison of their transmutations is now debilitating to most lacking protection or the skills of an attentive healer. Even those who recover will have lingering effects for up to 24 hours. They can now affect Journeyman level aethereal manifestations as well. Through Mantellum, the journeyman cloaks themselves not just in shadows but in a piece of the void itself, allowing them to jump from shadow to shadow of any size that is within their line of sight. These doorways remain open for several minutes in the aftermath of using them, thus exposing the prime material plane to intrusion by shadowspawn. The journeyman warlock can now comfortably control up to a dozen shadows at a time. They can safely traverse through the void for up to 30 minutes or a distance of 500 ft. whichever limit is reached first. They cannot yet bring others with them.

Expert (75-99)

A dark and powerful force in the world, this formidable adept of shadow magic makes even some of the creatures of the void quake with fear. The expert warlock is able to manifest journeyman level abilities while standing in direct sunlight. It is at this stage that even some of the most stalwart balk at the idea of facing a shadow mage. Through Manikatos, the warlock is able to take control of the shadows of those around them and via that medium, puppet their physical bodies according to their whims. They are only able to puppet (6) individuals at a time via this method due to having to overlap the realm of shadows with a person’s physical form in this manner which can be a strain, even for them. However, individuals who are closer to the void via corruption are more susceptible to this control. Those who have been corrupted can be controlled with greater ease, doubling those who can be affected if this condition is met. Through Militus, the warlock both opens doorways to the void and sends out a dark call to its denizens, thus inviting up to a dozen shadowspawn in a given area. While they are not immediately under the direct control of the warlock, they can be affected quite easily with the power of Manikatos without difficulty. Through Furia, the warlock can unleash perhaps one of their darkest powers and forcibly transform another into a creature of the void, whether they wish to become one or not. This power can be used on sentient people and even animals. The transmutation will last for up to 24 hours barring external intervention. All other transmutations can be safely maintained by the warlock for 24 hours as well. Through Regnum, the warlock can now bring others with them into the void and traverse the plane of Nyxus. If transporting others, they can travel for up to twelve hours or a distance of up to 6 miles (10 km), whichever limit is reached first.

Master (100)

A psion of dark power with a depth of understanding on how to manipulate shadow magic that is terrifying to all who behold them. The master warlock is able to utilize their powers up to the Expert level while standing in direct sunlight. The master warlock can overcome this limitation however, whereas lesser practitioners cannot. The cost of doing so is steep however,as each successive use of their powers is more difficult to conjure than the last which will quickly exhaust the unwise resulting in heavy amounts of overstepping. With the power of Defectus, the master warlock can eclipse a given area in total darkness that even direct sunlight cannot penetrate from the outside. Within this space is the void itself and woe unto any who cross a master warlock while in this particular domain. They can blanket an area of up to 1 mile (1.6 km) in darkness of this type. With the power of Gehenna, the master warlock brings the full majesty and horror of the void into the prime material plane. This creates a space of up to 1 mile (1.6 km) wherein voidfire burns and the corruption of the void spreads freely. The longer that this space is maintained by the master, the further the corruption spreads. Within the first minute, that influence will spread an additional half mile. It will spread another half mile for every subsequent minute after that. A master warlock can safely maintain Gehenna for up to an hour and will always induce heavy amounts of overstepping if sustained for the full duration. If the Master chooses to travel through the void, they can do so indefinitely and across any distance, being able to take up to a dozen people with them if they so desire. The master warlock is capable of manipulating dozens of people at a time through Manikatos. They can safely maintain their lesser transmutations for several days if they have a desire to do so.