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The Order of the Dawnmartyr was comprised of three main subgroups that worked together under the direction of the Grandmaster of the Order. While some duties and roles within the Order crossed lines and did not fall neatly into any of the divisions, there was a clear expectation of what an individual Dawnmartyr would be, given their chosen division. In terms of hierarchy, each division held equal status in the Order as a whole though rivalries existed among them. Regardless of division, there was a rank structure that was tightly adhered to.
The Order of the Dawnmartyr was comprised of three main subgroups that worked together under the direction of the Grandmaster of the Order. While some duties and roles within the Order crossed lines and did not fall neatly into any of the divisions, there was a clear expectation of what an individual Dawnmartyr would be, given their chosen division. In terms of hierarchy, each division held equal status in the Order as a whole though rivalries existed among them. Regardless of division, there was a rank structure that was tightly adhered to.

* Grandmaster
* Grand Marshal
* Knight-Marshal
* Knight-Marshal
* Knight-Commander
* Knight-Commander
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“''I am the vision of the Dawn. I am the light that quests for what the shadows seek to hide. No evil shall escape me, for there is no road I cannot travel. Follow me into the unknown. Where there is darkness, I shall light the way.''”
“''I am the vision of the Dawn. I am the light that quests for what the shadows seek to hide. No evil shall escape me, for there is no road I cannot travel. Follow me into the unknown. Where there is darkness, I shall light the way.''”

Often viewed as the dark side of an otherwise beacon of light, the Pathfinders of the Order were the members trained in spycraft and advanced scouting. They were the trackers of the Order and in some cases, served as assassins dispatched to deal with threats before they could grow out of control. These were the warriors that toed the line between the light and dark and in many cases were often misunderstood. The Order of the Dawnmartyr viewed them as invaluable but they were not always as warmly received as other sects of the Order. However, the Dawnmartyrs were not blind to the tactics of both their enemies and those who sought to bring harm to those that called upon them. Sometimes the more effective approach to dealing with a threat was to ensure that threat never manifested at all. Pathfinders were hunters, survivalists, and sometimes served as agents employed to undermine plots that threatened what the Order viewed as its imperative to protect those in their charge. Pathfinders were by far the members of the Order most well versed in the ways of the world. It was common for Pathfinders to study various cultures, histories and habits of the places that they visited in order to better ingrain themselves in their environments.  
Often viewed as the dark side of an otherwise beacon of light, the Pathfinders of the Order were the members trained in spycraft and advanced scouting. They were the trackers of the Order and in some cases, served as assassins dispatched to deal with threats before they could grow out of control. These were the warriors that toed the line between the light and dark and in many cases were often misunderstood. The Order of the Dawnmartyr viewed them as invaluable but they were not always as warmly received as other sects of the Order. However, the Dawnmartyrs were not blind to the tactics of both their enemies and those who sought to bring harm to those that called upon them. Sometimes the more effective approach to dealing with a threat was to ensure that threat never manifested at all. Pathfinders were hunters, survivalists, and sometimes served as agents employed to undermine plots that threatened what the Order viewed as its imperative to protect those in their charge. Pathfinders were by far the members of the Order most well versed in the ways of the world. It was common for Pathfinders to study various cultures, histories and habits of the places that they visited in order to better ingrain themselves in their environments.

=Playing as a Dawnmartyr=
=Playing as a Dawnmartyr=

Latest revision as of 12:26, 22 August 2023


The Sundering came. It burned the skies, blackening them with the folly of Kaitos Diraegon’s arrogance. The mountains shook. The seas roiled in agony and cities crumbled as the single greatest empire in Ransera’s history was erased in moments. Armies buckled under the onslaught of disaster as the consequences of activating the Godspire rippled across the world. The people of Ransera were left at the mercy of a world gone mad. It was a familiar place with unfamiliar consequences. Wild animals became ferocious monsters. Friends and neighbors became twisted reflections of themselves. The mad found sanity and the wisest went insane. For nearly two hundred years, the world lived in fear of what one new day after another would bring.

Until one morning, instead of fear, the new day brought change.

Dawnmartyr. The word evokes many things across the many cultures of Ransera. It is unknown where exactly their Order was founded and exactly when they began to crop up. What is known is that when they arrived, they brought with them an iron resolve to combat the horrors that had been unleashed by the Sundering. They pushed back the tides of chaos and madness wherever they went. They brought with them a strength of will that, until their arrival, seemed to be fading from many parts of the world. The sense of hopelessness in the face of the overwhelming Dread Mists and the Mistspawn beasts that followed them, had begun to erode any sense of ever being able to overcome the odds stacked against mortals by the Sundering.

The Dawnmartyrs brought with them a sense of being able to overcome the impossible. They brought with them a belief that the horrors of the Sundering, while terrible, could be undone. They brought with them proof that despite the odds, there was still a chance to live through the calamity. They brought with them a reminder that selflessness was not a fool’s errand, that courage in the face of disaster was not worthless but most of all, they brought hope.

And that? Made all the difference.

The Rune of Reaving

Central to the Order of the Dawnmartyr was the Rune of Reaving. It is not clear how or where the Order’s first members managed to come across this rune of magic. Prior to their reintroduction of it into the world, it had been deemed a myth, completely lost to the world. When they emerged, they brought the Rune of Reaving with them and subsequently it became a requirement for every Knight of the Order to bear the rune.

For a Dawnmartyr, carrying the Rune of Reaving was and is more than simply bearing a Rune of Magic. It is a way of life. Dawnmartyrs spent an exceptional amount of time honing their skills in battle utilizing this form of magic, building it into as much of a martial philosophy as it was a means of waging war against their chosen foes. Practically every facet of their lives both in training and beyond it incorporated furthering their understanding of both how to wield the magic to its fullest potential and expanding upon the extreme discipline required to progress in it. It is due to carrying the Rune of Reaving that every Dawnmartyr was renowned for their near inhuman levels of endurance and unflinching resolve in the face of adversity. The magic requires an extreme tolerance for pain and suffering due to the toll extracted by its use. Fostering an ability to think, function and continue past pain and suffering was a key element to a Dawnmartyr’s training. Not only that, it was balanced with an emphasis on finding and maintaining an inner clarity of spirit. Dawnmartyrs were taught, quite literally, to view their weaponry as extensions of themselves and thus developed a myriad of fighting styles that were as varied as the members of the Order itself.

Notable Achievements

Individual members of the Order committed acts of bravery every day. Their stories were eventually chronicled in the Book of Heroes, a great memorial to the battles and deeds once located in the Citadel of Light that served as their home. Among their achievements the following are some of their most notable.

The Battle of Bloodridge Valley

Located in what is now the Kingdom of Atinaw, Bloodridge Valley can be found in the northern part of that country toward Grimholdt. Bloodridge Valley was a place of vital importance to the settlers trying to rebuild a living in the area. The soil proved to be rich and incredibly fertile allowing for the proliferation of crops and harvests that began to help build a foothold in the ruined landscape. There proved to be a sinister cost to the prosperity found in the soil however as settlers began disappearing. They would be found days later drained of all vitality in grotesque display of brutality. This occurrence began to spread to some of the other villages attempting to gain a foothold in the area until it drew the attention of the Dawnmartyr Order. The phenomenon was investigated and brought to light that the flora and fauna in the area had been twisted to feed off of the blood and lifeforce of the things they came into contact with. While it made the landscape flourish it was at a grizzly price. As it was clear this phenomenon was beginning to spread, the Dawnmartyrs dispatched a team to contain and cull the danger. This lead to an awakening of sorts wherein the land brought about what could only be described as a living manifestation of gore, slaughter and hunger.

The Battle of Bloodridge Valley is significant because it displayed just how drastically the effects of the Sundering and the Dread Mists had changed the world, and because it was the first true display of the Order’s prowess on a large scale. Though the price of victory did not come without cost, the Dawnmartyrs were ultimately victorious in not only destroying the threat but also of cleansing the affected land. There remains a memorial to the heroes who died and a testament to what people in that area considered a true turning point in their ability to survive there.

The Lich Lords of Blackwater Bay

Colloquially known as the “Dead Sea”, Blackwater Bay became an impassable body of water that, in ages past, had served as a key trade route between southern and northern lands. Though its waters have always been treacherous, its nickname was elevated to new heights as reports of ghost ships began to circulate. Stories of dead men and women lost at sea returning to haunt the shores of settlements along the coasts and even causing whole ships to be lost slowly began to spread. It was not until those attacks became more persistent and aggressive that the Dawnmartyrs turned their attention to the area. It soon came to light that a coven of mad mages, proclaiming themselves to be immortal Liches, were revealed to be behind the disappearances and the attacks being made by the dead. Once again, the Dawnmartyrs marshalled their forces and went into battle, a task that proved difficult as this engagement was done primarily at sea. This became the first instance where the Dawnmartyrs distinguished themselves as capable of conducting a successful naval warfare campaign. This was also where the Dawnmartyrs uncovered the world’s single largest deposit of abjinurium in recent history. This became a crucial element of their warfighting strategy as they ended up harnessing a large deposit of the mineral to defeat the Liches of Blackwater Bay. Each of the dread lords was bound in abjinurium sarcophagi thus breaking their hold on the seas. The sarcophagi were sealed away in the deepest parts of the Dead Sea, where they remain to this day.

The Wraithwyrms of Sol’Valen

Dragons have always been a force of both wonder and terror in the world of Ransera. From mighty platinum dragons that championed causes of justice and righteousness to hollow dragons that fostered malice and torture. Despite their grandeur, even the great dragons were not unaffected by the horrors unleashed by the Sundering. The Dread Mists warped dragons both living and dead. This brought about terrible creatures that were half-living and half...something else. They became known as the Wraithwyrms and they began to terrorize the region of Turoth from the years 294-304 Sundering. This became a true turning point for the Order of the Dawnmartyr as they proved that not only were they capable of fending off terrors from the lands and sea but they were capable of fighting in aerial combat as well. Gryphons became the aerial mount most associated with the Order of the Dawnmartyr though it became clear in later stages of the campaign against the Wraithwyrms that several members of the Order had gained the trust and companionship of true dragons. It was a hard won fight but in the end, the Dawnmartyrs proved victorious.

The War of Souls

The single greatest enemy of the Order of the Dawnmartyr proved to be the Cult of Mending. Professing themselves to be heralds of a new world, healed of its impurities and transformed into a beacon of mortal supremacy, the Cult of Mending appeared benevolent in its endeavors at first glance. However, as the Cult gained a foothold in major areas of the world, it soon proved to be anything but benign in its intentions. The Cult of Mending sought to harness the wounds in the aether and the veil caused by the Sundering and in doing so, intended to burn the world to ashes in an effort to sweep it clean of everything they deemed impure. In the aftermath of this devastation, they intended to rebuild the world in what they believed to be their perfect image. The atrocities committed by the Cult of Mending were many. So great was the Cult’s influence that not even the Order of the Dawnmartyr was immune to their machinations as even members of the Order fell prey to their manipulations. Employing widespread use of Necromancy and other forms of magic, including what some believe to be a Lost Magic, the Cult of Mending was able to transform people and creatures into walking vectors of aetheric power. These vessels were used to further tear the veil and unleash more widespread occurrences of the Dread Mists that the Cult then harnessed to execute their will. It was baffling how they achieved this but they did it nevertheless.

The fight against the Cult of Mending was on a scale that the Dawnmartyrs had yet to encounter. Instead of focusing on an enemy localized to a single place, the Cult was in settlements across the world. At first, it seemed the Order of the Dawnmartyr was outmatched in every aspect as not only did they have to contend with the Cult itself, but its fanatics as well. Whatever their true intentions, the Cult of Mending spread its message far and wide and earned a substantial following. In what proved to be their single greatest undertaking since their founding, the Order of the Dawnmartyr called upon all of its forces, resources, and allies to engage in open war against the Cult of Mending and its supporters.

The fight was ended, ironically, in the place where the horrors of the Sundering were first unleashed. In the ruins of Daegos Kaitel, once the capital city of the Clockwork Empire, atop the skeletal remains of the Godspire. There, a champion of the Order of the Dawnmartyr did battle with the leaders of the Cult of Mending. Though the effort cost this champion their life, they were successful in defeating the Cult’s leaders, breaking their grip on the Cult as a whole. The aftermath of the War of Souls and the Graveplague the Cult of Mending unleashed saw the forces of the Order severely weakened. Many had been lost but with the defeat of the Cult at large, this brought about the final turning point of the era and ushered in the Age of Steel.

The Siege of Ailos

As the world picked itself up following the War of Souls, the Order of the Dawnmartyr retreated to the lands of Ecith where they effectively withdrew from the world at large. The Citadel of Light, the seat of the Order of the Dawnmartyr, was greatly emptied of the many heroes that once walked its halls. The Order, while still functional, was a pale shadow of its former self and yet, the knights of the Order did not begrudge their service. The dark hold that seemed to have clutched at the world in the wake of the Sundering seemed to have been broken. For many years the Order would be approached for various tasks but rarely did they see the types of foes as in the Age of Sundering.

And then the Gelerian Imperium attacked Ailos. The city of Ailos itself was an Orkhan settlement in the lands of Ecith, the Orkhan had welcomed the Dawnmartyrs into their lands with open arms. It was a gesture done in reverence for the friendship between their patron Arcas and one of the longstanding patrons of the Orkhan race as a whole, the demigod Raxen. The Imperium marched upon the city of Ailos and began to engage in a targeted war campaign against what appeared to be the struggling Orkhan nation as a whole, but it soon became apparent what their true target was. The Citadel of Light fell under siege and the Order of the Dawnmartyr was forced to defend itself.

For three long years, the Order of the Dawnmartyr held out against the siege but in the end, the Imperium proved to be relentless. The Citadel of Light was taken. The members of the Order were slaughtered by Imperial soldiers and the survivors were scattered to the winds. This event sparked for the formation of the Alliance of Nations, comprised of the Kingdom of Atinaw, Dalquia, Republic of Cathena, the Dwarven Holds, and a few of the City-States of Karnor. The Alliance fought the Imperium to a stalemate until a treaty was signed and brought about an end to the Gelerian Imperium’s aggressive expansion.

The damage, however, had been done. The Order of the Dawnmartyr was in ruins and its members were being hunted by the Imperial Inquisition in all parts of the world.

Legacy of the Dawnmartyrs

The Order of the Dawnmartyr was revered in many parts of the world as heralds for the forces of good and causes rooted in justice. While their actual impact is much more complicated than that, with several parts of the world viewing them as hypocrites and unwelcome meddlers, generally speaking they were seen as a benevolent presence in the world. To many, the destruction of the Order served as an omen of the era to come. While during the Age of Sundering, the Dawnmartyrs served as heralds of hope and the ability to persevere in the face of adversity, their absence is seen by many as a sign that dark times are ahead. Whether or not this is true remains to be seen. On an individual level, Dawnmartyrs were often figures of legend for those who encountered them and in those areas where their feats made the most impact. While not all viewed them with reverence, indeed some parts of the world viewed them with open hostility, they were universally regarded as capable warriors that, while foolish to some, were undeniably brave and tenacious in their pursuit of what they viewed as dark forces.

Characterization of a Dawnmartyr

Disciplined. The first word that most anyone used to describe a Dawnmartyr was discipline. The Dawnmartyrs were renowned for their intensity and tenacity in the face of an obstacle. They were known to be level headed in even some of the most extreme circumstances. This unrelenting refusal to yield in the face of overwhelming odds was a defining trait among the Order as whole. The Dawnmartyrs proved regularly that when faced with what appeared to be impossible, they would overcome it with an intensity of purpose that was unnerving to some.

Honorable. Dawnmartyrs adhered to a strict code of principles rooted in living what they viewed as an honorable life. Fairness in battle and in conduct was a hallmark trait. Dawnmartyrs dismissed the idea that because of one’s origins, race, creed, gender or whathaveyou, that an individual was undeserving of a chance to prove themselves worthy or capable. This sense of honor however did not impede them in making common sense decisions. What the trials of the Age of Sundering proved to the Order was that honor was something to strive for but it should not serve as a barrier for doing what they considered to be for the greater good.

Courageous. Acts of cowardice were anathema to the Dawnmartyrs. Turning one’s back on one’s duty is the height of shame to a Dawnmartyr. This facet of their psyche and philosophical approach has been immortalized in every deed they have done. Time and again, Dawnmartyrs have thrown themselves into perilous situations heedless of the threat as they acted to defend those around them. This refusal to back down in the face of overwhelming odds was both one of their greatest strengths and perhaps a flaw that lead to their defeat at the hands of the Imperium. For three long years the Dawnmartyrs battled against the Gelerian Imperium losing many of the remaining members it had left. It was not until it became irrefutably clear that they could not win, that the Dawnmartyrs abandoned the Citadel of Light. Even after the Siege of Ailos, several chapters of the Dawnmartyrs attempted to rally their members only to be snuffed out by Imperial forces. After this, they went into hiding. Where they remain to this day.

Compassion. A Dawnmartyr lacking in empathy was of little use to the Order. The very premise of their organization was to live a life in service to others. The inability to understand, sympathize and empathize with the many plights facing the people of the world rendered an individual as unworthy of bearing the full rank and station of a true knight of the Order. To be a Dawnmartyr, one could not live only for the thrill of battle, the rush of adventure or the call to glory. The vast majority of the Order’s time and resources was spent focusing on purely humanitarian efforts that involved building shelters, helping settlements get on their feet, securing roads, and guarding shipments across the seas so that trade could be established. While glory indeed came to the Order, if that was all one sought, then they would often turn the individual away.

Competent. The Order of the Dawnmartyr repeatedly turned away those lacking in what they considered to be moral, physical and mental fortitude and a drive to excel. Every Dawnmartyr received a rather exhaustive education on how to survive in the wilderness, strategy and tactics, martial prowess, arcane study and a general education in reading, writing, mathematics and critical thinking. A Dawnmartyr who could not think on their feet or under pressure was of no use to the Order as a whole. Either one could withstand their training or one could not. There was no middle ground and those who floundered were quickly weeded out. These individuals were either dismissed or were guided toward other areas of support that aided the main Order.

Mage. Every Dawnmartyr was a mage. Every single one. To be a Dawnmartyr required that one wield the Rune of Reaving. Without it, entry into the ranks of the Order as a true Knight was impossible. This requirement alone ensured that their numbers were always comparatively small in the grand scheme of things. However, this requirement also ensured that a Dawnmartyr was capable of combating virtually any and all threats they encountered whether mundane or magical. Across their careers it was almost guaranteed that Dawnmartyrs would come to wield not just Reaving but other forms of magic as well.

Spiritual. Every Dawnmartyr is taught to revere the principles of Arcas, the slain demigod of Justice, Hope and Light. His concepts as well as those attributed to Raxen, demigod of Swords, Truth and Courage are foundational to the Order. Following those two deities there is reverence for Skar, Dragon God of War, Strength and Honor as well as Keela, Dragon Goddess of Wisdom.

Divisions of the Order

The Order of the Dawnmartyr was comprised of three main subgroups that worked together under the direction of the Grandmaster of the Order. While some duties and roles within the Order crossed lines and did not fall neatly into any of the divisions, there was a clear expectation of what an individual Dawnmartyr would be, given their chosen division. In terms of hierarchy, each division held equal status in the Order as a whole though rivalries existed among them. Regardless of division, there was a rank structure that was tightly adhered to.

  • Grand Marshal
  • Knight-Marshal
  • Knight-Commander
  • Knight-Captain
  • Knight-Lieutenant
  • Knight-Sergeant
  • Knight
  • Aspirant

Every member of the Order was expected to adhere to the stated hierarchy whether an individual was part of their division or not. It was rare for a contingent of Knights to be dispatched comprised of a group from solely one division. In most instances, Knights were dispatched in squads of four, typically made of two warforged, one spellforged and one pathfinder.

The Warforged


I am the fire of the Dawn. I am the light that rebukes the wicked. In the flames of righteous anger, I have been forged. Bring now the morning, for by my fury, I shall usher in the promise of a new day.

When most people think of a Dawnmartyr, they think first of the Warforged. The Paladins of the Dawn, these warriors were the frontline fighters of the Order. Rigorously trained in feats of physical prowess, melee combat and strategy, the Warforged made up the bulk of the Dawnmartyr Order. These warriors were unrelenting in their pursuit of justice and their refusal to back down in the face of what they believed to be acts of atrocity or terror. To exchange blows with a Warforged Dawnmartyr was to go toe to toe with a warrior that had few equals. The Warforged were characterized by their rigid adherence to military discipline and focus. It was not without reason that the upper ranks of the Order were comprised primarily of Warforged Dawnmartyrs. As was often the case, the Warforged were the first to answer the call to assist those in need. It was extremely common to see Warforged guarding caravans, helping with rescue missions, and pushing to assist communities to be able to stand on their own two feet. Frequently, Warforged Dawnmartyrs were called upon by community leaders to come train local militia in order to better enable them to protect themselves.

The Spellforged


I am the illumination of the Dawn. I am the light that banishes the shadow of ignorance and fear. Where there is terror, I shall bring peace. Where there are lies, I shall speak truth. Speak now your mysteries, for by my will, there will be an answer.

Every Dawnmartyr was a mage. To be a Dawnmartyr required that one wield the Rune of Reaving and understand its true potential. However, though every Dawnmartyr was a mage, none wielded magic and knowledge so powerfully among their Order as the Spellforged. These knights focused primarily on unlocking the mysteries brought about in the wake of the Sundering. Through their efforts, they brought new understanding of the forces of magic and aether in the new era in the wake of that calamity. Of all the Dawnmartyrs, the Spellforged were the ones most known for their near unbreakable force of will. To wield magic in the Age of Sundering was to invite the threat of madness and an inability to control their powers on a level not seen in millennia. While this threat diminished over time as the influence of the Dread Mists were reduced and the veil slowly healed, the Spellforged retained this hallmark trait. Often the Spellforged were called upon to assist in dealing with rampant magical forces, to combat otherworldly threats, and routinely served as advisors in scholarly matters. They were known to be shrewd diplomats and able negotiators. When roused to use their powers, they were either an inspiring or terrifying sight to behold as among the ranks of their Order, none could match them in their arcane prowess.

Spellforged Lore Secrets

The Spellforged of the Dawnmartyr Order were instrumental in assisting the populace of Ransera get its bearings in an era that was inundated with chaotic aetheric forces. To assist them in bringing order back to the rampant chaos, the wizards of the Dawnmartyrs often employed the services of spirits. However, the tumultuous nature of the era required that they develop unique and inventive ways to approach the subject of magic in general. This led them to developing techniques unique to the Spellforged sect of the Order.


Dawnmartyrs successfully initiated into the discipline of Summoning were taught to focus on the relationship between themselves and their eventual Aidolon. The teachings of this particular factions focused heavily on the partnership that existed between the two in order to make them a cohesive unit. This ensured that they were capable of facing the challenges that knights of the Order faced on a daily basis. As a result, Knights of the Dawnmartyr Order who specialized in Summoning lost access to some of the more broad abilities at the availability of other Summoners but in exchange gained the partnership of a spirit that was exceptionally powerful by comparison.


The secrets of these techniques were heavily guarded and taught only to wizards of the Dawnmartyr Order. As such, one must be a Knight of the Dawnmartyr in order to access this set of Summoning techniques.

  • Knights of the Dawnmartyr are prohibited from binding to the Infernal Sphere or from summoning Infernal type spirits.
  • This is considered a Faction Secret. In exchange for 50 XP, this Faction Secret can be unlocked. Players who meet the above prerequisite can submit a Support Forum ticket and petition for this perk. Once approved, players can utilize it freely as described below.


Concordant. Lost at Apprentice. Dawnmartyr Knights specialized in focusing on the empowerment and relationship between themselves and their Aidolon. As a result, their focus drifted away from forming contracts that imposed their will. Rather, they established their summons built upon a relationship of trust, companionship and mutual respect.

Interdiction. Lost at Apprentice. Dawnmartyr Knights focused on a bridging the gulf between themselves and their Aidolon through negotiation, mutual understanding and friendship. As a result, they drifted away from techniques that overwrote the will of their spirit partners as a means of building that trust. Summoners should be cautioned that this means the spirit is much freer to act autonomously.

Gilded Summon. Lost at Apprentice. Dawnmartyr Knights focus primarily on their aidolon as opposed to enlisting the assistance of other spirits. Dawnmartyr summoners gradually lose the ability to summon other spirits of their own accord as they focus on the dynamic between themselves and their aidolon. However, this focus ensures that they are capable of empowering their spirits beyond what most other summoners can achieve.

Galvanize. Gained at Apprentice. Dawnmartyr Knights gain the ability to bestow upon their Aidolon the power to continually utilize one of their Runes of Magic if they are in possession of another. The summoner forms a semi-permanent bridge between themselves and the aidolon, empowering the spirit by allowing them to access greater reserves of manifestations of their aether. The spirit can then use the magic up to the same level of proficiency as the Knight has in the magic being utilized or up to their proficiency in the magic of Summoning, whichever is lesser. Thus, a Knight who is a master of Reaving but only a Journeyman in Summoning can only grant access of up to Journeyman level Reaving to their aidolon. Conversely, this greater bridge between the summoner and their aidolon means that the Knight is now able to innately use one of their spirit’s inherent abilities as though it were their own.

Harmony. Gained at Apprentice. Because of the much stronger bridge that exists between themselves and their aidolon, the Dawnmartyr summoner is capable of enacting a form of healing for themselves or their spirit. Where one would take an injury, through the use of Harmony, the summoner can take that wound unto themselves, thus healing their spirit. The aidolon can enact the same ability. True harmony comes when the two divide the burden of a wound between each other thus lessening its impact overall. A blow that might have eviscerated the mage instead becomes a more shallow cut as their body is reinforced by the exchange of aether between themselves and their aidolon and vice versa.

Hook Summon. Lost at Journeyman.

Gemini. Gained at Journeyman. The Dawnmartyr Knight and their Aidolon have reached a stable and healthy relationship built upon solid trust and understanding. The summoner is thus able to open themselves up to the flow of their aidolon’s aether. In doing so they are then able to weave it into their own and project a copy of their aidolon into the material realm. This replica requires the summoner’s concentration. Once concentration is dropped, the replica dissipates. It is capable of interacting with the physical world and mimicking the inherent abilities of the spirit it is copied from, but no others, thus a replica will not gain the benefit of a Galvanized gift.

Sacred Sacrament. Gained at Expert. Instead of Sacrament, the Dawnmarty summoner gains the Sacred Sacrament. Whereas the normal Sacrament is a contract drafted between the summoner and the summoned spirit that binds one according to specified terms, the Sacred Sacrament is invoked through the summoner’s existing aidolon bridging the gap between the material realm and the spiritual sphere they are tied to. The aidolon acts as an intermediary, calling forth from the aetherium a like-minded spirit to join the side of the summoner. In this way, the Knight gains the companionship of a second aidolon that is capable of acting with the same autonomy as their current one. As before, the summoner will have to spend a great deal of time investing ways to gain mutual understanding and respect between themselves and the summoned spirit. Their boon is that they have, at this stage, presumably gained the trust, respect, and companionship of their current aidolon.

Grand Summons. Lost at Master.

Hallow. Gained at Master. The summoner spreads their aether across a given area infusing the space and rendering it hallowed ground for the sphere of spirits that they are associated with. Any and all spirits who enter the area who are associated with that sphere are empowered to operate up to two tiers higher than their natural manifestation would otherwise allow. Furthermore, spirits not of that sphere find that their ability to influence and operate unimpeded is diminished and thus find it harder to use their abilities and maintain their connection with their summoner. This area can extend up to a radius of one kilometer. The longer the summoner maintains the area, the more heavy the consequence of using this ability.

The Pathfinders


I am the vision of the Dawn. I am the light that quests for what the shadows seek to hide. No evil shall escape me, for there is no road I cannot travel. Follow me into the unknown. Where there is darkness, I shall light the way.

Often viewed as the dark side of an otherwise beacon of light, the Pathfinders of the Order were the members trained in spycraft and advanced scouting. They were the trackers of the Order and in some cases, served as assassins dispatched to deal with threats before they could grow out of control. These were the warriors that toed the line between the light and dark and in many cases were often misunderstood. The Order of the Dawnmartyr viewed them as invaluable but they were not always as warmly received as other sects of the Order. However, the Dawnmartyrs were not blind to the tactics of both their enemies and those who sought to bring harm to those that called upon them. Sometimes the more effective approach to dealing with a threat was to ensure that threat never manifested at all. Pathfinders were hunters, survivalists, and sometimes served as agents employed to undermine plots that threatened what the Order viewed as its imperative to protect those in their charge. Pathfinders were by far the members of the Order most well versed in the ways of the world. It was common for Pathfinders to study various cultures, histories and habits of the places that they visited in order to better ingrain themselves in their environments.

Playing as a Dawnmartyr

Players are welcome to begin play as a Dawnmartyr, either as a survivor who escaped the Siege of Ailos and the fall of the Citadel or as an individual who has been trained by a Knight in hiding. There are a few things to consider when taking up this mantle however. Please be advised of the following:

Hunted. Every single member of the Order of the Dawnmartyr is being relentlessly hunted by the Imperial Inquisition of the Gelerian Imperium. This includes agents allied with the Imperium. These agents are well trained. They are intelligent and they will rarely strike at a Dawnmartyr who has the advantage. As a result of this, the Dawnmartyr Order is essentially defunct. It continues to exist only in the hearts, minds and actions of either those that survive or those that take the risk of deciding to train someone in the ways of the Order.

Resentment. Dawnmartyrs might face resentment in some places they go. Their failure to defeat the Imperium and lack of foresight in heading off the threat the Imperium posed, is seen as an unforgivable defeat in the eyes of many. Many people died in the war against the Imperium’s aggressive expansion. Whole villages burned and more than a handful of major cities in either now annexed kingdoms or ones bordering the Imperium, burned to the ground. It does not matter to these people the fact that Dawnmartyrs never professed themselves to be a global police force, they had grown into the expectation that such a thing was their implied role. The Dawnmartyrs only ever involved themselves in situations where they were called upon to act or where it was clear that something overtly evil and sinister was at play that required their intervention. While this line sometimes blurred, that means little to the common man. The Dawnmartyrs were supposed to be heroes. To many, they failed to uphold that legacy.

Brutal Training. Dawnmartyrs did not obtain the reputation they did because they accepted just anyone. Their training regimes were designed specifically to weed out those who could not meet the very high demands of the Order. These were and are trials intended to test one physically, mentally and spiritually. The goal of these tests was to push the individual to their absolute limit and then force them to either go beyond those limits or buckle under the pressure. It was a continuous cycle where the individual was broken down and built back up again and again until they became the Knight they were or are intended to be.

Mage. Every Dawnmartyr, to be a true Dawnmartyr, must wield the Rune of Reaving. It is a form of magic intricately tied to their foundations as an organization. They are the faction responsible for reintroducing its widespread use back into the world after the magic was deemed lost to the ages. Dawnmartyr Knights were taught to be judicious in the use of their powers but to incorporate them into their lives as part of their overall martial philosophy. A Knight of the Order was taught to view magic as both a gift and a burden. It was a gift in that it enabled them to achieve many things believed to be impossible. The powers they wielded could be used in incredible ways. It was a burden because that same power could quite easily lead to one’s downfall if they did not approach its use with wisdom and humility.