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Tools of the Trade

The process for runeforging requires the use of specially made tools designed to affect the aether of the objects a runesmith works on. These tools are typically products of runeforging themselves. Each one is created to affect the aether flow of the objects they manipulate in differing ways depending on the runesmith’s desired outcome.

Hammer- Hammers for runeforging come in all manner of sizes. They are all the products of runeforging themselves. Each hammer is designed in such a way that when they strike the surface of the object being worked upon, they create a ripple within the aether flow of the item. These ripples can then be guided through careful use of both tongs and other hammers to structure the aether flow in such a way as to enable the properties that make runeforged artifacts magical.

Chisel- Chisels are used to refine very detailed magical pathways into the object that is being worked upon. Alternatively they can be used to break away portions of the object and its pathways in order to be restructured with more extreme precision.

Tongs- Specially crafted tongs that are designed to take hold of the item being worked upon without damaging the fragile aether pathways that are being structured and built into the item. Tongs come in many sizes for uses pertinent to the runesmith’s intentions.

Tonal Fork- Runesmith tuning forks are designed to resonate at certain frequencies that can both guide the magical pathways in an object or confer insight into the status of an object’s stability when crafting.

Mortar and Pestle- For when the likes of a full aether forge are unnecessary, the runesmith’s mortar and pestle can grind up smaller materials into their raw aethereal state for use in crafting.

Aura Glass- Typically crafted from auralyth dragonshards, aura glass is designed to be positioned in front of or around the object that is being worked on. Through it, the runesmith is able to see the item’s aura in order to monitor it for potential problems.

Sorcerer's Glass- Crafted from different types of dragonshards, the purpose of sorcerer's glass is to pass various types of energy through the materials placed either within an aether forge or equivalent. This in turn breaks down the affected reagents into their raw aethereal state so that it may then crystallize into viscerite. Most runesmith's use ordinary aetherite, which is just crystallized aether dragonshards without any significant properties. Other types can be used in order to give added effects to the reagents being broken down.

Anvil- A runesmith’s anvil is typically has a base that is forged from mundane iron that has been covered in pictography designed to charge and assist the forging process. The upper half of the anvil is usually made from aetherite, the most common form of dragonshard available. Aetherite is the preferred dragonshard material due to it being able to channel aether without adding any predetermined properties to the objects being worked on. The upper half of the anvil is removable and can be swapped out for different dragonshard type pieces.

Runesmith’s Workbench- Consisting of a stone slab that has been heavily inscribed with pictography designed to enable the runesmith to work with the raw aether of objects placed upon it. The runesmith’s workbench can be made of any material rightly available to the individual so long as it enables them to perform the tasks they have in mind.

Aether Forge- A special forge designed to break apart that which is placed within it into its raw aethereal state. It requires very careful monitoring and incorporates various aura glass panels to gauge the state of the energies swarming inside of it. It is equipped with the means to dispense molten viscerite into the appropriate containers. Most runesmiths have prepared molds that the molten viscerite can be poured into. These molds are the products of master level Scrivening and are designed to allow the molten viscerite to cool without damaging its potential to be worked with.

Aether Kiln- An oven that has been reinforced with various forms of pictography in order to handle the various energies at work inside of it. The interior can be affixed with differing forms of sorcerer’s glass that pass differing energy types through the objects placed inside the kiln. The kiln has an aura glass incorporated into it to enable the monitoring of the reactions taking place inside of it.

Basin- Used to cool down items that are considered complete by the runesmith. These basins come in all shapes and sizes as would be suitable for the runesmith’s needs. They are filled with water and are outfitted with pictographs that stabilize and solidify the magical pathways that have been built into the artifact that is placed within them.

The Process of Runeforging

There are many magics in Ransera that are capable of producing arcane objects. None of the other magics in the world can compare to the artifacts and items created through runeforging however. While the resources involved in the creation of enchanted items through runeforging can range from the very minor to the rare and priceless, the steps remain fairly straightforward regardless of what is being crafted by the runesmith.

A runesmith accomplishes the process of enchanting an object by using their tools to awaken, build and solidify different pathways of aether within the essence of an object. As they are forming these pathways within the object they are able to alter, add and subtract from the properties of that which they are working on. While it is entirely possible for a runesmith to add or subtract properties to an item that has been prefabricated, it is always easiest to build upon properties that inherently exist within the aether of the material they are working on.

To that end, the earliest runesmiths developed the Aether Forge and its various versions to assist them in creating the magical ore known as Viscerite. The more complex or powerful the item placed in an aether forge the more difficult it is to break down and the more time it takes. A forge made of the most commonly available materials will have a difficult time breaking down more complex reagents that exceed the complexity of the materials comprising the forge itself.

In ancient times, masters of runeforging built aether forges as runeforged artifacts themselves. This is in contrast to the modern practice of them simply being carefully pictographed tools. The techniques for building these forges has been lost to history. To date there are only two such forges known to the world. One is in the possession of the Scholia Arcana. The other is purported to be somewhere in the Isles of Ecith.


The creation of viscerite is fairly straightforward. Placing an object inside an aether forge breaks it down into its raw aetherial state. The forge is built in such a way as to allow the aether of all things melted down within it to coalesce into a primordial ichor that obtains the properties of all things placed into it. This liquid is then either poured into a mold or container where it crystallizes as it cools. The end result sees the creation of a magical ore contained within are all of the properties desired by the runesmith that were present in the reagents. The drawback with viscerite is that once it has been allowed to crystallize, the addition of new forms of aether containing new properties becomes increasingly difficult. As a result, runesmiths tend to stockpile their chosen reagents well in advance and do so very carefully before embarking upon the creation of this magical ore.

Viscerite as a raw material is not something that runesmiths traditionally stockpile. While comparatively easier for them to work with than prefabricated items, it is notoriously volatile when left to sit for too long.

Item Level

Every runeforged object has an associated item level. This is a number given to an item to determine the potency of the enhancements placed upon it. The number 0 is used to reference objects that have received no runeforging enhancements whatsoever, regardless of whether it possesses inherent magical power or not. Items can have as low or high an item level as the runesmith has skill, resources and time to work on the item. However, it grows progressively more difficult and time consuming to work with an object the higher the item level.

The item level of an object also determines the amount of time it takes to complete an object’s enchantment from start to finish. The associated time is calculated in days.

An object that would have the end result of item level 10 would take 10 days to complete.

Structual Improvements

Structual improvements to an object are exactly what the term implies. Through this method of enhancement the runesmith is able to build upon the toughness and durability of an object. While the very basic levels of structural improvement might only make the item just that much sturdier than the commonly available counterpart, higher levels of these improvements are what comes to define them as enchanted materials.

Minor (1-5)- The improvement is mostly only noticeable to the wielder. To the general observer the items is simply of sturdier and more hearty make than would be commonly available.

Moderate (6-10)- The item begins to display a level of quality that makes other suspect that is it most definitely not fashioned from common materials.

Greater (11-40)- It is evident to all who see the object in use that it possesses magical properties.

Superior (41-80)- The item will astound practically any who behold it in action. A robe that can stop a blade from piercing its cloth, a breasplate that can withstand the force of a warhammer, and other such feats.

Masterwork (81-150)- Capable of defying the laws of nature, only exceptionally powerful magic, magical creatures and runeforged artifacts of equal or greater power can hope to make a dent in a Masterwork item.

Legendary (151+)- Legendary items can only be destroyed or harmed in very specific circumstances or by the powers of a deity.

Aesthetic Improvements

Under normal circumstances, a craftsman can only work with the aesthetics of the materials at their disposal in their present state. Runesmiths can draw out the aesthetics for an item’s materials based solely on the aetheric essence of that which is present in their reagents. For instance, changing the weight of an object, making an item a different color than what it would be naturally or even giving something a glowing or fiery effect. The only prerequisite is that the foundation for their desired aesthetic must be present in the aether of the object they are working on. Whether this is inherently present in the object itself or it is incorporated into the object’s final makeup does not matter, so long as it is included in the runeforging process.

Minor (1-10)- Simple aesthetic changes such as singular color pallettes and very minor changes to weight or malleability.

Moderate (11-15)- More dramatic changes to the aesthetic of an object such as a gradient in color, making a steel bar become steel thread as easily worked with as cotton thread, and other such improvements.

Greater (20-30)- More grandiose effects such as glowing auras, making an object appear as though it is on fire but the fire either doesn’t burn or is cold to the touch.

Masterwork (40+)- Any such aesthetic improvement the runesmith can envision.

Magic Improvements

Runeforged artifacts can be made to wield personal magic just like a living person. In order to incorporate the power of magic into the creation of an artifact, a practitioner of the desired magic must be present for the item’s creation. The wizard feeds their aether to the item as the runesmith carefully builds the magical pathways necessary to handle the level of magic desired. This improvement is applied singularly for every type of magic the runesmith wishes to incorporate. A runesmith desiring to have a bow capable of wielding Elementalism (Novice) and Reaving (Novice) would have to have 10 levels of magic improvements to accomplish this. Additionally, if a runesmith incorporates a raw material that possesses inherently magical properties, these can be incorporated into the artifact as well. Depending on how potent and powerful the raw material is, determines the amount of skill needed to effectively draw out and refine its properties within the overall artifact.

Minor(1-10)- Capable of incorporating Novice level personal magic and raw materials (i.e. lesser or minor dragonshards) that possess inherently minor magical properties as well as produce very small magical effects.

Moderate (11-20)- Can incorporate Apprentice level personal magic. Still only capable of utilizing minor raw materials that possess inherently minor magical properties. Magical effects, while stronger, are still not overly powerful.

Greater (21-40)- Capable of incorporating Journeyman level personal magic and raw materials of much greater inherently magical quality (i.e. Greater dragonshard). The magical effects that the runesmith is able to produce are of much higher potency.

Superior (41-99)- The runesmith is now able to incorporate Expert level personal magic into their creations. They are now capable of effectively blending in all but the rarest and most powerful inherently magical raw materials.

Masterwork (100+)- Able to incorporate Master level personal magic, artifacts of this caliber are exceedingly rare. The scarcity of master level mages willing to participate in the creation of such objects makes producing them decidedly uncommon. Furthermore, raw materials capable of producing such profound effects are without a doubt exceptionally challenging or dangerous to find.

Legendary (200+)- The object can not only incorporate multiple forms of magic but, if comprised of the right materials, are able to house grandmaster level magic and above. Those choice few artifacts that have ever existed of this caliber are in and of themselves legendary. Replicating an artifact of this type would certainly be the magnum opus of any runesmith.

Each category of improvements contributes to the artifact’s total item level and thus the total number of days it takes to complete the item.

Runeforging and Other Skills

Being a runesmith does not inherently grant one the knowledge of how to sew together a robe, forge a sword or suit of armor. If the runesmith is to work with viscerite it must either be worked into the shape one desires while undergoing the enchanting process using the appropriate mundane skills or it must be allowed to crystallize into the desired shape beforehand. As a result of this, very few who practice runeforging do so as their primary profession. Additionally, there are various personal and other world magics that can enhance the runeforging process.

  • Alchemy
  • Semblance
  • Scrivening
  • Smithing
  • Jewelcrafting
  • Leatherworking
  • Sculpting
  • Painting
  • Glassblowing

Collaborative Runeforging

Having assistance in the runeforging process can reduce the amount of time and attention that the primary runesmith of an artifact must personally invest in the crafting of the item itself. With that in mind, the overall direction of the project and the endeavor must still be meticulously guided by the chief runesmith of the project. Each runesmith brings something different to the undertaking and each runesmith might have a different approach about how they accomplish the same objective. As a result of this, while assistants can reduce the time it takes to complete a project overall, it is only by a fraction of the time required. Additionally, the involvement of too many different runesmith's on a given project can lead to a dilution of the project lead's overall vision because of how varied each smith's approach may be. The project being handled by too many different people opens up the strong possibility of a derailment of objective. As a result, a runesmith will only ever truly be able to benefit from the assistance of up to (2) assistants when it comes to reducing the overall time. This amounts to there only ever being a maximum of (3) individuals involved in a given project at any time; the Chief Runesmith and (2) assistants.

Novice- A novice assistant does not reduce the amount of time required overall to complete a project. They are a complete student and require the constant guidance and attention of the more senior runesmiths in order to avoid any potential mishaps along the way.

Apprentice- With the basics of runeforging under their belt, an Apprentice can offer up a small amount of true assistance to a more seasoned runesmith. While this assistance is still minimal due largely to their relative inexperience, it can still offer up enough support to allow the chief runesmith to focus on more elaborate details as opposed to worrying about the fundamental steps required to begin a project. The assistance of an apprentice level runesmith can reduce the project time by up to 1/8 total time required rounded up to the nearest whole number. Thus, a project slated to take 30 days can be reduced to 27 days with the assistance of (1) apprentice level runesmith.

Journeyman- Considered a seasoned runesmith at this stage, a journeyman can allowed the project lead to focus less over overseeing the involvement of an assistant and more on the actual construction of the artifact itself. Without the need to teach the basics or to ensure that the mistakes of a less experienced apprentice are ironed out, the project can be accelerated much more smoothly. The assistance of a journeyman runesmith can reduce the project time by up to 1/6 total time required rounded up to the nearest whole number. Thus, a project slated to take 30 days can be reduced to 25 days with the assistance of (1) journeyman level runesmith.

Expert- An accomplished runesmith who is well versed in the fundamentals of runesmithing as well as having the experience of numerous projects under their belt. An expert runesmith can not only operate independently without supervision, but can clearly follow the schematics and outline provided by the project lead. In some cases, an expert runesmith can even offer insight into more creative or effective ways of accomplishing a given objective. The assistance of an expert runesmith can reduce the project time by up to 1/4 total time required rounded up to the nearest whole number. Thus, a project slated to take 30 days can be reduced to 23 days with the assistance of (1) expert runesmith.

Master- A master runesmith requires no supervision and is accomplished enough in the field of runesmithing to not only offer improvements to an overall design, but can even follow the nuances of another runesmith's techniques if given time to study alongside them. The assistance of a master runesmith on project can reduce the total time required by 1/3, rounded up to the nearest whole number. Thus, a project slated to take 30 days can be reduced to 20 days with the assistance of (1) master level runesmith.

Selling Enchanted Items

Runesmiths who establish a business incorporating their runeforging will not be awarded money for transactions that take place selling their wares to NPC’s. All sales that transpire between a player-character runesmith and a non-player character will be considered part of what is awarded to the player for their seasonal wages. Player-character runesmiths can only earn additional money outside their normal wages by selling to another player-character.

Stock Items (general magic items as listed on the Price List) do not generate any profits beyond seasonal wages. It is assumed that the runesmith keeps a general stock of some assortment of these items for purchase. Only items specifically commissioned, bought and paid for by a player-character will generate money beyond seasonal wage earnings. All runesmiths must keep an accurate account of items that they have personally forged for others.

Progression Tiers

Novice (1-24)

The novice runesmith typically works under the supervision of a more seasons practitioner of Runeforging. The focus of their practice is in understanding how to affect the aether pathways within objects, the function of the various tools utilized in the school of world magic and how to apply its theories in a safe manner. Novice runesmiths cannot forge objects with an item level above 5.

Apprentice (25-49)

The apprentice runesmith is usually given oversight of either another novice or other novices within the workshop of a more senior practitioner. They have begun to expand their understanding of how to affect and structure aether pathways in objects to a more adept degree. An apprentice runesmith cannot forge objects with an item level above 10.

Journeyman (50-74)

Journeymen runesmiths have progressed to such a stage as to be able to comfortably work on their own. These mages have begun to experiment with deeper levels of aether pathway manipulation within objects. They have gathered a firm grasp on the basic of runeforging. A journeyman runesmith cannot forge objects with an item level above 20.

Expert (75-99)

Having truly come into their own as a runesmith, this is where the school of world magic takes off in terms of versatility. The runesmith now has a much more refined level of understanding of how to enchant items. An expert runesmith is capable of forging items up to an item level of 45.

Master (100)

Peerless in their understanding of how to manipulate aether pathways within materials, in the hands of a Master Runesmith, objects of wonder are truly made possible. There is no limit to the item level of what a Master Runesmith can create, they can work with any material so long as they have the skill, resources and means to do so.