World Magic

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World Magic is one of the major spheres of magic in Ransera. Its schools are described and viewed as pseudosciences that have very structured and mechanical methods to their practice and implementation. Personal Magic requires that the wizard take a piece of the aether within themselves and repurpose it into the effect they wish to manifest into the world. World magic differs in that it manipulates the aether inherent in the objects and rituals used to produce its effects, leaving the wizard’s aether untouched. This is not to say that world magic doesn’t pose risks, there are many, it simply doesn’t pose the same risks.

The Art of Pictography

A pictograph, as it pertains to magic, is a series of symbols, runes or patterns that have been imbued with the ability to manipulate aether according to the purpose and structure the wizard responsible for their creation has dictated. The pictograph is the cornerstone of all world magic. For more information on how the principles of pictography are used and applied in a general sense, refer to the School of Scrivening.

How do Pictographs work?

A pictograph must be drawn or written. This can be done with ink, blood, hammer and chisel, it does not matter the tool with which the symbols are written or drawn. They must, however, be written or drawn using a mundane method first. As the wizard creates their pictograph they should be focused on the concept and purpose behind their pictograph. What is it being created for? How is it intended to carry out this purpose? The appearance of the pictograph does not matter. It is the meaning the wizard puts behind the symbols they use that is important.

Upon completing their pictograph through mundane methods, the wizard must then awaken the symbols to the presence of aether. This can be achieved through the use of a dragonshard tool. Any tool fashioned for such a purpose will do, so long as it can awaken the symbols in question to the presence of aether. For those in possession of a Cardinal Rune of Magic, tapping into one's own aether and brushing one's fingers over the symbols will sufficiently prime them.

Deciphering Pictographs

In their finished state, pictographs are magical symbols imbued with aethereal intent and purpose. Any wizard bearing a Cardinal Rune of Magic can study the pictographs of another wizard and glean their general purpose in short order. Whether they understand the implications of their purpose is dependent upon the wizard's familiarity with the School of Magic for which the symbols were drawn. It is a case of having the information being presented but not the context in which it can or should be used. Lacking a Cardinal Rune of Magic, it is not an impossible feat to understand pictographs. It merely takes time and study. The symbols, being magical in nature, will eventually become clear in their meaning and intent once the person studying them has found a basis for understanding them. There are methods of making the task easier such as using Semblance or being a skilled cryptologist but the intent behind the symbols will eventually become clear in time to any who come across them.

Of course, if the wizard responsible for creating the pictograph explains to another the meaning and intent behind their symbols, the purpose becomes immediately clear.

Practicing World Magic

Generally speaking, the varying schools of World Magic require a laboratory. Overall, the many different forms of World Magic require the careful utilization of various materials that must be combined, manipulated or applied to equally varying purposes. While pictography makes world magic possible, it is not the sole piece of the puzzle required to make its many differing schools function. Beginners seldom have their own fully functioning laboratories unless they are particularly wealthy. Masters often have elaborate laboratories with several apprentices working under them.

Risk and Reward

The Schools of World Magic each pose their own unique risks. While not the same as that of Personal Magic, they are still there. If not carefully done, the various reactions and processes that take place during the utilization of world magic can rage out of control. The results can be disastrous if not properly contained and are often harsh due to the nature of many of the materials each school uses. Complex crafting and spellwork with world magic often involves very volatile substances or powerful sources that must be methodically worked on.

A reckless world mage soon finds themselves horribly scarred or worse.

The Known Schools of World Magic

Scrivening- The study of pictography itself and the utilization of shapes, symbols and runes to redirect and modify other magic.

Necromancy- The manipulation of the forces of Life and Death through the use of blood, bones and even souls. Necromancy is a magic that carries many dark connotations.

Alchemy- The transmutation of materials from one form to another by manipulating the very essence of the objects in play.

Artificing- The giving of the imitation of life and sentience to inanimate objects that can then be programmed to specific purposes. Golemcrafting.

Runeforging- Rare and highly dangerous, runesmiths forge artefacts of incredible power and versatility. The source of many wondrous and terrible items across history.