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Avialae Portrait.png

Slave-Knights. Cloud Hunters. Skyborn.


Since their creation early on in the Age of Sundering, the Avialae have lived a hard life. Created to be battle a terrible beast. Shackled to the will of a terrible master. Destined to break free. The Skyborn are an all-male race of winged warriors who have a troubled and complex history that is as intricately tied to strife and war as it is to notions of defiance and freedom.

Fast Facts

Population: 1,800,000

Lifespan: Adult (18), Elder (180), Deathly (200)

Height: 6 ft. to 8 ft. | 1.8m to 2.8m

Wingspan: 15 ft. to 28 ft. | 4.5m to 8.5m

Player Restrictions: None.

Racial Ability: Avialae are unaffected by cold climates. Additionally they can breathe easily even at high elevations.


No part of the world was left untouched by the horrors of the Sundering. Not even the far reaches of the most western parts of the world. That included the human Kingdom of Avaelor. In its time, Avaelor was a marvel of the Old World. A testament to the achievements of mortals through both magic and engineering, the kingdom was small but was famous for having combined both magic and science to be able to lift several of its cities into the skies. They were pioneers in the way of clockwork and steam engineering as well as blending the two together with magic in very inventive ways. The Clockwork Empire, having conquered nearly all lands to the east and with its slow but steady expansion into the west, was believed to have viewed Avaelor as a potential rival. Indeed, the kingdom’s feats enabled them to fend off many incursions by Clockwork Imperial forces. The greatest contributions that Avaelor made to the world was its push for sky based technology. They were the people primarily responsible for the push toward skyships, dirigibles, and had a strong lead on championing research related to planar exploration and astronomy.

Then came the Sundering. The skies were blackened, burned by the power of the shattered Godspire. The bedrock of the world was shaken and Avaelor’s glorious cities in the sky came crashing down. The heavens were lost to them. An era came to a horrifying end and the survivors were thrust into a world ready to tear them apart. From the rubble of Avaelor’s floating cities arose a people, battered, broken and unprepared to face the terrors of the Sundering.

The Hellmaw

Where it came from, no one is certain. It was the stuff of nightmares and it cared not for the plights of man. As survivors struggled to find their footing in the aftermath of the Sundering, a creature clawed its way out of the ruins of Avaelor’s old capital bringing with it smoke, fire, rage and death. It rampaged across the ruins of the old country, devouring all in its path both body and soul. Some believed it to be a corrupted dragon. Others believed it to be a god gone mad.

They dubbed it the Hellmaw, for wherever it went fire and death were sure to follow. Worst of all, the approach of the Hellmaw was always heralded by a chorus of screams said to pierce the minds of those who heard it and drive them insane. Those that heard this chorus either went mad or were stripped of all courage and left helpless in the face of the Hellmaw’s onslaught. It seemed that this beast would never be stopped.

Garel of Atoria

Necromancy had never been a school of magic that the people of Avaelor smiled upon. It was considered a black practice and had been outright banned in most of their cities and provinces. Except one. Atoria had been a city on the far western shores of the Kingdom of Avaelor, isolated from the rest of the kingdom due to being situated on an island off the coast. When Garel made himself known he brought with him knowledge of the black practices of necromancy that was initially shunned. He was persecuted. He was ridiculed. He was feared. He was reviled. But Garel made no secret to hide who or what he was. He was a necromancer he would not be made to be ashamed of his art for it had served him well in surviving the horrors of the era. He was staying in a ramshackle village in what is now the province of Gelerand in the Imperium when the Hellmaw appeared.

Instead of fear, Garel felt wonder. Instead of madness, Garel found purpose. He bore witness to the beast and from its body erupted a horde of creatures that filled the skies with screams and terror. He fled the village, surviving but having witnessed the Hellmaw in all of its terrible glory he knew that no earthly mortal could hope to defeat it and the swarm of creatures that followed it. Garel moved westward, away from the creature and back toward the Isle of Atoria. In his travels he saw how the presence of the Hellmaw affected nearly all aspects of life in what was left of his homeland. Death became common to the point where most were numb to it. The skies were often filled with the screams of the horde that heralded the arrival of the Hellmaw and little by little, what was left of humanity in the area was being driven from it or slaughtered as they attempted to stand their ground.

Garel returned to the Isle of Atoria, its sole survivor, and though what was left of his home was considered relatively safe compared to the mainland, he knew it was only a matter of time. The Hellmaw would not be stopped. Not unless something was done to stop it. Garel spent many months delving deeper into the works of necromancy, studying methods that might be useful in combating the Hellmaw in order to create a viable stronghold that his people might survive the era. To his knowledge, there existed no lifeform alive or dead, other than dragons, that stood a chance of repelling the creature. As there seemed to be no dragons rising to meet the creature and Garel was certain that none would help them, he resolved to create a new lifeform suited to the task. The greatest challenges that presented themselves were, first and foremost, the manic influence of the Hellmaw. Secondly, the swarm of creatures that fly from its mass and filled the skies with fire and death. Finally, the creature itself. Whatever he fashioned would need to be able to not only withstand those challenges but overcome them.

True to Avaelor, Garel turned to the skies and there lay his answer. His only issue? There were none alive on Atoria upon whom he could test his experiments. That answer seemed to come not long after the problem presented itself as a group of raiders came to the Isle of Atoria hoping to plunder its riches and perhaps create a home for themselves. What they found was Garel waiting for them with a contingent of soulbound ghosts in his service. The raiders were quickly overcome and the necromancer had at least a handful of people upon whom he could begin his research. The task was macabre. He felt neither remorse nor hesitation as he toyed with and manipulated the lives of those he had captured. Most of the raiders died in the experiments but in the end, a handful of them proved at least moderately successful. They were not a true realization of Garel’s plans but they were, at the time, close enough to be tested.

Garel returned to the mainland and followed sightings of the Hellmaw until finally he heard the telltale chorus of screams that followed it. Garel set his experiments to task and released them to fight the Hellmaw and its horde as he observed from a distance. The attempt was a failure but one thing presented itself, his creations could at least meet the swarm in the skies and survive for more than a few moments. With his observations in mind, Garel managed to escape and return to Atoria with new observations to test. The necromancer began making a habit of trailing in the wake of the Hellmaw, retrieving those still clinging to life and bringing them to his Island home or harvesting the souls of those barely able to draw breath. He continued to experiment, refine and then unleash his creations upon the Hellmaw with marginal improvements but saw limited success each time. Something was missing and then he arrived.


His name was Emmerich and with him traveled a band of more than forty refugees. At first, Garel prepared to dispatch the intruders believing them to have come to Atoria for the same reason most did, to plunder and to exploit. Instead, Emmerich sought out the Necromancer of Atoria and made his intentions known. The refugees had not come seeking Atoria’s riches. They had come seeking him. Stories of the necromancer following the Hellmaw and unleashing creatures to fight it only to vanish and return again had begun to spread. Emmerich did the unexpected. He offered himself and that of his followers to Garel’s work. Garel accepted. Using all of the knowledge he had gained, the necromancer moved forward.

To fight the swarm, Garel gave them wings.

To fight the madness, Garel opened their hearts and minds so that they could reinforce one another.

To survive the dangers, Garel strengthened their bodies.

And to ensure the success of his work, Garel used something else. Something that has been lost to the pages of history.

Of the forty who volunteered, thirty-two survived the experiments successfully. Twenty-four men and eight women. In honor of ancient Avaelor, Garel dubbed them the Avialae.

For an unknown amount of time, Garel remained with his creations on the Isle of Atoria where they learned to adjust to their new bodies, their limits and their strengths. In the 83rd year of the Age of Sundering, Garel returned to the mainland and brought with him the warriors he had created. By then, the lands that were once Avaelor were barren and scorched. Yet, Garel, Emmerich and their fighters remained undaunted.

The Skies of Avaelon

The Hellmaw had claimed the ruins of the old capital city of Avaelor as its lair. It seemed a fitting place, all things considered. To the ruined city of Avaelon, Garel and his warriors traveled. There they met the Hellmaw in battle. To the skies, Emmerich and the others took and it soon became clear...they could win. Emmerich and the others carved through the swarm of flying creatures until at last they were forced to engage with the Hellmaw itself. When that beast too, took to the skies, Emmerich and those remaining took to the skies with it. It is said that they battled the beast for a full day until finally the Hellmaw fell to the earth whereupon the ground caved beneath it and buried it in a tomb of its own making.

They had done it. The Hellmaw was defeated. Of the thirty-two warriors who had gone into battle, only ten remained.

A Dark Legacy

Garel never asked for thanks but those warriors that survived, gave it to him. As word of the Hellmaw’s defeat spread, people ventured to the old ruins and were filled with dread. Rather than gratitude, the people were terrified. Rather than awe, the people were filled with rage, fearful that the Hellmaw would return and bring with it untold amounts of wrath and devastation. When it became clear that Emmerich and his surviving brethren were created from necromancy, they were viewed as abominations. The people flocked to the ruins of Avaelon and Emmerich and his brethren soon found themselves in chains. As for Garel? He vanished. Some say he returned to the Isle of Atoria but any who have sought it have failed in that pursuit.

Fearful that the perverse creations of Garel would unleash their might against them, a solution was found. Emmerich and his brethren would be allowed to live but they would live only to fling themselves at whatever dangers threatened the now growing settlement. Weakened, stunned and lost, Emmerich and his brethren were forced to surrender. For years they were forced to live in chains until one fateful day when a woman and Emmerich fell in love. Their romance remained secret until it came to light that the woman was with child. She died in childbirth but the son she gave birth to was born into the world differently. He was born with the makings of wings.

In light of this, Emmerich’s son was taken from him. He was taken by a man who had begun to rise to prominence among the burgeoning settlement now being called Gel’grandahl. This man preached a supreme intolerance for the eldritch, for the abnormal and for the total subjugation of anything deemed inhuman. They were to be controlled or culled, for that was the only way to survive in the broken world that surrounded them. This man’s name? Kathar Preed.

The Division of People’s

Kathar saw the value in having more of Avialae beholden to his will. So he did the unthinkable, he forced the growth of the Avialae species. As he engaged in this depraved endeavor, Kathar devised a means of controlling the Avialae that followed. He forced Emmerich and his brethren to reveal to him everything they knew about themselves, including the Bond they shared in both mind and soul. Choosing to exploit this, Kathar devised a device known as the Obelisk. A spire of black stone, created by means known only to him and a select few, each Avialae was outfitted with a collar tied to the Obselisk that worked to use their Bond against them. To control its influence, Kathar had an amulet fashioned enabling him to exert his dominance over the Avialae.

So began their true enslavement. So began their indoctrination. To further reinforce his control over them, Kathar engaged in a regime of torturous brainwashing of any and all Avialae born. They were taught to be subservient to his will, to reinforce his ideals and that which he spread. Their only purpose was to serve as the brutal and militant arm of the growing New Atheistic beliefs that both he and his supporters were perpetuating. In a matter of thirty years, Kathar Preed had used the Avialae in his grasp to firmly affix himself as the new leader of the growing country. Because of their rejection of magic, their growing aversion to anything non-human and a refusal to become reliant on any spiritual guidance, the forces of Gel’grandal were totalitarian in their expansion and agenda. When the Order of the Dawnmartyr arose, the people of Gel’grandal rejected their assistance due to the overt reliance upon what they viewed as uncontrolled magic.

And so Gel’grandal became the country of Geleros...and their beliefs continued to spread. With the Avialae as their wardogs, there was little in the early and later days of the Age of Sundering to stand in the way of unifying the area under singular rule.That changed in the 229th year of the Age of Sundering. An Avialae by the name of Synnar saw the life of his kind and what they had been reduced to. He heard the stories of Emmerich and his brethren’s bravery. He heard the true stories behind the defeat of the Hellmaw. He grew weary of the life he had been forced into since birth and so he did what he had been taught was the height of Gelerian heresy; he prayed. He prayed for freedom. He prayed for a way out. He prayed for liberation for both him and his brothers. He expected silence. He received an answer.

She appeared as a Lady of Crystal and Moonlight and when Synnar asked of her a name, she gave one.


It is said that Synnar formed a pact with Naori, one that only he knew but the gift of this pact was what enabled him to break free of the control that the Obelisk exerted over him. When he broke free, he passed that freedom on to others, urging them to break away from the shackles that they had been bound to. Many chose to follow him and chose to break from the control that had been thrust upon them. Many did not, believing that theirs was not a life meant to be lived outside the servitude inflicted upon them. The civil war that followed was bloody but ultimately it resulted in a fracturing of the Avialae. Synnar and his followers fled Gel’grandal and the lands to the south.

So were born the Kathar Loyalists and the Synnekar.


Physical Appearance

Avialae are a mixed race. While the vast majority of them are descended from humans and thus largely appear as winged male humans, the necessity for breeding with females of other races results in a people who have a large range of appearances.

Regardless of subculture, Avialae are extremely physically fit humanoid males across the board. The reasons for this fitness is due to the inherent lifestyles present in both cultures of the species. Kathar Avialae are taken from their homes at birth and inducted into the life of service they are made to believe they are born for. Their lives are rigorous as most become Knights due to their inherent strength and penchant for becoming keen warriors. The select few who adopt more cerebral paths often become scholarly monks. For the mighty Synnekar Avialae, life can be grueling for those unprepared to defend themselves in their home, which presents its own unique challenges. The traditions of the knighthood and the art of war from which many original Avialae stemmed from followed the Synnekar into their new home. They have been adapted but those roots are present in their daily lives. Those Avialae with physical deformities tend to become artisans, craftsmen and the like. Avialae have higher body temperatures than most, lending to their preference for cooler climates.

Eye color ranges from a vibrant electric blue to pale grey. Hair color and skin color varies depending on the traits of the mother and father respectively.

All Avialae have wings. These wings are either mammalian (i.e. bats) or avian (i.e. sparrow, raven, falcon) in appearance. There are no naturally occuring insectoid wings among Avialae. The wings themselves can be anywhere from 15 ft. to 28 ft. in total wingspan depending on the stature of the individual Avialae. Generally speaking, the son’s wings follow-suit with their father’s wing-type.

Avialae possess a clear inner eyelid that can cover their eyes. This eyelid protects their vision during flight. Additionally, Avialae possess keen eyesight and vision in lowlight conditions. They do not possess the inherent ability to see in complete darkness.


Avialae with fully developed in-tact wings are capable of sustained flight. Their robust musculature is in part due to the strength needed to carry themselves through the air. This, however, is not the sole contributor to their gift of flight. While not possessing hollow bones like normal birds, threaded in the bodies of every Avialae is the touch of what Garel of Atoria fashioned into their bodies. To those that have researched it, it would seem to be some touch of elemental magic but its exact source is unclear. While it does not enable Avialae to manifest any elemental powers, this trace seems to contribute to their ability to fly as all Avialae have an instinctual connection to the winds, their currents, and how to navigate them. This gift is what enables the Avialae to, despite all odds, defy the natural laws of physics and renders them capable of flight. It is not a skill that is honed, merely a gift bestowed upon their race as a whole.

It should be noted that Avialae who lose their wings, lose this inherent gift. This has lead many in magical circles to believe that the wings of an Avialae possess magical properties. As a result, a lone Avialae can face the potential to be hunted in certain corners of the world.

The Bond

In order to combat the influence of the Hellmaw and its penchant for piercing the minds of those it attacked with madness and terror, the Avialae were gifted with an ability known only as the Bond. It has evolved over time and seems to have been irrevocably changed following the rebellion of Synnar. At first, it was something only capable of achieving states akin to the Light and Common Bonds. Following Synnar's pact with the Crystal Lady, it grew to a deeper level allowing them to throw off the control exerted over them by the authorities of Gel'grandal.

The bond takes many forms but it is an undeniable connection that is forged between an Avialae and the chosen recipient. It is typically voluntary for both the Avialae and their partner. Romantic feelings are not required and most bonds tend to be very fulfilling and meaningful friendships. For those bonds that do take a romantic turn, it is a relationship marked by incomparable understanding of each other for both partners. The bond allows for emotions, wellbeing (i.e. hunger, injured, fear), general location and on the deepest level, even thoughts to be transmitted between the Avialae and their Bondmate.

Avialae are very careful about who they bond with. For while the bond offers them great strength it leaves them terribly vulnerable to the whims of their bondmate. A bond once made, gives the recipient total access to the core of the Avialae. Their emotions, their desires, and even at the simplest levels even their willpower. The bondmate can influence these things considerably and the deeper the bond, the more influence they have. Generally speaking, the range of the bond begins at a mile radius between partners and grows in distance the deeper the bond between them.

Light Bond

The most surface level bond. It allows for the relaying of simple emotions between the Avialae and the bondmate. While the bondmate can impress upon the Avialae some of their influence it is largely inconsequential and can be ignored in most instances.

Common Bond

A step above that of a Light Bond. It allows for the relaying of simple emotions and with concentration, even images between bondmates. Bondmates can impress upon an Avialae an increased level of influence that is likened to being very persuasive. While the Avialae can still ignore it if they so choose, it becomes less likely they will. The forming of a Common Bond is something that is carefully considered. As this type of bond offers a greater level of influence over them, the Avialae enter such a bond with those whom they trust and know above that of a simple acquaintance.

Companion Bond

A notably deeper bond than the aptly named Light Bond or the Common Bond. Companion Bonds are uncommon with their frequency restricted to those whom the Avialae trust implicitly. This level of the bond allows for clearer communication between the Avialae and the bondmate. Emotions are more distinct and can be more nuanced when shared. The two can pinpoint each other’s exact location if they are within range of each other. They can share images and even rudimentary thoughts. The bondmate can exert a great deal of influence upon the Avialae and their emotions. They can bring an Avialae down from unbridled rage to a more controlled anger. They can lift them up from a depression and into a state making it more manageable. Overall, a Companion Bond gives the bondmate more access to the very core of the Avialae’s being. An Avialae can still ignore this influence but it is more difficult to shrug off with most instances resulting in the Avialae still being somewhat affected.

Core Bond

The deepest level of bond possible. Core bonds are a curious thing. In many instances, the Core Bond is not chosen. It simply happens, often suddenly and without warning. Avialae and their partners who experience it, liken it to finding a key to a door within themselves they hadn’t realized was locked. Full telepathy is possible between the Avialae and the bondmate at this level. This communication extends to emotions, thoughts, and state of wellbeing with perfect clarity when shared. This bond leaves the Avialae completely at the mercy of their bondmates whims. The Avialae cannot ignore the will of their bondmate in any capacity. If the bondmate so chose, they could issue any command they desired to their Avialae and they would have no choice but to comply. For most Avialae, it is a terrifying prospect that they actively avoid at all costs. The Avialae is left completely vulnerable to their bondmate. While they can wall off their thoughts and emotions to an extent, the bondmate can push past said mental barriers with relative ease, whether magical or otherwise. The bondmate can and always will have access to the core of their Avialae.

In theory, a cruel bondmate could utterly enslave the Avialae to their will. However, the very nature of the Bond, which is rooted in finding matches who are utterly and completely compatible, this type of match is unheard of. Core Bonds are rare but tend to be very beautiful things that complete and enhance both individuals.

Severing the Bond

The bond can be severed. Whether this is done voluntarily by either party, the loss of life, or some means of interfering with the bond, it is possible. The act of doing so has consequences for both parties, more so for the Avialae but with some effects still being experienced by non-Avialae whom they might bond to. The severing of a Light Bond carries little consequence, so little in fact that it goes largely unnoticed. A light soreness or small headache is the worst either partner might feel as a result of the severing.

The severing of a Common Bond is still largely inconsequential in the long-term. The Avialae might experience a bout of sadness and in the case of closer friendships, even depression. However recovery is guaranteed given enough time.

The severing of a Companion Bond is jarring. It can be described as feeling as though a limb has been cut from one’s body. Losing this bond often sends an Avialae into a spiral of depression from which the recovery is very slow. The Avialae is left terribly wounded by the loss of the bond and in many instances will go into extreme isolation if left to their own devices.

Severing a Core Bond is scarring for an Avialae and causes such a profound sense of loss and grief in the Avialae that most do not survive it. Bondmates experience a similar level of dissonance in their wellbeing but it does not always result in the death of a non-Avialae.

The Kathar Loyalists

To be a Kathar is to be an instrument of the State of the Gelerian Imperium. It is a hard life where they are completely controlled, monitored and dominated by the interests of the Imperium. An Avialae who shows defiance, is heavily punished. At all times, every Kathar Avialae in the Imperium is forced to wear an obsidian black collar upon which are inscribed runes that glow an electric blue. This is a direct reflection of the Obelisk that stands in the Imperial Capital. An Avialae without a collar is immediately subdued, harshly punished, and either re-collared or made an example of to others of their kind.

Militant discipline and a rigid belief in Imperial superiority is a hallmark of Kathar Avialae. As all Avialae born within the Imperium are turned over to the State, they spend the whole of their lives being indoctrinated into the beliefs that dominate their homeland’s culture. Avialae however, have the cards stacked against them in many ways. For the actions of those who rebelled, the Avialae are watched carefully. Disobedience for them is met with swift punishment. The weak are culled. The slow are left behind. Meeting an adult Kathar Avialae is to meet one of the strongest, most cunning and disciplined of his kind.

Reproduction and Aging

A Kathar Avialae requires permission from the State in order to couple with a woman. Without the permission of an Imperial officer it is forbidden by law for them to pursue a partner sexually. A punishment instituted to ensure their loyalty, the Kathar Avialae are tightly controlled by Imperial Inquisitors. As a result, their numbers are more tightly regulated within the Imperium as a whole. Kathar Avialae are rarely a presence in the lives of their children. The boys are raised by the Imperial Inquisition and thus are not afforded the chance to form familial bonds with their fathers.

Growing up, if a Kathar Avialae is deemed too incompetent their wings are removed and they are relegated to servant status. If they are not smart enough, if they are not strong enough, if they are too slow, they suffer great consequences. As a result, most Kathar Avialae do not live to adulthood.

Those Kathar Avialae who make it to adulthood and are allowed to conceive a child, do not have the easiest time doing so. Stillbirths and complications during pregnancy are common. Mothers frequently die in childbirth due to longer gestation periods for Avialae babies and mounting complications. Because of this, finding females willing to risk themselves by coupling with an Avialae is not common. Avialae are capable of siring both male and female children. In all instances, the children are a blending of the mother’s race and the Avialae’s heritage race. Females sired by a male Avialae not born as Avialae and possess none of the active Avialae traits though they do possess the chance of bearing an Avialae son when they come of age and bear children. All males born from coupling with a male Avialae are born as a male Avialae.

For example, an Avialae who had a human descended father and a human mother will appear mostly human with the exception of the active Avialae traits. If this Avialae then couples with a Dratori female, their son will have the physicality of a half-human half-Dratori with active Avialae traits.

For the daughters of a male Avialae, they are born as a hybrid of their mother and their father’s heritage race respectively. The daughter of a human descended male Avialae and a Dratori mother will again be considered half-human and half-Dratori in terms of physicality. They possess none of the Avialae traits but do possess the small chance of one day bearing a full Avialae son.

An adult Kathar Avialae can live to be 180 years of age depending on the circumstances of their life. They are considered mature at 18 years of age. Female children of male Avialae default largely to their mother’s statistics.


Slave-Knights, to some. Wardogs to others. Servants to the State, to all within the Imperium.

Kathar Avialae are taken from their mothers and fathers at birth. They are not allowed to grow up among their families. Instead, they are taken to the seat of the Imperial Inquisition and housed in the Hall of Glory where they remain under careful observation and training until they mature at eighteen years of age for most. The Imperium is careful in the amount of Avialae they allow to be born at a given time and are extremely selective about which males they allow to sire children. Avialae born without permission are executed, a cruel lesson to their fathers and a devastating reminder that nothing a Kathar does is done without the blessing of the State and their controllers. As boys, the young Kathar Avialae spend their days within the Hall of Glory under the watch of the Imperial Inquisition. Every waking moment of every day is spent honing them, teaching them and indoctrinating them into the idea that they are nothing more than an instrument born to serve the Imperial Mandate. Defiance is not tolerated and is met with either severe punishment or execution, without exception.

When a Kathar Avialae grows to maturity they are put to the test in what is known as the Trial of Broken Wings. The task is simple; a number of Kathar Avialae are put into an arena, these young men who have grown together, been taught together, trained together and spent most every day of their lives alongside one another, are then ordered to fight to the death. The fighting continues until only a handful are left standing. Sometimes the Inquisition allows more than a few victors. Sometimes they allow only a single victor. It depends largely on the Inquisitor overseeing the trial. This trial is done to instill in the Kathar an unwillingness to form deeper bonds with their brethren and thus allow the collars they wear and the Obelisk to continue to exert control over them.

After surviving their Trial of Broken Wings, if they survive, the Kathar is then outfitted to serve as a soldier in the Imperial Army, where they remain for the rest of their lives. Kathar Avialae are not revered in the Imperium. Quite the contrary, they are seen as instruments of fear and totalitarianism. Wherever they are sent across the Gelerian Imperium, it is done so with the intent to crush resistance against Imperial Mandates. They are also the first ones sent into battle against the Imperium’s enemies.


Kathar Avialae do not truly have a culture of their own to speak of. They live as instruments of the Imperium and its interests. If they have a culture, it is one heavily ensconced in the propaganda of the Imperium. From birth until death, they are taught a few abiding principles.

Purpose through Service. Kathar are taught that they are privileged to serve the Gelerian Imperium in the exalted status that they occupy. They are ingratiated in the belief that their only purpose, their only role, their only path to fulfilment is through serving the mandates of the Imperium. They are indoctrinated into countless examples of how Aberrant Races (non-humans) are relegated to lives of absolute misery but that the Imperium elevated them to serve, not as lowly worms, but as its brightest and finest soldiers.

Magic is a Disease. Magic is dangerous. Its only purpose is to be used as a means of preserving the magnificence of the Imperial State. It should be used only as the Imperium decides and in the manner the Imperium finds fitting. But to carry magic, to be touched by it, is to be unclean and to be unclean means that one must forever be watched and guided so that they do not deviate from the wisdom of the Imperium. Anyone found to be practicing magic must either submit to the Imperial Mandate or be purged, lest they become a danger to both themselves and others.

Privileged to Die. It is an honor to lose one’s life in service to the Imperial State. It means that one has lived a life adhering to the highest traditions of the Imperial Mandate. Kathar Avialae are taught that only the Imperium is to be feared, all else must bow before Imperial might and if that means perishing in the pursuit of instilling that fear, it is a life well spent.

Honor through Sacrifice. Human lives are more important than Aberrant lives. As such, it is honorable for a Kathar Avialae to sacrifice their life in an effort to save a human life. Aberrants are not equal to humans and because many of them are touched by some manner of magic affliction, they must be carefully guided by the Imperial Mandate or else they will release catastrophe into the world.


Kathar Avialae are taught to speak both Common and Kathalan. Kathalan is described as a staccato style of speech with an emphasis on hard consonants. It is not typically viewed as a melodious language but it is not purported to be one of the “romantic” languages of Ransera. There is a definitive effort to avoid softening sounds so that each word is pronounced with emphasis and diction.

Naming conventions for Kathar Avialae tend to have a guttural tone and tend to be on the shorter side..

Adran Dregis Geralt Eron Vatir Arsak Atiagon Tonas Ighan

The Synnekar

Owing their name to the man primarily responsible for their liberation, the Synnekar fled their homeland of Gel'grandal to settle far to the north in the region of Karnor. They made their home in the city of Kalzasi which had largely fallen into ruin following the Sundering of the World. Infested with wretched creatures and warped beings that had overrun the area, the Synnekar Avialae were well suited to culling the ruins of the city given their warrior background. In the generations since claiming the city for their own, the Synnekar Avialae have made a name for themselves as a proud and fierce people. Their strength and ability attracted many in the region to live within the safety that they began to offer leading to an increase in diverse people’s within Kalzasi. As the city was rebuilt, the Synnekar Avialae made a concerted effort to seek out those that could contribute to their budding civilization.


The Synnekar Avialae are a fiercely passionate people. Freed from the oppression of the Imperium, they have embraced that freedom wholly. They live fast and hard and are known to be bold and fearless in the face of danger. They are a largely extroverted people who do not hide their emotions whether positive or negative. They seldom hold back often being rather blunt in telling others what they think of one thing or another. The Synnekar Avialae are not braggarts and they are not truly reckless but after generations of subjugation, the freedom to express themselves became vital to their society. They are raised to be bold thinkers, to speak out against what they believe to be wrong and to challenge those in authority so that their worthiness to lead is forever tested.

Reproduction and Aging

Once a Synnekar Avialae reaches 18 years of age they are considered a full adult only after completing their Warren March. They are then free to marry if circumstances permit. Once a Synnekar Avialae finds a partner it is typically for life.

Childbirth is still difficult for Synnekar Avialae though decidedly less so than their Kathar brethren. Because of the importance of women in their society as mothers and child bearers, the Synnekar Avialae prize medicine as a field of study and growth. This has lead to marginal improvement for their female partners making death in childbirth, stillbirth and deformities far less common though still a risk. Avialae are capable of siring both male and female children. In all instances, the children are a blending of the mother’s race and the male Avialae’s heritage race. Females born from male Avialae are not born as Avialae and possess none of the Avialae traits though they do possess the chance of bearing an Avialae son when they come of age and bear children. All males born from coupling with a male Avialae are born as a male Avialae.

For example, an Avialae who had a human descended father and a human mother will appear mostly human with the exception of the active Avialae traits. If this Avialae then couples with a Dratori female, their son will have the physicality of a half-human half-Dratori with active Avialae traits.

For the daughters of a male Avialae, they are born as a hybrid of their mother and their father’s heritage race respectively. The daughter of a human descended Avialae and a Dratori mother will again be considered half-human and half-Dratori in terms of physicality. They possess none of the Avialae traits but do possess a small chance of one day bearing a full Avialae son.

Synnekar Avialae tend to live similar lifespans to their Kathar brethren between 150 to 180 years in age. Females born from an Avialae coupling largely default to their mother’s racial statistics.


Following their escape from the Imperium, the Synnekar Avialae migrated far from the region of Ailizane. They have since built a civilization for themselves in the heart of the Free Cities of the North in the city of Kalzasi which they claimed for their own. Synnekar are governed jointly by Seven Houses, each of which is known for differing areas of expertise.

House Ahtivin

House Ahtivin is renowned as dedicated healers, herbalists and alchemists. It is due to the efforts of House Ahtivin that the Synnekar Avialae have far more success in childbirth and sustaining their population in the face of disease and injury among in the city they call home. House Ahtivin is also entrusted with the spiritual aspect of Synnekar Avialae in their society. With oversight of the various temples that can be found in their settlement, the members of House Ahtivin are often priests and priestesses devoted to various deities. Members of House Ahtivin are prone to incorporating the color green into their attire. They can often be found wearing emeralds, jade beads in their hair and green dyes in their clothing.

House Novalys

The de facto ruling House of the Synnekar Avialae, House Novalys boasts the strongest and most capable warriors across their society. This House is primarily entrusted with the defense of the city of Kalzasi as a whole as well as the enforcement of the city’s laws in those places considered common to the settlement. Known for their strong sense of justice and a rigid adherence to the precepts of honor and bravery, House Novalys has long been a steady hand of guidance for the Synnekar Avialae. This House is ever vigilant against the dangers of a curious expanse of sprawling caverns that is at the center of their home. Called the Warrens, it is House Novalys that protects both their people and their home from many of the horrors that crawl out of it from time to time. Their members are prone to wearing white in their attire, incorporating diamonds and silver jewelry as well.

House Veyl

Founded originally as the primary makers of weapons and armor for the Avialae who fled Lorien, this has since grown into much broader skills. Known to be the patrons of great crafters, the House Veyl are the architects of the city of Kalzasi. From their ranks many great smiths, clothiers, jewelers and even runesmiths have risen. House Veyl is chiefly responsible for overseeing most commerce and trade within the city. The members of this House are known to wear deep purples and violets in their garb complete with alexandrite, amethyst, or even aetherite for the particularly affluent.

House Dahshida

Whenever travelers venture near the borders of the city of Kalzasi, they are carefully watched and tracked by the members of House Dahshida. Its members are masters of the hunt, expert trackers and peerless in their devotion to the art of stealth. Filled with hunters and rangers, House Dahshida patrols the lands that the Synnekar Avialae claim as their own. While House Novalys defends their people from internal threats and the dangers of the Warrens, it is House Dahshida that protects their home from foreign powers. Additionally, it is from this House that most wild game and livestock is produced. House Dahshida are renowned for their animal husbandry. Its members garb themselves in dark grey or black, weaving onyx and hematite stones into their attire.

House Zatrian

Scholars, artists, philosophers and scientists, it is due to the efforts of House Zatrian that most Synnekar Avialae have a comfortable education. Concerned with the preservation and growth of knowledge among their society, it was House Zatrian that identified the wisdom in becoming more than just simple warriors early in their society. House Zatrian is responsible for a great majority of the art, literature and oversight of most cultural events in their society. In addition, House Zatrian is responsible for assisting immigrants in integrating into Kalzasi society. As a result of their interaction with most foreign visitors, House Zatrian tends to have a larger presence in social oriented establishments such as inns, taverns, theaters and more. Members of House Zatrian tend to weave gold into their daily attire, weaving in citrine gemstones and topaz into their wardrobe.

House Briathos

While magic is present in all of the Great Houses, none wield it with such skill and mastery as those of House Briathos. The smallest of the Seven Houses by far, what House Briathos lacks in size, they make up for in power. Charged with delving into the higher mysteries of the world, House Briathos has been responsible for many innovative applications of magic in daily life. From this House arise many great alchemists, sages and magical craftsmen. House Briathos is one of the few with the resources and knowledge necessary to delve into the depths of the cavernous underdark that sprawls beneath the home of the Synnekar Avialae, the Warrens. From these expeditions are gathered many wondrous and some dangerous minerals, ores and even creatures. Members of this House garb themselves in deep royal blues, accenting their attire with blue sapphires and lapiz lazuli stones.

House Senue

When Kalzasi was being rebuilt and repopulated, it was the House Senue that took to the fields. Through their innovation and intense efforts, the lands surrounding the once battered and broken city have been largely revitalized. It was by no means a quick process, taking generations of work, but the efforts are due largely to House Senue. They are masterful farmers, herbalists, and fishermen. Many of the foodstuffs in the markets of the city were grown and tended to by this House. Given that House Senue also has a hand in the fishing industry in Kalzasi, they have many sailors among their ranks. Generally speaking, a large number of Synnekar Avialae that travel abroad are associated with House Senue. Members of this House typically weave deep crimsons and golds into their attire.


Synnekar Avialae are marked by a notable adherence to a martial philosophy. The Synnekar trace their roots back to Emmerich and the armies that originally sprung up to defend the lands now comprising the Imperium. Both of those sources are known for their strict adherence to discipline and control. While the Synnekar have since adapted these ways of life to allow for more personal expression, they are still a disciplined people in mind, body and spirit.

Life among the Synnekar Avialae is very community oriented. When the original Synnekar fled Gel'grandal, they were forced to trek thousands of miles across unknown terrain into lands they were strangers to. This fostered a strong sense of purpose from the leaders of their people down to the simplest wagon driver. In their home city of Kalzasi, this is no less true. Every member of their society is expected to find their place. Generally speaking, most find themselves falling into the trades and practices of their families though this is not always the case. Whether Avialae or otherwise, the Great Houses that govern them encourage exploration in what one desires.

Regardless of whether they are a son or daughter, when a child is born among the Synnekar it is cause for celebration. For those at the wealthiest tiers of Synnekar society, grand parties and extravagant festivals are common. These events are typically open to the public barring special circumstances. If one is not born into wealth, it is customary for the family to open their home to the community and invite friends and neighbors to celebrate the joyous occasion. The expectation among the community is that food, gifts centered around child rearing, and various blessings are brought to the family that is celebrating. Children of Synnekar are treasured and fiercely protected. Among the Synnekar there is no such thing as a bastard child. A child is a child in their culture, whether born out of wedlock or not.

Avialae sons are required to adopt some manner of martial prowess. Whether that is with a specific weapon or a hand-to-hand fighting style, the Synnekar remain ever vigilant of the reality that they are frequently faced with the dangers of the Warrens. Couple this with the fact that the city of Kalzasi is built around what many believe to be a rift into the Aetherium and it becomes clear why having as many members of their society trained in the arts of war is important. Sons begin this training at the age of six years. It continues until they are eighteen whereupon they either successfully complete their Warren March or perish in the pursuit. Following the completion of their Warren March, they are offered an apprenticeship in a trade or craft of their choosing until the age of twenty.

Daughters are free to pursue what interests them as they mature. Many take up the crafts associated with that of the Great House whose banner they fall under. Those who decide to take up the path of a warrior are trained just as rigorously as that of their Avialae counterparts.

The Warren March

The city of Kalzasi, home to the Synnekar Avialae, is situated over a yawning chasm that extends deep into the underdark of Karnor. The Warrens are a source of both great wealth and danger for the city. Contained within its tunnels is one of the most expansive and rich dragonshard mines in the entire northern region. However, it is a known fact that within the tunnels are many rifts into the Aetherium from which pour monsters and creatures from other planes of existence or even ones found naturally in Ransera that have been warped by the aethereal energies. While House Novalys are the primary stewards and guardians of the Warrens, the tunnels extend far beneath the earth and cover large portions of the city. The upper reaches of the Warrens are heavily patrolled and kept mostly safe. As one delves deeper, that safety quickly evaporates.

As a Synnekar reaches maturity they must undergo a Rite of Passage. As the culmination of their training, every Synnekar Avialae must embark upon a journey into the Warrens. This is done either alone or with a group of others undergoing the same trial. An elder of one of the Great Houses escorts them to a section of the Warrens. Once they reach the designated area, they are instructed to delve into its depths until they find a dragonshard that is correlated to each of their respective patron Houses. Along the way, they must face whatever challenges await them. In groups, as members find their associated shards, they are required to then leave the trial until eventually what might have begun as a large number, dwindles to one, two or perhaps three individuals. The purpose of this is twofold. Firstly, it proved that the Synnekar is capable of defending his homeland. Secondly, it declares to all whose banner the Synnekar chooses to pledge themselves to. While all the people of Kalzasi are free to pursue their ambitions as they choose, for the Synnekar they must show fealty to one of the respective Great Houses.

This trial is somewhat slanted depending on which Great House the individual is associated with. For many, the dragonshards of their House are relatively commonplace and only take a short time to find and acquire. The dangers faced by those individuals is often common to what the patrols in the upper reaches encounter and thus well known. For the Houses associated with much rarer dragonshards the danger increases exponentially. Such dragonshards are often only found in the deeper reaches of the Warrens and at times, within sight of a rift.

After acquiring their dragonshard, it is then fashioned into an amulet that is gifted to the individual. Most carry this with them for the rest of their lives.

The successful completion of the Warren March is cause for celebration and is often a public event observed by the whole of Kalzasi.

Clothing and Grooming

Synnekar fashions are a sight to behold. Holding true to their enjoyment of expression, the everyday styles of most Synnekar lean toward elegance and extravagance. While the clothing themselves might be woven in bright colors with many patterns artfully sewn into the fabric, seldom are the Synnekar found laden with jewels. An amulet, a single ring or perhaps a bracelet bearing a gemstone associated with their House is usually the extent of their accessories.

Materials range from cotton, to linen, to silks. Clothiers are greatly revered in Synnekar society. The overall appearance of the attire leans toward being more loose upon the body allowing for more freedom of movement. Frills, lace, and the more puffy styles found in traditional Tudor inspired settings are decidedly uncommon among the Synnekar.

As a people, the Avialae are rather clean. Kalzasi is a waterfront city that has functioning aqueducts and plumbing ensuring baths and other hygienic amenities are commonplace. With regard to their wings, the Avialae typically only allow highly trusted individuals to touch and assist with cleaning and grooming them. Both men and women lean toward longer hairstyles. Males are typically clean shaven and heavy makeup in females is also uncommon.

Technology and Education

Hailing originally from what is now the Gelerian Imperium, the Synnekar were an educated group. This practice continued well into the founding of their civilization and the settlement of Kalzasi. The Great House Zatrian oversees most of the educational institutions in the city. Comprised largely of artists, scholars, philosophers and scientists, House Zatrian is well regarded as the keepers of knowledge and lore for the Synnekar. As a result, the vast majority of people among the Synnekar and in Kalzasi at large receive a well-rounded education. Reading, writing, mathematics and the basics of science are taught to all children until the age of sixteen. Following this, education is centered around trade, craftsmanship, or personal interests.

Technology among the Synnekar is common for what one might expect in a Free City of the North. Plumbing, clockwork, steam engines and dragonshard powered marvels can be found in the city regularly. While they are not a technological powerhouse, the Synnekar are well equipped to make life less burdensome through the introduction of technological conveniences.

Religion and Worship

Synnekar are a largely polytheistic people with most families having a designated patron deity that coincides with their ideals. Alongside this deity of the family is a collection of either other gods or spirits that they revere. Temples and shrines are common in their home city, with many of the Synnekar possessing symbols associated with their chosen gods incorporated into their attire or carried on their person. Throughout the culture of the Synnekar, a blending of Dragon Gods, Mistlords and even lesser spirits can be found in their literature and reverential practices.

Across Synnekar culture there is one spiritual figure who is revered above all others. The Lady of the Crystal and Moonlight. The Goddess Naori is the supreme patron to whom even less spiritual Avialae still pay their respects to. Naori is seen as the savior of Synnekar Avialae and in their point of view, all Avialae in general.

Social Dynamics

When the Synnekar first settled in the remains of Kalzasi and began rebuilding and protecting it, people taking shelter in the surrounding area or in the ruins of nearby settlements soon flocked to the city. As their civilization grew, it became clear that certain customs and traditions would need to be established so as not to create a glaring imbalance. The early leaders of the Synnekar understood that their society could only flourish if they embraced a more open mindset than their forebears.

Avialae in Synnekar society are expected to be warriors, first and foremost. Kalzasi is situated over a dangerous area that, while bearing great riches, invites great danger as well. With their origins rooted in knighthood and religious doctrine, it was easy for the Synnekar to establish a tradition of discipline, martial prowess and survivalist nature. Recognizing that a warrior culture could lead to a very noticeable imbalance in gender roles and wanting to honor the gift of the Lady of the Crystal Grove, women were established as principal members and contributors to their ways of life.

Within the hierarchy of the Synnekar, to be a noble and liegelord is a mark of prestige but also of responsibility. At the very top of this hierarchy is the Shokaze of Kalzasi, who is sovereign of the Great Houses. The Daizoku then serve as patrons to the various lesser houses and so on. To be a patron is to accept responsibility for the welfare of one’s vassals. The vassals in turn provide tribute to their patrons in whatever form has been arranged as sufficient. While the Great Houses are more or less set in their positions at the top of the hierarchy, this way of life breeds steep competition among the lesser houses as they seek to rise above one another.

Marriage and Relationships

A Synnekar can only marry or enter a relationship after successfully completing their Warren March. Following this event they are considered grown men who can pursue whomever they so choose. Daughters of Avialae are considered adults at the age of eighteen and enjoy the same freedoms as their male counterparts.

For all members of their society who have full status and privileges, the province of romance and marriage is the sole purview of the mother of each family. An Avialae who wishes to marry must receive the blessing of their mother and of the mother of their intended partner. From there, marital arrangements are determined by the mothers of each family. In the absence of a mother due to sickness, death, etc. permission must be granted by the recognized matriarch of the family with standing above them in the societal hierarchy.

Fathers can propose matches for their children but arranged marriages must ultimately be agreed upon by the mothers of each family.

The only instance where these customs are not observed is in the case of a Core Bonding. In the event of such an occasion, there is cause for both joyous celebration and careful observation. If two Avialae enter such a bond, they often spend weeks of time exclusively with one another. In the case of an Avialae entering the bond with a non-Avialae, the non-Avialae partner is educated quite extensively about the effects of the bond on their partner. They are then carefully observed by elder members of the community.


The Synnekar Avialae are a very multilingual race. In an effort to distinguish themselves from their Kathar brethren, the Synnekar spent centuries developing and establishing their own culture. Upon migrating to the Region of Karnor and settling in what was then, the ruins of a city that would become Kalzasi, they devoted themselves to incorporating as much of the historical culture found there as they could. This extended even into their own language called Synskrit. It’s conventions follow a loose blending of Korean, Mongolian, Tibetan, Japanese, Chinese and Sanskrit themes incorporating fantasy elements to the feel of names and phrases. In addition to Synskrit, most Avialae speak Common and in some cases, the language of their heritage race.

Names among the Synnekar are varied but generally follow a far east Asia theme.


  • Valris
  • Sirrick
  • Daksh
  • Anand
  • Bhakto
  • Palden
  • Tolun
  • Yoshida
  • Takano
  • Daisuke
  • Zhou
  • Jian
  • Cai


  • Xun
  • Delan
  • Zhela
  • Mena
  • Davaki
  • Kisorika
  • Sita
  • Anu
  • Lia
  • Indira
  • Yesui
  • Inume