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Aliases Gentle Mother, Lifegiver
Portfolio Life, Birth, Medicine
Race Dragon God
Status Alive
Dragonflight Gold
Symbol The Lifegiver's Eye.

The Gentle Mother of the Endir is responsible for introducing the concept of Life separate from the aetheric beings that were spawned from the Aetherium. Once the framework of Acillon was in place, after countless planes and worlds had been tested, when the Endir finally came to what would be known as Ransera, Raella gave some of the ailing lesser spirits bodies to inhabit. From the firmament of the world she created shells and imbued upon them the parameters necessary to walk the surface of Ransera and grow stronger. These children, the Hytori, were the first of the mortal races. Realizing however that the spirits that brought about the Hytori were finite, she saw a need to assist them in creating more of themselves. So the concept of Birth was hers to introduce and in each conception, she bestows the small spark of the Aetherium necessary for a new life to begin. To assist her, she created the Golden Dragons.


A quiet deity whose presence is felt more than seen. Raella has never sought followers but her kind and loving nature has seen her amass scores of them across the ages. The Gentle Mother sees all mortals as her beloved children. She is a patron of mothers, a guardian of the family and a fierce protector of those devoted to causes of peace. For this reason her name is often invoked during marriages and families experiencing great hardship call out to her. As the Goddess of Medicine she is a patron to the apothecary devoted to medicine, she is the guide for physicians and those working with magic of a mending nature. Raella knows all too well the frailties of mortals, having been the hand that crafted the first bodies for mortals in general.

Raella tends to remain a deity invoked in spirit. She is known for encouraging mortals to forge their own path, rarely intervening directly in their lives. As the Goddess of Life she finds meaning in the lives of all who are born into the world of Ransera. Some of those lives she views with great sadness and there are few that can truly say they have earned the ire of the Gentle Mother. In those moments when she does appear to mortals she typically does so in the guise of an adult woman of a race they are familiar with, if not their own. Her appearance is always matronly but humble.

Loving and gentle though she is, Raella is still a Dragon Goddess and is wondrous to behold.

As a dragon, Raella is a colossal golden beast that easily dwarfs even the largest of her equally radiant dragons. She is graced with resplendent scales that shimmer beautifully as though each one is made from pure gold. Spirals of aethereal light swirl across her body. Her horns are graceful and despite her appearance, she radiates a benevolent presence that welcomes all into the warm embrace of her magnificent wings.


Life is sacred. Cherish the life that has been given and see it prosper in self and others. Never take life unnecessarily. If a life must be ended do not be cruel in its ending. Children are treasures. Guide them. Guard them. Help them grow. If one possesses the skills to heal, to mend, use them.

Notable Religious Factions

Healers of Dalquor

The Healers of Dalquor were established shortly after the Sundering of the World. Characterized by their white robes and golden sashes, the Healers are renowned for their mastery over the world magic of Necromancy. While they have always been small in number, their reputation as doctors, alchemists, and herbalists is universally respected. The Healers are known to have the favor of Raella herself, so much so that they enjoy the guidance and protection of a child of the Dragon Goddess.


Raella has had a number of children across the ages. Nearly all of whom perished during the Sundering of the World as they sacrificed themselves in order to preserve the lives of mortals across the world. She is known to be at odds with the Dragon King following his edict of forbidding dragons and the Dragon Gods from having any part of raising their mortal born children. Still, she often watches over her children in as many ways as she can. In the event they do awaken to their dragonborn lineage, Raella is among those Dragon Gods who make a concerted effort to be a positive presence in their lives, whether seen or unseen.


A powerful Dragonborn Emissary and one of the eldest demigods present in Ransera, Ioniri is beloved in most civilized places of the world. Her arrival is considered a blessing to those suffering from afflictions of all sorts. There are cities across the world that have shrines erected in her honor. Patron to the Healers of Dalquor, the Lady of Healing and Medicine borrows from her mother's domain. Ioniri focuses on the practices, methods and philosophies of medicine and healing. She is a renowned alchemist, apothecary and teacher who embodies her mother's benevolence. Ioniri is accompanied by two ancient dragons wherever she goes, Loravyn the Gold and Eradaen the Black. Following the Sundering, the ancient dragons were charged with protecting Raella's daughter and they do so with a ferocity that gives even the most cunning second thoughts.