World History

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The Age of Dreams (Unknown)

There is not much left of the recorded history of the Age of Dreams. Ransera was a young world during this era, with much of the world unexplored. What is known is that this was the era where the Hytori elves first came to be, the First People of Ransera. The Giants also came to be in this era. This was the age when the Veil that separates Ransera from the Land of Nod was created. It was during this age that the Dragon Gods walked among mortals most freely and incredible feats of both divine might and mortal imagination reigned supreme. The amount of time that passed during the Age of Dreams is nebulous at best. It could have spanned anywhere from a few thousand years to a few hundred thousand years. It is not clear as any written records of the era have been lost to the sands of time.

The Boundless Empire

Utilizing magic that has seldom been seen since this era, the Hytori elves forged for themselves an empire that spanned not only the continents of Ransera but across the stars. They stretched their reach into the heavens and even crossed the boundaries between the various planes of existence. They built cities and an empire that defied imagination in all its forms, wielding power that can scarcely be conceived. It was this same power that would be their undoing. Eventually the elves turned their sights to the realms of the Aetherium and using the power of the Rift Gates they built in their empire, they harnessed the wonders of Archmagic and sought to unlock the secrets of the creator gods themselves.

Birth of the Orkhan

Malgar, Dragon God of Suffering, ventured to the Wildlands of Ecith. He looked upon them…and smiled. Slaying a mighty grandwyrm of the Wild Dragonflight, the God of Suffering forged from the bones and scales of that dragon, the Orkhan. While the other elder races built their cities and established the foundations of the Boundless Empire, Malgar fed to his children the wine of suffering and bade them conquer a land of monsters and mists.

Rift Gate War

The Rift Gates of the Boundless Empire buckled. The overwhelming power of the raw Aetherium poured across the material realms and shattered the once sublime paradise that had been gifted to the elves. The Hytori were faced with the introduction of creatures they had never beheld before. Demons. Fiends and eldritch gods that had not taken part in the creation of Ransera, the Mistlords. It was during this terrible conflict that the first of the mighty Phoenix Kings arose, Arsoren Sol’Miaren. Rallying his people, the First Phoenix King of the Hytori led them to victory, though it was a victory that came at a terrible cost.

Birth of Mankind and Twilight of the Primordials

In an effort to seal the Gate Rifts that had come about as a result of the Boundless Empire’s destruction, Arsoren and his followers made a deal with Malgar, the Dragon God of Suffering. In a ritual that sacrificed the immortality of the elves and much of their former grandeur, Malgar transformed many of them into the first Humans. In an act of self-sacrifice, the various elemental gods gave themselves to the foundations of the world in order to repair much of the damage caused by the destruction wrought by the Rift Gates. Rather than see them perish forever, the Dragon God of Nature intervened and bestowed upon them a new life, so were born the Giants.

Of Blades, Song and Veils

The Orkhan break free from the control of Malgar through the intervention of Akrivar, the Burning King. Gifting to them embers of his power, the greatest of the Orkhan eventually bring about the birth of the Triumvirate that would guide the Orks forward into civilization for thousands of years to come.

Age of Wonders (8000 to 10,000 years)

Another era that is not clearly recorded in the annals of history. The Age of Wonders immediately followed the closing of many of the Rifts left behind by the collapse of the Boundless Empire. It began with one of the bloodiest wars in Ransera’s history.

The Kinslayer Wars

Bereft of their immortality and now rendered shadows of their former selves, many of the elves of Ransera became bitter and resentful toward the Dragon Gods. Especially Malgar. These angers were enflamed by the Archmage Prince Ilixidor Fal’Rathvaen, a name that would go down in history as one of the most powerful and deranged sorcerers to have ever lived. Ilixidor’s madness spread across the remaining sects of elves. He performed harrowing experiments in his quest to restore the elves to what he imagined their former glory was. His conflict ultimately spread across the world as he was recruited by the dark demigod of Shadows, Fear and Vengeance.

The War of Light and Shadow

Ilixidor’s madness had brought about the rise of the dark power, Shaeoth. With his aid, the Betrayer prepared to unleash a new era of suffering upon Ransera. Through dark experiments he created the Dratori. Those who turned their backs upon Ilixidor and reached out to the new gods, the Mistlords, were dubbed the Siltori. All across the world, the armies of mortals and demons amassed once more. It seemed for a time, evil might have prevailed until the rise of Arcas, Demigod of Justice, Light and Hope. Uniting many of the discouraged and downtrodden, he led the armies of Light against the Shadows and while he was ultimately slain in battle, his final act of sacrifice saw the defeat of Ilixidor, Shaeoth and Kyllendroth, the Last Titan of Helikaern.

The Day of Mourning

The Kinslayer War and the War of Light and Shadow was over. The sun did not rise upon the Day of Mourning as the Dragon King mourned the death of his son. It was in this darkness that the few remaining Giants left the world of Ransera for unknown places and in their place were left the Moratallen, the Half-Giants. Mere shadows of their ancestors, these peoples had only the barest hint of the elemental power they once wielded with impunity. It is also on this day that the Lysanrin came to be, a people that would rise to great heights and fall to even greather depths.

Age of Conquest (1000 years)

A period of history that is most closely recorded and followed by historians and scholars across all cultures. This was the era is called such as it is during this period that many of Ransera’s most famous civilizations in recent memory came into being. Kingdoms were built and ultimately conquered as the many burgeoning races of Ransera pushed forward into finding their own destinies. It was an era of heroes and feats of mortal ingenuity that would pave the way for many of the marvels that are capable in the modern era.

The Founding of Lys

Guided by the Archons, the Lysanrin people founded the city of Lys and the ensuing kingdom. These foundations would form the pillars of history for the coming centuries as the Lysanrin people chose to be conquerors instead of the conquered. Led by the enigmatic Kaitos Diraegon, the Archon of Defiance, they pioneered the refinement of the magic of Artificing and utilized other magics to forge the Clockwork Legions. They built Clockwork Cities and invented a way of life that continues to influence the world even to this day.

The Division of the Dwarven Holds

Facing defeat at the hands of the Clockwork Legions of the Kingdom of Lys, the Dwarves of the Great Holds harnessed the power of the Heart of the Mountain and invoked the presence of Lyren, Mistlord of Knowledge…and Undeath. Through the ritual they were able to repel the legions of Lys but in so doing they became a divided people. It is during this period that the advent of the Stonekin came to be and the Gnomes were born.

Age of Clockwork (800 Years)

The Kingdom of Lys became colloqiuolly known as the Clockwork Empire. The great legions of the empire marched across the world conquering all that they encountered. The nations of the world buckled under the onslaught of the empire with only a few being able to hold their own against ancient Lys. As the era stretched on however, unrest broke out across the empire and as Kaitos Diraegon grew bolder and more powerful, he eventually outlawed the practice of religion. This served as a catalyst event that set off what would be known as the Heavenswar.

Kaitos declared war on the gods, sparking conflict all across the empire and rallying full opposition from those places not under Clockwork rule. It was the conflict that would ultimately lead to the destruction of more than just an empire. For as Kaitos quest for power grew, so did his efforts to find avenues of increasing that power. That quest eventually led him to discovering a Heartstone. Precisely what it is, remains unclear. Historians suspect that it is a fragment of the raw Aetherium itself as opposed to aether that has simply crystallized as it filtered through the Veil. Regardless, it was with this artifact that Kaitos Diraegon endeavored to build the Godspire. A project that would spell the undoing of both an era…and the world.

The Sundering of the World

Desperate as his enemies closed in around him, Kaitos Diraegon activated the incomplete Godspire in the hopes he would be able to harness its power to achieve his ambitions. So began the Sundering of the World. The Rift Gates had merely opened up Ransera to the powers of that which rest beyond the Veil. The Sundering tore that veil apart and sought to reforge the world, the planes, the universe in the image that Kaitos Diraegon had in mind for it. The Godspire pierced the barriers across the planes and cracked open the wall separating all of creation from the raw Aetherium.

What ensued? Was devastation that none were prepared for, not even the Dragon King.

In the effort to halt the destruction that was unraveling the very foundations of the universe, many sacrifices were made.

Many deities, both Dragon God and Mistlord, either gave up their lives or were caught in the destruction.

Whether the devastation raged for a day or a century is unclear. Time did not flow with any semblance of ease as the Sundering broke the world. The continent of Ailizane was shattered and saw the formation of the third continent, Daemora. It saw the creation of the Eye of Kaitel, the never ending dread mist storm that rages even unto this day and separates the landmass of Daemora from both Ailizane and Ecith. No part of Ransera was left unscathed. No part of the universe was left untouched by this event.

Age of Sundering (400 Years)

The Dragons, the Dragon Gods and indeed many spirits were forced to intercede lest all of Ransera be destroyed through the activation of the Godspire. This left them weakened and so they withdrew from the world, far more so than ever before. Mortals faced hardship unlike any that had been known before.

Terrible winters bombarded the world as all light was blanketed from the skies in the wake of the world’s burning. Horrifying monsters rampaged across the lands. Millions perished. Those that did not perish in the first few terrible years were pushed to the limits of their survival.

It was an era of darkness. It was an era of madness. It was an era of suffering.

Magic ceased to work properly in the Age of Sundering, as the Material Plane was reeling from the effects of being blasted by the raw power of the Aetherium. The only viable way of ensuring magic functioned accordingly was through the widespread use of Dragonshards, thus leading to their more prominent place in society.

Great horrors were brought about through the appearance of what would come to be known as the Dread Mists. Hope was a rare and short lived thing in the early years of the Age of Sundering.

Order of the Dawnmartyr (200th Year)

During the Age of Sundering, a para-military guild rose to prominence. Commanding great power over magic beyond what was widely possible in the era, the Dawnmartyr’s inserted themselves into various areas across Ransera. They remained decidedly small in number but this lack of people was overcome due to the near universal ability of the Dawnmartyr’s to face incredible challenges with relative ease compared to most. After establishing a stronghold in the Isles of Ecith, the Dawnmartyr’s helped many struggling with the fallout from the Sundering wherever there was cause to do so. They offered relief, military assistance, and even aided in the preservation and recovery of lost knowledge. This quest to help restore the world following the Sundering is one they endeavored to continue until the Dawnmartyr’s went defunct in the Age of Steel.

The War of Souls (393rd Year)

Following a series of events known only as the Graveplague, where the dead rampaged across the world, the Order of the Dawnmartyr distinguished itself as a definitive force for good in the world by combating the plague worldwide. Heroes arose to fight a group calling itself the Cult of Mending and though the cost was great, the Mending was eventually defeated and the Graveplague ended. This event served as the heralding of the new age.

Age of Steel

The world slowly healed in the wake of the Sundering and in the aftermath of the Graveplague. Ransera would never be the same. But civilization managed to take hold once more. Mortals have found their way again. It has been only a century since the end of the Age of Sundering and the consequences of both that terrible era and the one before it, are still felt to this day.

Reclaiming the World (30th Year)

The effects of the Sundering gripped the world for over 400 years but the spirit of mortals are not easily broken. Whether it was due to the assistance and shelter provided by the Order of the Dawnmartyr or due to their own perseverance, mortals began reclaiming the world as their own. Following the defeat of the Cult of Mending a fog seemed to lift from the world. Magic slowly returned to functioning similar to what was once possible in the previous eras. The Dread Mists became less frequent. The presence of the Dawnmartyr’s became less prevalent in society as they withdrew to their stronghold, recovering from the war with the Cult of Mending.

The nations of Ransera regained their footing with either old nations returning to prominence or new ones taking their place. The Free Cities of the North managed to beat back the many creatures that had taken to roaming the northlands. The forests of Sol’Valen found many of the nightmarish creatures stalking its woods were purged. The Dwarven Holds found a way to rebuild their live or continue to preserve the cities of old.

Hope, it seemed, returned to the world.

Rise of the Imperium (61st Year)

The Sundering of the World saw the collapse of one of the Clockwork Empire’s greatest rival powers, the Kingdom of Avaelor. From its ashes arose the menacing beast known as the Hellmaw and in the wake of that creatures rampage, the Avialae were created to fight it. A young race that found their origins part way through the Age of Sundering, they were enslaved by the very people they sought to save after defeating the beast and sealing it away. Now, centuries later, these same peoples were being used as warriors to propel the Kingdom of Geleros to greater heights of power in its area. So began the rise of the Imperium.

March for Supremacy (80th Year)

Having successfully conquered several smaller kingdoms in the western half of the region, the Gelerian Imperium institutionalized all magic in their borders. The practice of magic became the purview of the State any who were not educated or inducted by the newly established Imperial Academy of Arcane Sciences was considered an outlaw. Mages in the Imperium were forced to either comply, hide or flee. Following this edict, the Imperium continued its conquest of the lesser kingdoms in its immediate vicinity until finally most, if not all, of the western half of Ailizane was under the Imperial banner.

With many new territories under its control, the Imperium quieted for a time.

In the 98th Year of the Age of Steel, the Imperium relaunched its campaign of expansion into the east.

Fall of Ailos (102nd Year)

Within the lands of Ecith there stood an alabaster city where rest the Hope of the New Age. Where heroes were trained, where the Light of the New World shone brightly, ever vigilant against the darkness. This stronghold, Ailos, was home to the Order of the Dawnmartyr. Having adopted a much quieter role in the new age than in the Age of Sundering, the Order remained active behind the scenes. They answered the call of any who sent for them. They continued to rise to the challenges laid before them serving as inspiration and symbols of hope for many.

It stunned the new world when in the 105th Year of the Age of Steel, news spread that the City of Ailos had fallen to the legions of the Gelerian Imperium.

Not long after this event, the Kingdom of Atinaw saw itself being invaded by Imperial forces. Not one to be trifled with, the Atinorins marshalled their armies and met the Imperial Legions on the battlefield with the favor of the spirits behind them. They were soon joined by other nations that were either appalled at the destruction of Ailos or simply did not want to see a repeat of the Clockwork Empire. So an alliance was formed between those nations that opposed the Imperium and the empire’s expansion was brought to a grinding halt.

The Five Kings Accords (107th Year)

The Alliance and the Imperium fought to a bitter stalemate that eventually saw a truce between the sovereign nations being drawn. Dubbed the Five King’s Accords, the treaty was signed and peace returned to the new world.

Current Year

Many alive still remember or were part of the war between the Imperium and the Alliance. While there are no wars being fought between nations, many are gripped with a sense of trepidation. It is as though the world is holding its breath, waiting. For what? Only time will tell.