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The Emblem of Happenstance

Never question the odds, or griffins. Nasty attitudes those griffins.

Con artist, troublemaker, gambler, nuisance, unwanted. These are more of the names given to those who become Oddsmakers. The followers blessed by Vhexur are rarely welcome in the places they tread. To those in power they are unwelcome and a nuisance, but to those who are desperate, those who are troubled or down trodden, they are a beacon of hope. Throughout history the presence of an Oddsmaker has often been the precursor of some great change in hierarchy, the rise and fall of powers, and a shift in the status quo. Because of this they are unwelcome in many cities and kingdoms that hold fast to their power, while those who suffer under the harshness of life often pray for their coming. It is also well known that being an Oddsmaker immediately disqualifies you from any honest den of gambling or games of chance.

The mark of Happenstance appears as an intricate knot of cords that have neither a beginning or an end. It often appears on the back, or over any large scar as if to cover up the past and mark a change for the future.

Attracting Divine Attention

Vhexur is said to be very selective with who he bestows the emblem, and because of this it is uncertain if the number of Oddsmaker is uncommon, or if they are adept and keeping their presence hidden. Whatever the case may be the Demigod of Trickery and Gambling is slow to offer the emblem unless the odds are just right. There is no true defining feature of an Oddsmaker, and some believe it is purely random as most things are with this particular demigod. They tend to be of low birth and unremarkable circumstances. Nearly every Oddsmaker known has held a strong belief in freedom, in defying the status quo, and in living as they wished. Vhexur does not mark those who are considered bloodthirsty or corrupt, and he also does not mark those who are overly pure and righteous. Those who earn his favor tend to do so because of their actions in a particular situation, at which time he appears and offers a bet. Should the person succeed and win their bet he will grant them the mark of Happenstance.

Age of Conquest

It was during this age that Vhexur awakened to his divinity, and it was at this time that the last Great Trade War occurred. During this age Vhexur both created and dismantled the first Tradsmen Empire, and solidified his infamy as the God of Tricks and Gambling. His presence throughout the rest of the age was unrecorded, but it is believed that it was during the later part of this age that the Oddsmakers began to make their first appearance.

Age of Clockwork

It was an age of change, and it was here that the reputation of the Oddsmakers were written into history. It is said that there were more Oddsmakers during this age than any since, and some are attributed to several key events which lead to the final fall of the Empire. Most notably during this time was when the Goblinoid race came into being, supposedly due to the influence of Vhexur himself.

Age of Steel

Though still present, Vhexur has grown remarkably quiet during the current age. His Oddsmakers are few and far between, but tend to appear in places just before great upheaval. Notably the Gerelian Imperium and Sol'valen have both outlawed his worship, and those found with his mark are executed. Most larger cities and kingdoms dislike the presence of Oddsmakers for the unrest they bring, and what they represent, but being what they are it is difficult to find a place where they wouldn't go.

Applying for Happenstance

Those who wish to start with a mark of Happenstance must submit an Emblem Story to the Support Forum and be approved by Staff. Note that the story must be at least 1,500 words and must be submitted before the PC's 50th post. Those that are marked by Vhexur must always win some form of game or bet against the demigod, and while he is amused by the loss he will always return for a rematch.

The Tennent of Trickery

No one is above anyone else, or so the Oddsmakers believe. Because of this there comes a time where those who stand on pedestals must be knocked down several pegs, or all the way down to the ground. This is the basic Tennent of Trickery, and one of the major ideals that those who receive this mark uphold. Vhexur is not blind to the fact that there is a difference in arrogance and confidence, however, he believes that no one is above a good ridicule every now and again. It is a reminder that we are all the same, living our lives just like everyone else, no matter what station we hold or what title we wear.

The Gift of Trickery: Mischief

Mischief is an odd gift, and one that is difficult for Oddsmakers to explain to those who do not simply understand. It manifests in a series of odd and sometimes confounding abilities which, while small in scale, tend to be powerful when used in combination. These abilities range from being able to cause things to stick together, create minor illusions such as changing the numbers on a card, or making things heavy or lighter than they should be. Vhexur is a demigod that believes in finesse over raw power, and so this is the manifestation of Trickery.

Sticky Fingers As it sounds, this is the ability Oddsmakers have to make things stick together. It is done by funneling aether through their emblem, producing a glue like substance that they can coat on any surface. Anything that touches it instantly sticks, and is unable to break free until the aether runs out.

Trick of Light Oddsmakers are able to make extremely simple visual based illusions. These tend to be things such as changing the face of playing cards, changing the colors of objects and even masking their or other people's features. The illusions are extremely short lived, at most lasting a few hours, but while in place even Semblance users have difficulty identifying them as fake.

Rock or Feather An unusual ability which even Oddsmakers can make no explanation for, this aptly named ability can make things they touch weigh as heavy as a boulder, or as light as a feather. Once again their aether is funneled through the emblem and made to infuse the object in question. For a short duration its weight can be changed, but the affects last for only a few minutes at most.

Slight of Hand One of the most useful abilities of the Oddsmaker, if they are able to palm something they can freely switch it between their hands. The object in question is diffused by the emblem, and passed through the mark to the other hand before reforming. This can also be done to slip small objects into pockets so long as the Oddsmaker is touching said pocket. Even dragonshards can be manipulated in this way, however, certain savvy individuals have invented ways to negate these affects. This ability was so commonly used that both the Imperium and Sol'Valen have failsafe's in shops to prevent this form of trickery.

The Tennant of Gambling

Gambling some say is an artform, something which can only be experienced, never mastered. The Oddsmakers challenge that sentiment, for in their eyes all things are a careful balance of scales. Through this tenant an Oddsmaker is able to weigh probability, and by extension judge cause and effect to an extraordinary degree. From the outside this gives the Oddsmakers the appearance of being exceptionally lucky, as they are able to always be in just the right place at the right time. It is because of this ability, however, that Oddsmakers are all but banned from establishments which run on games of chance, as to the follower of Vhexur chance is something very much under their control.

The Gift of Gambling: Probability

Probability is the ability to distinguish the odds of something occurring, or not occurring. In its most simplistic form it allows the Oddsmaker to more accurately judge whether a coin shall flip heads or tails based on their ability to read the lines of probability that exist everywhere. This ability to judge probability is greatly influenced by the amount of knowledge the Oddsmaker has in that particular subject. For example, an Oddsmaker who is also an alchemist will be able to accurately determine if a risky potion will be successful or fail during the process, but one who is not skilled however will only be marginally better at determining such probability than the average alchemist. As one progresses in skill and in rank as an Oddsmaker the gift evolves to not just reading probability, but also cause and affect, and eventually tipping the scales of those probabilities in whatever favor the Oddsmaker desires.

Lines of Probability The way the lines appear is different for every Oddsmaker, but many describe the sight as being similar to Semblance. For some the lines appear as waving threads that link items, people and locations together. The thicker the line, the greater the chance that those things will interact. Others see a set of scales appear when they began to look at the probability of what they are interested in. Whichever side it tips more to the more likely that particular thing is to occur.

Shadows of Entropy When the ability to see cause and affect is unlocked the lines of probability also begin to show shadows of entropy, or the possible outcomes of certain decisions. Unlike those gifted with the emblem of Foresight the Oddsmakers cannot always accurately read these possibilities, and some instances are too complicated to accurately predict even for the most adept Oddsmaker.

Tipping the Scales One of the last, and most powerful abilities of the Oddsmakers. Using their will and a portion of their own aether they can tip the scales of probability, and directly affect the Lines of Probability and Shadows of Entropy, nudging them to the outcome they desire. This final ability is one that has lead to the outright persecution of Oddsmakers in some areas, as no mortal can ever know the full ramifications of tampering with forces casually. Errant Oddsmakers have been the reason entire kingdoms have fallen, all because of one small nudge which lead to a series of events that spiraled out of the Oddsmaker's control.

Faith of the Oddsmaker

Vhexur does not seem overly concerned if his followers directly worship him or not. Unlike most demigods he seems unaffected by the desire to spread his faith far and wide to grow his own power, though it is not certain why that is. Instead he challenges his followers to live their best lives, doing what they feel is right, and adding a bit of randomness back into the world. Due to how selective he is in the marking in the first place there have only been a handful of occasions where Vhexur has had to revoke his emblem. The details of these instances are unknown, but because of this his followers tend to live as close to Vhexur's own ideals as possible.

Acolyte | The Acolyte is the beginning stage of the Oddsmakers. They are just learning the ropes, or perhaps have only just been given their freedom from whatever their situation was previously. Most Oddsmakers remain at this level, as once the emblem is bestowed it is difficult to find and catch Vhexur's attention long enough to be elevated to the next level. Because of this other Oddsmakers advice to simply enjoy what was given, without expecting anything else.

Mischief. The Acolyte has access to the Sticky Fingers and Trick of the Light and Rock and Feather abilities from the Tennant of Trickery. What they can accomplish is minor in scale, and short lived, but the affects are low cost and can be used in combination to great affect.

Probability. The Acolyte only possesses the ability to read the Lines of Probability. Their ability to read the lines is dependent upon practice, as well as knowledge in the area they are trying to read. At this stage they can simply judge what is most likely to happen, but have no real ability to see beyond at what this may cause to happen next, or influence it in any way.

Avowed | The Avowed are uncommon, so much so that many thought they were a myth until the later part of the Age of Clockwork. The Avowed of Vhexur are considered akin to forces of nature, and it is these individuals in particular that are the greatest cause for concern for those who dislike Happenstance and its demigod. Though they cannot create great ripples that cause kingdoms to fall with just their power alone, they do possess great ability to tip the scales of chance in their favor.

Mischief. The Avowed can use the Slight of Hand ability. These four abilities together make the Avowed a general nuisance to anyone they put their eyes on. Often the Oddsmaker at this level has developed many of their other skills to the Journeyman rank or higher, and in combination with Happenstance they are a force to be reckoned with.

Probability. The Avowed now gain access to the Shadows of Entropy and can read the potential paths of cause and effect. What they read is often unclear, and all but unreadable in areas they have no skill or knowledge in, but in places where their expertise lie they are said to be able to accurately determine success and failure several steps ahead.

'Champion | There have been only two champions recorded, both of whom were of such renown that they became mythical figures in and of themselves. Champions are rare as their mere presence can tip the balance of power into the favor of whomever they support, and Vhexur himself rarely sees fit to allow that sort of power into mortal hands. Those who reach this rank must meet a certain set of requirements which the demigod has not told anyone, and likely never will.

Mischief. It is rumored that champions receive a fifth ability known as Displace, which allows them to switch places with anything, or anyone, that weighs the same or less than them. This ability has not been confirmed however, yet it would explain several odd stories about the Champions of old.

Probability. The Champion now obtains the ability to Tip the Scales of probability. The cost of this is dependent upon what it is they are influencing, or the potential effects it will have, but with this ability they can tweak the possible outcomes to suit their needs. It is said the last Champion used this power during the conflict between the Dawnmartyr Order and the Cult of Mending, giving her life in the process, yet what this sacrifice lead to is unknown.

Herald | There have been no Heralds in recorded history, and Vhexur seems uninterested in seeing one created. Perhaps it is the power that a Herald might hold which is concerning even to the Demigod of Trickery and Gambling, or perhaps a Herald is forbidden by the higher tiered deities in the name of balance in the world. Whatever the reason is the position remains vacant, and thus far no contenders have stepped forward.

Mischief. Unknown

Probability. Unknown