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A pair of demigods face a mighty beast.

Across the Ages, the gods have interacted with mortals in forms wondrous and forms mundane. Throughout the course of these events there are times when a god develops feelings for a mortal. For some, these feelings run as deep and as heartfelt as possible. For others, the moment is fleeting just as mortal lives are fleeting. Regardless, there are times when these unions result in the birth of a child. Within these mortals runs the spark of the divine but whether that spark awakens or not is entirely on them. Some can go their whole mortal lives never knowing that they had divine parentage and thus never awaken to their true potential. For those that do awaken to this potential, they face a life that is both blessed and burdened with the responsibility that comes with divine ascension. These beings that walk the line between mortal and immortal are universally known as Demigods.

Among demigods there are two classifications.

A demigod born from a Dragon God is known as a Draegir.

A demigod born from a Mistlord is known as a Moritasi.

These distinctions have no bearing on the disposition of the individual demigod. Their parentage may, however, contribute to the destiny that unfolds around them and how mortals may receive them. Across the history of Ransera, demigods have often served as the bridge between the higher powers of the cosmos and mortal worship. They have both helped and hindered mortals either for their own purposes or serving as emissaries of their parents and their ideals.

The First Generation

Demigods have held sway over countless lives across history, bringing hope...or ruin.

In the Age of Dreams, when the world was still young, the gods walked among mortals more freely than they do now. Entranced by the youth and innocence of their new creations, they mingled with them forming relationships as deep and as strong as the bones of the earth. It was during this time that the first half-blooded children of the gods were born and the gods beheld them with wonder and fascination. Some of these children were immediately ushered into the arms of their divine parents, awoken to their true heritage as mere infants and guided from the day of their birth. Others were stolen from their mortal parent and secreted away to be used as instruments in divine agendas, molded into assets to be used at will. No matter their beginnings, this was an era when the demigods born were heavily guided and influenced by the direct presence of their godly parents.

The firstborn were lauded as champions, as peerless scholars and spiritual leaders. They were figures that epitomized absolute heroism or absolute wickedness. Many rose to become the chief deific figures in cultural pantheons.

But it was not to last.

Twilight of Wonders

The Age of Dreams ended with the breaking of the Boundless Empire of Sol’Valen. The Rift Gates were fractured and the once endless roads of possibility strewn before elvenkind became much more limited. As the Hytori people reeled from this new reality, faced with the birth of Humans, Orkhan, Dwarves, Gnomes and other races as a result of their folly, they struggled to find their place in the new world. From among the halls of Sol’Valen there arose the Archmage Prince Ilixidor Val’Rathvaen. An ambitious mage and a formidable practitioner of Archmagic, the wizard had vowed to undo the bargain that was struck with the Dragon God Malgar, Lord of Suffering. His methods, however, were rejected by the newly installed Phoenix Queen and her allies resulting in Ilixidor and his followers being banished from Sol’Valen.

While in exile, Ilixidor encountered a powerful demigod by the name of Shaeoth. Ilixidor allied himself with Shaeoth and in doing so received the demigod’s blessing growing to become a champion of his divine will. With Shaeoth’s help, Ilixidor marched upon Sol’Valen and struck down the Phoenix Queen and claimed the throne of the Hytori homeland for himself. The ensuing civil war that broke out saw the rise of many great and dark powers in Ransera’s history. But Shaeoth’s ambitions were not limited to the likes of Sol’Valen’s squabbles. The demigod sought to purge all of Ransera of everything he viewed as unworthy of basking in the gift of the world’s wonders. Shaeoth saw a world mired in decadence, arrogance, vanity and selfishness and found it wanting. He set out to rebuild the world but he was barred from doing so due primarily to the efforts of another demigod.

Much like Shaeoth, his origins are largely unknown but as the dark demigod grew in power and in followers, another rose to challenge him. His name was Arcas and he approached those who chose to fight against Shaeoth’s tyranny. Arcas saw a world that was merely lost and in need of a way to find its own light, so that its people could build their own path and be free to pursue their own destiny. Where there was injustice, Arcas saw a chance to pursue justice. Where there was despair, he strove to instill people with hope. Where there was darkness, he sought to meet it head on with light.

The war that ensued between Shaeoth and Arcas was one that grew to draw the attention of a great many powers in Ransera. The Dragon Gods chose sides. The Mistlords chose sides as well. Other demigods rallied behind one or the other and in the final conflict...Arcas was killed. Shaeoth, for the briefest of moments, stood victorious. That victory was short-lived. For Arcas had a father and his rage and grief at the murder of his son was one that shook the heavens and rippled across the Aetherium. Eikaen, Brightest of the Endir and King of Gods unleashed swift retribution upon Shaeoth and his followers. He rebuked his fellow gods and for their hubris he forbade them from inserting themselves directly into mortal conflicts.

Eikaen further decreed that never again would a god, Dragon God or Mistlord, be permitted to have a direct hand in awakening their children to their demigodhood. Henceforth, all such children would have to prove themselves worthy of their own merit and awaken to such divinity on their own. Never again would it be given simply by virtue of birth.

State of Being

Following Eikaen’s decree, demigods were never again allowed to be raised by their divine parents in a direct manner. Across the Ages, some gods more than others have found inventive ways of skirting this rule so as to be involved in the lives of their half-blooded children. In the current era, when a demigod is born they are not born with any of the traits or abilities granted to one that has awoken to their divinity. They are, for all intents and purposes, a full mortal who simply has the potential to awaken to divinity. Even so, there are stages to this awakening.

A Demigod and the Emblem

Emblems are unique to demigods. They are holy marks infused with a sliver of that demideity's divine power. Every time that a mortal accesses the powers bestowed upon them by their Emblem, they are borrowing from the power of their deity. In those moments, the mortals who use these powers are able to feel the will of their patron fully. Every time a mortal uses their Emblem, their demigod is aware of that use and are able to lend their attention and support in a more direct manner if such a thing is necessary or warranted. This can see the mortal receiving a momentary vision of their patron offering their support or simply a feeling of affirmation or warning depending on the circumstance. Invoking the Emblem requires the consent of the demigod, even if it is subconscious on their part. At any time, the demigod can refuse the invocation of the gift they have bestowed if the mortal has earned their displeasure.

Demigods derive part of their power from the faith that mortals place in them and their ideals. When a mortal uses an Emblem, they are tapping into the wellspring of power that the demigod represents in the world. They become, for a brief moment, a living manifestation of things that are important to the demigod who has marked them. The mortal channels this divine power through the lens of their Emblem, manipulating it in the manner that the Emblem allows. This creates a circumstance where the mortal is directly embodying the demigod's divine domains in the world. This act of faith thus increases the demigod's influence in a very tangible way.

Mortals were not meant to act as open conduits for the full power of divine beings however. In order for the manifestation of an Emblem's power to take place, the divinity of the demigod must shift the essence of the mortal to more closely resemble a state that allows the ideals of the demigod to reign supreme in that moment. This is in part why mortals feel so invigorated by the ideology of their demigods whenever they use their Emblems. Their souls are quite literally being adjusted to bring those ideas to the forefront of their being. As such, the differing tiers of an Emblem represent a careful titration of how much and how long a mortal can serve as a conduit for their patron's power. Faith is what propels a mortal further along the road toward accessing greater heights of the power their deity can grant them. The stronger a mortal's faith, the closer their mind, soul and body are to being representative of the demigod's domains. The closer they are to representing the ideals of their patron, the less dramatic of a shift that takes place within their soul to grant them power. Thus, the state of being a conduit for that power is less taxing upon their minds, souls and bodies.

This shifting of the soul is, in part, why demigods of opposing ideals rarely mark the same mortal. Unless both of the demigods and the mortals they mark can find a bridge between their portfolios and strike a balance, it is a troubling experience for the mortal marked by them. There have been times in recorded history where opposing demigods have marked mortals and caused such a dissonance within the mortal that it prompted the intervention of much higher powers. The threat of seeing a Greater God intercede and reprimand them for their carelessness serves as a strong deterrent for this kind of behavior.

The Road to Godhood

The journey from being a mortal to ascending as a full deific power in the cosmos of Ransera is a long one. It will be filled with trials and tribulations, for there are powers in the universe that would seek to both help and hinder a demigod's ascension. Indeed, there are those powers that might seek to fully consume the demigod and absorb them into their being so as to increase their own power. There are those that would seek to use demigods as emissaries of their greater agendas to either lead them astray or guide them toward their own way of thinking. Demigods must always be aware that they are not ordinary, they are not fully mortal, and thus upon awakening to their divinity they have gained the potential to be more than just a pawn in the realm of divine politics but can now actively become a player in the eternal game the gods employ from day to day.

Stage One-The Ascendant

An Ascendant is a fledgling demigod, completely new to their divinity and incapable of fully grasping it. Nevertheless, even at this stage they display traits that immediately set them apart from mere mortals.

A demigod manifesting their Nimbus.

Divine Nimbus- The Nimbus is the mark of the Divine and even at the lowest rung of demigodhood, these children of the gods still possess one. It appears as one or more glowing points of brilliant light, runes or symbols that float near the demigod’s head. To those with the ability to see magical properties (i.e. Semblance users, other demigods etc.) it is always visible. The demigod can choose to dismiss the nimbus at will, at which point in time it will become invisible to those who cannot see past the mundane world around them. Through the nimbus the individual can instill the following in those around them for a short duration:

Awe. People and creatures behold the demigod with awe and reverence.

Terror. People and creatures behold the demigod with abject terror either running away or cowering in place.

Confidence. Those allied with the demigod find themselves invigorated with purpose. They become highly resistant to mind altering effects while in the presence of the demigod they revere. This only has an effect on those who are loyal to the demigod.

Enshroud. The demigod spreads their aura over a given radius not to exceed 100 ft. in diameter either illuminating the area around them or plunging it into a blanket of darkness.

Divine Portfolio (First Domain)- Every deific power in the cosmos has a portfolio that they govern directly. While some overlap at times, the greater powers tend to have distinct areas of focus. In the case of a demigod, they may choose to adopt a domain entirely of their own or they may borrow from the domain of a higher deity. Bear in mind that in choosing a domain already claimed by a higher deity, the demigod becomes subject to their critique and intervention in that realm of focus. If the higher deity deems an action the demigod performs to be contrary to their ideal in focusing on that domain, they may step in to correct them.

Divine Awareness- Invoking either the name of the demigod or one of their divine domains in an act of true faith will draw their attention. The demigod is aware of any of these acts of true faith or pleas for help anywhere within a 150 kilometer radius. This awareness of events that transpired as well as the individual(s) who invoked them, stays with the demigod for up to 5 days before it fades.

Emblem [Acolyte | Avowed]- Upon awakening to their divinity and claiming their first domain, the demigod gains the ability to imbue mortals with a Divine Emblem. These marks are unique to demigods as higher deities do not implement them for they have no need to. Unlike higher deities, the power of a demigod is much more closely linked to the faith that their followers have in them. A demigod with a wide and faithful following can see a swelling of their divine power, sometimes enough to push them toward a higher stage in their demigod ascension. To reinforce their presence to their followers, the demigods of Ransera have the ability to physically mark them with a fragment of their divine strength and power. These Emblems declare to any who behold them that the individual is a devout follower of the demigod in question. In many ways, they function similarly to Runes of Magic. Upon first awakening the demigod can design the first two tiers of their Emblem. For more information on Emblems, please refer to their associated article. The Emblem must be signed off by either the Chief Author or a Regional Author in the Support Forum.

Path to the Ascendant

There is no clear-cut method to awakening to the first stage of demigodhood. Each request will be considered on a case-by-case basis. However, in order to provide a solid foundation and to give the moderation staff something of a guide to assist in considering applications, the following should be adhered to:

  • All applicants for Demigod status must have 1 year of consistent play at a minimum.
  • State clearly which deity your character is linked to. Are they a direct child? A descendant? Divine blood is potent and it is plausible that generations could pass before a demigod awakens in a particular bloodline.
  • The player must be in good standing in the community as an individual who encourages participation and character growth not just for themselves but for others as well.
  • Consider submitting a collection of examples where your character has, in-game, displayed qualities geared toward the first divine domain that you are laying claim to. Give a clear explanation of how and why your character embodies this ideal.
  • What do you intend to do with your divinity? How are you going to use it to enhance the adventures and stories of other players?

Each application will be considered on a case-by-case basis and just because an individual meets certain requirements laid out here is not a guarantee that demigodhood will be granted. Only the Chief Author or a Regional Author can approve or deny an application for demigod status. However, all staff familiar with the activities of a given player will be consulted before a final decision is made. If the need arises, even other players in the community may be approached for input.

The Ascension Quest

Once an application for demigod status has been approved, access to demigod status will only be fully implemented in-game through an Ascension Quest. This will be a thread moderated either by the Chief Author or a Regional Author and in every instance, the awakening of a new demigod will have far reaching consequences, for better or worse. Only upon the conclusion of the Ascension Quest will demigod status be awarded.

Stage Two- The Arisen

Demigods can be saviors or they can be the doom of entire civilizations.

The Arisen is a demigod with several hundred followers to their name. They have become a figure that is known in their local area to be a minor deific power. At this stage, the demigod has amassed a reputation for themselves as an avatar of the ideal they have claimed as the first of their divine portfolios.

Divine Portfolio (Second Domain)- At this stage, the demigod is capable of exerting influence over a second domain in their divine portfolio. As before, this can be a domain unique to them or it can be something borrowed from the portfolio of a higher deity with the same caveat as before.

Divine Awareness- Invoking either the name of the demigod or one of their divine domains in an act of true faith will draw their attention. The demigod is aware of any of these acts of true faith or pleas for help anywhere within a 500 kilometer radius. This awareness of events that transpired as well as the individual(s) who invoked them, stays with the demigod for up to 10 days before it fades.

Emblem [Champion]- The demigod can both design and implement a third tier to their Emblem which can then be granted to their followers. As with the first two tiers, the Emblem must be signed off by either the Chief Author or a Regional Author in the Support Forum.

Cathedral- A demigod’s cathedral is a place made sacred by them. It is the bastion of their godly might and is a realm where they reign in absolute supremacy as the prime deific power in that area. This can be a literal temple or cathedral, a fortress, a forest glade, or any such place the demigod deigns to claim as their own. The demigod infuses this location with a great deal of their time and power causing it to exist partially in the realm of the mundane and within the Aetherium. As a result, this haven for the demigod is subject to their interpretation of what reality in that space should look and act like. While they cannot break the laws of reality, as they are not a greater ranked deity, they are able to bend them.

Path to the Arisen

As with their first awakening, there is no clear-cut set of circumstances that definitively constitutes warranting the ascension to the stage of an Arisen Demigod. Each application for the rise toward Arisen status will be considered on a case-by-case basis. However, players should keep the following in mind:

  • There must be at least 6 real-life calendar months between an individual’s first awakening and their request to gain Arisen status.
  • The player must be in good standing in the community and an individual who has utilized their platform as a means to enhance the stories of others through the lens of their divinity. Are you a villainous demigod? Have you used that villainy to provide a platform for others to pursue a greater challenge? Are you a heroic demigod? How have you used that heroism to inspire and assist others?
  • What have you done that makes it clear that your character is ready to accept the mantle of greater divine responsibility?
  • What has your character done to warrant being the avatar of your second chosen domain? What have they done that continues to make them embody their first domain?
  • Be ready and able to provide a listing showcasing the above points of consideration.

Once again, this request will be considered on a case-by-case basis and it should be expected that others will be consulted to weigh in on the matter. As before, just because an individual meets certain requirements laid out here this is not a guarantee that requests will be approved. Only the Chief Author or a Regional Author can approve or deny requests of this type.

The Ascension Quest

Once the request to granted Arisen status has been approved, the demigod must embark upon a second Ascension Quest. This quest must be a moderated thread run by either the Chief Author or a Regional Author and its completion will have equally far reaching consequences for better or worse. The focus of this quest should be a challenge for the demigod to prove themselves truly worthy of the higher mantle they seek. Are they capable of demonstrating the truth of their divinity to their followers? Are they worthy of those followers? Have they drawn the attention of other gods and have they begun to assert their authority over their divine domains?

Stage Three- The Empyrean

Empyrean Demigods can be a force for great good or great evil.

The final and true awakening of a demigod to the fullest extent of their inherent divinity. By all accounts, the demigod is on par with many lesser gods at this stage. They have amassed thousands of followers, stretching even to the tens or hundreds of thousands. They are a divine power that is known across multiple regions of the world. They have demonstrated that they are a force to be reckoned with by asserting clear mastery over their chosen portfolio.

Divine Portfolio (Third Domain)- The demigod is able to choose their third and final domain. At this stage the demigod is able to either choose a domain that is wholly unique to themselves or they are able to challenge a Tier 3 lesser god for complete mastery of one of their domains. In the event that the demigod chooses to challenge a Tier 3 Lesser God, it must be a task that is woven into their Ascension Quest. The demigod must demonstrate greater mastery and ability of the desired domain in order to properly challenge the Lesser God. If successful, the demigod will triumph and become the true owner of the chosen domain. Be warned however, taking this path is sure to make an enemy of the lesser god whose domain was taken from them.

Emblem [Herald]- The demigod is able to develop and unlock the final tier of their Emblem. There can only ever be one recipient of a Herald tier Emblem, who serves as the demigod’s chosen. This individual is their most favored follower, an individual who has the complete trust and admiration of the demigod. A demigod’s Herald is, in some ways, an extension of their divine will and power. As such, demigods should be wise in deciding whom they invest so much of their power into.

Divine Awareness- The demigod is aware of any acts of true faith made in their name or in the invoking of one of their domains. They retain awareness of the individuals involved for up to a full season before this awareness fades.

Divine Form- Having awoken fully to the highest extent of their inherent divinity, the demigod sheds their mortal form and becomes a living embodiment of their ideals. This form is one that inspired awe, fear, terror, reverence or any such collection of emotions among mortals for it cannot be denied that they are anything short of godly. While in their Divine Form, the demigod can ignore the effects of magic cast by anything short of a Master and only Master ranked fighters or warriors could hope to land a blow capable of wounding them in the event of a conflict. Maintaining this form requires that the demigod exist partially in the Aetherium and the mortal realm simultaneously, a feat that is draining even on their strength. As such, the Divine Form can only be maintained for up to a cumulative total of 24 hours. Once the demigod has reached this cumulative total, they must rest for a period of 24 hours before they can adopt this form once more. It is only while in the Divine Form that the demigod is capable of performing feats of Archmagic on a whim. The act of doing so however, is taxing even for them. Performing a feat of Archmagic reduces the amount of time that the demigod can maintain their Divine Form by a quarter meaning they could, at maximum, only perform four feats of Archmagic before needing to rest depending on the feat in question.

Mortal Seeming- Upon reaching the Empyrean stage, the demigod has stepped into the realm of being more god than mortal. As a result, the mortal form that they were born with becomes a mask that hides their true divinity until such time as they choose to reveal it. While in their Mortal Seeming, the demigod can choose to ignore the effects of magic the rank of Journeyman or lower. They become immune to all non-magical diseases and poisons and are effectively immortal. They can, however, still perish due to violence or tragedy. While in their Mortal Seeming, all other mortal limitations still apply to them. They still feel hunger though they will not die of starvation or thirst, they still require rest, and outside of possessing magic themselves, only display exceptional godlike qualities in those areas that are part of their divine portfolio. While demigods are certainly capable of feats of strength, endurance and stamina far above that of the average mortal they are not invincible.

Archmagic- As a fully realized demigod, the individual is now inherently capable of performing feats of Archmagic. They are only capable of doing so while in their Divine Form and while impressive in their might, even they have their limits. A fully realized demigod is only capable of performing up to four feats of Archmagic every so often depending on the extent of the feat itself. As a rule, performing a feat of Archmagic must generally be tied to one of the domains in the demigod’s portfolio. Thus, a demigod of storms, wind and water would not suddenly find themselves able to resurrect the dead as matters of life, death and resurrection are not part of their divine portfolio.

Holy Realm- The demigod is afforded a small realm within the Land of Nod itself, the realm of dreams and gods. This realm is a reflection of the demigod’s personality, their ideals, and the lens through which they embody their divine portfolio in the mortal realm. They have complete dominion over this realm and outside of greater gods, any who enter them become subject to the whims of the demigod who rules over it. In order to step from the mortal realm into their holy realm, the demigod must be able to access their Divine Form that enables them to step across the barriers between planes of existence. Once in their holy realm, the demigod is able to step from that place to any location where their followers might be. For instance, if a demigod only had followers spread across the Kingdom of Atinaw, the demigod can go to any location where those followers can be found but they would not be able to travel to the Gelerian Imperium as they possess no followers in that place.

Path to the Empyrean

As before, there is no clear cut path to ascending to the status of an Empyrean level demigod. Each request will be considered on a case-by-case basis. However, the following can be used as a general guideline for consideration:

  • There is no timeline between the Arisen stage and the Empyrean stage. Each request will be considered on a case-by-case basis but moderators are advised to use good judgment before approving a request.
  • The individual must be a player in good standing in the community.
  • Have they continued to use their platform as a means to enhance the world and stories of others? How has their demigodhood impacted their region of play? The world?
  • Has the individual actively gone out of their way to proliferate the spread of their divine portfolio? Have they gone about this proliferation in an impactful and meaningful way?
  • What are the consequences of their ascension to this final stage?

Once again, this request will be considered on a case-by-case basis and it should be expected that others will be consulted to weigh in on the matter. As before, just because an individual meets certain requirements laid out here this is not a guarantee that requests will be approved. Only the Chief Author or a Regional Author can approve or deny requests of this type.

The Ascension Quest

This final Ascension Quest should be a culmination of the consequences of the demigod’s rise to power and prominence. By this point, they are a figure that is known not just regionally but their name is most likely known in other parts of the world as well. What enemies have they made? What allies have they made? How has the world been impacted by the rise of this new godly power? The awakening of a fully realized demigod has rippling effects that can be felt far and wide. As a result, this final stage should be a test that challenges the demigod’s perspectives on how to best enact their will in the world through the lens of their portfolio. It should test their morals, it should test their strengths and their weaknesses. Only upon the conclusion of the Ascension Quest will full Empyrean status be granted.